2/22/2010 Nancy Grace: Misty Croslin on jailhouse tape to dad: 'Worry about me first!

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Makes me wonder if the caller has inside info...
Okay, they just showed the tape again and it is as I remember, the UA said retirement plan, not Ron.
This caller used to take 25 percocet a DAY? I can't hardly handle HALF of one in a day! I must be a :loser: in the drug world! :floorlaugh:
The caller also brought up that she thinks there must be a bigger dealer in play with this scenario because RC/MC aren't smart enough (paraphrased). :)
Nancy can see for herself that Ron is doing part or most of the drug deals when with Misty. How is that "just along for the ride"? She even had the video on where Ron popped a pill in his mouth. How can she not think that was not dangerous for Ron and his children?

Wake up Nancy!

My delusional self is convinced she is in touch with LE and they have told her NOT to implicate him in any way in any wrong doing... Has to be.. No way could she be that dumb..
She best take back her comment about wrestling angels though..NOT good KARMA...JMO
What videos are these people watching? Don't they see RC on the videos we see? I don't understand why NOTHING negative is sad about RC by anyone on the NG show. What's up with that.
I am about to dig my eye out with a spoon ............literally:banghead:

Please don't do that! I don't have any CPR training and would have to find one of the Admin mods! :innocent:
Art Harris just said MC has "something wrong with her too" - in reference to doctor shopping and getting the Rx's. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HER??? I may be behind - but this is the first I've heard of "something wrong with her".

Can anyone help?
I can't and I also wonder what doctor would prescribe these drugs to a (barely) 18 y/o? And who is paying for the Rx ~ medicaid? :waitasec:
Now they're discussing finances during the UC video ~ $189 for 27 pills.
They are BOTH higher than georgia pines in that tape:banghead:
Nancy Grace just said if an angel from heaven comes down and tells her Ron is guilty, she would have a wrestling match with the angel! Good lord.

Bolded by me: LOL, Levi, wonder how the "Good Lord" would rate with Nancy if He told her that Ron is guilty??????????? :dance:
Misty has such a sense of entitlement... she just expects people to put money into her account for canteen.

I'll do myself a favor, and stop commenting right now. She just infuriates me!
That call-in lady said she used to take 25 perkies a day, so it can't be all bad what RonnieBaby's doin', if you know what I mean. Ya know?
Misty screams out the window to Ron "HE DON'T WANT TO DO IT RIGHT HERE!" Um, I think the cover is blown! Can't everyone hear her and figure out it is a drug deal? :loser:
NG said something to the effect of RC harming Haleigh she would wrestle the angels and not believe it....

Thanks... I'm not watching the show, since the t.v. is in the other room.
Thinking like Nancy now... dealing drugs does not make him guilty of harming Haleigh.
Ooooohhh... that hurt. But it's her way of thinking, I guess.
Please don't do that! I don't have any CPR training and would have to find one of the Admin mods! :innocent:

Its ok Kimster....it is made to come out,roflmbo:woohoo:
Yes these videos show that Ronald was just along for the ride. I don't get it. I really do not understand it. Ronald is talking about how this guy gets 100 percocet but will only give him 50. And he can get Roxies. He seems to be very active in getting the pills if you ask me.
More UC video ~ MC saying she "doesn't want to get set up for nothing!" RC is out of the car now; she's telling the UC he has to go pick up his son and get back to his job.

UC: "where's this place at?"
MC: "on the left right here". :D
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