2008.11.05 Nancy Grace

Seriously, how can that be "unwittingly". Not to mention there is no telling how many times Casey has done that before. I have nothing to back that up, I just don't believe in my heart that this was the one and only time. This time just happened to be fatal IMO. Maybe in their mind, that is what they mean by unwittingly! Sick, Twisted and as you said Pure Evil! My heart breaks for what Caylee went through in her short life. :furious:

Bolded by me...I agree, it also makes me wonder what else was in the trunk of the car when GA& CA got stuff out of it, maybe a pillow and a blanket that reeked of decomposition like the pants CA washed?
Asked If it was an accident why no 911 call?

Because she wasn't discovered by Casey till many hour later in the trunk of her car-how do you explain that to EMS. Also, this is really gross-suppose she woke up and tried to get out and couldn't. Suppose she fought as hard as her little body could to get out of a locked trunk-how do you explain that to EMS?:furious:Burn Casey Burn:furious:
I think the noose is tightening around the defenses neck, now that they know there will be over 3000 people searching, all within the cell phone ping areas. That tells me that TES and LE are getting too close for comfort for them.

I for one hope that we can find her quickly so that we can also help the Kessey family while all the volunteers are still here.

I agree! I don't think it's a coincidence that this information from the defense about an accidental death comes within two days of a big search for Caylee's remains.

The defense knows that if/when Caylee's remains are found, there will be nothing left to negotiate.
Well I guess KC must have "unwittingly" researched on her computer, "how to make chloroform". Certainly she "unwittingly" purchased or stole the ingredients to "unwittingly" make it. Then she "unwittingly" exposed little Caylee to it, to "unwittingly" cause her death. The very word "unwittingly" in this case is A WASTE, HUGE WASTE!!!!!

I hope the SA reads here:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Seriously, how can that be "unwittingly". Not to mention there is no telling how many times Casey has done that before. I have nothing to back that up, I just don't believe in my heart that this was the one and only time. This time just happened to be fatal IMO. Maybe in their mind, that is what they mean by unwittingly! Sick, Twisted and as you said Pure Evil! My heart breaks for what Caylee went through in her short life. :furious:

Even IF (HUGE if) Casey did this "unwittingly", which I think they're trying to use in place of "unintentionally" - if it was accidental, etc....even overlooking the fact that she never called 911....where is the pain, the grief, the anguish for the loss of her little girl?????? That alone tells me this was no accident. She wanted to be rid of Caylee. She was freaking JOYFUL that month after Caylee died!
Bolded by me...I agree, it also makes me wonder what else was in the trunk of the car when GA& CA got stuff out of it, maybe a pillow and a blanket that reeked of decomposition like the pants CA washed?

Or as another poster mentioned, chloroform causes vomiting and headaches as it wears off. Can you imagine this baby being left alone in the dark, hot trunk and coming to, sick and vomiting, while her "mother" (and I use that term loosely) is God only knows where, partying her azz off. All unwittingly of course. :furious: Absolutely heartbreaking!
she planned this....she had to put that on a rag and put it over her ' face as struggled to get away ,finally going limp.

she was prepared to wait until caylee succumbed, because she persisted in aspixiating this child until it was ok to shut the trunk.

then she shut that trunk...she looked down at caylee laying there, and she shut that trunk.

it's over Casey...
So the sedative could be xanax, hence "zanny" was the nanny all along!

What gall to lie to us all along knowing what you did! Didn't she know she would get caught. Thank god this all came out. Lets now hope TES finds her this weekend!
Well I guess KC must have "unwittingly" researched on her computer, "how to make chloroform". Certainly she "unwittingly" purchased or stole the ingredients to "unwittingly" make it. Then she "unwittingly" exposed little Caylee to it, to "unwittingly" cause her death. The very word "unwittingly" in this case is A WASTE, HUGE WASTE!!!!!

Well if the defense is admitting that if she died it would have been an accidental overdose, you can bet that it was not.
I so agree.

You also don't search how to make chloroform or missing kids sites in anticipation of an accident.

Or go out and be lovey-dovey with your new boyfriend JUST after the your daughter's "accidental" death.

She didn't look in shock to me when she was at Blockbusters with Tony.
she planned this....she had to put that on a rag and put it over her ' face as struggled to get away ,finally going limp.

she was prepared to wait until caylee succumbed, because she persisted in aspixiating this child until it was ok to shut the trunk.

then she shut that trunk...she looked down at caylee laying there, and she shut that trunk.

it's over Casey...

Imagine how miserably hot it got in that closed up car at night? Can you imagine sleeping in a car with all the windows rolled up, in the summertime, in Florida? Even being at night, it had to be absolutely unbearable!!!
Even IF (HUGE if) Casey did this "unwittingly", which I think they're trying to use in place of "unintentionally" - if it was accidental, etc....even overlooking the fact that she never called 911....where is the pain, the grief, the anguish for the loss of her little girl?????? That alone tells me this was no accident. She wanted to be rid of Caylee.

Or she just didn't give a chit and decided to take advantage of it. Looking at the pictures of her at Fusion, or even wrapped up at BlockBuster with TonE, doesn't look like pain, anguish or grief to me, I don't care how differently people grieve, that ain't it, in any shape form or fashion!
Casey wanted for someone to adopt her unwanted child.
Cindy would not let her do that.
Cindy would not take over the mother role.
By the way, where is the father?
This is not the only case of motherly neglect and murder.

OK, maybe someone other than Casey wouldn't have abandoned her child, but, maybe she would.

Just asking, again...
KC had a support group in JG. If she had ever wanted to give her child up, she could have. She is a grown up and she knew she had the right to do that. This defense holds no water to me whatsoever. jmo
One of the roomates of TL said TL told KC that his apartment was no place for a lttle kid. He describes Caylee pounding on a drum or something and saying wake up Nate, IIRC. Caylee was no longer welcome there, and with CA angry with her about the stealing, the timing was right, besides, Caylee was beginning to talk and tell stories. CA was going to go get custody. So many things all coming together to encourage KC to do the worst thing she has ever done. So she did. and didn't look back.
So how does someone 'unwittingly' give a baby an overdose (or any) sedatives?

I wouldn't call putting a rag saturated with chloroform over a baby's face giving her a sedative.

I really believe that is what KC did.
Even IF (HUGE if) Casey did this "unwittingly", which I think they're trying to use in place of "unintentionally" - if it was accidental, etc....even overlooking the fact that she never called 911....where is the pain, the grief, the anguish for the loss of her little girl?????? That alone tells me this was no accident. She wanted to be rid of Caylee. She was freaking JOYFUL that month after Caylee died!

Well said.
Or she just didn't give a chit and decided to take advantage of it. Looking at the pictures of her at Fusion, or even wrapped up at BlockBuster with TonE, doesn't look like pain, anguish or grief to me, I don't care how differently people grieve, that ain't it, in any shape form or fashion!

We still have yet to see Casey shed a tear for Caylee, for herself YES, but not one single tear for her daughter. People who accidently kill their children don't act like that.
I felt the same way, until she had a 4hr visit from the Pastor. I'm thinking there might be a slim possibility that she confessed to him....and I do mean slim.
I could never envision Casey being honest,but I had forgot about the 4 hour visit. You just never know.
Casey is alone day in and day out in that jail cell. Maybe her thoughts of what she did to her precious child got to her. Could that be?
Even IF (HUGE if) Casey did this "unwittingly", which I think they're trying to use in place of "unintentionally" - if it was accidental, etc....even overlooking the fact that she never called 911....where is the pain, the grief, the anguish for the loss of her little girl?????? That alone tells me this was no accident. She wanted to be rid of Caylee. She was freaking JOYFUL that month after Caylee died!

And why are they bringing this crap up NOW? We've already been told to toss out any thoughts that she was depressed, that she gave something lethal to Caylee, and that she's nothing other than the perfect mother!
KC should get Life in prison just for disposing of Caylee's Body & acting like nothing happened - Never mind the actual act of "Killing Caylee"

Crying here...I think she should get the death penalty just for that first handful of dirt she picked up to throw on little Caylee's face. End of story!
I hate to even post this but does anyone think Caylee was in the trunk dying or dead when KC and AL were in Blockbuster's ?

Another thing, I didn't read this entire thread yet but, do you think the A's were told to stay away from visiting KC so maybe the attorneys could find out something in order to set up a defense case?

I don't know how the defense usually handles cases like this so just call me dumb.

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