2010.04.15 - JVM Issues - Levi Page is a guest

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Wow, my apologies. To this Namma of 2 he is, that does not mean he does not know of what he speaks. I was just sayin.

No worries. Did not mean to sound snarky. I figured he was just a youngen to you. :)
Deer blood in the van? Was this a van they ever tested for evidence?
It has also been discussed that alligators do not actively feed in February. This has been referenced in other cases as well.

Alligators are ectothermic — they rely on external sources of heat to maintain body temperature. They are most active at warmer temperatures and prefer 82o to 92o F (28o to 33o C). They stop feeding when ambient temperature drops below 70o F (21oC) and become dormant below 55o F (13oC).
talking about Joe liking to throw small animals to alligators if it's even true but it makes me shudder
I know - its horrible. However, when Haleigh went missing (Feb. 9) gators were in hibernation at that time so I don't think Haleigh was "gator bait". Now, if she was in the river later on once spring and especially summer rolled around.... horrible to think.
My head is spinning now. They are moving onto the Jennifer case. I need to go back and have a listen again to what was said on this show. Wow.
Still discussing Haleigh.
so the rope... whose house was it found at? tia for any insight

Wasn't there an entire thread or a significant portion of one about 2 months ago dedicated to sleuthing the rope on the door of one of the clan members?
Deer blood in the van? Was this a van they ever tested for evidence?

Yes it was held by LE for awhile and than released so I never understood why the deer blood keeps coming up. If there was blood in the van it would have been tested.
Poor HaLeigh. All of these theories are just too hard to comtemplate. I hate to think about those final hours.

Justice for HaLeigh!!!

Arrest them all and throw away the key. They all knew and covered for each other. Nuff said.
The comments about Levi are so kewt! Levi, you are a big hit! You might even increase JVM's ratings! :wink:

(BTW, he looks young to me too! If that tells y'all how old I am! haha)
It has also been discussed that alligators do not actively feed in February. This has been referenced in other cases as well.

I can chime in here as a swamp resident. They really normally do not. And the colder the weather, the more inactive they are. In FEB, I was in St Augustine for a total of 15 days. My family loves the area so we vacation there. It was COLD. ANd YUCK. I know because the second time my dad booked an ALL NON SMOKING hotel. I was outside quite a bit.
Man I would be mad as a wet hen if my name was being tossed around on national TV in connection with a murdered child---if I wasn't guilty. Yikes.
funny I just remembered the question asked of Sheriff Hardy today about LE finding a concrete block with yellow rope tied to it. He did not comment - but that was a first I'd heard of that.
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