2010.08.20 RONALD L. CUMMINGS pre trial HEARING in Putnam County @ 11:00 AM

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The caption reads,
seriously, this is what makes me maddest...people who have no business in this case, involved. Lisa Croslin? give me a break. I know she has a right to her opinion, & is worried about her kids...but to give an interview there? where she knew Haleigh's mother was? This needs to stop being about the Croslins & all of their drama. If they've got something to say, they can start with the truth, because until then, I, personally, have no sympathy for them. & that picture & caption? I don't see how Crystal & her mom have kept from already going after these people. & literally wrung somebody's lieing neck.
I have not read but bits and pieces of this thread as it's too long.
I do have an opinion however and you probably wont agree.
Blood is boiling through my veins.
In my town, if I know certain people are trafficing in drugs then so do the cops. In my town certain people get away with it and others don't.
In my opinion Ronald Cummings has something to hide for the cops and that is why he has gotten away with it for years and will get away with it again.

Testify in the Haleigh case? What Haleigh case? Where the He!! is Haleigh? Give me a flipping break. Not everybody in blog land is stupid enough to believe this BS.

Sorry for the vent, but I am mad as all get out.

I can't say I disagree. I hope LE proves us both wrong by getting to the bottom of this. I have never understood why Ron has ALWAYS walked on charges. he thinks his poop don't stink & it seems LE thinks it smells like roses as well. Lord, I hope I am wrong & that LE really is wanting to solve this.
Very interesting. Orlando certainly was around and stayed tight at the beginning. And then he was GONE. I was wondering if it could be a co-worker of Ron's- SO many possibilities....

stayed tight is right....tight enough to pose for a Cummings family portrait 3 days after Haleigh was missing.....which leads me to question what family of a missing child poses for family portraits in the midst of a tragedy?
I am just sick...I put in 15 hours at work today to come home to read this kind of crap about Ronald Cummings. I saw the damn smirk on his face during court and it makes me sick. I would love to see that smirk taken off his face come September 24th if the judge was to slap him with 90 years. Then I would say justice was served where Ronald Cummings was concerned. This just makes me sick. He really thinks he pulled a good one here, but I hope the judge sees it differently. Time will tell.
I have not read but bits and pieces of this thread as it's too long.
I do have an opinion however and you probably wont agree.
Blood is boiling through my veins.
In my town, if I know certain people are trafficing in drugs then so do the cops. In my town certain people get away with it and others don't.
In my opinion Ronald Cummings has something to hide for the cops and that is why he has gotten away with it for years and will get away with it again.

Testify in the Haleigh case? What Haleigh case? Where the He!! is Haleigh? Give me a flipping break. Not everybody in blog land is stupid enough to believe this BS.

Sorry for the vent, but I am mad as all get out.

I can't say I disagree. I hope LE proves us both wrong by getting to the bottom of this. I have never understood why Ron has ALWAYS walked on charges. he thinks his poop don't stink & it seems LE thinks it smells like roses as well. Lord, I hope I am wrong & that LE really is wanting to solve this.


While I agree that on the surface it may appear this way, I don't believe RC has gotten away with anything...this time. IMO, whatever information he has given LE to seal his plea deal is much bigger than a 'time-line'. I just can't see them agreeing to drop the 2 more serious charges for that and they certainly don't need him in the other player's drug cases. Also, IMVHO, I believe LE is playing this very close to the vest to ensure a solid conviction. They won't take a chance on a "not guilty" verdict.

As to RC always walking on previous charges, I agree that he may have...it certainly looks like he has. But I also know that the LE that was in place when he "walked" is not the LE in place today.

wonders, please don't apologize for venting...all of us here are very frustrated that this has gone on for as long as it has with no arrest(s). Believe me, I have sat on my hands many times because if I hadn't, I would be in time-out.

All of this is just my opinion, and it may not mean much, but I have to have faith in our LE and justice system...I just have to...for HaLeigh.
this information is weighing heavy on my brain.

If the SAO was willing to cut a deal with Ron, tells me that they think he didn't have anything to do with his daughters disappearance. They know and been knew, IMO, that Ron had information regarding what happened to his daughter but he did not have a hand in it. And that's why they needed Ron behind bars with the rest of them during that drug bust. To force him to tell what he does know. I just don't see them cutting a deal with someone who they suspected of killing their own child. Had they not cut that deal with Ron I would still stand behind him harming Haleigh in someway. But he got that deal.
But what does he know that he couldn't have told long ago?

IMHO, I think that Ron was not protecting any of the Croslins, he was protecting someone else that means alot more to him than any Croslin.

I know that it is possible that Ron just may be covering for the killer who may have the goods on Ron as well but I just don't know if I can wrap my mind around that right now. The Cummings is still under my microscope.

JMO of course.
this information is weighing heavy on my brain.

If the SAO was willing to cut a deal with Ron, tells me that they think he didn't have anything to do with his daughters disappearance. They know and been knew, IMO, that Ron had information regarding what happened to his daughter but he did not have a hand in it. And that's why they needed Ron behind bars with the rest of them during that drug bust. To force him to tell what he does know. I just don't see them cutting a deal with someone who they suspected of killing their own child. Had they not cut that deal with Ron I would still stand behind him harming Haleigh in someway. But he got that deal.
But what does he know that he couldn't have told long ago?

IMHO, I think that Ron was not protecting any of the Croslins, he was protecting someone else that means alot more to him than any Croslin.

I know that it is possible that Ron just may be covering for the killer who may have the goods on Ron as well but I just don't know if I can wrap my mind around that right now. The Cummings is still under my microscope.

JMO of course.

This has been one of my theories all along.
Ron may not be directly involved with whatever happened to Haleigh but he very well could have knowledge and indirect involvement as to who is and it could be his seedy dealings that led to Haleigh's demise.
He wouldn't give up the info. for fear of harm coming to himself or other family members like it did Haleigh or if he ever wanted to find out where Haleigh is or what happened to her.

OK..I'm going to say it... Why was Crystal S trying to get to Lisa Croslin? Crystal S should have been hollering at Teresa Neves, Crystal Cummings and Annette Sykes rather than Lisa Croslin... I seriously doubt Misty told her mother the truth about anything....JMHO
But what does he know that he couldn't have told long ago?

IMHO, I think that Ron was not protecting any of the Croslins, he was protecting someone else that means alot more to him than any Croslin.
JMO of course.

snipped by me to save space......

Are you thinking that whatever may have happened to Haleigh actually happened under someone else's watch?
snipped by me to save space......

Are you thinking that whatever may have happened to Haleigh actually happened under someone else's watch?
IF Ron is not covering himself, then the only person I can see him possibly.. considering... covering for (and even then, that's a big "maybe") is, yes, I'll say it -- TN.

Jus sayin

But OTOH since I also think that MC knows, and I cant see her covering for anyone but Ron, -- that leads me back to Ron.


IF Ron is not covering himself, then the only person I can see him possibly.. considering... covering for (and even then, that's a big "maybe") is, yes, I'll say it -- TN.

Jus sayin



Well....... TN was very concerned whether Misty would break and talk so ...... she is either concerned about poor Ron or TN.
snipped by me to save space......

Are you thinking that whatever may have happened to Haleigh actually happened under someone else's watch?

Yep... I just can't let go of the actions we seen from the Cummings from the start of this case. The Cummings rallied around Misty, praised Misty to high heavens, married her into the family, and much more and all of this was going on eventhough Misty was being publicly fingered as the "key" to this entire investigation.

So if the Cummings weren't trying to protect Ron (who the SA don't feel is involved in Haleigh's disappearance), then WHO were they trying to protect?

I still think this picture is bigger than the Croslins. But that's JMO.
OK..I'm going to say it... Why was Crystal S trying to get to Lisa Croslin? Crystal S should have been hollering at Teresa Neves, Crystal Cummings and Annette Sykes rather than Lisa Croslin... I seriously doubt Misty told her mother the truth about anything....JMHO

When I first read the caption that accompanied the photo, I was certain that TN had been erroneously identified as LC. I had seen the interviews with TN on HLN. As I viewed the remaining photos, sure enough, there was LC with a TV camera in her face. Anyone seen the interview?
When I first read the caption that accompanied the photo, I was certain that TN had been erroneously identified as LC. I had seen the interviews with TN on HLN. As I viewed the remaining photos, sure enough, there was LC with a TV camera in her face. Anyone seen the interview?
Yes, the whole thing struck me as odd. IDK what Lisa was saying at the time, but at one point awhile back she did impress me as the voice of reason - for a moment, at least. She said in one interview that she believes that MIsty knows what happened and that she should speak up already. I applauded LC for that statement. However, I dont know what her current take on the matter is or if it has changed.


OK..I'm going to say it... Why was Crystal S trying to get to Lisa Croslin? Crystal S should have been hollering at Teresa Neves, Crystal Cummings and Annette Sykes rather than Lisa Croslin... I seriously doubt Misty told her mother the truth about anything....JMHO

I agree, but I don't blame her. I was thinking the other day that if I were in her situation (or Kaine Horman's or anyone who has lost a loved one at the hands of someone else) that the anger would eat me alive. I don't see how they deal with it. :(
Yep HH....Jr is going to need a lot of help. His formative years were spent with an immature father with a wicked temper and lack of good judgement.

The first four years are the most important years. It is where the personality is developed. Crystal has her hands full. Jr. will need a lot of support to overcome his fears, anxiety, etc.

TN has a new cast. Have you checked for lawsuits?
Well....... TN was very concerned whether Misty would break and talk so ...... she is either concerned about poor Ron or TN.

That's right, Cyberborg. And I will go a little farther....TN was concerned about whether or not Misty would talk, so you're right, Teresa was either concerned about herself or Ron. BUT...If the SA thinks Ron is not involved and has agreed to cut him a deal...who does that leave? Teresa.

That's why I think Teresa tried to control this case....not for Ron...but for herself.

Gives a whole new meaning to what Teresa told Ron- "I am so proud of you".

That's right, Cyberborg. And I will go a little farther....TN was concerned about whether or not Misty would talk, so you're right, Teresa was either concerned about herself or Ron. BUT...If the SA thinks Ron is not involved and has agreed to cut him a deal...who does that leave? Teresa.

That's why I think Teresa tried to control this case....not for Ron...but for herself.

Gives a whole new meaning to what Teresa told Ron- "I am so proud of you".


and if we go into this a little further it may explain some of the questions that have been nagging some of us since the beginning...such as the how did TN get there so dang quick..... maybe it wasn't TN's first trip to the mobile home that night
how does a father take a plea deal to teastify about his daughter?!

oh wait, I forgot - this isn't your typical father

I'm so disgusted I could spit.
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