2010.11.02 Doc Release

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I came late to the Party...off to read some threads and the discovery...
What do we know about Juan Gonzalez who worked and lived at Sawgrass from 5/21/08 and suddenly left 7/2/08 after acting strangely for 2 weeks and moved to NY?

http://www.clickorlando.com/download...2/25605293.pdf page 45

That was REALLY weird. The name, the apartment location, the employment (ie access to maintenance areas or no one looking at you weirdly for hauling around big black trash bags), the reference to New York, the apartment # he lived in, the time period involved..

I do not believe in coincidences.
can someone open a new thread for Juan Gonzalez(i don't know how)?
OK, this is super general but FWIW...

Even though we have seen some of these docs before, for some reason the items contained in this dump (sorry Horace [the cat, not our Finkelstein]) taken as a whole are really, truly painting a picture of a very sad family dynamic.

I am NOT excusing KC here! Many of us come from much more messed-up family dynamics and do not murder our children or defend our murderous relatives against all reason.

But to read SP's emails outlining how trapped CA felt, and to see GA's pathetic bravado in his application for a $12-an-hour job--gamely trying for $12.50!--and the ongoing scam that KC pulled on mom's accounts, and the sickeningly fake & out-of-touch letters from CA to KC... in fact, CA's refusal to admit to reality throughout is one strong theme throughout this dump. If anyone could have stopped what happened to Caylee, it would have been her. This particular grouping of docs reinforces that IMO.
I am reading the document # 25605226.pdf and on page 125 there is a letter from CA to KC. In it she states: "When spring comes and your trial is over we will find her together. I continue to seek her and continue to have hope that we will all be reunited soon."

This letter is dated 7/21/2010! I would hope that CA isn't so deluded that she actually thinks the remains that were identified as Caylee are some other child!

Hmmm, there is another way to 'find her' and 'be reunited'.
OK, this is super general but FWIW...

Even though we have seen some of these docs before, for some reason the items contained in this dump (sorry Horace) taken as a whole are really, truly painting a picture of a very sad family dynamic.

I am NOT excusing KC here! Many of us come from much more messed-up family dynamics and do not murder our children or defend our murderous relatives against all reason.

But to read SP's emails outlining how trapped CA felt, and to see GA's pathetic bravado in his application for a $12-an-hour job--gamely trying for $12.50!--and the ongoing scam that KC pulled on mom's accounts, and the sickeningly fake & out-of-touch letters from CA to KC... in fact, CA's refusal to admit to reality throughout is one strong theme throughout this dump. If anyone could have stopped what happened to Caylee, it would have been her. This particular grouping of docs reinforces that IMO.

Excellent post Ynot... the thanks button just wasn't enough, you summed it up perfectly. It is all so very tragic and CIndy KNOWS it!:waitasec:
"I continue to seek her" sounds more spiritual then physical..
I could picture they whole play on words because we dont die in some religions we move on away from our physical selves but we dont die spiritually..That could be why she claims Caylee is still alive.

pg 111

Cindy :furious: I can't believe she is talking about the pipe outside Caylees room leaking into her room, soaking the carpet and then the way she says she better be careful in how she describes the terrible smell because "they may take it into discovery". :banghead:

Your grand daughter was murdered lady, have some class.
I think it would be a very, very dangerous thing to leave Casey alone with Cindy. I do not think that speaks only of possible suicide.
Hello WS :)

Just thought I'd look up some information regarding Camphor trees. It not being native to Florida, I wonder how "rare" they are around Surburban and or Amscot? It says this tree does not "do well in wet soils" but does grow on "well-drained sites along stream banks." I don't know where the water that covered the remains was from(normal rain fall?)but it sounds like the tree would be at home there with the water not being year around. Or maybe the tree was at Amscot as suggested. Or maybe from the tow yard?

Cinnamomum camphora, the camphor tree, comes from China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and adjacent parts of East Asia, where it grows in mesic forests and on well-drained sites along streambanks. Camphor has become widely naturalized in Australia. In the United States, it is grown along the Gulf Coast and in California, and has escaped cultivation and become naturalized in many areas.

Camphor prefers fertile sandy soil. It will tolerate a pH anywhere in the range of 4.3 to 8. The roots are very sensitive to disturbance. They may extend far from the trunk of the tree, and can readily be identified by their characteristic odor.
Light: Camphor will grow in full sun or partial shade.
Moisture: Camphor tree does not do well in wet soils. Established trees are tolerant of drought.

Camphor in large doses is toxic to humans. It stimulates the central nervous system and may affect respiration or cause convulsions. In Chinese medicine, camphor is forbidden for pregnant women and those with a deficiency of vital energy or yin. Camphor is a prolific seed producer that apparently does not have serious predators or diseases outside its native range. Seedlings and root sprouts are abundant near mature trees, but individual trees pop up far from seed sources. In Florida, camphor trees appear in undisturbed mesic hardwood forests, upland pine woods, and scrubs, as well as in the vacant lots and fencerows where it is more commonly observed. The Plant Conservation Alliance lists this species as an Alien Invader and it is listed as a Category I invasive exotic species by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, which means that it is known to be "invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida."


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