2010.12.10 - Hearing

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How does ICA get dressed in her frills? At the jail? Courthouse?

Does CA bring the clothes to the jail in the morning before court or the night before?

If at the courthouse, does the guard meet with CA to get the clothes or does CA deliver them personally to ICA?

With the hangers being at the hearing, I was thinking at the courthouse, but then she would have had to come out of her chains to dress, wouldn't she? Is this the normal procedure?

Is a mirror provided? Hairstylist?

I'm trying not to be sarcastic...

No personal delivery for ICA....(being said like the soup nazi on seinfeld, LOL)

I'm guessing at the courthouse...She must be transported in her prison garb then the CO's have already checked the clothing to make sure no contraband is in them (like the time CA put a "help find Caylee" bracelet in with her clothes) and she will change in front of a female CO, yes, they must remove her chains and place them back on her) I do believe...

Yes, before she gets back on the bus or her walk back to the prison, she'd have to change back into her prison garb...I don't know if a mirror would be available for her...Hairstylist is ICA...makeup artist, ICA...JMHO

speaking of hair, I think it looked horrible down....clean but horrible...I think she's better off with her hair away from her face..again, JMHO

Justice for Caylee
How does ICA get dressed in her frills? At the jail? Courthouse?

Does CA bring the clothes to the jail in the morning before court or the night before?

If at the courthouse, does the guard meet with CA to get the clothes or does CA deliver them personally to ICA?

With the hangers being at the hearing, I was thinking at the courthouse, but then she would have had to come out of her chains to dress, wouldn't she? Is this the normal procedure?

Is a mirror provided? Hairstylist?

I'm trying not to be sarcastic...

"Approved property items can be dropped off at the Video Visitation Center (8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, 7 days a week).

Approved property includes: (appropriate) Court Clothing,...."


IIRC from conversations of 2 years ago, inmates were allowed to store 1 court outfit at the jail. This explained Casey wearing the same (wrinkled) outfit twice in a row.

Your mileage may vary.
Neither do I, but the Casey Anthony Murder case is not be the first case that Dr Fairgrieve has testifeied regarding Cadaver dogs.

From what I have read his publications and research are forensic anthropology, microscopy of bone, and the analysis of intentionally burned human remains.
He was a Defense Expert in the 2007 of State of Wisconsin vs Steven Avery where he testified about charred bone fragements...

I have yet to find where or how he, as Baez states, is a Cadaver Dog expert.

Canadian Forensic Anthropologist Joins Defense Team
From the Orlando Sentinel:

Forensic anthropologist Scott Fairgrieve, chair of Forensic Science at Laurentian University in Ontario, will be helping attorney Jose Baez’s team as an expert consultant in the search, recovery and analysis of human skeletal remains.

“My role in the case is basically peer review,” Fairgrieve told the Orlando Sentinel. “I will be reviewing reports on the evidence. So far everything I’ve done has been remotely.”

The forensic anthropologist said the interest in the case against Casey Anthony has not reached the media frenzy in Canada as it has across the U.S.

“When I was first contacted by Mr. Baez, I had no idea about the case,” Fairgrieve said. “But it is an interesting case. The allegations are disturbing and the discovery of the remains should be disturbing to all involved.”

Fairgrieve, who is also a consultant for the northeastern regional forensic pathology unit in Sudbury, Ontario, had helped Baez in October regarding the use of cadaver dogs.

Crime scene technicians with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office used cadaver dogs in July to search the backyard of the home Caylee Marie shared with her mother and grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.


SudburyNorthernLife | January 20, 2009
Scott Fairgrieve, Chair of Laurentian University's Department of Forensics, was selected as an expert consultant in the first-degree murder case of Caylee Anthony in Orlando Florida.
Yup, I've watched the hearing three (3) times, but watching ICA wasn't my priority. I'm going to watch it again, but one thing that stuck in the edge of my brain was that when ICA walked in - she had the big smile as usual. Then she immediately sat down, purposely turned her back to Baez and started to talk to Mason. Huh? What was that about?:waitasec:

Will watch it again, but all was not well in "love my lawyer" land I think.
Just a quick note on the hair. My sister was incarcerated in a Texas prison. I went to visit her after she had been there for 6 months. Her transformation was dramatic. She had been assimilated to say the least. Along with other changes (demeanor, walk, attitude), her hair was longer than I had ever seen it and not becoming at all. I asked why she had let it grow. She told me that it was the only thing she had control over and also, inmates spend a lot of time doing each other’s hair. My sister had that institutional look that could be spotted a mile away regardless of the clothing she was wearing. ICA has that exact same pasty, straggly, unkempt look. It only reinforced which person at the defense table was a convicted felon. IMO
Yup, I've watched the hearing three (3) times, but watching ICA wasn't my priority. I'm going to watch it again, but one thing that stuck in the edge of my brain was that when ICA walked - she had the big smile as usual. Then she immediately sat down, purposely turned her back to Baez and started to talk to Mason. Huh? What was that about?:waitasec:

Will watch it again, but all was not well in "love my lawyer" land I think.

I thought the same thing, LG. She seemed to be "snubbing" JB. I agree. The shine is off of the apple.
I'm not sure if it was just my imagination, but when HHJP asked if Mr. Ashton concurred with JB's assertion hat he had only received half of the Expert Witness reports and JA stood up and said something along the lines of absolutely not, I thought I saw Cheney Mason's head drop -- like a you've GOT to be kidding(<--- or similar) me type of gesture. Did anyone else notice it? I wonder if it was supposed to be an anti-SA non-verbal communication or a can-my-"partner"-Baez-possibly-like-ever-tell-the-flipping(<--- or similar)-truth? type of gesture... It was clear, however, that he had no difficulty hearing Mr. Ashton in this instance...

BBM - I thought he just nodded off - the man looked seriously past his nap time! In every shot I wondered if CM missed his nap Fri afternoon!
I agree!! if I were there I would have told him to knock it off!
He needs his *advertiser censored** kicked big time.This talking to by Judge P.
was not enough.He WILL pull it again.Dont they realize who HE is?
No wonder he and KC. get along so well.:banghead:

The hearing on Oct 30, when CM didn't even bother standing, to address HHJP shocked me - then JB squirming like a 5 yr old in church! Who do they think THEY are?
I think they should have to stay in prison clothes the entire time.
~big smiles~ you have to read how this reporter explained casey's hair and attire.


**back hair anyone?**

I am disgusted that this is considered an "article" from a "reporter." It reads like an almost-mediocre post in the comments section on some random inferior "news" site.

Like, if that article was a post here, I would soooo not be clicking "thanks."

Thanks for the eye-rolling link, though, sumbunny:) Methinks the author of the article has a wee l'il crush on a certain inmate. :sick:
They have a holding cell for the prisoner. I would imagine her leg chains come off so she can change her clothes. They transport in prison attire. Very strict about transport. I would imagine CA brought the clothes and gave them to the guard not to KC because CA would not be permitted in that area. I might add that the reason court started late may have been because CA did not get the clothes there in a timely manner so we had to wait for KC to get dressed. I say this because KC had no time to do her hair and just let it hang. Maybe JB should take care of the clothes issues the next time around because he seemed to have made it to court on time. Not saying this was the case just from what I observed I believe that is what happened. I don't think the judge likes it when he is made to wait.

Hi, a new poster here but not a new reader. Casey could have done her hair before she left the jail. I think she thinks she looks good with her long hair...perhaps even sexy. I haven't seen a commissary report for a while, but she used to buy shampoo and conditioner as well as hair bands. My guess would be, she still does.
Hi, a new poster here but not a new reader. Casey could have done her hair before she left the jail. I think she thinks she looks good with her long hair...perhaps even sexy. I haven't seen a commissary report for a while, but she used to buy shampoo and conditioner as well as hair bands. My guess would be, she still does.

Welcome SunnyinMo! Glad you came out of lurkdom and are posting with us! :)
I am disgusted that this is considered an "article" from a "reporter." It reads like an almost-mediocre post in the comments section on some random inferior "news" site.

Like, if that article was a post here, I would soooo not be clicking "thanks."

Thanks for the eye-rolling link, though, sumbunny:) Me thinks the author of the article has a wee l'il crush on a certain inmate. :sick:

BBM - Back hair and all??
Isn't Drew Petrimoulx a reporter that often gives commentary on the Nancy Grace show? He's the one that wrote the article.
Isn't Drew Petrimoulx a reporter that often gives commentary on the Nancy Grace show? He's the one that wrote the article.

That explains a lot.
He was on NG show umpteen times - Live from Hopespring drive etc - usually got things wrong and NG would get irritated. After a while he really just repeated what NG said back to her each time,and after he spoke it was like WTH was the point of that report? . Haven't seen him in a long while, not surprisingly
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