2011.03.30 Officials Believe Hailey Dunn Is Dead; Reward Now For Her Whereabouts

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So is PK pre releasing information? ugh... Pulling my hair.

Then they will release all this over again?
How many times now has PK backpedaled?

I feel sorry the reporter. I don't think she miss construed anything. When interviewing PK, I'd have a recorder in my possession. How upset she must be. :furious:
Colorado City's City Manager Pete Kampfer tells us reports that he believes Hailey is dead are not entirely accurate. Kampfer says his opinion is the same as it's been the last few months -- she's either under duress or deceased.


Why, why, why won't SA or BJD tell what happened. This is soooooooooooo
confusing. I just can't imagine what Clint is going through; my patience is about gone. There has got to be a big break in this case soon. Someone in that town has got to talk soon; that reward money would buy a lot of pills.......JMO
So is PK pre releasing information? ugh... Pulling my hair.

Then they will release all this over again?

Not sure, but the copy of the press release shown in the video was dated and timed: March 30, 2011 12 noon.
PK = :pullhair: = :headache:

He keeps talking in Billieisms
cbs7 morning news reported this morning in their newscast that the press conference today is "directly related to the Hailey Dunn case". I don't know if this info was posted on their website: www.cbs7.com. They've not always kept up-to-date on this case.

IMO the Abilene landfill and Big Spring landfill searches brought something to the surface. I saw too many conflicting reports not to come to this conclusion along with what was recovered from SA Gma's house.

I have strongly suspected HD never left the house of her own accord 12/26/10.

JMO and MOO, BD it's long past time for you to come clean with what you know. Hailey deserves that much at the very least.

My heart goes out to DD and CD, may God grant them the serenity to accept the things they cannot change.
PK = :pullhair: = :headache:

He keeps talking in Billieisms

Can you imagine if this is a sample how the communications are going in this case? Yep... :pullhair:
WHY is PK even allowed to speak? Who...WHO...in LE in that town thinks its a good idea for PK to be the spokesperson for this case?!

And honestly, how can he backpedal this? He was pretty clear about what he said!

I need to go grab a smoke... and if it weren't so early, I'd be grabbing a drink to go with it. :banghead:
I hope Pete K. knows what he is talking about and had authority to say what he has said.

me too!!!!! this article raises my concerns that he is speaking out of turn!

Officials in Colorado City now believe that Hailey Dunn is now deceased and have changed the requirements involving the $15,000 reward to any "information leading to her whereabouts."

No solid leads in the case, prompted the change, said City Manager Pete Kampfer, who said there is reason to believe Dunn is deceased.

"There is some reason to think that because we haven't located her," Kampfer said. "I can't say law enforcement thinks that way, but I believe she is either deceased or under duress."

Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but I have a question. I read that Hailey's brother is now "living with relatives." (Thank God! If I were him, I'd be terrified to stay in that home of horrors-) I haven't kept up consistently with case but I do care tremendously about Hailey and, like most of us here, I "knew" she was no longer alive but felt deep sorrow after reading it in print above. She and my younger son are only months apart in age, and he is STILL such a "baby" to me, still likes to do things with me, still hugs me EVERY morning before leaving for school. I TOTALLY DESPISE how Shawn Adkins tried to slander Hailey's character, basically- and flippantly- labelling her as a drug user and "promiscuous"- ugh. I got chills when I read about poor Hailey's terror re. him standing and watching her as she lay in bed; God only knows what else she had to endure that she may have been too ashamed or threatened to reveal to her friends. She should have felt safe and comfortable telling her "mother" about this, and any decent mom would have kicked SA out the door IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY!! Well, I can't discuss Billie Dunn here as I would be immediately banned for stating what I think of her as a "mother," so I'll leave that alone! My question is: has the brother been interviewed extensively? Surely he's not happy that his little sister has been apparently murdered and surely he knows a lot about what SA is truly like. I just wondered if he has revealed anything of importance- or would that be kept under wraps?? Says a lot that he's out of that house now... TIA!!

No solid leads in the case, prompted the change, said City Manager Pete Kampfer, who said there is reason to believe Dunn is deceased.

"There is some reason to think that because we haven't located her," Kampfer said. "I can't say law enforcement thinks that way, but I believe she is either deceased or under duress."

The verbiage was officially changed today, more than three months since the Colorado City teen vanished. Originally the reward specifications asked for information leading to her "whereabouts and safe return."

They need a new spokesperson! IMHO
UGH, so confusing. I can't imagine what the family is going through with all this conflicting information...
Copied from KTXS video of press release. 1:05

Law enforcement agencies are changing the scope for the Reward offered in the Hailey Missing Person Case. The Reward of $15,000 is now being offered for any information that leads to the whereabouts of Hailey Dunn. Tips or information will be *blurry word* anonymously. Please help us get this information out to your audience.

look... this is just my humble little opinion... but as far as I am concerned PK statements are no better than rumor and facebook postings as to what LE is really doing or thinking in this case...

and until this info comes from LE I am not buying what PK is selling.

sorry... that is just my opinion

eta: the only thing I think he can/should talk about is how much the reward is worth and give out the phone number!!!!!
Ridiculous...I cannot believe he is allowed to continue to speak publicly...what a shame!


No solid leads in the case, prompted the change, said City Manager Pete Kampfer, who said there is reason to believe Dunn is deceased.

"There is some reason to think that because we haven't located her," Kampfer said. "I can't say law enforcement thinks that way, but I believe she is either deceased or under duress."


First...."we haven't located her"...then "I can't say law enforcement thinks that way, but I believe..."

Is this about him??? OMG...sitting on hands!
look... this is just my humble little opinion... but as far as I am concerned PK statements are no better than rumor and facebook postings as to what LE is really doing or thinking in this case...

and until this info comes from LE I am not buying what PK is selling.

sorry... that is just my opinion

Good! I feel the same way!

PK opinions to me is nothing to me. Now put on FBI or Texas Ranger and I will feel different:banghead:

I think PK needs to step away I think he a media W:banghead:
I think this is why he is no longer with the FBI

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