2011.03.30 Officials Believe Hailey Dunn Is Dead; Reward Now For Her Whereabouts

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And you know this how? I think they probably had already accessed some of the *advertiser censored* when his mom or grandma called and said they were on the way to pick up the computer, and then LE put into evidence.

Oh yeah, I forgot, LE isn't worried about the *advertiser censored*......

Well, the only reason for getting the computer in the first place was to verify his account of what he was doing. In other words they were investigating him prior to getting the computer. They could not have found the CP before they got the computer, at least I am not aware of any way that is physically possible.
I have been told by a very smart teenager that you can buy apps for the blackberry that show the call coming from somewhere other than the caller.

This is just what I've been told. I haven't done any research to see if this is in fact the truth.

It might show that on your phone but there would be no way to hide the routing in the providers records.
DNA is not relevant in this case since all of the principals lived or associated with one another.

I disagree. Depending on what type of DNA and where it was found it could be very relevant. Crimes are committed all the time by people who live with or associate with one another and DNA evidence helps hang them.
Well, the only reason for getting the computer in the first place was to verify his account of what he was doing. In other words they were investigating him prior to getting the computer. They could not have found the CP before they got the computer, at least I am not aware of any way that is physically possible.

Well, they had the computer in late December/early January from what I recall. So, they probably found the some of the *advertiser censored* that early on. All the more reason for SA's mom or grandmother to want that computer back POST HASTE. And if the *advertiser censored* they initially found was child *advertiser censored*, that doesn't look very good for SA, now does it? And it most definitely doesn't bode well for Hailey.

And yes, I know they were investigating him prior to getting the computer, he's supposedly the last known person to have seen Hailey.
DNA is not relevant in this case since all of the principals lived or associated with one another.

DNA is not relevant because the principals lived together? If SA's DNA is found inside of Hailey, I'd think that would be da*ned relevant. His DNA would have no reason to be inside of her, unless a sexual act took place.

I'm sure after all this time though, not much in the way of DNA evidence other than Hailey's is going to be detected.

PS: Sorry for being so graphic in the first paragraph.
While it's true that a hair from SA on or near Hailey's body might not mean very much since they lived in the same house, other DNA or fingerprints from SA could mean alot. For instance, if there is duct tape on the body with his fingerprints, that could be huge. DNA from blood under her fingernails could mean a struggle, and hair pulled out could also mean a violent death.

Semen from SA shouldn't be anywhere near her body, so as Tezi points out, that would be another huge deal.
I don't know anything anymore when it comes to this case. All I do every day is to hope and pray that LE find HD and are able to prosecute to the fullest any guilty person who is involved.
DNA is not relevant in this case since all of the principals lived or associated with one another.

Hailey's bed sheet was taken.
I would think that if it contained Shawn's DNA, bodily fluids, that would be extremely relevant.
"There are specific reasons why officials think Hailey is deceased," Kampfer said.

We know that PK can misspeak. (an understatement) However, this quote leads me to believe that they have hits from cadaver dogs, or some type of decomp evidence with Hailey's DNA. It would really be outrageous if LE does not and a spokesperson says something that definitive.
I don't think that LE is trying to discourage people from searching as a general rule.

I believe that the statement is meant to keep people with motives that are not pure from searching. We heard a local tell us about a searcher last week that kicked the door in to a private office after the homeowner had given them permission to search his property. WHY? What gave anyone the right to kick a door in? There is something wrong when you cause damage and go into the property of others. This is what LE is trying to stop. Because if you cannot follow the basic rules of search and follow the law, what if these searchers did find Hailey? Or evidence? What would they do?

I believe there is some type of evidence that came very early on in the investigation. Phone pings, phone records between Shawn and Billie or something in this regards that led the investigation where it is going.

As far as the search dwindling? It appears there are many egos out there and if anything, that is affecting the searches. It could be the fear that people are violating the rules of searching, that people are doing this for the wrong reason and that people just are afraid to get involved.

Or people may feel that she is so well hidden, buried etc., that after 3 months they have to go back to their own lives and let professionals take over.

I think the reward was changed in order to get a tip as to where Hailey is so that professional searchers would have some clue as to where to start looking. That is allot of country out there and it is needle in a hay stack. 3 months into the investigation, the fires, weather changes, people tromping around out there, changes in the topography now with grasses and crops, it is a needle in the haystack. :(

BBM:I agree, grandmaj.

With all due respect to those who disagree about the professionalism of LE, volunteer searchers, or whomever... I think the reward is intended to gain a very specific and accurate tip, so that professional SAR/LE can help find Hailey.
He went there in order to use the computer. Since we now know that he used both the computer at the mothers house AND the grandmother's house, it would make more sense to have gone to the house closest to him first. That would have been the grandmothers, and that is where he said he went first. No one was there so he then proceeded to the other computer that was available, which was the mothers. The most direct route from there would have been through CC. In other words his account is reasonable.

Okay, I can accept that Shawn's account could be reasonable if I believed him. But I don't. If LE confirms that Shawn did go to his grandma's house and they can explain exactly who saw him doing whatever he was doing there and if they can also confirm that he then innocently drove through CC on his way to his mom's house and was in the CC area only briefly, driving through, then I will believe his and BD's story. Until that happens, I am unable to buy it. Very early in this case I supported BD before I learned of her true nature. So I have a very "Fool me once" attitude about BD. She blew her chances at credibility with me long ago.
And yet whatever "specific reasons" lead LE to believe she is deceased are not definitive, as he also said she might not be dead. So I am not sure I believe that PK has any specific info at all about this matter, only that Hailey has been gone for over three months and no sign of her has been found. Kind of like Kyron...LE probably believes he likely to be deceased but I do not believe they have any evidence that tells them so.


Body of unidentified teen girl found in Harris County (Houston area)
I disagree. Depending on what type of DNA and where it was found it could be very relevant. Crimes are committed all the time by people who live with or associate with one another and DNA evidence helps hang them.

There is a common misconception that DNA is the be all and end all of evidence. It is not.

The only thing DNA evidence tells you is that a particular person was at a particular place at some time. Everything in that house is going to have some DNA of everyone who lives in the house because they live there and a good chance of having DNA of someone who lived previously in the house (such as CD). It may be deposited directly, or indirectly through transfer from some other object.

Any DNA they get from the house will tell them nothing unless it is from a stranger or someone who shouldn't be there.
Hailey's bed sheet was taken.
I would think that if it contained Shawn's DNA, bodily fluids, that would be extremely relevant.

Traces of DNA will be in shed skin cells, which float around the house like a cloud, so you could literally find it anywhere in the house. Things such as hair etc can also be picked up by items such as clothing from secondary sources (such as the sofa for example) and then be deposited elsewhere. It could get contaminated in the laundry. There are lots of things that can happen.
Traces of DNA will be in shed skin cells, which float around the house like a cloud, so you could literally find it anywhere in the house. Things such as hair etc can also be picked up by items such as clothing from secondary sources (such as the sofa for example) and then be deposited elsewhere. It could get contaminated in the laundry. There are lots of things that can happen.

Blood and sperm do not float anywhere.
There is a common misconception that DNA is the be all and end all of evidence. It is not.

The only thing DNA evidence tells you is that a particular person was at a particular place at some time. Everything in that house is going to have some DNA of everyone who lives in the house because they live there and a good chance of having DNA of someone who lived previously in the house (such as CD). It may be deposited directly, or indirectly through transfer from some other object.

Any DNA they get from the house will tell them nothing unless it is from a stranger or someone who shouldn't be there.

Or doing a particular thing. As said by someone above; there should be no semen from Shawn anywhere near or on Hailey's body.
There is a common misconception that DNA is the be all and end all of evidence. It is not.

The only thing DNA evidence tells you is that a particular person was at a particular place at some time. Everything in that house is going to have some DNA of everyone who lives in the house because they live there and a good chance of having DNA of someone who lived previously in the house (such as CD). It may be deposited directly, or indirectly through transfer from some other object.

Any DNA they get from the house will tell them nothing unless it is from a stranger or someone who shouldn't be there.

BBM: I don't believe anyone here said that DNA is "the be all and end all of evidence." That's an assumption you have seemed to make.

Like other posters above this post have said, if SA's DNA is under Hailey's fingernails, how did it get there? It wouldn't be a place where DNA would normally be found. Or if she had duct tape on her, and SA's DNA is on that duct tape, I don't think that would be an innocent transfer.

I know that DNA is not the end all of the evidence, it's just a part of the evidence.
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