2011.05.04 - Baez - WDBO Interview

I'm eating Garden Salsa flavored Sun Chips...does that count? Son muy buenos!
Now I want Cuban Food! Ugh! I dont think there are any good Cuban places in down Town Calgary tho!

why would JB WANT to do an interview in a Cuban restaurant? I understand he is Cuban, but... A restaurant? I mean, kill two birds with one stone, publicity and lunch i guess.

Actually, JB is of Puerto Rican descent, not Cuban. Puerto Ricans make up almost half the Hispanic population of three counties surrounding Orlando: Orange, Polk and Osceola, according to the 2009 American Community Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau. Florida has the second-largest number of Puerto Ricans after New York.
How do you sit in a court room and listen to the Judge talk about the "media" and pretend to not understand that you are the ones who are causing this mess? The defense and Anthony's could have said no comment from day one PERIOD .
IMO the defense is going to ask for a continuance, the Judge will order a gag and that is why they are flapping their lips once more.
I'm so sick of this trash stinking up the house!
Baez Answers Questions At Hispanic Media Event


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's lead defense attorney, Jose Baez, took questions from the media on Wednesday, just days before her trial.

Baez spoke before a group of Hispanic journalists at the Numero Uno restaurant on South Orange Avenue. Baez took questions, but cameras were not allowed inside.
Apparently it is over... WFTV just reported that he did not answer any questions about the Casey Anthony case... while they were showing a picture of him getting into a car to leave.
How do you sit in a court room and listen to the Judge talk about the "media" and pretend to not understand that you are the ones who are causing this mess? The defense and Anthony's could have said no comment from day one PERIOD .
IMO the defense is going to ask for a continuance, the Judge will order a gag and that is why they are flapping their lips once more.
I'm so sick of this trash stinking up the house!

I agree, it appears that the defense is urgently getting the interviews done and out to the public before the Judge slaps a gag order on the case. All the defense has done is add a ring to the circus.
Gee, WOW! This is such important stuff!!! NOT!

This is really bordering on the ridiculous! No, wait....it's way past the ridiculous! JB needs to just shut his pie-hole and get on with this trial. I CANNOT wait until they come with a guilty verdict and the defense has to eat that! :banghead::banghead:

When will this circus end?!!!!! I guess soon after KC is transported to Lowell! :banghead:

What a bunch of :loser::loser::loser:

Gotta wonder where their priorities are, don't ya? I thought death was different - but I guess that is selective too? I bet ya anything, JA and LDB and their team are putting on their finishing touches to their case and eating from vending machines, if at all.
My question is WHY?? WHY is JB still making TV appearances and interviews. He has a long road to hoe ahead of him, shouldn't he be in the office preparing for his client's DP trial?? Shouldn't he be earning his money instead of making money off this case??

No wonder the defense is never prepared.. they're too busy doing interviews and such. Is JB hoping to get in his last chance to "taint the jury" with more BS?? I'm ready for the trial to start with no delays.

Good question. I think Cheney Mason may have given a clue in his In Session interview. I could be to counteract the negative comments about Baez and Mason made in blogs and by some of the analysts hired by the TV stations. I'm guessing, but they both may be agreeing to the interviews because it 'humanizes' them.
Good question. I think Cheney Mason may have given a clue in his In Session interview. I could be to counteract the negative comments about Baez and Mason made in blogs and by some of the analysts hired by the TV stations. I'm guessing, but they both may be agreeing to the interviews because it 'humanizes' them.

I think this disgusting event today was all about JB and his goal of becoming the "prominent hispanic lawyer" that he dreams of. He has always had dreams for his future that go far beyond ICA's trial that he knows will go down in flames!! He wants to be the Johnny Cochran to the hispanic community!!:banghead:
Defending Casey brings celebrity, headaches
Baez criticizes Sentinel
In refusing to be interviewed, Baez issued a statement chiding the Sentinel for writing about him. Commenting on recent coverage, it said "your discrimination against a young, hard-working Hispanic lawyer who represents a high-profile client borders on racism. I wonder what reactions this profile on a prominent Hispanic lawyer will have on your readership."Baez often mentions his ethnicity when talking about his defense of Anthony. Talking to reporters outside the Orange County Courthouse in January, he said he was the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of such magnitude -- a claim he has repeated since then.

Asked to evaluate the statement, Ramona Romero, president of the Hispanic National Bar Association, named several Hispanic attorneys across the nation involved in cases of national significance.

"I hope his defense work goes well," she said of Baez, "but for him to say it's the most high-profile case a Hispanic lawyer has ever handled I think is inaccurate."

Baez has characterized the scrutiny and criticism he faces as an unavoidable consequence of his job. He also describes himself as a standard-bearer for future Hispanic lawyers.

"And I will not embarrass those that come after me by doing something as foolish and as unethical as what . . . I've been accused of," he said outside the courthouse in January.
Gotta wonder where their priorities are, don't ya? I thought death was different - but I guess that is selective too? I bet ya anything, JA and LDB and their team are putting on their finishing touches to their case and eating from vending machines, if at all.

You are spot on ANJ. Hope they at least got a runner to pick up take out.
I think this disgusting event today was all about JB and his goal of becoming the "prominent hispanic lawyer" that he dreams of. He has always had dreams for his future that go far beyond ICA's trial that he knows will go down in flames!! He wants to be the Johnny Cochran to the hispanic community!!:banghead:
Defending Casey brings celebrity, headaches
Baez criticizes Sentinel
In refusing to be interviewed, Baez issued a statement chiding the Sentinel for writing about him. Commenting on recent coverage, it said "your discrimination against a young, hard-working Hispanic lawyer who represents a high-profile client borders on racism. I wonder what reactions this profile on a prominent Hispanic lawyer will have on your readership."Baez often mentions his ethnicity when talking about his defense of Anthony. Talking to reporters outside the Orange County Courthouse in January, he said he was the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of such magnitude -- a claim he has repeated since then.

Asked to evaluate the statement, Ramona Romero, president of the Hispanic National Bar Association, named several Hispanic attorneys across the nation involved in cases of national significance.

"I hope his defense work goes well," she said of Baez, "but for him to say it's the most high-profile case a Hispanic lawyer has ever handled I think is inaccurate."

Baez has characterized the scrutiny and criticism he faces as an unavoidable consequence of his job. He also describes himself as a standard-bearer for future Hispanic lawyers.

"And I will not embarrass those that come after me by doing something as foolish and as unethical as what . . . I've been accused of," he said outside the courthouse in January.

JB's ego is HUGE!
Help me understand. Publicity and media coverage is a huge issue in this case. The defense complains about the media and its affect on Casey getting a fair trial. Therefore...the defense goes on numerous tv shows. Makes no sense. There should be NO special considerations regarding juries, venues, etc. That has been rendered pointless by the defense's publicity seeking.

Do they not understand they are in large part responsible for people's outrage with Casey and the Anthony family??
Help me understand. Publicity and media coverage is a huge issue in this case. The defense complains about the media and its affect on Casey getting a fair trial. Therefore...the defense goes on numerous tv shows. Makes no sense. There should be NO special considerations regarding juries, venues, etc. That has been rendered pointless by the defense's publicity seeking.

Do they not understand they are in large part responsible for people's outrage with Casey and the Anthony family??

BBM: It makes perfect sense! the ONLY reason the defense team is doing all these interviews is to try and combat the huge amount of negative publicity the media is spewing out about KC. Oh yeah, and all us idiot bloggers are saying such hateful things about her too. It is their duty to go out there and do these interviews for their client. they would not dream of doing it for publicity for their own sake, oh no. (<----------- sarcasm)

By the way, we aren't bloggers are we? I thought a blogger was someone who wrote a blog. People who comment on blogs, and comment on forums etc. are posters, aren't we? I don't want to be a blogger, they are idiots (according to CM, that is! I want to be a poster who writes thoughtful posts that spark lively and intelligent discussion. :innocent:
I don't want to be a blogger, they are idiots (according to CM, that is! I want to be a poster who writes thoughtful posts that spark lively and intelligent discussion. :innocent:

I think we are all still borderline snarky. Passionate and maybe a little facetious. That is what drives them bonkers. We aren't just Joe and Susie Housecoat sitting on the couch taking it all in and letting the lawyers "lawyer". We are engaged. We ask questions. Lawyers like to ask the questions. They don't like BEING the questioned. Especially those on the DT with rather large egocentric tendencies.
Quote from JB: "The Casey Anthony case will not define me." Too late.

I think this disgusting event today was all about JB and his goal of becoming the "prominent hispanic lawyer" that he dreams of. He has always had dreams for his future that go far beyond ICA's trial that he knows will go down in flames!! He wants to be the Johnny Cochran to the hispanic community!!:banghead:
Defending Casey brings celebrity, headaches
Baez criticizes Sentinel
In refusing to be interviewed, Baez issued a statement chiding the Sentinel for writing about him. Commenting on recent coverage, it said "your discrimination against a young, hard-working Hispanic lawyer who represents a high-profile client borders on racism. I wonder what reactions this profile on a prominent Hispanic lawyer will have on your readership."Baez often mentions his ethnicity when talking about his defense of Anthony. Talking to reporters outside the Orange County Courthouse in January, he said he was the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of such magnitude -- a claim he has repeated since then.

Asked to evaluate the statement, Ramona Romero, president of the Hispanic National Bar Association, named several Hispanic attorneys across the nation involved in cases of national significance.

"I hope his defense work goes well," she said of Baez, "but for him to say it's the most high-profile case a Hispanic lawyer has ever handled I think is inaccurate."

Baez has characterized the scrutiny and criticism he faces as an unavoidable consequence of his job. He also describes himself as a standard-bearer for future Hispanic lawyers.

"And I will not embarrass those that come after me by doing something as foolish and as unethical as what . . . I've been accused of," he said outside the courthouse in January.

I am cracking up that the leader of the Hispanic National Bar Association SHOT DOWN Baez! LOL! She did it so nicely, too. Did you hear that, Baez?

Good LORD, who do you think you are, Baez? He lives in a delusional world. The readers are LAUGHING at you, Baez! A. You aren't prominent (OMG, I had trouble typing that, LOL), B. NO ONE defines you as a Hispanic attorney! Only YOU do that!

Wow, he really does think highly of himself. Almost makes me want to vomit!
Hmmmmmmm maybe they'll be able to afford one after they become FAMOUS!!


I have visions of hot dog carts and t-shirt kiosks swirling in my head.

Lol, you can't BUY that kind of exposure and advertising. I do have to say it's been a while since this person visited, so it could be the face lift already happened.
sponsored by the nahj. national association of hispanic journalists.

Don't you guys get it, this association will, during the trial be a "back up" for JB sort of like the hispanic NAACP. They are going to go on the defense for JB if people get to saying negative (like inept atty,doesn't know nothing etc) things about him. Basically they are aligning them selves for JB. This is gonna be a big mess JMHO:maddening:
In a nutshell....KC is being discriminated against because she is young, pretty, and white.......when that fails..........

Blame the State for discovery leaks (ummm that is called FS 119 not the SAO)....when that fails....

Claim discrimination against an Hispanic Lawyer.

Got it.

One last question......what proof is there of discrimination against an Hispanic Lawyer due to to heritage as opposed to pure hubris and hilarity??
Does anyone know what generation JB is? He acts like he came through Ellis Island himself and worked his way up by his bootstraps despite intense discrimination (like all my Irish ancestors actually did do).

In what way does he act "like he came through Ellis Island himself and worked his way up by his bootstraps despite intense discrimination?"

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