2011.05.06 Sidebar Thread

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I am still dizzy from how quickly JB withdrew the Motion to Complain About--er, Oppose-- the Jury Venue. Oh how I wonder what was said in that room!

I seriously wonder if he filed this motion not knowing what the destination was. I say this because he withdrew it so darn fast. I wonder if HHJP schooled him behind closed doors like are you kidding me, you filed a motion and don't even know where the location is yet? And then Baez, to save face, pulled the motion (actually, he was probably going to pull it anyway, now that I think about it). I think sometimes Baez files these motions not really knowing what he is doing and hoping for some facetime with the judge. I think he likes talking to the judge more than what HHJP actually says to him. He will file all the motions he can no matter what the HHJP says or how many times he loses. He must think there's something in the quantity of motions filed, LOL.
I was sorry to hear they were given permission to attend the whole trial but on the other hand happy to hear HHJP will not tolerate their facial expressions, gum chewing etc. And there would be no warning prior to injection.
The jury might have felt sorry for them had they been kept from the proceedings.

As far as them hearing evidence against ICA.......won't make any difference.
I believe she will continue to remain MOTY to them.....at least to the public.

BBM: This is what the Ant's will need to make it through the trial so no one will see their "facial expressions" and "gum chewing" ...

Can't believe I got called into work early!!! Didn't even know there was an emergency hearing until I got to work and checked in. If I would have known I would have never answered my phone! :banghead:

I'll be checking in throughout the day!! Thanks for all the great updates! Hopefully we get Mallory's deposition today. :great:

Party on!
Sorry 'bout that--here's lunch for them what missed it (the buffet is much larger than it appears in this image, really).



:seeya: :rocker:

Looks like the Midnight buffet at an Italian wedding...:D
I am still dizzy from how quickly JB withdrew the Motion to Complain About--er, Oppose-- the Jury Venue. Oh how I wonder what was said in that room!

I'm still spinning too!

The next thing I did was GRIN big because I thought, "Never underestimate the power and wits of HHJP. He is ALWAYS about 50 paces ahead of JB & Co."

I am just left wondering what rabbit he pulled out of his hat. ;)
Just adding some more quick notes from the live feed that was left open - Mike Brooks was there initially before Lippman arrived and was chatting with Tampa lawyer (sorry, I still don't know his name) and there was some discussion about Jeff Ashton becoming angry. Mike Brooks used some colorful language, lol. They discussed that the prosecution and the defense did not get along, that they disliked one another. Brooks said that he had never seen JA so angry and thought that it was going to come to blows. None of this is new information, it was really just chit chat between these two lawyers but it was interesting to watch them speaking frankly about the case and the attorneys.
:seeya: :rocker:

Looks like the Midnight buffet at an Italian wedding...:D

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Will the actual jury selection be televised? Not sure how that would even work... just curious.
IMO another wise decision by Judge Perry ... Let them be there ... it will just be a matter of time before they are "ejected" .... seriously, Cindy and George sitting through day after day of testimony against their daughter?, the gruesome forensics details of Caylee's murder? ... I'll bet they will not be able to control themselves ...
The only question is, how long they last, IMO

I also hope the Anthony's are not allowed to jump up and run out of the court room, come back in, etc... like they did when Ashton was describing how Caylee was probably murdered. I can just see them running out every time they hear or see something that bothers them.
Will the actual jury selection be televised? Not sure how that would even work... just curious.

From what I understand, yes, it will be televised. As to how it will work? I don't have a clue.
Jail won't release the recording of the "visit"?? Why?? That really is ridiculous! Just fuels the impression that ICA and CA have of themselves.....they are sooooo special!!

Caylee?? Too bad she wasn't seen as special by her mom.
Jail won't release the recording of the "visit"?? Why?? That really is ridiculous! Just fuels the impression that ICA and CA have of themselves.....they are sooooo special!!

Caylee?? Too bad she wasn't seen as special by her mom.

What? Where did hear this? Unbelievable! Once again, the A's are special. Gag me.
Early on Lippman said to the Tampa lawyer that they were going after his client, no plural. Which leads me to believe that they are going after GA bigtime!

Yes I do believe this is their plan but I personally do not think it will work, I think it will end up backfiring in their face. If you remember in the beginning it was ICA who stated that the last time she saw Caylee was June 9 then weeks later she changed it to June 16. If I were a juror that alone would convict her for me because what mother forgets the exact day that their child went missing. My brother lost his son to a car accident and two years later he could tell you the date it happened and how many days and hours it had been since it happened, that is a grieving parent.
I also hope the Anthony's are not allowed to jump up and run out of the court room, come back in, etc... like they did when Ashton was describing how Caylee was probably murdered. I can just see them running out every time they hear or see something that bothers them.

I'm going to bet there will constantly be a multitude of cameras trained on them and there is probably a pool among the various cameramen betting how long it will take for HHJP to blow and eject them And who gets bounced out first.

I think it will be George because he doesn't want to be there anyhow - IMO
I was at the hearing this afternoon which began at 1PM when the attorneys (JB, Cm, girl with short dark hair, JA and LDB), the transcriber and the judge went into the jury room. Just before they went Baez whispered something to KB and walked away. She looked after him as though she couldn't believe what he said. (?) Bill S, Judge Eaton, KB, Holly, Pippi, Keeling, Adam L, and M.Dave were all there. I think I was the only civilian in the courtroom today. Guess what? No Lichenstein!! Hard to believe he missed one!! When jury selection ends, there will 20 folks chosen - 12 jurors and 8 alternates. Today there were more guards in the courtroom than ever before!! Two guarded the jury room door by the judge's bench, two at the main door, two at ICA's entrance door and one on the other side. They all stood up during the entire hearing. When the atty's and judge were meeting behind closed doors all five guards went back there with them and left two in the courtroom with us. CA was petting, rubbing stroking GA's shoulder and back for twenty of the 30 minutes the players were gone.
At 1:30 the transcriber came back followed shortly by the attys and judge. ICA came in with her five guards and briefly smirked at CM. The change of venue motion was withdrawn. During the sequestration motion presentation by the A's atty CA is back to fingering GA's shoulder. GA is chewing that gum pretty good now. ICA is trying to catch a glimpse of JB's I-pad. When CM got up to speak about sequestration on of the main door guards slides into a pew in front of GA & CA. (OMG!) the other main door guard takes a step forward and is now standing at the end of their pew. GA is shaking head no and blowing his breath out like he does. CA is continuing with the rubbing. HHJP began to talk and the rubbing and breathing stuff end. No reaction at all to the news that they can stay as long as know they will be ejected without warning and without the ability to return if rules of decorum are violated. ICA begins to write a note to CM when JB is discussing the disc of 5,000 pages. CA gets a giggle when HHJP is discussing the subpoena and says "I have better things to do."
He ends with saying "see you at 8:30 Monday morning".
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