2011.05.11 Anthony Lawyer says legal action possible for accusing GA

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Okay, let's look at this defense strategy.

GA kills Caylee for whatever reason we don't know. He puts her in the trunk of KC's car and KC drives that car around for awhile. Then GA gets the car back in his possession and disposes of Caylee's body, all the while KC is partying and having a ball with her friends and none of them even has a hint that she just went through a nightmare.

Then when CA makes the 911 call, KC would rather be cuffed and sent to jail rather than tell the truth about her dad, even making up an elaborate story about Zanny that was already in the making LONG before Caylee went missing. And she'd rather stay in jail all this time than tell the truth about what happened and that her father is at fault.

Okay, let's look at this defense strategy.

GA kills Caylee for whatever reason we don't know. He puts her in the trunk of KC's car and KC drives that car around for awhile. Then GA gets the car back in his possession and disposes of Caylee's body, all the while KC is partying and having a ball with her friends and none of them even has a hint that she just went through a nightmare.

Then when CA makes the 911 call, KC would rather be cuffed and sent to jail rather than tell the truth about her dad, even making up an elaborate story about Zanny that was already in the making LONG before Caylee went missing. And she'd rather stay in jail all this time than tell the truth about what happened and that her father is at fault.


Uh huh. So, how would you explain the monkeys flying out of my butt? :waitasec:
I find it very unusual that after all this time of GA and CA being on pretty friendly terms with JB, that this turn of events rears it's ugly head. I just have to ask is this another ploy, another vain attempt to mangle this trial, or does JB actually have some kind of substansiated proof if he is going down this street? Those are powerful words JB/DT used. Right now, it doesn't matter because no matter what, who's really going to believe ica, CA or GA? Unless there is absolute proof. I'd like to see what DT has backed up, if anything, in their files.
Even if they believe Cindy and George lied, I doubt if the defense team would win on this one. CA and GA changed their statements to put their daughter in a better light obviously. Was anything said by CA or GA comparable to KC's disprovable lies? KC seems to be writing fiction with all her lies. In fact she should have took that up. CA and Ga's lies or inconsistent statements are nothing compared to KCs.[/QUOTE]

ITA...Except in downplaying George and Cindy's lies to that of inconsistent statements. Cindy and George lied to each other about KC which ultimately contributed to the murder of Caylee. Cindy and George lied for KC which hindered LE in investigating a murder, led to innocent individuals having their privacy invaded, integrity attacked and a heavy financial burden from being forced to retain legal representation to defend themselves against George and Cindy's lies. And, George and Cindy lied with the sole intention to cover up a murder that they had intimate knowledge about, IMO.

Although George and Cindy didn't actually pull the trigger it doesn't mean they aren't guilty IMO. What did they ever do to stop it? What did they ever do to protect Caylee?

Neither George or Cindy intended for Caylee to die.

The State of Florida contends that ICA did.

Intent matters. Intent is the reason ICA facing the death penalty.

None of the Anthony's can be believed. But, only one of them wanted harm to come to Caylee.

ICA can't even stand to listen to the judge saying out loud what she did without having a panic attack.

Yet, on the day Caylee dies (or was kidnapped) and ICA is too out of her mind with terror to tell anybody, she can bag Caylee, tape over half of Caylee's face, toss Caylee into the trunk and drive herself to Tony's, call Cindy and make up a story, stroll through Blockbusters and be intimate?

It will be a very sad day for me if George's and Cindy's dysfunctions prevent ICA from receiving the full measure of justice she deserves.

I agree, and it may even be an insult to any juror who may have been abused (in any way) themselves. MOO

I think it is BEYOND disgusting, that they would even be entertaining the thought. It would put them in an even worse position than they already are, if they were to make such claims. Especially at this late date. Had this come out earlier, ok... maybe. :waitasec:

Now, they are making a mockery of TRUE victims!

They are making a mockery of truly missing children, and those who have been truly abused. It is just Gross! :puke:
Okay, let's look at this defense strategy.

GA kills Caylee for whatever reason we don't know. He puts her in the trunk of KC's car and KC drives that car around for awhile. Then GA gets the car back in his possession and disposes of Caylee's body, all the while KC is partying and having a ball with her friends and none of them even has a hint that she just went through a nightmare.

Then when CA makes the 911 call, KC would rather be cuffed and sent to jail rather than tell the truth about her dad, even making up an elaborate story about Zanny that was already in the making LONG before Caylee went missing. And she'd rather stay in jail all this time than tell the truth about what happened and that her father is at fault.

they will never prove this imhoo

if this is their strategy it will sink...

The State has Caylee's DNA...can they compel a DNA sample from GA to put a stop to the DT tactics in regard to GA being the father of Caylee?
Okay, let's look at this defense strategy.

GA kills Caylee for whatever reason we don't know. He puts her in the trunk of KC's car and KC drives that car around for awhile. Then GA gets the car back in his possession and disposes of Caylee's body, all the while KC is partying and having a ball with her friends and none of them even has a hint that she just went through a nightmare.

Then when CA makes the 911 call, KC would rather be cuffed and sent to jail rather than tell the truth about her dad, even making up an elaborate story about Zanny that was already in the making LONG before Caylee went missing. And she'd rather stay in jail all this time than tell the truth about what happened and that her father is at fault.


Um - are Mods allowed to stay longer at the Sidebar refreshments post jury day four party than us regular WS sleuthers? :waitasec:
The State has Caylee's DNA...can they compel a DNA sample from GA to put a stop to the DT tactics in regard to GA being the father of Caylee?

Done and dusted months ago - Lee also. Neither comes even close having DNA similar to Caylee's father. No way no how. See our Myth Buster's thread for the full story if you would like more information.:rocker:
The State has Caylee's DNA...can they compel a DNA sample from GA to put a stop to the DT tactics in regard to GA being the father of Caylee?

I thought that since it was proven that LA was not the father that this means that GA could not be the father either. Isn't that correct?
Done and dusted months ago - Lee also. Neither comes even close having DNA similar to Caylee's father. No way no how. See our Myth Buster's thread for the full story if you would like more information.:rocker:

Exactly. I believe this is nothing more than a last ditch DT effort (without any substantiation) for finding some mitigating circumstances (penalty phase) for their client who they must realize is going to be found guilty. :maddening:

Daisy, you make some good points. And you know what? Maybe it's all true. Maybe Lee did molest her and George too. AND she premeditated and killed her child.

I know many who post here were abused as children. I personally know several women who were sexually abused, two of them by their own fathers.
But none of them has ever killed anyone.

NOTHING can excuse ever what ICA did. NOTHING. Please don't think that it excuses what ICA did to her beautiful baby girl. I can't imagine anyone believing that.

Is it a bunch of carp made up to use as a mitigating factor? Don't know. I hope that it isn't because I want very badly to believe that someone was there for Caylee and it truly does look like George was that person.

I also don't know if it can be used as a successful mitigating factor? It sounds like they are trying to throw in everything but the kitchen sink as a mitigating factor. It makes the DT look disperate and willing to do anything, including telling lies, to get ICA LW/OP.

From the look of things I don't know how the DT is going to prove that ICA was abused and that her parents didn't protect her. The only argument I can see is that GA and CA didn't protect Caylee, was it history repeating itself?
CLEARWATER - Casey Anthony's defense team will likely blame the murder of Caylee Anthony on Casey's father George Anthony, legal analysts said Thursday.

Questions raised by the defense team Thursday morning indicated that they will say Casey Anthony covered up the murder, fearing retribution from her father after suffering years of abuse at his hands.


Looks like GA is going to be hit by the bus.

I posted this theory in the Defense Strategy thread in early March. People thought I was crazy. But if you look at all of the circumstantial evidence, George is the only Patsy that will work. Lee was out of town, Cindy was at work most of the time, and she has no motive. George can be painted as a child abuser and his weird behaviors only add to that suspicion. His temper tantrums and his lame suicide attempt were icing on the cake.
I dont remember reading a report excluding GA as being the father of Caylee.....i did read a report stating LA is not the father..... i also thought they took DNA from both GA and LA....

i maybe wrong here.......and im not suggesting GA is the father.....
Just wanted to share this. In regards to the sexual abuse brought up today, Dr. Drew has an interesting twist on this and Caylee's bio daddy. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/05/12/florida.casey.anthony/

Forgive me if this has been posted.

Interesting video by Dr. Drew P. So, he's saying, even if GA & LA weren't the abusers, if someone else in the family or close was, and Caylee was the product of that, Caylee may have been treated differently by ICA for that reason.

Well, if that's something the DT is going to throw out there at this late stage, they'd better provide the jury with DNA showing who the father is, for certain. I don't think they will do that. I don't think they can do that.

But interesting theory.
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