2011.05.11 Anthony Lawyer says legal action possible for accusing GA

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Well, KC would have to approve of her DT using that STORY, right?

Sooooo...George and Cindy. IF IF IF that's the story your dear daughter is going to use, whatcha gonna do?

Atty couldn't file unless they approved for him to do so. Well, what an interesting web

It seems obvious to me that KC has cut ties with her parents. I can understand not wanting to talk to them, but not even acknowledge them? That says to me she's cutting emotional ties due to something that's going to come out in trial. Nothing else makes sense to me.
wouldn't he go after the DT should they choose this defense, or would they strictly go after ICA? i am also suprised that this came out before trial, when no one under the sun knows what the defense is going to be.



My Bold
Including the defense.-
The defense is that there is no defense.
Casey cut ties with her parents ages ago, that's why no visits, no letters. Cindy's letters never mention hearing from Casey, she never said, "it was good hearing from you", or, "your letter arrived yesterday". Nothing. The letters were just Cindy's ramblings, no back and forth communication.

The writing on the wall has been getting darker and darker these past weeks/months, DT fingers pointing GA's way. I think what convinced them was Casey's refusal to see Cindy on Saturday. Although it puzzles me why CA dumped more money into KC's coffers. A bribe, maybe?

DT are struggling for options. KC sits back and lets everyone else scramble.
all this is so interesting because CA & GA aren't at jury selection (and perhaps they aren't allowed?)...They are a "punishing" family. I wonder if anyone will tell KC about what her parents attorney said. Looks like KC is estranged from Baez today too!
If the DT decide to go down this path, it's ridiculous. Neither George or Cindy has a motive for murdering Caylee. Only Casey does. The jury will see through this.
I do not like CA and GA. I think they are the dumbest parents on the face of the earth. They are rude, arrogant, cruel and spiteful people. However, I do not for one minute think they killed or had anything to do with Caylee's death.

I can't stand to watch how they worship at the altar of ICA. Their fawning and subservience nauseates me. They have no one to blame but themselves if ICA points the finger at them, they have laid down on the altar and offered themselves up to their god, who is their daughter, ICA. Their god has decided to sacrifice them. It is their punishment for calling the police and making this case go global. In their god's eyes it is a just punishment. ICA is not going down alone and if she has to suffer, then they do, too.

My only response to GA would be..but..but...you said you would do ANYTHING for your daughter?
Brad Conway was on JVM tonight saying his theory is that in opening statements JB is going to say that KC was so scared of her family that she just could not tell what happened. He didn't go into what he thought did cause Caylee's death though.
I think they are of the opinion that this rolling of the bus over GA is entirely JB's brainchild and ICA is just going along with it .... I bet once she is convicted and she turns around and sues JB she will say the same thing.
This is going to be the Anthony Saga. It will run as long as some soap operas have! I hope for their sakes all her Attys tape every conversation with her.

Before you know it one of them will be on Dancing With The Stars :crazy:
It seems obvious to me that KC has cut ties with her parents. I can understand not wanting to talk to them, but not even acknowledge them? That says to me she's cutting emotional ties due to something that's going to come out in trial. Nothing else makes sense to me.

Oh, I totally agree about KC cutting ties...I'm just wondering if it will be enough for GA and CA to finally come clean...KC soooo does not deserve their covering up for her anymore. Will it finally be enough????

I can't stand to watch how they worship at the altar of ICA. Their fawning and subservience nauseates me. They have no one to blame but themselves if ICA points the finger at them, they have laid down on the altar and offered themselves up to their god, who is their daughter, ICA. Their god has decided to sacrifice them. It is their punishment for calling the police and making this case go global. In their god's eyes it is a just punishment. ICA is not going down alone and if she has to suffer, then they do, too.

My only response to GA would be..but..but...you said you would do ANYTHING for your daughter?

Nah. It was that pesky 31 days thing that caused the case to go global.
I'm going to believe this attorney. I realize that I had become very cynical from watching the parade of ICA's defense team, coming and going (with their own baggage).
Casey cut ties with her parents ages ago, that's why no visits, no letters. Cindy's letters never mention hearing from Casey, she never said, "it was good hearing from you", or, "your letter arrived yesterday". Nothing. The letters were just Cindy's ramblings, no back and forth communication.

The writing on the wall has been getting darker and darker these past weeks/months, DT fingers pointing GA's way. I think what convinced them was Casey's refusal to see Cindy on Saturday. Although it puzzles me why CA dumped more money into KC's coffers. A bribe, maybe?

DT are struggling for options. KC sits back and lets everyone else scramble.

I can kind of understand CA putting money into KC's acct. Esp if they believe that everything is JB's fault. The refusal to see them, the possible blaming them. All JB's fault, their dau is just being naive. And their emotions are probably bouncing around too. KC did it, KC couldn't have done it. She is sick, there must have been some kind of accident... and on and on. So one minute they don't want to blame her, they want to blame everyone else. The rest of the time I think they blame her, but don't want to say so publicly. They also don't want to be the ones accusing her. And I think the worst is that even if they believe she was guilty, they don't want her to get the DP. Hence the bouncing around.
I mentioned a while ago I didnt think that George would be up for the bus running over him and im so glad he's not. Defense lawyers shouldnt be allowed to point the finger at anyone and get away with it imo it ruins life's. does it mean that they can say what the like about you because your not on trial isnt it defamation if you publicly blame/accuse someone for something they havent done someone please ?
I agree, Lippman is just firing a warning shot across the defenses bow that GA and CA will not play along with any such "the A's could have done it" schemes. It's not like they can actually sue anyone involved. KC? Sue her for what? They already have a ton more legitimate things to sue her over, like stolen money and wrongful death. But what could they possibly get out of it? She has less than nothing. And her defense lawyers are immune from civil suit for whatever they say or imply in court. The best Lippman could do is to file some sort of ethics complaint.
Nah. It was that pesky 31 days thing that caused the case to go global.

I agree with you. However, I don't think ICA sees it that way. I think ICA blames all the publicity she has received on her parents. She is wrong, but that is what she believes.
I look forward to hearing the excuses that the defense comes up with for why Casey didn't report her daughter missing or just how she got into the bag and laundry bag with duct tape. Whether they say someone came in and attacked Casey and Caylee in the home, accident, or possibly someone else killing her while Casey was napping. There's not much way they could get by with someone else killing, so I have always figured they'll prove how volatile and explosive George is, making Casey terrified of telling him. They may also say that she simply doesn't know what happened, and years of self protection from the rages of George, and ptsd made her into a liar and avoider of the truth.
The wheels on the bus go round and round all over the town.
I don't actually believe that CA and GA have a clue as to what really happened to Caylee, I don't think they knew she was dead or how. I don't ICA had any where near enough respect or trust in her parents to divulge anything incriminating. I do believe that CA and GA have twisted and stretched the information they do have to try and paint ICA as innocent of any crimes against Caylee, i don't think even a video of her killing Caylee would convince them of her guilt. But i just cannot imagine ICA admitting her guilt to anyone, especially them. I so hope that if they aren't truthful on that stand that are punished for it, and i pray to God that the defense cannot put a doubt into that jury's mind in regards to ICA's guilt, sorry just realised i am way OT. Sorry Mod's
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