2011.05.11 Anthony Lawyer says legal action possible for accusing GA

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Interesting video by Dr. Drew P. So, he's saying, even if GA & LA weren't the abusers, if someone else in the family or close was, and Caylee was the product of that, Caylee may have been treated differently by ICA for that reason.

Well, if that's something the DT is going to throw out there at this late stage, they'd better provide the jury with DNA showing who the father is, for certain. I don't think they will do that. I don't think they can do that.

But interesting theory.

I am sorry and please dont take offense..but I find this line of "Speculations and Suggestion" by the defense actually nauseating, hurtful, depsirate, and could be or end up to be legal grounds for suit....Geesh!!

This will be my first and last post on this topic as I personally find it distasteful and nasty..( course DT has done nothing but suggest wrong and hurtful suggestions)..course what else do they have??????????,,STILL!! NO ExCUSE!!

JB and whomever else goes along with this cra&&olla needs to get a life or get held responsible for "Defamation of Character"...Shame Shame Shame on JB et al~~:rage:
This will ruin George's & Lee's life forever. Can you imagine being labeled a "child molester" when you are truly innocent?

I'm sitting here thinking how this will impact their lives forever.

1) People will spit in their food at fast food restaurants
2) Even though your friends say they don't believe Casey, you will never be allowed to even look at your friend's kids without someone whisking them away- - Just to be safe.
3) When you're at Target or Walmart, you can't even walk by the kids's section in fear of someone screaming bloody murder
4) George will be labeled the neighborhood Chester, Chester, The Child Molester
5) Once Lee has a child, people will be calling CPS if he even holds his child the wrong way or uploads an iffy photo to Facebook.
6) In the near future, if another child comes up dead and molested, guess who is gonna be accused?

ICA is a complete sociopath. She cares only for herself.
I hope if Baez tries to implicate GA in any aspect of this trial "guilt phase or penalty phase ", for guilt of the crime, any abuses sexual, mental or otherwise, I hope GA unleashes a pack of Lawyer wolves on him that will rip him to shreds!
It's unbelieveable that Baez had to use a DT screening process for Jurors, to " get out Casey's story to the Media and what a huge STORY she is telling.
According to Casey everyone wants to have sex with her and abuses her. I guess we are to believe that Cindy and Lee, Grandma Shirley and all of the other extended family are guilty of these factors too? When is she going to make accusations against Mr. Baez and Mr. Mason and all of the Jailhouse employees?
She must think her name is Susan Smith and she is sooooo special that she can get out of the Death Penalty by claiming child abuse and other lies. Casey is not the abused ....she is the abuser.......JMO

You know,ICA didn't cry when AF gave this list to HH. She cries when the indictment is read,but doesn't seem upset while discussing her abuse at the hands of her family .Funny ,huh? :waitasec:
Now folks we know the EXACT reason ICA did NOT want her parents in the court room during trial!!! The DT is planning on using the sexual abuse BS as a factor in this case. Makes me want to puke!
I dont remember reading a report excluding GA as being the father of Caylee.....i did read a report stating LA is not the father..... i also thought they took DNA from both GA and LA....

i maybe wrong here.......and im not suggesting GA is the father.....

Lay persons who did not know how to read the DNA charts in the discovery could not see that the information about George was in there. Please read the following article which explains the results in plain English:

ITA, They are all in this together. This came out after potential jurors have been instructed not to read the papers. GA and CA are completely on board with this strategy. This is just a small attempt to save face in the public eye. In the eyes of the jurors, GA is willing to be a possible molester/murderer.

I've wondered the same thing, but it's difficult for me to get my head around ANYONE being willing to be accused of sexual molestation and/or murder just to save someone else. GA knows KCs penchant for lying, and I believe he knows she is a sociopath and narcissistic. I am more willing to believe that CA might be trying to manipulate GA into this.

While I'm at it, I don't buy into the statement that the A's are trying not to "lose their daughter." They really did lose Caylee, but KC may very well get LWOP. Granted, they'll have to drive to a prison somewhere in Florida for visitation, but at least KC would be alive. She will not be "lost" to them. KC stole Caylee from the world and left her to rot with duct tape over her mouth. Even if KC got the DP, it will take years and years to get there.
CLEARWATER - Casey Anthony's defense team will likely blame the murder of Caylee Anthony on Casey's father George Anthony, legal analysts said Thursday.

Questions raised by the defense team Thursday morning indicated that they will say Casey Anthony covered up the murder, fearing retribution from her father after suffering years of abuse at his hands.


Looks like GA is going to be hit by the bus.

Poor George, he will forever be the family joke.
The defense team just filed a motion to prevent either Cindy or George from trying to get visits with ICA.

It is on the Orange County Clerk site.
The atty. will be on Fox News this hour....Greta's show
The defense team just filed a motion to prevent either Cindy or George from trying to get visits with ICA.

It is on the Orange County Clerk site.
Finally the whole crew will be made accountable. ICA has thrown the guantlett. CA and GA's lawyers will have to strart working now. CA will slowly and surely learn to tow the line. I hope, at the very least, that she learns how to spit out her gum before she enters the courtroom.

I have this really disgusting feeling that CA has convinced GA to say he molested her when he is on the stand, so he can save her life. It would not be surprising to you guys if he did this, would it? I know there is all this talk about him suing them but I have this feeling its all just a way to throw more drama out there for the public. He may admit to molesting her, but never that he killed Caylee.
I have this really disgusting feeling that CA has convinced GA to say he molested her when he is on the stand, so he can save her life. It would not be surprising to you guys if he did this, would it? I know there is all this talk about him suing them but I have this feeling its all just a way to throw more drama out there for the public. He may admit to molesting her, but never that he killed Caylee.
If so, and he didn't molest her and he plays along, he deserves what he will get for covering his daughter's heinous crimes.


ETA - I think that ICA covered his gambling and possibly some sort of *advertiser censored* for his silence about not having a job.

Ah. Lovely family.
If so, and he didn't molest her and he plays along, he deserves what he will get for covering his daughter's heinous crimes.


CA could have munipulated him into lying and saying he did it, if it comes down to helping KC out, I think he will do it.. to save her life.. it makes me want to puke, but I seriously thing GA would do it to help her... That's why we will be shocked as Bozo says.. because GA is going to admit it on the stand.. blech!!!!
What are these people living on? Are any of them (apart from Lee) working?
Just watched their lawyer, Lippman...are they hiding behind him or sending him out on camera for them? Don't trust this bunch (however initially, after Andrea's "List" I wanted to feel bad for the A's...could have garnered some public sympathy in all of this, but....)
IF GA says he molested ICA will he then go to jail for child molestation????
I have this really disgusting feeling that CA has convinced GA to say he molested her when he is on the stand, so he can save her life. It would not be surprising to you guys if he did this, would it? I know there is all this talk about him suing them but I have this feeling its all just a way to throw more drama out there for the public. He may admit to molesting her, but never that he killed Caylee.

I have had the same disgusting feeling that he may do something desperate to save her life. What that is specifically, I have no idea. He is an ex-cop, and he admitted under oath that he would do anything to save his daughter AND he would agree not to show up in court if asked (or something to that effect)......

Additionally, I have also had the same "disgusting feeling" the minute I read/learned about GA's suicide attempt because for some unknown reason it didn't sit well with me at the time. I have remained silent until now but my intuition is kicking in and it seems like all of these are very real possibilities" on GA's part of how to "fix this problem". This is JMO ONLY.
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