2011.05.20 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eleven)

Anyone have the "links" for today's session? I am particular to the "akai" Windows video player site...I checked the other topic for Day 11, but it's not there either.... :(

O/T: Notice on the right sidebar who the advertiser is? JetBlue (bad corporate citizen!).
Morning :)

953pm my time, guess what movie is on the TV? Runaway Jury, I kid you not. :)


Oh, I hope this is a good omen.
UGH! GMA had Ashley Banfield on and she was saying that they don't have the jurors and that the trial is in jepoardy because too many people have heard about this case. Umm, HELLO???? We have 16, 16 jurors! Even with back strikes we have 12! Now it's just time to get the Alt's and Monday it is. I'm sooo sick of sensationalism.

NG is on right now talking.

It makes me so angry when the talking heads don't know the facts...I wish they would just shut up!:maddening:
It makes me so angry when the talking heads don't know the facts...I wish they would just shut up!:maddening:

The only redeeming factor was NG came on after AB and she did set the record straight, thankfully! I'm not a big fan of "the NG Infotainment show" but she does at least check facts when she is doing a spot on GMA :great:

I do hate that they are putting out sensational and wrong facts first though. :banghead:
It makes me so angry when the talking heads don't know the facts...I wish they would just shut up!:maddening:

Personally I'm getting tired of seeng LKB on HLN---sure she can't "afford" to be on the case anymore...but she sure as JJ:O can spin a tale with VP on HLN----:loser:

She is so very proud of that little statement that the inmate lied about Zanny----But made it more of a tease of JB opening statement--I swear you would have thought it was a movie premiere for that side....I wish they didin't view it as a game...She also went on about "winning" for them does equal inmate not getting DP....:loser:

oh yeah, she brought up Federal appeal should be in the works over Jury selection....yeah....:banghead:
Good Morning All!!:great: Wow - did I just read 'Beach say we could come in a swear today?? :rocker:

Wow, this is good news because sometimes I really feel like it - with the level of frustration that happens when the DT starts their whinging?

And I have a few choice words I can think of - so nice to hear the mods have relaxed the rules for today, cause T/O's have been known to be handed out around here for that ...heh heh.....

LG looks at clock, yawns and wanders off to get her first cup of coffee at 4:50am her time...



Read again after you've had your first cup of java, LG. :therethere:
something must be going on with my PC went to that site and Firefox locked up

Really? I don't use Firefox-I use IE and haven't had a problem!:waitasec:
Good Morning Everyone.

While I would love to think we are getting a sworn jury today I am a bit nervous. Thinking that both the DT and prosecution will use strikes. Know the DT has only one and State 3 remaining and I foresee a juggling match on a couple of jurors. Thinking it will be close.

One other thought anyone know who has reigned in CA and GA? Each day I expect them to pop up in the courtroom and cause a disturbance.

Knowing that we all expect ICA to throw them under the bus it still surprises me each and everyday they have not shown up to the proceedings. Anyone else?
It makes me so angry when the talking heads don't know the facts...I wish they would just shut up!:maddening:
Yeah that attorney who use to be on ICA case was on JVM show last night and she was adamant that the jury selection is a very good appellate issue and will cause this case to be reversed and will have to be retried.
something must be going on with my PC went to that site and Firefox locked up

Thats what I get to live with anytime I want to go to facebook or Youtube....they are permanetly blocked in our house.....It is a sad life/day---I really want facebook back.....but that darn firewall.....
Yeah that attorney who use to be on ICA case was on JVM show last night and she was adamant that the jury selection is a very good appellate issue and will cause this case to be reversed and will have to be retried.

Saw that and on an earlier show I caught where she thought the judge was doing a good job and all was ok. :sick:
Huge thank you to everyone who takes notes, posts screen caps, live feeds etc and an even bigger thank you for your wit and insightful comments. RL has me swamped with the school year coming to a close that this jury selection has been my prep for trial and I soon realized without you all i'd be doomed and so unable to keep up.

Just wanted to express my gratitude to you all this morning, on this momentous "swearing day"

Justice for Caylee!!!
The only redeeming factor was NG came on after AB and she did set the record straight, thankfully! I'm not a big fan of "the NG Infotainment show" but she does at least check facts when she is doing a spot on GMA :great:

I do hate that they are putting out sensational and wrong facts first though. :banghead:

There was so much misinformation during the Scott Peterson trial as well. The talking heads got it wrong so many time I wondered if we were watching the same trial.

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