2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Morning Session) **READ FIRST POST PLEASE**

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Has there been ANYone that testified that she didn't shake her head no to? So literally EVERYONE ELSE is lying but not the person whose own lawyer says she learned to lie from 8 years old?? Oh, ok. Now I get it.

No objections, received into evidence . . .publish to the jury
JA: please refer to diagram . . .shed far bottom right corner of diagram . . . item top says playhouse, above ground pool, sheds . . . enclosed screen patio.
GA: I found lock broken off of shed, right side door, rubbermade is brand, small masterkey type lock, shed had 2 eyelit plastic pieces broken, opened shed looked to right, lock was inside of the shed . . .thought unusual, lawnmower, edger, blower, were there only the gas cans missing. . . wondered why just take gas cans when other things were more valuable . . . thought I would call make a report to LE . . . called OCSO around 10:30 am, within 10 minutes of making report, 1 deputy came to front curb area. Filled out report, signed it, described gas cans . . maybe $50. He said he would make report and have it available. Deputy there 5 - 10 minutes, left paperwork documenting report. . . put yard work on hold . . .bought 2 more plastic gas cans and notified the Burner's (neighbor), did not get my lawn mowed that day. Between 6/16 through 6/24 I can't remember seeing kc come back to house at all. I saw kc on 24th around 2:00 pm afternoon, normally would have been leaving for work 2:00 - 2:15pm, my interview was not until 6:00 pm that night. Just had come home from depositing a check @ bank, trying to feel @ ease for next couple hours, in living room. After being home just few min. heard garage door coming up, my car was in garage, I was concerned I knew my wife was working (just saw her previously). First saw kc near the front door area, little hallway comes through from garage, . . .I was happy to see her, she was surprised to see me, she said Dad I only have 10 min gotta go to work, where is Caylee, she was a little evasive of me . . rushing to get clothes to go to work. I have felt on different occassions gas cans, gas had been used . . .it doesn't evaporate that quickly, I did ask kc about it. . . . she said Dad I dont know what your are talking about . .. I saw indication on her car (in the past) spill marks on her sunfire, I thought she had taken the gas . .. I just wanted to conduct my own little investigation .. question her . . . planning to change oil on my wife's car . . . inside kc's car little metal triangles to keep cars from sliding . . . kc I want that out of your car. . . I had key to her car . . . little talk back & forth . . cordial and very nice . . .kc brushes by very quickly, she nearly runs to back of her car . . . funny time between her and I . . .kc opens the trunk . . here's your "F'ing" gas cans . .. I didn't know what to say . . . she said Dad, I needed them, I run low on fuel . . .I don't have money . .. whatever the reason. . . we will talk later .. .I was mortified . . . I know in past they had been missing or used . . . I was a little annoyed . . . her car was parked in middle of drive itself. . . never had a chance to look in trunk .. . only smell I had was smell of gas . . . .she abruptly got into her car . . backed out of driveway . . .I told her I made a report to LE, she said Mom knows about it. . . .I called CA briefly . . . I told CA about the breakin.

I find the whole reporting the gas can stolen and the fact he was a cop and he went to tell the neighbor suspect.

having a 20 year old , when stuff happens she is the very first person I question. Door broken on garage ,check, odd window open for no reason ,check , gas can missing check, air tank gone ,check.

Active young people do random things and I am sure they were not that out of touch. Plus they also had Lee, I have no doubt when the dish washer powder turns up missing they dont have a clue. My dishes are always disapearing and she lives at home ,yet she has to take my pots and pans somewhere.

Maybe it is just because my dad was super strict, or maybe it is because I know what one of those sheds cost and how much it costs to have a new door sent out, but I totally can see them reporting the theft. But, I have always thought that the fact that the gas cans were the only thing missing, they had to have known it was her. This was, of course, before finding out she actually broke the shed. My father would have reported it if he thought that it was me to teach me a lesson.

ETA: My dad would have given me the gas if I asked, but if I broke his shed and stole it, he would have reported it.
You are Caylees sunshine. Let the truth shine through George!!!!
Idiot Blogger here, sending you all my best wishes and strength!!
I wish they would stick with the no facial expression rule...I'm tired of her mouthing stuff..like she has been wronged.
Wait...he is now saying he placed the tape on the metal gas can? I thought he previously said he didn't?

I find the whole reporting the gas can stolen and the fact he was a cop and he went to tell the neighbor suspect.

having a 20 year old , when stuff happens she is the very first person I question. Door broken on garage ,check, odd window open for no reason ,check , gas can missing check, air tank gone ,check.

Active young people do random things and I am sure they were not that out of touch. Plus they also had Lee, I have no doubt when the dish washer powder turns up missing they dont have a clue. My dishes are always disapearing and she lives at home ,yet she has to take my pots and pans somewhere.

I don't think this is hinky at all. The lock was broken on the shed. Casey had not been staying there. If I came home and there was a broken lock I would call LE too, kids or no.
JB's turn. He asks for recess.

15 minute recess.
Cross exam...no am recess as requested by yours truly JB
His testimony that when he saw her he asked where Caylee was is very believable and puts the lie to she drowned in the pool the prior week.
Yes! He is coming off very badly in my opinion. He is giving me the creeps and I cannot imagine the impression he is leaving with the jury. Very risky for the state.

He is just tellinjg the truth.... whats he suppose to do, help her walk ?
JB cross examine. and the DT requests a morning recess at this time.
Why am I getting emotional? :waitasec:
This is almost as bad as me crying when the jury was sworn in :floorlaugh:

I have no idea what anyone else has commented on cuz I cannot keep up with the postings, but I think George has had a huge epiphany!
When you look back at GAs demeanor over the course of the past 3 years in all the myriad situations we've seen him in and compare it to now - WOW what a HUGE about face !!!

In the past he did everything in his power to be evasive, to support his daughter, to ignore that she ever did anything wrong, to try and excuse those things that couldn't be ignored.............now he is being the straight shooter and trying his dead level best to be as accurate as he can in regard to the exchanges he had with ICA. He isn't evading any longer, he isn't making excuses any longer and it appears to me he is resigned to the fact that he has no other choice but deal with the actual facts of what happened.

My opinion of him hasn't changed at all, I am just seeing a very different GA than I think we've seen in the past.

What ya'll think?

Holy Carp - RECESS already?
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