2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

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before i go off to bed, i just want to point out how NO ONE is talking about Dr.Bock.

We don't even have a current thread on her....
She bored me to tears and was completely lacking any sort of credibility. Ja's shock at her suggestion of DOGS burying the bones made me laugh out loud like this.. HAHAHAHAHA
please try not to worry. The th's love to stir up all kinds of reasonable doubt inuendos and insinuations that she might get an acquittal. All to drum up ratings. Have faith!

ita !
This is a serious question....can someone please tell me what Baez spent $200,000 on?
AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!


IMO - Er - Umm - No! They have been able to watch that cold empty face six days a week, they've watched her laugh inappropriately, flirt with her attorneys, make her very best effort to cry when she thought she should be doing that. And best of all, they know she did nothing to help her child, did nothing but party and shag around for 31 days before CA caught up with her. The jury feel sorry for her? Not a chance.
I hope not...cause it seems that Baz's "performances" are one huge (ugly) distraction.
The benefit of reading backwards...omg...just way too funny. I think RH has missed his calling.

Sure - he could go out on the road, especially if he takes Cecybeans as his sidekick. C's comeback, a classic, was even funnier!
AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!

Ok..I actually went to work today...but fortunately have XM radio in the car so I get to hear bits and pieces running from client to client. Thankfully my work day ends before 5. I'm praying I'll be on break when the verdict is announced. :)
But to answer your question...no I don't have a life because my thoughts are always of Caylee and you guys here. (much to my family's chagrin!)
This is a serious question....can someone please tell me what Baez spent $200,000 on?

I think he had a big ole pile-a-bills. Plus a PO'd ex-wife, plus maybe some back child support, plus almost or did loose his home. Bankruptcy level probs. And now, a new wife with baby on the way. He's a guy so he may have a new car.

Please try not to worry. The TH's love to stir up all kinds of reasonable doubt inuendos and insinuations that she might get an acquittal. All to drum up ratings. Have faith!

Chatter of acquittal? That's coming from Linda Baden Kennedy who has hit the HLN media circuit. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic! The Defence has been eviscerated on every day they have been up. Not just mildly raised doubt - but humiliated! Apparently none of the HLN hosts have actually been watching the trial.

I have to admit I felt a frisson of fear tonight listening to Bill S. He said the spectre of incompetent counsel was definitely raised today when Baez admitted in court that he had not done an examination of the computer or IM's for the 14th - 17th of July. Hugely damning for a "Lead Attorney". He thinks there may very well be a successful appeal and we may see a new trial in 3 - 5 years. Ouch!
This is a serious question....can someone please tell me what Baez spent $200,000 on?

Seriously, I have no idea,but I hope there is an inquiry into it .
The experts and other lawyers were almost all pro bono until ICA was declared indigent.
I would bet big bucks that ,after ICA is convicted, her NEW lawyer will be filing some issues over the money .
I hope not...cause it seems that Baz's "performances" are one huge (ugly) distraction.

Remember the - what is it by now - hundreds of sidebars? Guess who the jury is looking at. And when Baez gets in to his droning on and on with his cross and witnesses in no apparent logical way, the tweets are saying the jury watches ICA, among other things. Also, when a witness says something supposively relevant to Caylee - they look for her reaction - which of course isn't usually what is expected. I think they have her number.

Also Bill S. said in one his videos that it was clear the jury did not "like" her, or view her as a "sympathetic" defendant. Magpie has said the same thing in her summaries/tweets.
Chatter of acquittal? That's coming from Linda Baden Kennedy who has hit the HLN media circuit. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic! The Defence has been eviscerated on every day they have been up. Not just mildly raised doubt - but humiliated! Apparently none of the HLN hosts have actually been watching the trial.

I have to admit I felt a frisson of fear tonight listening to Bill S. He said the spectre of incompetent counsel was definitely raised today when Baez admitted in court that he had not done an examination of the computer or IM's for the 14th - 17th of July. Hugely damning for a "Lead Attorney". He thinks there may very well be a successful appeal and we may see a new trial in 3 - 5 years. Ouch!


Hopefully we will all be 3 -5 years out of rehab for our WS addiction and it will not impact us . :innocent:

I think they looked at the hard drive for those dates,though.
I think he had a big ole pile-a-bills. Plus a PO'd ex-wife, plus maybe some back child support, plus almost or did loose his home. Bankruptcy level probs. And now, a new wife with baby on the way. He's a guy so he may have a new car.

That's what I don't get...he has that kinda money AND his house goes into foreclosure (at least on of them).
Strange! Please link to *chatter on acquittal*. TIA.

Sigh - the Headliner on Joy Behar show tonight was on the possibility of acquittal. Can you guess who was one of the primary guests? :banghead: :banghead: Such nonsense - these talking heads have no shame.
Remember the - what is it by now - hundreds of sidebars? Guess who the jury is looking at. And when Baez gets in to his droning on and on with his cross and witnesses in no apparent logical way, the tweets are saying the jury watches ICA, among other things. Also, when a witness says something supposively relevant to Caylee - they look for her reaction - which of course isn't usually what is expected. I think they have her number.

Also Bill S. said in one his videos that it was clear the jury did not "like" her, or view her as a "sympathetic" defendant. Magpie has said the same thing in her summaries/tweets.
Bless you for reassuring me!
AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!


LOL ! I have my 11" MacBook Air and a Verizon Hot spot so I have access everywhere! No full time job,just kids. I also have RA and the meds are fierce so this is a good distraction . Hard to sleep,too.:crazy:

I should add ,I have a lot of household help and a very indulgent husband .He Rocks! (cooks,too)
Sigh - the Headliner on Joy Behar show tonight was on the possibility of acquittal. Can you guess who was one of the primary guests? :banghead: :banghead: Such nonsense - these talking heads have no shame.
She also skimmed right over why she left the team. I don't want to fault her for not going to personal expense to fly down there (heck, if she planned it right she could have gotten RT air for under $150...coach, of course).
...and I've often wondered if she owns any property in Florida.

Hopefully we will all be 3 -5 years out of rehab for our WS addiction and it will not impact us . :innocent:

I think they looked at the hard drive for those dates,though.

Apparently they haven't. That's what Baez was complaining about today in court with his hundreds of phone books nonsense. And LDB said she has information from the morning of the 16th (the time frame that GA was home) that makes the possible of the accident defence impossible. (eg, ICA's IM's asking "what's up Dude?" etc.)

The complaint Baez was making about the SA's late discover with the computer CD's made it obvious - he wanted to know what he was supposed to do with it, or find anything at this late date, when he'd released his computer people. He didn't realize it was a copy of what he was given over two years ago.

So we know the prosecution has - but the Defence......:loser:
She also skimmed right over why she left the team. I don't want to fault her for not going to personal expense to fly down there (heck, if she planned it right she could have gotten RT air for under $150...coach, of course).
...and I've often wondered if she owns any property in Florida.
Also,she could be sitting in Orlando working pro bono instead of hitting all of theses shows.
She also skimmed right over why she left the team. I don't want to fault her for not going to personal expense to fly down there (heck, if she planned it right she could have gotten RT air for under $150...coach, of course).
...and I've often wondered if she owns any property in Florida.

She did admit on one of the clips I heard as I was fritzing around tonight that ICA was declared indigent so she wouldn't be paid. That little admission shocked me, coming from her.
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