2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Craig the local (Florida) reporter for Fox said he was getting calls in the middle of the night asking if Casey was with Geraldo. Geraldo made a joke about his wife and said he understands her location is not that dramatic. (so she is still in FLA MOO). Craig kinda half kidding said I told them not to my knowledge she isn't with you, is she?
I am still thinking about GR question "how is she" and JBs response "I am not a therapist" Certainly not a resounding "she is all right considering..." Bet it is not a picnic being with her right now.
She's probably been playing her fake tears all day for her BFF!
He did sound extra stammer-stuttery even for Baez, didn't he? It's probably just beginning to dawn on him... 'what the hell have I gotten myself into?!' Oh well, that's what happens when you see your soul to the Devil.

Poor Geraldo. He's just trying so hard to rehabilitate ICA for his buddy, the 'brilliant' lawyer.

This Al Taylor dude said he has a verbal agreement with Baez and will sue if he renigs. Add another to the top of the pile.

As for hearing the 'real' story from ICA, she had her chance to tell it in court. Now it just doesn't matter. Period - End.

No way could she tell the real story in court LOL. That would have given her the ol' Death Penalty. Best to lie in court, and now your out, you can sing like a bird...
I'm telling you I give Baez one week with Casey and he is going to be giving the Anthonys money to take her back.
She's in Orlando, probably with Baez.
Watch her Mrs Baez....

Last night I asked if someone in the Orlando area would go knock on CM's office door & ask if Casey's there.

Nobody did.

So here's a new request: Could someone go to JB' home, knock on door
& ask Mrs JB what she thinks of her husband & Casey spending time together.

Thank you in advance.
Did the defense attorney on Geraldo's panel say "She's (Zenaida) a nobody!" Dayum!
I am still thinking about GR question "how is she" and JBs response "I am not a therapist" Certainly not a resounding "she is all right considering..." Bet it is not a picnic being with her right now.
LOL. I bet JB is thinking "I'm not a therapist but I sure wish we had one right now. This chick in nuts!"
Can't resist on the "motel 6" comment:

GR: and for the record? Are you an attorney?

JB: I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.....so um, well ya know?


I am still thinking about GR question "how is she" and JBs response "I am not a therapist" Certainly not a resounding "she is all right considering..." Bet it is not a picnic being with her right now.

JB sounded emotionally and physically drained.
Well if JB is on a yacht with her he has to be close. Wonder if he will show up for work tomorrow.
My home does not have a landline, hasn't for 3 yrs. We use cell phones, live in a rural area and have satellite tv and internet.
There are many including the young Morgan who said they never saw her leave the office bldg of Mason last night.
When we come back Dr Stone can she be healed...very unlikely....well there’s the answer before we go to commercial
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