A word of caution - Take a breather or 4

In the begining of all this I wasn't joking. I really did not sleep, eat, bathe for days. For a week I ate pretty much Ramen noodles every meal. I finally found a balance. My greatest fear though is I will get on with my life and I will forget. I don't want to forget this little girl, she deserves more.
Alrighty then, I needed that, in the worst way!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hubby is so excited, good-bye everyone I'll see y'all 2morrow after I get my house work done..... every now & then I need 2 be snapped back 2 reality
Best Post Yet! mom, is that you???? LOL

I think most of us that post things about our lives being neglected are just joking 90%
of the time.......................goodbye again..... Im logging off, I swear!
I can't speak for anyone else here but I know that I didn't get as much done this week as I should have because of this case BUT I enjoy this and I think that everyone else does too or we wouldn't be here. I do get bored with it at times though - like on the weekends when nothing much is happening and Nancy Grace isn't on.

Thanks for caring!
I took a lot of the posters' remarks about not cleaning or whatever as sort of exaggerated on the joking thread. The internet can be addicting in general though whether it's a crime forum or chat room. Every big crime in the media has people trying to figure it out or find clues online, so that's nothing new that I can see.

I was about to write the same thing. :) That's how it is around here.

Most people here are not protesting outside the house, or getting into police business. Most of us are just discussing the case.

This is how it goes with a big case like this. Eventually things will calm down, something will hopefully be resolved, and people will be less obsessed. Concern goes up exponentially when a child is involved and people have trouble forgetting about it when they go about their daily lives.
I think people are responsible. They feel strongly about this case, and this is a good place to talk about it. People may make a joke or two about housework and so on, but really, I think posters in general know to attend to their real lives.
It's actually about being a voice for a two year old who wasn't even reported "missing" for weeks. It's good that folks care. I would hate to think that the way Caylee was treated was an acceptable norm. It's absolutely not acceptable in any way.
This case has so many facets that it is easy to become intensely involved in just reading or downright sleuthing! I need to budget my time spent here, and I appreciate the reminder.

I decided to step back from this case myself. I checked in early this morning and there wasn't any news and I am just checking in at 3:15 now. I am beginning to feel there will be no justice for Caylee and it will be a long time, if ever that LE arrests Casey for the murder she should be arrested for. I can't see that they will get any more info than they already have and apparently it isn't enough to get a conviction. Very sad. I am going to have to step away and let God handle it since there is nothing I can do. I will check in every day just so I don't miss anything important but already the national news have given up on this case (thank heavens for Nancy Grace!) but I fear if LE doesn't do something soon that even she will move on as the story is growing old now with nothing else to learn (except the truth! and that will never happen).
Very well stated!!!!

I spend many hours home & would love to spend more time on here ion this case. But I have my own life too. Last couple of wks my life has kept me away from here. :clap:

Amazing this case is always here when I check back in & rarely any change.......
I think that's VERY WISE advice!! :blowkiss:

The perp of this crime is NOT going anywhere. The police dept and the FBI are 'on' it; they've got it covered. There is nothing for anyone to *do.* There will be justice in the end--perhaps not the kind of justice each individual might personally like, but justice nonetheless.

There are LOTS of ways to channel your emotions and grief in positive/productive ways that will actually HELP others. If you find yourself outraged and don't have a way to assuage yourself then volunteer to make a difference ... somewhere/anywhere is something you can do! It doesn't even have to relate to the Caylee case.

Remember, there are still HUNDREDS of missing kids out there in the world, not to mention many unsolved crimes. If this case is taking all of your time and emotion, then perhaps it would be wise to disengage here and diversify your energies elsewhere.

You can volunteer for one of the outreach programs in your area...or raise money and send it to TES or Klaas Kids or the various K9 search & recovery organizations, or any of the legitimate foundations devoted to finding missing kids out there. Or volunteer at your local women's shelter. Cook some meals for some elderly folks who need some assistance in your area. Help walk some dogs at your local animal shelter. Your positive energy makes a difference whenever you reach out. There will always be more need than you'll have hours to devote.

I think this is important for all of us to think about.
I understand how people can get so involved in this case, especially people with children of their own. I personally look at my little boy and think why would anyone ever in a million years want to hurt someone that was once part of their own flesh? I look into his trusting eyes and can't fathom how anyone could ever hurt a child....That's the aspect that I think gets alot of people. We all look at Caylees face, her trusting eyes...We see her innocence...How could someone put on this earth to protect that child with every fiber of her being ever hurt her??? That's the question in my mind....but I agree, I have to step away from time to time...Otherwise I think I would become obsessed....We all want justice for this little girl...I see amazing posts on here everyday, I rarely post....But when I do, it's something I feel strongly about.
Being too caught up in things can make it hard to function effectively at sleuthing, too, so it is important to maintain balance in your lives. That saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees, so true.
I posted this as an aid to someone on a post where they mentioned they were loosing contact with their family and friends and neglecting their housework etc etc. Please, everyone, listen to my comments and consider you have no obligation here to do anything you are not responible for finding Caylee or bringing her justice at all. Helping someone is a wonderful experience and it feels great to aid esspecially in this effort with the dissapearance of this little girl but it seems many many people helping in this effort are getting way way to close and taking on way way to much burden and are beggining to neglect their own lives. Not just the person I posted the following comments to but others as well and not just people here, the protestors as well. Please take time off of this if you feel so heavily burduned and are finding out your children are now fully grown and have their own children! Levity... We may fail at providing the proper justice this is a fact we need to understand or it will tear us apart inside while trying to help resolve this case.

This is what I said about this originally to another poster here:

Honestly, you and for that matter none of us need to "figure this out" It sounds like it is time to step back and walk away from this for a week. Many Many people I have begun to notice are taking this on as a personal crusade that they refuse to fail at. The ultimate job is in the hands of the police. Do research in your "spare" time. Take care of your other aspects of your life full time.

This is honest and serious advice I give not just to you but to anyone and everyone that feels this way. Including the protestors. People are getting too close to the case, a policeman getting this close would have been pulled off the case under these conditions, consider that as you breach the line between assisting people with information and getting your self so involved you feel you have begun to take the burden on all by yourself and nobody is there helping. Nobody outside of the police department should feel 100% or even 5% of the burden here, and even a police officer would be removed if he got that involved, so if you feel that way please I caution everyone to step back.

wise, indeed. i think this every time i see someone say this is the 8th night they forgot to cook dinner, or that their kids and husbands/so's are starting to miss them and complain.

i'm sure some of it is just joking, but some of it...not so much.

no one should be neglecting their own duties for this case. if you're leaving your children behind for this purpose, it's just hypocritical.

we all want caylee found, but it doesn't make much sense to lose our own lives in the process.
I am devoted to finding Caylee and I believe it is a worthwhile cause. I will not step back or away or around, but will "pound the pavement" (so to speak) at every opportunity to discover the clue that helps to solve this. I will examine the evidence in the middle of the night. I will catch up on the threads in my spare moments here and there. I will keep up with the news and hope and pray without ceasing that there will be justice for Caylee...if she were my own sweet granddaughter I would HOPE that there would be others who would sacrifice from their time to devote to MY cause...Addicted? No-dedicated until the grand finale.
Funny you should post this today. I just returned from the e.r. because of severe migraine headache that I've had for 5 days. It finally took a dose of morphine to get some relief. Was discussing this case with the nurse who admitted that she's addicted to it as well and has to watch NG every night for updates.

This has really gotten to all of us and we all just feel helpless. It's very frustrating, but you're right, sometimes you need to take a step away from it for a while.
I am devoted to finding Caylee and I believe it is a worthwhile cause. I will not step back or away or around, but will "pound the pavement" (so to speak) at every opportunity to discover the clue that helps to solve this. I will examine the evidence in the middle of the night. I will catch up on the threads in my spare moments here and there. I will keep up with the news and hope and pray without ceasing that there will be justice for Caylee...if she were my own sweet granddaughter I would HOPE that there would be others who would sacrifice from their time to devote to MY cause...Addicted? No-dedicated until the grand finale.

i think the way you're approaching it is different the original poster was talking about.

you don't seem to be doing it at the expense of other things in your life that should be more important, so it's a little different.

i don't have kids and i don't have to work; much of my time is spent here, as this is what i prefer to do, but nothing is suffering as a result of it. sounds like you're in the same boat in that you're not neglecting things to do caylee research instead.
Well, I may put a thing off for a few hours or a day even, that is not a life and death issue, like putting away a load of laundry or something trivial, but I won't make my family go without dinner (if I am totally immersed there are LOTS of things to eat that do not require MUCH in the way of preparation...but what I am saying is that I will sacrifice my time, my thoughts, my efforts and my deepest prayers if there is even a tiny chance that it will help bring justice for Caylee...She has become a chant in my mind as I pass over in to sleep and a worry in my heart when I awaken. I think that I could no more walk away from Caylee at this point then I could walk away from one of my own...
I think the original post were wise words and everyone should heed them. I check in on these boards two or three times a day, for maybe an hour or less. The rest of the time I'm doing what needs to be done. I'm sure there are those who feel especially drawn to it because of their own kids or grandkids. But there are other missing people out there, some of them kids, who haven't got anything like the publicity this case has. That is sad, indeed. I have no idea why some cases pull us in and others don't.
I'm sure that most posters here are joking when they say their family is suffering because of their devotion to this case. For the record, I don't sit and watch the webcam all day, either.
I am devoted to finding Caylee and I believe it is a worthwhile cause. I will not step back or away or around, but will "pound the pavement" (so to speak) at every opportunity to discover the clue that helps to solve this. I will examine the evidence in the middle of the night. I will catch up on the threads in my spare moments here and there. I will keep up with the news and hope and pray without ceasing that there will be justice for Caylee...if she were my own sweet granddaughter I would HOPE that there would be others who would sacrifice from their time to devote to MY cause...Addicted? No-dedicated until the grand finale.

A two hr break to watch a movie with your family is all. To work hard finding Caylee is awesome, but many here have children of our own that need our attention too.

Spending hours and hours on this case is what most of us are doing but the original post was just reminding us to take a break every now and then and spend time with our own families.

It's healthy and necessary.
Well, I may put a thing off for a few hours or a day even, that is not a life and death issue, like putting away a load of laundry or something trivial, but I won't make my family go without dinner (if I am totally immersed there are LOTS of things to eat that do not require MUCH in the way of preparation...but what I am saying is that I will sacrifice my time, my thoughts, my efforts and my deepest prayers if there is even a tiny chance that it will help bring justice for Caylee...She has become a chant in my mind as I pass over in to sleep and a worry in my heart when I awaken. I think that I could no more walk away from Caylee at this point then I could walk away from one of my own...
What beautiful sentiments you have expressed! Just be sure to take care of yourself as well. :blowkiss:

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