GUILTY AL - Savannah Hardin, 9, forced to run til she died, Etowah Co., 17 Feb 2012

Oh my gosh!

Running for 3 HOURS with NO WATER!!??!!?!!!?

Poor baby. Poor poor baby!

My heart bleeds.
I'm not sure where the line exactly is between ignorance and evil, I'll leave that to the philosophers. However, I am sure when I read stories like this that there is some blurring of the two across that line.

RIP Savannah.
I'm not sure where the line exactly is between ignorance and evil, I'll leave that to the philosophers. However, I am sure when I read stories like this that there is some blurring of the two across that line.

RIP Savannah.

And the arrested stepmom is pregnant. So, I'm hoping that baby will be placed with someone who will love him/her.

So sorry Savannah.
Reminds me of something Hawthorne wrote (in "Young Goodman Brown"):

Unfathomable to mere mortals is the lore of fiends.

Photo from your link...


Such a beautiful girl.
Evil humans just continue to crop up in the news nowadays. A piece of candy, a popsicle, WTH is it with the pyschotic reactions to a child having a indulged in a sweet treat without permission. There has to be a trigger somewhere.... Another child, "punished to death", this time over a piece of chocolate. Poor innocent little girl. Hope these two "executioners" get punished to the full extent of the law.
Cannot even process....3 hours no water....what is going on with these people? I have a naturally high heart rate and when I run my rate shoots up to the 170s. It is a miserable feeling. I just keep being surprised at the lengths people will take evil. Unbelievable. Just no words.
I just saw on my local news that the stepmother gave birth.

I will see if I can dig up a link.
How could anyone be so cruel to a young child? Running for hours without water for something as trivial as eating some candy and lying about it to avoid getting in trouble. Why couldn't the poor girl have a little bit of candy? It wasn't that big of an offense. Those adults are just plain crazy! I hope they are punished severely and that the baby is taken away from the stepmother.
The trailer where Savannah lived was surrounded by a wooden fence, playground equipment and toys. Neighbors say they never saw children playing in the yard. Her father, Robert Hardin, was filing for divorce, but neighbors said they saw him there with the kids at times.

Court records show that Robert Hardin filed for divorce in August of 2010. In his complaint, he asserted his wife was bi-polar and had alcoholic tendencies. He accused her of previously having run off with the couple's own child.

In her response, Jessica denied all of Robert's allegations.
Five months after filing for divorce, the two asked a judge to dismiss their case.
Savannah's desk has been turned into a memorial, placed in the school lobby where children have written Savannah messages and left hand-drawn pictures for her.

Savannah's teacher Mrs. Fox didn't want to go on camera but she did show FOX6 some of Savannah's work. She said that Savannah was a wonderful, happy student who had a love for horses.

"Her daddy called her princess. Every day she would come in the school and just be a little light. Every day she would always say, 'Hello Mrs. Johnson you look beautiful today.' She would always say, 'Yes ma'am, no ma'am. Can you do this for me. Yes ma'am, no ma'am.' Always respected authority," Johnson said.

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