All Things Heath Ledger - Thread No. 2

fake caller.
A cruel prankster pretending to be Heath Ledger's father has been caught on tape making a phone call to a US television station.
The same caller is believed to have contacted a number of A-list actors including Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Mel Gibson in the week after Ledger's death.
Meanwhile, Ledger's father Kim visited the apartment where his son died today.
Mr Ledger travelled to the apartment in an SUV that backed right up to its back door to give the grieving father as much privacy as possible/

Heaths dad is still in the States:confused: ...maybe your theory about Heath being buried there is not an impossibility kazz.

Oh Geez!:( I hope they find this caller. Wonder how he got Tom Cruise's phone #.
Jilly, you're brilliant! :blowkiss: But I bet you already knew that.

Awwww strach!::blushing: Good to see you!:blowkiss: Just trying to figure out this seemingly unnecessary and senseless tragedy. It's just heart breaking.
Danger Signs:,2933,326668,00.html

Heath Ledger's abuse of heroin, cocaine and pills forced his ex-fiancee Michelle Williams to drive him to rehab in 2006, but he didn't want to go, Us Weekly reports.

For three years, Williams was a firsthand witness to the actor's use of alcohol and drugs, including cocaine, heroin and "a variety of pills," a Ledger confidant reportedly told the magazine.
Thanks for the links Mrs Mush and Jules! More complications....

From my link above:

kidney disease;
liver disease;
lung disease such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
history of depression, mental illness, or suicidal thoughts; or a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

If you have any of these conditions, you may not be able to use zolpidem, or you may need a dosage adjustment or special tests during treatment.
Heath Ledger's battle with alcohol and drugs was so harmful to his relationship with Michelle Williams that she tried to get him to enter rehab, Us Weekly reports in its latest issue, on newsstands now.
Thanks, Jules. This confirms what Masterj said in her early posts on Heath. I know that it must be heartbreaking to Michelle, to know that Heath's addictions may have done him in. I am sure that he loved his daughter and would have wanted to be active in her life.
Perez Hilton's site is alleging that one of the entertainment shows has a video of Heath at a party doing drugs where he talks about Michelle being mad at him and talks about his daughter. Perez is claiming they are going to air it. What is the point of airing such a video? He struggled with drugs like so many other people in the world. Showing a video like this is cruel and unnecessary. Imagine how his family will feel watching this. :furious:
What is the point of airing such a video?

What is the point? Money.

Idiots who like to see something like this will flock in droves to the website, thus fueling any advertisements Perez might have on his site.

He's also supplying a demand. There are plenty of people who like to revel in the downfall of someone rich and famous.

We as a society love to build someone up, but even moreso we love to tear them back down.
What is the point? Money. ...

Exactly - and they get so much money because the demand to see it is so great across the world. Most of us are interested in people's feet of clay and people's naughty behavior. I know I am. I can never get too angry at broadcasts like this because I am one of the reasons there are broadcasts like this.

There have been lots of terrific tributes to Ledger as an actor and a person and I believe there will continue to be these things. So what is inherently wrong with also showing the other side? He was a man who struggled with demons even as he touched greatness. So are we all a sum of our good choices and our bad.

I'm no more offended to see and hear about his struggles with addiction than I am to see and hear about his triumphs with acting. He was a real person and I embrace that.
Perez Hilton's site is alleging that one of the entertainment shows has a video of Heath at a party doing drugs where he talks about Michelle being mad at him and talks about his daughter. Perez is claiming they are going to air it. What is the point of airing such a video? He struggled with drugs like so many other people in the world. Showing a video like this is cruel and unnecessary. Imagine how his family will feel watching this. :furious:

This is really the downside of our super-technological world now; cell-phone pictures, cameras, celebrity mags, papparazi, internet,NO ONE CAN BE SURE OF PRIVACY.

If this violates his or his family's privacy, or it's an unauthorized video - I would sue if I were them.

I can't believe certain media can be so disrespectful - it's all about money. At the very least, it should be shown a year or so after his death, if ever.
No need to sully his reputation by showing such a thing - we'll probably find out about drugs in the autopsy report, if it is made public.
Heath will be buried on Friday

- Heath Ledger will be laid to rest in a $25,000 mahogany casket lined with cream-colored velvet in his native Perth, Australia, on Friday, according to reports.

I'm sure it's beautiful; and the family wishes it.

Personally, I hope I'm buried in a simple, natural wood casket and everybody can take the extra TWENTY GRAND and have a nice party and celebrate! (Or give it to a school for children or something)

Each to his own, I guess. I have a feeling Heath may not have wanted all the super-duper stuff. I do hope he had a Will, that will be easier for all parties involved.
I'm sure it's beautiful; and the family wishes it.

Personally, I hope I'm buried in a simple, natural wood casket and everybody can take the extra TWENTY GRAND and have a nice party and celebrate! (Or give it to a school for children or something)

Each to his own, I guess. I have a feeling Heath may not have wanted all the super-duper stuff. I do hope he had a Will, that will be easier for all parties involved.

I'm with you Martha. Cremate me and scatter me someplace nice. That's all I want. I believe that Baby Matilda will be the sole beneficiary with the assets being held in trust until she's of age. Her mom will most likely be in charge of the funds until she is old enough.
Michelle Williams is fighting back against Us Weekly and their new cover story.

In this week's issue, the mag claims that Heath Ledger used and abused alcohol, heroin, cocaine and pills.

Us also reports that Williams attempted to get the actor help, but that he refused to go to rehab. It also purports that Michelle recently refused to let Heath see their daughter, Matilda, unless he got drug tested regularly.

But that's not true, claims Williams' publicist.

Mara Buxbaum, who was also Ledger's rep, just issued the following statement on Michelle's behalf:

"Much of the tabloid reporting is inaccurate. This fabricated story of Michelle Williams attempting to bring Heath Ledger to rehab is just one lie among many. The speculation is heinous. Let this family grieve privately."

Wonder if Michelle's publicist will comment on Heath's shocking drug video, which Entertainment Tonight and The Insider are planning to broadcast??
I have heard of this video before, apparently he met some people outside a hotel and they went in and did cocaine and other stuff. Who knows, its still sad if he was an addict or not.
I'm with you Martha. Cremate me and scatter me someplace nice. That's all I want. I believe that Baby Matilda will be the sole beneficiary with the assets being held in trust until she's of age. Her mom will most likely be in charge of the funds until she is old enough.

Michelle seems sensible, also. I think Matilda will have a good family to raise her. Evidently she looks just like Heath, too.

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