Anne Bremner/ Martin Rudoy to ask for the case to be re-opened.

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Sheriff's letter to RZ's attorneys.
"I believe there's an implied threat in the letter that they would release information hurtful to the victim and her family," said Rudoy. "It has chilled our willingness to release relevant information to the media that would help the public determine what happened in this case."
Wow. Yikes!
I say go for it, Anne. Call him on his threat. We, members of the public Gore is apparently reluctant to shock with the (apparently) dirty details of Rebecca Zahau's personal life, could care less what those details are. We are interested in those details that pertain to Rebecca's death and the investigation of it, by the SDSO. Bring it!
It also says in the CPRA

Waiver of Exemption

Exempt material must not be disclosed to any member of the public if the material is to remain exempt from disclosure. Once material has been disclosed to a member of the public, it generally is available upon request to any and all members of the public. Confidential disclosures to another governmental agency in connection with the performance of its official duties, or disclosures in a legal proceeding are not disclosures to members of the public under CPRA and do not constitute a waiver of exempt material.

Now as far as I understand there is no legal proceeding underway, so this would mean that Sheriff Gore has basically waived his exempt status. But I would need someone with legal knowledge to confirm this.

As well, what a slimey piece of work he is. I think he forgets who the victim is in this case. IMO
First Amendment attorney, Guylyn Cummins of San Diego
, is not affiliated with the Coronado death investigation, but she was taken aback when News 8 showed her the Sheriff's letter.

"I personally have never seen anything like this," Cummins said. "I think it's the first time that I've ever seen a law enforcement or governmental agency do this."

"What the letter's trying to say is, if you release something and we don't like your viewpoint -- or the information that you rely on -- then we're putting you on notice that we may come back and release anything that we want; whether it's part of the lawful investigation or simply digging up dirt on the victim," said Cummins.

Attorney Anne Bremner told News 8 that she considers the letter a threat. Her co-counsel, attorney Marty Rudoy, agreed.

"I believe there's an implied threat in the letter that they would release information hurtful to the victim and her family," said Rudoy. "It has chilled our willingness to release relevant information to the media that would help the public determine what happened in this case."
--letter to anneB from sheriff Gore--
Sheriff's letter to RZ's attorneys.
"I believe there's an implied threat in the letter that they would release information hurtful to the victim and her family," said Rudoy. "It has chilled our willingness to release relevant information to the media that would help the public determine what happened in this case."

----thanks for this jjenny!

..i'm going to stick the article and letter up in the "reference forum" thread for easy access...

Rebecca Zahau: Gore’s box
December 6/2011

--article by Valhall.

So CBS 8 out of San Diego revealed yesterday why we haven’t been supplied much concrete information from the investigation into Rebecca Zahau’s death since Anne Bremner, attorney representing the Zahau family, received the information.

When Anne opened the box she didn’t find she had opened Pandora’s box, but something just slightly less sinister…Gore’s box.
It seems to me Gore is more interested in protecting JS's reputation than RZ's and now his own. This sure does need to be completely investigated by a neutral party. I am astounded by Gore's veiled threat. He needs to RETIRE.
It also says in the CPRA

Waiver of Exemption

Exempt material must not be disclosed to any member of the public if the material is to remain exempt from disclosure. Once material has been disclosed to a member of the public, it generally is available upon request to any and all members of the public. Confidential disclosures to another governmental agency in connection with the performance of its official duties, or disclosures in a legal proceeding are not disclosures to members of the public under CPRA and do not constitute a waiver of exempt material.

Now as far as I understand there is no legal proceeding underway, so this would mean that Sheriff Gore has basically waived his exempt status. But I would need someone with legal knowledge to confirm this.

As well, what a slimey piece of work he is. I think he forgets who the victim is in this case. IMO

He's just representing the interests of the taxpayers who voted him into office. I think they have long lost interest in this case or spending more of their tax dollars investigating it just so Bremner can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Her goal could not be any more transparent.


Loved this post! Thank you!

I second that resoundingly!! This has truly gone from bad to worse that it almost feels like a social experiment gone wrong. I remain steadfast in believing that the truth will not only come forward in the end but will also prevail.
California Attorney General: Open an Independent Investigation into the death of the Rebecca Zahau.

First of all, thank you! Our voices are being heard.

On November 1, Anne Bremner, attorney for the Zahau family, finally received the police reports. View her initial findings here:,0,526310.story
On November 2 and 3, San Diego's News 8 presented a reenactment of the Coronado mansion mystery:
Although we are making great strides, we need to keep the pressure on until this case is re-opened with an independent investigation. Please take the next step. Here's how you can help:
FACEBOOK: Go to CA Attorney General Kamala Harris' Facebook page ( and leave a comment on one of her posts with a link to our petition, like this:
Please, Kamala Harris, step in and launch an independent investigation into the death of Rebecca Zahau. It's the right thing to do for California and for justice.
We can do this. Thank you.
He's just representing the interests of the taxpayers who voted him into office. I think they have long lost interest in this case or spending more of their tax dollars investigating it just so Bremner can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Her goal could not be any more transparent.

Do you really think this is about money?
If only it was so simple, everything could be resolved with a flick of the pen. Or a nod from a judge.

I can't even imagine money as what motivates Rebecca's family to question the manner of her death. Not even.

And if Sheriff Gore believes "his" taxpayers have lost interest in justice, he's got another thing coming next time he wants electing.
Do you really think this is about money?
If only it was so simple, everything could be resolved with a flick of the pen. Or a nod from a judge.

I can't even imagine money as what motivates Rebecca's family to question the manner of her death. Not even.

And if Sheriff Gore believes "his" taxpayers have lost interest in justice, he's got another thing coming next time he wants electing.

Yes, I really think this is about money. There is no other reason for the RZ family to request the ME change death to "undetermined" imo. The Sheriff has not yet given any indication he is worried about reelection.

Yes, I really think this is about money. There is no other reason for the RZ family to request the ME change death to "undetermined" imo. The Sheriff has not yet given any indication he is worried about reelection.

No other reason? How about truth? Money doesn't determine what is true. I'll admit it can be used to shape what might become the truth, but it cannot change what is already true. Truth is truth.
Saw on the 7:00 p.m. local news that the Sheriff's Department has said no to the request for the Zahua law team to conduct an investigation at the Ocean Boulevard house. Sadly, that's no surprise.
Saw on the 7:00 p.m. local news that the Sheriff's Department has said no to the request for the Zahua law team to conduct an investigation at the Ocean Boulevard house. Sadly, that's no surprise.

JS takes another PR risk by okaying an investigation inside the mansion but with calculated strings attached. A limited amount of time and the SDSO must co-operate and given BG's reputation there is no way this will occur.

Both JS and BG have everything to lose if the truth comes out so they manipulate, threaten, control and stall. IMO at this point BG is as bad as the possible murderer by not allowing this second investigation inside the mansion. He is aiding in the cover-up of the crime.

AB's latest statement that the letter is not RZ's WOW and BG thinks it is.... sickening how shoddy this investigation was.
Yes, I really think this is about money. There is no other reason for the RZ family to request the ME change death to "undetermined" imo. The Sheriff has not yet given any indication he is worried about reelection.


How about the woman was most likely murdered. Some people are more concerned with justice...others...holding on to their money/power. If it comes about that there is liability in the killing/ would be equitable justice for a jury to decide.
Saw on the 7:00 p.m. local news that the Sheriff's Department has said no to the request for the Zahua law team to conduct an investigation at the Ocean Boulevard house. Sadly, that's no surprise.
Why am I not suprised:rolleyes:
Saw on the 7:00 p.m. local news that the Sheriff's Department has said no to the request for the Zahua law team to conduct an investigation at the Ocean Boulevard house. Sadly, that's no surprise.
Bless his heart.
Bless his heart.
When I first read about this last night, I thought it positive publicity for JS and the Sheriff's dept, I wonder if the rules of the tests were known and decided prior to the reply to the Anne Bremner knowing full well that the Sheriff's department was going to refuse, a big setup to make it look like Jonah is doing all he can to help the family of Rebecca. These people are just making me sick!
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