Anthonys join haleigh's mom and gramma at vigil

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I think that if Cindy and George can help others whle they try to heal themselves it is a good thing all around. If it gets them good publicity at the same time, I can think of none who need it more. I have always thought that their helping others may ease their pain.

I don't fault them for this. My problem with them only concerms their attempts to mislead the investigation of their granddaughter's death. Whatever gets them through the night other than that is fine with me.

I fear this is not about healing themselves.This is about staying in the spotlight,having some type of power over others who find themselves with missing children,and drumming up support$$$$$$ for their foundation.The foundation is most likely their new careers.GA couldn't hold a job and CA ,no doubt, has dug a hole for herself where no one wants to work with her.
The A's reputation may bring publicity to a case,but it won't be the good kind.
Then I guess this is the very first time I've been fully supportive of Ron's actions, and choices.

Until the A's come off the "alibi & lies tour" I really don't care to see them involved in any capacity involving a child missing/murdered. It's like sending Michael Jackson to be supportive of a SO on trial. bleh :razz:

I find it interesting that they advertised the "family of Haleigh Cummings would be there. Only HALF of Haleigh's family was there. The other half seems to have had some sense.
For the life of me,I just don't understand why CA thinks anyone would believe a statement like that.We've seen her swinging a hanger,spewing vile and pulling GA off of protesters.We've seen her climb in and out of limos on her way to meetings.She chugs water and chomps on gum at the worst possible moments.We've seen her give a tour of her completely staged home.We've seen her in contempt during a depo .Never have we seen CA overcome with grief and near collapse.Never has she made a plea for Caylee's safe return.

Ahhh! But she is learning. I see that she has lost the gum.
That's the first thing I noticed....why she never cried out for Caylee....but she sure cried out for Hayleigh....unreal. Makes no sense at all to me.

One wonders whether she cried while the cameras were OFF her? :furious:

Sometimes, you just wanna slap the snot outta someone.....
LE asked for Caylee's hairbrush. Afterwards, Cindy bragged about giving them the wrong one.

The Anthony's refused to give TES anything with Caylee's scent.

The Anthony's refused to undergo a lie detector test (one of actions that Mark Klaas urges that the families of missing children perform immediately so LE can rule out those closest to the children.)

The Anthony's aligned themselves with a disreputable chilren's search agency and have continued to disregard the criminal records of the people involved and the lack of any prior success in locating a single child.

Not only is this type of counseling not needed by victims of crimes; this is detrimental to victims.
I saw some of this on Nancy Grace tonight. Crystal is a real drama queen. I watched her plea and she seemed as phony as Cindy. Maybe the two will make a good team for missing children.

The reason that Cindy and George aren't looking for Caylee's killer is because that is the job of LE! That is what they say if asked. If they really thought someone else murdered Caylee they would be looking in every corner of Gods green earth. They never mention that there is a killer out there unless someone asks and then they give the old song and dance about finding the killer is the job of LE. They don't seem bothered at all.

Are George and Cindy heading all of these vigils? I think that Josh might have been there as I heard something about George telling him to never give up on Trenton and someone was holding Trenton's pic up.

I'll bet George and Cindy feel so important.

IIRC from LKL, it's also the job of the A's and JB's PIs.....I'd bet they passed along a business card of DC so Crystal and her lawyer can hire them on to find the real kidnapper, just like CA & GA have, cos we all now LE & the FBI are soooooo incompetent at this sort of thing...

There's always the possibility they know exactly what they are doing to "help" KC. Under the overt campaigning may lie a covert desire to make sure she stays right where they can keep an eye on her. That way there's no chance of her even getting out and resuming her searches for "household weapons", while she steals them blind and tells people her parents will be "giving" her the house.

The public can say they are "in denial" for cleaning a crime scene and insisting Caylee was alive, "grieving" whenever they act inappropriately, or just plain nutty for so publicly proclaiming their support of their daughter. Yeah, nutty like foxes. Foxes getting ready to start a down-line marketing venture...
I fear this is not about healing themselves.This is about staying in the spotlight,having some type of power over others who find themselves with missing children,and drumming up support$$$$$$ for their foundation.The foundation is most likely their new careers.GA couldn't hold a job and CA ,no doubt, has dug a hole for herself where no one wants to work with her.
The A's reputation may bring publicity to a case,but it won't be the good kind.

Have the A's ever tried to locate that missing boy Adji (hope his name is spelt correctly)----I have never heard of them assisting in that one----perhaps its due to lack of camera coverage....I still worry about that child....think of him often.....Perhaps they should join "forces" and help with that one??????

they just seem to pick and choose....
IIRC from LKL, it's also the job of the A's and JB's PIs.....I'd bet they passed along a business card of DC so Crystal and her lawyer can hire them on to find the real kidnapper, just like CA & GA have, cos we all now LE & the FBI are soooooo incompetent at this sort of thing...


IIRC....DC is working for Crystal....
LE asked for Caylee's hairbrush. Afterwards, Cindy bragged about giving them the wrong one.

The Anthony's refused to give TES anything with Caylee's scent.

The Anthony's refused to undergo a lie detector test (one of actions that Mark Klaas urges that the families of missing children perform immediately so LE can rule out those closest to the children.)

The Anthony's aligned themselves with a disreputable chilren's search agency and have continued to disregard the criminal records of the people involved and the lack of any prior success in locating a single child.

Not only is this type of counseling not needed by victims of crimes; this is detrimental to victims.

ITA It would be like being victimized twice! First by the original perp(s) and then secondly by the scavengers who see them as easy marks or prey!:furious:
Have the A's ever tried to locate that missing boy Adji (hope his name is spelt correctly)----I have never heard of them assisting in that one----perhaps its due to lack of camera coverage....I still worry about that child....think of him often.....Perhaps they should join "forces" and help with that one??????

they just seem to pick and choose....

That little boy is not getting any press time at all, it really bothers me how even the media picks and chooses. His family might be better off without the A's helping though. I know what you're saying, but sometimes it's best that certain people just stay away. (the A's and KFN)
That little boy is not getting any press time at all, it really bothers me how even the media picks and chooses. His family might be better off without the A's helping though. I know what you're saying, but sometimes it's best that certain people just stay away. (the A's and KFN)

totally agree with you---but if they are out there to save the children.....if you know what I mean....:blowkiss:
Have the A's ever tried to locate that missing boy Adji (hope his name is spelt correctly)----I have never heard of them assisting in that one----perhaps its due to lack of camera coverage....I still worry about that child....think of him often.....Perhaps they should join "forces" and help with that one??????

they just seem to pick and choose....
I wonder if they have tried to make contact and turned away there too ?
Have the A's ever tried to locate that missing boy Adji (hope his name is spelt correctly)----I have never heard of them assisting in that one----perhaps its due to lack of camera coverage....I still worry about that child....think of him often.....Perhaps they should join "forces" and help with that one??????

they just seem to pick and choose....

O/T I worry about Adji also.My son [avitar] is severely developmentally disabled and has autism,much like Adji.My sig pic,Fred ,is a tracker should my son slip off.It is so scary to have a child that knows no danger,doesn't answer if you call him and loves to roam.
I don't know if Adji slipped away or was taken or harmed,but my heart goes out to him and his family.
As for the A's, I can't imagine anyone making a donation to a foundation they run.I think they will soon have to go with plan B.
LE asked for Caylee's hairbrush. Afterwards, Cindy bragged about giving them the wrong one.

The Anthony's refused to give TES anything with Caylee's scent.

The Anthony's refused to undergo a lie detector test (one of actions that Mark Klaas urges that the families of missing children perform immediately so LE can rule out those closest to the children.)

The Anthony's aligned themselves with a disreputable chilren's search agency and have continued to disregard the criminal records of the people involved and the lack of any prior success in locating a single child.

Not only is this type of counseling not needed by victims of crimes; this is detrimental to victims.

BBM: I am unaware of even one single attempt to look for a missing child, let alone chalking up a success at finding one.
Oh please! Say it ain't so :eek:
I think it's another PI that her lawyer,Kim ? brought in.

Nope-DC's up there and supposedly Cobra (the PI who is in Satsuma) is gonna help RG! They supposedly met at LP's alternate memorial service on Chickasaw Dr. You couldn't make this stuff up!:rolleyes:
Nope-DC's up there and supposedly Cobra (the PI who is in Satsuma) is gonna help RG! They supposedly met at LP's alternate memorial service on Chickasaw Dr. You couldn't make this stuff up!:rolleyes:

Cobra is who I was thinking of. Well ,if things weren't messed up before they will be now! Geez
CA told LK that they have a PI remaining to work for them. How can DC spread himself so thin? HeckHe's supposed to be out looking for bad people responsible for Caylee's murder. CA answered LK sheepishly when asked. DC must have some kind of I'll wash your hands and you wash mine kind of thing going on with the expectations of moola comming his way. I smell a snake making snake oil. I guess he isn't in any fear of sharing with LE anymore. What ever he said that has been kept underraps by the judge must not have upset the A's too much. If I didn't know better I would think he was bi-sexual crushing on both the A's, not just CA. Why is there such dedication to this family. Most people would have washed their hands of the A's unless of course they wanted to keep them dirty. I would like to see all three pompus men get a smack down from an in your face drill sgt! Wishing the best for Halleigh and hoping DC won't muck up the waters in Satsuma.
bold by me

I agree with your post --- isn't it odd that again ca makes it all about her?????? It is like when ga was questioned by CBS about suicide---ca made it again turn to her....since of course she wrote notes...------ they just need to go home and shut up--they really aren't helping the cause...I was watching JVM today and the atty Mark E mentioned that they just need to fade away that they aren't helping---even against JVM stating their "grieving grandparents"--he didn't buy it...I was for once impressed by a defese atty!

The good thing about Cindy seeking attention is that she isn't very bright and almost always slips up and says the wrong things... things that conflict with everything she has previously stated.

Like when discussing the suicide notes. All along she has claimed that she believed what Casey was telling her.. that Caylee was taken by the nanny.. that she was "safe" and close by. She also said that until Caylee's body was identified she truly believed with her whole heart that Caylee was alive and coming home, that her daughter would get out of jail and their lives would go on. Yet, while seeking the same type of attention that George was getting because of his "suicide" attempt she told the world that she was writing suicide notes and thinking of killing herself as far back as July. (when she was still "convinced" :rolleyes: that Caylee was alive and well- when she was calling the public and media "Maggots" and running around with her hammer telling people to go search for a LIVE Caylee, that it would be on our heads if Caylee dies, sending Tim Miller away because she "knew" Caylee was alive.) Now.. with the admission of her note writing she more or less ADMITS to knowing Caylee was dead during that time.

She is a sick sick woman. But it isn't all bad that she seeks attention this way because we learn things when she does this.
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