Anthonys on GMA - Monday Nov 10

just a thought GMA may ruin allot of people's in morning sickness......
I will not be watching. I am hoping the less people that watch; maybe they will stop paying could hope.
Wonder how much they'll get for this? :mad:
Kinda wish a gag order could be made retroactive, lol.
GMA.........please don't give 'publicity' to these people..............give it to the searchers

:clap: I agree. These are the last two I would like to see on GMA. I'll take Ryan Reynolds instead. yum.
You can count me out, too. I don't want to hear from, or about, any of the Anthony's again until they are on the stand at KC's trial. Enough is enough.:puke:
I will not watch. I dont like either of them. I have no sympathy for them. Both of them lie. I wonder when they set up the meeting. Was it right after they found out nothing was found from the TES search?
I don't want to hear their lies either. hmmmm my little email fingers are going to be busy as soon as I finish this.
I got this notice from a Good Morning America email alert. Set your recorders/DVR, although I doubt this will be a "final" interview.

It'll be on Nancy Grace - I'm not going to bother - interviewers don't ask the pertinent questions anyways which always ticks me off and if it's GMA thats Diane Sawyer right? She will only coddle them
I'm sure it will be their usual drivel about how they haven't found Caylee because she is alive and someone has her and and we'll all understand later..blah....blah...blah...they make me ill :sick:
not watching here either. they've worn out their welcome with me. nothing new.
So what else is new??? Just another ride in a limo and more free lunch !! jmo These people just make me sick, I could not imagine going on gma or any other show if I could not tell you anyrhing other than we know where she is we are getting close our investigator said blh blah blah blah Nothing new!!!
No way in the you know what that I'll watch. I thought Cindy was not handling things so well...wasn't this the reason she wasn't at their begging depot? Guess she recovered well enough to hop that free limo ride to the tv studio...after the search was called off....ching...ching!!! I hope GMA's ratings are terrible tomorrow and even if there is no gag order imposed; hopefully they won't have them back!

I think I need a break from this case...I am in awe and disgust that they could dare to go in front of any tv camera after this weekend. UGH....I could go on and on, but it won't help...I just have to stay prayerful and keep the faith in things that I can't see right now.
did my civic duty - that's all I'm allowed to say or I'll be banned.
So they are trying to get their spin in before the gag order huh?

Maybe also gloat that TES has suspended their search. :mad: CA appeared happy on tv tonight. (WESH)
I got this notice from a Good Morning America email alert. Set your recorders/DVR, although I doubt this will be a "final" interview.
I think I can miss this and I hope it will be there final interview. With every step I took on the search, I hated them more and more. They are horrible, manipulative liars who raised children who are shallow and shells of human beings devoid of empathy and caring.It's a can't-miss interview. Yeah I'll miss this one.:furious:
Would the gag order apply if they are listed as material witnesses?

A presiding judge (presiding over the case) has a duty to control his/her courtroom. There can clearly be pre-trial restraints on the conduct of attorneys and their staff (because the staff is under the control of the attorney who is an officer of the court), court staff, named parties to the action or proceeding and sometimes witnesses. Being on a witness list may not be enough. Being under subpoena as a witness for trial in this matter may be enough. It is a matter of criminal procedure and that would be a matter of state law. So, you would have to look to Florida laws on criminal procedure and Florida case law for this guidance. Just having an attorney put a name on a witness list may not be enough because the attorney can put anybody on that list; including their disliked in-laws or next-door neighbors. A witness list is just discovery information; not necessarily enough nexus for in personam jurisdiction. So, there has to be sufficient nexus to the case and some point where for the purpose of controlling the procedure of a trial, the presiding trial judge acquires in personam jurisdiction over the witness.

Sorry for the long answer to a short question.

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