Anthonys on GMA - Monday Nov 10

while I do not enjoy watching Ciny spin her goo....I believe the media has it right to let her spin on and it continues to show the aberrant nature of this grandmother.
CA is a very bitter person, she should shut her mouth. I hope they place a gag order on her, doubt it will work though.
Oh and Cindy, folks see Elvis everyday too.
For those who give Cindy some sympathy because they have never walked in her shoes... guess what?

One way to determine normal behavior in a given situation is to take a statistical sample (at least 32) of people in any a similar situation and document their behavior. Once you document their behavior you compare similar actions, responses, etc. You can then determine an average or normal response. Having watched well over 32 cases of kids that mysteriously disappear and or kidnapped, I had determined that CA is in NO WAY acting normal for this situation.

No tears
No pleas to kidnappers
No message to Caylee
No help with the investigation
No lie detecter test
lots and lots of lies


I understand what you mean, but people react to crisis in different ways and people are not objective when they judge other peoples behavior or emotions. To me the question is just about if Cindy really believes/wants to believe Casey and that Caylee is alive (if not, George said it would kill her), or does she really know she`s dead and is just covering up. Either way, I think it`s devastating for Cindy
ok, I just watched GMA with Cindy, and am so sorry I did. That male interviewer asked only a couple of "softball" questions. What about the part about George's interview with LE? Nothing, nada, zip! They simply allowed Cindy to do what Cindy does best...spew her normal ummms and you knows, and ramble on and on and on! The part that really got to me was when Cindy said that Lee stated last night that "who was there for Caylee?"...Geesh, how dare Cindy and Lee say such things! THEY weren't there for Caylee, and THEY should have been. THEY will never be there for Caylee! And how Casey is a "victim" too! What is wrong with these people! I just can't believe what I am witnessing!:furious:

Indeed, who was "there" for Caylee? When did the anthony's any of them go after KC while she was gone running the streets with their granddaughter in tow? Hmmm, cindy where were the people (and by the that I mean YOU, George and Lee) where were you for those 31 days?

31 days!!!! 31 days your granddaughter had not been seen by those people who knew she existed and that her lunatic mother had NO WHERE to live, NO JOB (you knew that, deny all you want but you knew the truth). It is you and your family that failed your granddaughter, you should have been on the horn after 2-3 days, knocking down doors and hunting that crazy daughter of yours down, you should have called child services especially AFTER your crazy duaghter kept telling you idiotic stories about why you couldn't see or talk to your granddaughter....YOU KNEW CINDY, that your granddaughter was not being taking care of, that she was in the care of someone who was not rational, had been lying and stealing from you and other members of her family. Not just stealing, like out of your wallet, but major from knew that she was unstable, yet you did not alert the authorities to this out of control situation.

Stop this nonsense of blaming the public, LE, TES because they are trying to do what they can after the fact and that is to see if it is possible to find this poor baby, there is nothing anyone can do to help Caylee is too late, all anyone can do is prosecute her murderer (KC) and look in area's of interest to see if maybe, just maybe her little body is there so she can be given a proper resting place, not one of her murderer's (KC) choice.
Have some mercy on these people.

It's not like they planned this...can you imagine how they feel inside?

They've lost their grandchild and daughter...

Cindy's talk is wishful thinking...
For Cindy Anthony:

If you truly believe that Caylee is still alive then why haven't you put your air time to better use? Many times over you could have used this time to talk to Caylee-- Tell her you love and miss her--that you're looking for her. Many people with missing loved ones never get this chance.

If you truly believe then how have you overlooked the most important person who needs to hear your voice?
For those who give Cindy some sympathy because they have never walked in her shoes... guess what?

One way to determine normal behavior in a given situation is to take a statistical sample (at least 32) of people in any a similar situation and document their behavior. Once you document their behavior you compare similar actions, responses, etc. You can then determine an average or normal response. Having watched well over 32 cases of kids that mysteriously disappear and or kidnapped, I had determined that CA is in NO WAY acting normal for this situation.

No tears
No pleas to kidnappers
No message to Caylee
No help with the investigation
No lie detecter test
lots and lots of lies

AGREE! Just a ploy to keep the money flowing.
Have some mercy on these people.

It's not like they planned this...can you imagine how they feel inside?

They've lost their grandchild and daughter...

Cindy's talk is wishful thinking...

I'm sorry, but I don't think the Anthony's have done a thing BUT plan since Caylee's been missing. They destroyed potential evidence by washing Casey's pants and cleaning out the car, they refused LE's request for credit cards receipts, they went to the tow yard to interrogate potential witnesses and that's just the tip of the iceberg. This is not wishful thinking grieving or mourning for Caylee, this is a calculated mission to save Casey.
Have some mercy on these people.

It's not like they planned this...can you imagine how they feel inside?

They've lost their grandchild and daughter...

Cindy's talk is wishful thinking...

I agree with this to some extent-but they are benefiting LE and ramping up the public rather than making some kind of progress towards bringing their grandchild home. Seriously.

People will dig in even harder about"proving" the Anthonys wrong about Caylee-simply because Cindy is not a sympathetic figure. At. All.

Now, if she wanted to take the opportunity to plead with the kidnappers, release specific tips by state...anything other than my poor daughter has been victimized and ha ha you didn't find a body...jmo...

Something is rotten in Denmark for me-no attorney worth their salt would let this continue unless this is part of a strategy-the message is just wrong, am I making any sense?

So, then I start to ponder what the benefit is to the Anthony's to continue this media campaign that simply stirs the pot-and the only thing I can come up with is financial gain because it is good theater.

This does not mean that they are profiting of course, but I sure cannot figure out how they think they are helping Caylee or Casey.
ok, I just watched GMA with Cindy, and am so sorry I did. That male interviewer asked only a couple of "softball" questions. What about the part about George's interview with LE? Nothing, nada, zip! They simply allowed Cindy to do what Cindy does best...spew her normal ummms and you knows, and ramble on and on and on! The part that really got to me was when Cindy said that Lee stated last night that "who was there for Caylee?"...Geesh, how dare Cindy and Lee say such things! THEY weren't there for Caylee, and THEY should have been. THEY will never be there for Caylee! And how Casey is a "victim" too! What is wrong with these people! I just can't believe what I am witnessing!:furious:

I just watched it too. I imagine she approved or not the questions they asked her. She said WE have received a tip about Gainsville. If someone with half a brain thinks they saw Caylee, they should call the police and I think most people know that. You don't call the parents. Can I call them and say I saw here here? I think they are just enjoying the media and the expense paid trips to look for this child. Cindy now has her jet-set lifestyle - something she never had. She doesn't care about Caylee - she cares about her "cameos" moo.
I can't for the life of me understand why CA wasn't begging and pleading for the person in Gainesville to come forward and/or return Caylee. That's what I'd do.

I wonder if LE is involved in this tip? I would assume so, because what store would allow anyone outside of LE to view their videotapes? Unless it's their PI, but even then, I'd think LE would have to be involved or get a warrant to view videotapes? I mean, I dunno, but I'd assume that would be the case?


Btw, it looked to me as if she was sitting in a law office? All the filled bookshelves behind her.... And it kinda looked to me as if she was getting cues from someone? Not sure tho, just speculating on what I thought I saw...
I just watched it too. I imagine she approved or not the questions they asked her. She said WE have received a tip about Gainsville. If someone with half a brain thinks they saw Caylee, they should call the police and I think most people know that. You don't call the parents. Can I call them and say I saw here here? I think they are just enjoying the media and the expense paid trips to look for this child. Cindy now has her jet-set lifestyle - something she never had. She doesn't care about Caylee - she cares about her "cameos" moo.

I disagree, I don't think they are enjoying this - I think that Cindy is hanging on to every last shred of denial with all she's got. they don't want TES to search because if a body is found, there goes their last shred of hope that Casey didn't do this. Like George said in his interview, I already lost my granddaughter and I can't lose my daughter. It's a mechanism of human survival just to deny all evidence. I think George knows exactly what is going on, but he is in some sort of shock mode, and I do think he is afraid of Cindy. so he will support her denial as long as he can. once they find a body, they have to confront the reality that Casey did this. until that point, they don't have to. they are holding on to every last shred that they can, no matter how pathetic and unrealistic it seems. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, but I also cannot imagine being put in a situation where your grandchild dies at the hands of your child.
I just watched it too. I imagine she approved or not the questions they asked her. She said WE have received a tip about Gainsville. If someone with half a brain thinks they saw Caylee, they should call the police and I think most people know that. You don't call the parents. Can I call them and say I saw here here? I think they are just enjoying the media and the expense paid trips to look for this child. Cindy now has her jet-set lifestyle - something she never had. She doesn't care about Caylee - she cares about her "cameos" moo.

:clap::clap::woohoo: so very true...I watched it as well and was appalled that no one asked or mentioned why didn't KC help or call can you do an amber alert "31" days after and nothing but lies to back up the claim....perhaps the psychic calls and tips are what they need...jmo

What a FOOL she made of herself!!!
Thanks for the GMA link. I can't believe that woman can sit there and chastize all of us for not looking for her grandchild. She is something else.
I disagree, I don't think they are enjoying this - I think that Cindy is hanging on to every last shred of denial with all she's got. they don't want TES to search because if a body is found, there goes their last shred of hope that Casey didn't do this. Like George said in his interview, I already lost my granddaughter and I can't lose my daughter. It's a mechanism of human survival just to deny all evidence. I think George knows exactly what is going on, but he is in some sort of shock mode, and I do think he is afraid of Cindy. so he will support her denial as long as he can. once they find a body, they have to confront the reality that Casey did this. until that point, they don't have to. they are holding on to every last shred that they can, no matter how pathetic and unrealistic it seems. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, but I also cannot imagine being put in a situation where your grandchild dies at the hands of your child.

IMO losing KC is no loss at all and I think deep down George feels the same way but Cindy wears the pants in that family. moo
Yeah yeah she gets tips,she has a lead yeah yeah :furious::boohoo::bang:

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