Anthony's to appear on Today Show tomorrow

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i guess i dont care what they do .. the little angel caylee is gone no matter what nothing will bring her back .. and they have to live with that guilt that they are helping their daughter instead of honoring her memory.. it upsets me that they are making money but what they have here on earth i do not believe they will have in the afterlife . and that is primarily the one ya gotta worry about .. caylee is happy and with god who truly loves her.the anthonys will probably never see her again unless they start being honest "yeah right" then mabey god will forgive them
OMG. There are just not enough eye rolling or puking icons in world right now...
I wonder if I may ask those watching tomorrow (I can't watch) for their opinions about if CA has had things done to her face. I ask this with the best of intentions. CA has been missing, hasn't she? ...and we all wondered if perhaps she was finally coming to her senses and avoiding the limelight. I submit..the REAL reason she has been missing is because she's been healing from procedures.
At the hearing she appeared with her hair very different and no makeup. I have had a couple of procedures myself (when I was around CA's age..I'm about 6 years older than she is). Appearing in public with a radically new hairdo and no makeup is a strategy and something that the doctor's office will tell you to do. The idea is that people will think that you look different for those reasons...instead of for the real reasons..cosmetic procedures. My reason for bringing this up is to bring to light that even more blood money is being used in unusual ways. I presume CA feels she needs work for her new profession...saving "missing" children. CA ought to be put on notice that she is not kidding anyone. Caylee pays for everything now.

When CA and GA left the courtroom while JA was speaking, I think they expected the media to follow in pursuit. To put microphones in their face and ask why they were leaving. To disrupt and distract the attention away from JA's words. But it didn't happen. The media stayed to hear JA. If CA and GA were so distraught, they should have been relieved to get out of there unbothered and gone home. But they came back to the courtroom. They were then able to get the attention they were courting as they made their dramatic exit after the hearing ended. Amazing that they recovered quickly enough to hop on a plane for NY. Maybe JA's version wasn't that new to them after all? KWIM?
I wonder if I may ask those watching tomorrow (I can't watch) for their opinions about if CA has had things done to her face. I ask this with the best of intentions. CA has been missing, hasn't she? ...and we all wondered if perhaps she was finally coming to her senses and avoiding the limelight. I submit..the REAL reason she has been missing is because she's been healing from procedures.
At the hearing she appeared with her hair very different and no makeup. I have had a couple of procedures myself (when I was around CA's age..I'm about 6 years older than she is). Appearing in public with a radically new hairdo and no makeup is a strategy and something that the doctor's office will tell you to do. The idea is that people will think that you look different for those reasons...instead of for the real reasons..cosmetic procedures. My reason for bringing this up is to bring to light that even more blood money is being used in unusual ways. I presume CA feels she needs work for her new profession...saving "missing" children. CA ought to be put on notice that she is not kidding anyone. Caylee pays for everything now.


Don't know about that either way, there was some talk a while back about it, but I've no idea whether anyone ever found out for sure.
You know seeing the vid of her in court Friday, she looked more like KC to me than she ever had with that evil scowl on her face. Kinda scary actually, imo.
I wonder if I may ask those watching tomorrow (I can't watch) for their opinions about if CA has had things done to her face. I ask this with the best of intentions. CA has been missing, hasn't she? ...and we all wondered if perhaps she was finally coming to her senses and avoiding the limelight. I submit..the REAL reason she has been missing is because she's been healing from procedures.
At the hearing she appeared with her hair very different and no makeup. I have had a couple of procedures myself (when I was around CA's age..I'm about 6 years older than she is). Appearing in public with a radically new hairdo and no makeup is a strategy and something that the doctor's office will tell you to do. The idea is that people will think that you look different for those reasons...instead of for the real reasons..cosmetic procedures. My reason for bringing this up is to bring to light that even more blood money is being used in unusual ways. I presume CA feels she needs work for her new profession...saving "missing" children. CA ought to be put on notice that she is not kidding anyone. Caylee pays for everything now.

When I saw CA from the side early in the hearing, I had the same reaction.
I wonder if I may ask those watching tomorrow (I can't watch) for their opinions about if CA has had things done to her face. I ask this with the best of intentions. CA has been missing, hasn't she? ...and we all wondered if perhaps she was finally coming to her senses and avoiding the limelight. I submit..the REAL reason she has been missing is because she's been healing from procedures.
At the hearing she appeared with her hair very different and no makeup. I have had a couple of procedures myself (when I was around CA's age..I'm about 6 years older than she is). Appearing in public with a radically new hairdo and no makeup is a strategy and something that the doctor's office will tell you to do. The idea is that people will think that you look different for those reasons...instead of for the real reasons..cosmetic procedures. My reason for bringing this up is to bring to light that even more blood money is being used in unusual ways. I presume CA feels she needs work for her new profession...saving "missing" children. CA ought to be put on notice that she is not kidding anyone. Caylee pays for everything now.


Interesting. I have no idea, but I thought she looked "different" too, just wasn't sure if was the hair throwing me off.
Let's leave gossip off the thread please. thanks :)

Be sure to start a brand new thread for the show tomorrow.
Understand your point & would agree that

AFAIK it is Casey that controls who may visit. I dunno if G&C try...or are following instuctions of JB Not to visit to eliminate potential add'l video fits of anger like the one we've already seen...and will also be ahown to the jury IMHO.

IMHO G&C have accepted that nothing they do will bring Caylee back & are doing what they feel they must do to protect their daughter.

Since they failed to hold Casey accountable under the simplest of circumstances...why would I expect them to be any better at it now...:waitasec:

Bold mine.

Just using your post as a post to respond to in my first paragraph...the rest is my rant! :blowkiss:

Hi BJB...the bold is where I respectfully disagree with you. IMO, I don't feel that GA/CA are protecting their daughter...Cindy cannot have her daughter be found guilty...that would reflect badly on Cindy. Cindy is protecting Cindy. And George just shuffles along and does Cindy's bidding.

Rant: Truthfully, I wonder just how much love GA/CA ever had for Caylee. Seems to me they never got on their feet to search for her once they knew she was missing...not ONCE. All Cindy did was buy Caylee multiples of every toy imaginable, when she was alive. Maybe trying to buy Caylee's love and show everyone outside the immediate 4-person family what a "wonderful gramma" she was. Everything, but everything is about Cindy. Did this wonderful gramma see to it that her special grandaughter had playdates?...ballet?....tumbling?...library reading dates?...did Cindy think that KC was doing that? Uh Uh! Cindy knew KC wasn't. I remember the FBI interview of CA, when Scott B. had Cindy fill out a paper about KC, and not only did CA lie about practically every question asked, but when speaking to Scott about it, Cindy brought everything back to herself. ie. KC was a great mom because I was a great mom.

I hate KC, and what she has done to Caylee, but I have to say that I DESPISE Cindy even more, for what she has done, and I know that sounds crazy, but it's because of how CA relates to the public. I don't know how KC could stand living with her for 23 years, truthfully! :(
to me there indefensible defense of casey is matched by there letting her get away with all her nonsense for yearas and years and years.......stealing, lying to the guy about him being caylee's dad ect.......they helped create this mess and there certianly not doing anything to bring justice for caylee.
Understand your point & would agree that

AFAIK it is Casey that controls who may visit. I dunno if G&C try...or are following instuctions of JB Not to visit to eliminate potential add'l video fits of anger like the one we've already seen...and will also be ahown to the jury IMHO.

IMHO G&C have accepted that nothing they do will bring Caylee back & are doing what they feel they must do to protect their daughter.

Since they failed to hold Casey accountable under the simplest of circumstances...why would I expect them to be any better at it now...:waitasec:

A friend e mailed this to me recently.


One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Ga and Ca have a right to protect their Daughter through thick and thin. They still have the image of Casey being just like Caylee not that long ago. I have a 27 year old son, and I think of him to this day as though he was still 3 or 4 years old. That image will never leave my mind. I know all about tough love, but it comes to a point when all there is left is love from the heart.
Let me try my reaction again....

I completely agree and understand that the A's are experiencing a terrible tragedy, not anything any of us would want to experience.

Also, I was completely fine with their exit and re-appearance at the motion hearing -- that was something they really needed to attend and at times it was tough. Fine.

Having said that, my reaction comes from their "desire/need" to do media appearances -- that it is most likely about the money first, the VIP treatment/trip second, damage control third and, KC's defense last.

Some say if they appear on TV they have to show their support for KC -- HOWEVER -- there is no requirement, need or, obligation for them to appear on TV. As folks have stated it does nothing to help their daughters case, they are not really honoring or remembering Caylee and, the cleverly weaved propaganda in amongst the "we don't know" doesn't fly.

Why do it? They are translating the tragedy into $$$$ earnings based on Caylee's fate and this family tragedy as well as enjoying the spotlight and, to me, that's where the cross the line and I take issue with it.

They are not supporting justice for Caylee, they are not really supporting or helping their daughter (better ways to do that) and, not helping the case so this is all for ...... $$$$$ and fame? They are cashing in.
Why??? :sick:

Why do CA & GA have to go on the Today show to say "We don't know what happened??"

They've said it at least once in previous media events, so why do you have to jet around the country to say it AGAIN, if not just to get monetary compensation for photo licensing fees? So disgusting and lowdown.

Isn't it amazing how there was nothing but the sound of **crickets chirping** from them when the forensics from the car, paper towels and entemologists came out a few weeks ago?

And for the love of justice, why can't Matt or Meredith ask some hard core questions instead of the pattycake interviews that we've seen when the Anthonys appear on the Today Show?

If feel a headache coming on already...I think I need a nightcap BEFORE I go to bed and one when I wake up to handle this in the morning. :furious:
I'm thinking this calls for something much stronger & OJ here. jk

AHa, I can see you've never had one of my Irish Coffees. Tall hot coffee with Old Bushmills, raw sugar, fluffy whipped cream, topped with green Cream D' Mint and sipped through a straw.
How many can I put you down for?
Twas the night before filming, when all through the forum
Not a poster was approving, withholding decorum.
The Anthonys' intentions were examined with care,
And hopes they would be honest swirled through the air.

But me, I knew better. My doubts were well plead.
I knew their old script; twas nothing to dread.
So me in my kerchief and dh in his cap
Will continue on morning with our long winter's nap.


haha!! I love it!
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