Armchair psych profile and personal background

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How odd. I read that book years ago before Jason had shot himself. I can't help but wonder if it was not really a suicide but I'm paranoid like that.

I completely understand your curiosity because I've thought of doing that on several occasions in the past. But last night I happened to see a movie, 'Dear Mr Gacy', about someone who did just that and the outcome wasn't good. Jason Moss wanted to get inside John Gacy's head and didn't realize what the consequences of delving into that dark world could be. Moss wrote a book about it titled, 'The Last Victim' ... which is exactly what he wound up being, when in 2007 he shot himself in the head.

Check out this website:

"It was with 33-time killer John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown”, that Jason forged the strongest relationship. Letters led to regular Sunday morning phone calls, during which Gacy trumpeted his innocence even as he gave Jason a guided tour of his world. In the book, Jason tells the story of his correspondence and eventual live meeting with Gacy shortly before Gacy was executed."

"Jason felt he became Gacy’s “last victim” after a face to face meeting in prison, in essence being overpowered by the mind of the serial killer. He felt that this misadventure allowed him to understand how a killer’s mind works in not only controlling the vulnerable but also in terms of how to break them."

If you go ahead with writing to LM, be VERY careful that he doesn't suck you in. Psychopaths are expert at doing just that, and you won't even know what hit you.
The first year I moved to BC, I volunteered with a local Christmas Bureau. One day we were told that three guys from one of BC's mininum security prisons were being brought in to help out. Jim (supposedly fraud), Dan (12 years for something), and Tak (offences unknown) were on supervised day passes. If you'd seen their escort, you could have knocked this nice old guy over with a feather. Long story short ;) I worked alongside these guys for 2 or 3 days, not knowing their crimes. I found out later that Tak is one of Canada's most infamous rapists, Larry Takahashi.

Sometime closer to Christmas, the chaperone delivered a package to my door from the inmates. Can't recall how he got my address, but I joked that I hoped the parcel wasn't ticking. I opened it up and it was a beautiful hand-made clock LOLZ .. with a note about how i'd been so kind, etc and they hoped i liked the gift. Somehow dude Jim found out my phone number and called me from out-of-province about how he was getting married, I'd been so helpful in our talks, blah blah ... next thing I was bumping into him in my hometown. I'm also pretty sure I saw him in the next town i lived in.

So, long story short (rarrrrRRRRR) ... be careful. They'll tell you anything and can be so bleepin' charming and it's hard not to want to help.

That's scary, SillyBilly! I does reveal a lot about you, though. You are obviously a kind soul!:cheerful:
The first year I moved to BC, I volunteered with a local Christmas Bureau. One day we were told that three guys from one of BC's mininum security prisons were being brought in to help out. Jim (supposedly fraud), Dan (12 years for something), and Tak (offences unknown) were on supervised day passes. If you'd seen their escort, you could have knocked this nice old guy over with a feather. Long story short ;) I worked alongside these guys for 2 or 3 days, not knowing their crimes. I found out later that Tak is one of Canada's most infamous rapists, Larry Takahashi.

Sometime closer to Christmas, the chaperone delivered a package to my door from the inmates. Can't recall how he got my address, but I joked that I hoped the parcel wasn't ticking. I opened it up and it was a beautiful hand-made clock LOLZ .. with a note about how i'd been so kind, etc and they hoped i liked the gift. Somehow dude Jim found out my phone number and called me from out-of-province about how he was getting married, I'd been so helpful in our talks, blah blah ... next thing I was bumping into him in my hometown. I'm also pretty sure I saw him in the next town i lived in.

So, long story short (rarrrrRRRRR) ... be careful. They'll tell you anything and can be so bleepin' charming and it's hard not to want to help.

Yikes, SillyBilly....that sounds scary.
Well, it is highly likale that he anticipated on the "pick-up-garbage-day" i agree. But want I think is strange is, why kill people, and then kittens and then return to humans. To me there is no logic behind that, other then he could not get a human. It's almost like taking steps backwards instead of forwards, if you know what i mean.
As your reasoning for the video... i can see somewhat potential in this theory but again, regarding everything in this case it's a goulash for me.
IMO, it is not chronilogical, it is what am I taping and posting inbetween killings, . IMO , lets look at it as slowly having to urnintae, same thing, building getting uncofrotable , having to.

Same as spouse abuse.

He got to where he needed to kill to empty his hatred bladder .
THat is it.
IMO, omg not even sure if i wanna know , but i do i think his body count.......ugh........
That is a fascinating paper. I had to tweak this chart to show up well here, and I highlighted something, but otherwise this is a quote from that paper:

Table 2: Comparison of serial killers to the general population

Type of Abuse-------General Population---- Serial Killer Population
Physical -----------------6% ------------------------- 36%
Sexual ------------------ 3% --------------------------26%
Psychological ---------- 2% --------------------------50%
Neglect ---------------- 18% ------------------------- 18%
Other --------------------6% -------------------------- N/A
No Abuse Reported--70% ---------------------------32%

So 32% of serial killers in this study had no kind of abuse! That's amazing. It's also far different than the 70% from the general population.

I think the aunt may certainly be onto something if she felt the grandmother Eric lived with was a problem for people, especially kids. That may not mean actual abuse, of course, but there could be significant dysfunction, easily, imho. There could be abuse, too, of course.

I just know that the criminal, vile psychopath I had the misfortune of being close to for so many years really couldn't have had significant abuse throughout any of her life. It would have had to have been something more like a bad pregnancy if we're looking for environmental factors. Or it could have been sparse and isolated incidents before a year of age that her mother absolutely didn't know about.

I find the topic so interesting. I also have to hold out that we really don't know that Eric's childhood contributed to his vile ways. I would trust my friend's parents to raise my own child, but I wouldn't trust her -- the daughter-- enough to spit on her!

it is interesting that psychological abuse is so high in serial killers. I agree, Writer7, the topic is interesting. That chart is pretty fascinating. That all abuse, except neglect is so low in general population. Neglect isn't high, just higher than everything general pop. I think it is very possible LM was psychologically abused by his grandmother and neglected by his parents. I know we need to be wary of what he says.....but from his writing is sounds like both his parents were disturbed.

Did you grow up with that psychopath you knew? Just curious that you knew her parents well (it sounds). Sounds pretty awful...that person and that you were close. Sorry! I have known some pretty disturbed people, but have been lucky that they hadn't been in my life long.
This young adult is troubled and on a downward slope into the abyss. To be just 21 and blowing off her lack of judgment with regards to propping up a killer, give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..."because of his looks and personality"...."he would always send me hearts in messages if I don’t reply to him". Something is awry that she would forego the severe danger attached to him and instead pander to his pathetic attempts at charm and manipulation. To know he's a psychopath and yet reply "no comment" with regards to future contact with him tells me there's more to this for her. She very well may be very....very angry at the world for her own reasons and has a difficult time owning it. She could be getting some sort of cathartic release for her own pent up crap by associating herself with him. She's truly vile to me.

Serial killer groupies are the worse! worse than rock band groupies. She has zero self confidence and will enable if not help out a killer all because, his looks. Johnny Depp is hot and won't ask you to put up a fan-page in his honor because he killed animals and a person!
I once had a patient who was at least sociopathic. She got on disability, milked it for all she could with 3 kids while she did very little. Of course her mothering skills were nearly void, and the kids chaotic. She once told me of how every year she volunteers for the Goodwill Christmas Angel Program. For those of you who don't know that is a holiday program where poor kids put their wishlist on Christmas trees and generous others volunteer to pick their list of items, bundle them together and return them to Goodwill who distributes them back to the children/families. patient went on to tell me that her sole reason for volunteering was so that she could cherry pick over all the gifts received and then put them aside for her children. She couldn't have beamed more with pride that she had figured out a way to exploit the goodness of others while appearing to be the dutiful provider for her kids. People along this strand of pathology are meniacal and will leave no rock unturned when it comes to parasitic behaviors ....and integrity is a word they either don't know, or laugh at.
Ok guys
Felt this way for the last 3 weeks , in my head I say , most, the country , are not as into this as me (that is all your alls purpose!) but gosh this all seems so old news, but is it cause, unlike most, we follow this case where , really the rest of the world has moved on, that is a question not declaration! Asking?

This is OLD news for all of -- us yes or no:

LOS ANGELES — The back story of accused murderer and gay *advertiser censored* star Luka Rocco Magnotta, dubbed the “Canadian Psycho," has taken another weird twist — this time involving Scientology.

If dismembering, eating and mailing body parts, and having sex with his lover’s corpse isn’t enough, Magnotta’s own blog reveals that he was enamored with the Scientology religion and wished that actor Tom Cruise would adopt him.

The Village Voice reported that in 2007 and 2008 Magnotta rambled on about the benefits of Scientology at an forum.
Copy/pasted this post I just wrote in another thread. Just bec I think I can, LOL.

Originally Posted by Donyale
Thanks pannekoek! I've heard about that comment, he was defending LM about the 'tics' wasn't he?:


The youtube video Facial Mouth Ticks has been nagging me for weeks now. I tried to let it go bec I couldn’t find a connection between BB and LM, just concluded that BB must be a moran or master troll. And the video had been removed.

But since I know, bec of you, there is a pre-murder connection between LM and BB its back to nag me! I don’t know what has been researched here about the video yet. And cant be bothered to go through all of it. Also think its better not to let myself be influenced by other previous recollections/perceptions of the video.

Let me start with telling how I came to see it and why it intriqued me. I was refreshing youtube for new video’s about the case and BB popped-up, was one of the first to see it. I was interested in what kind of people defend people like LM, so I went through his youtube history and bumbed into the Facial Mouth Ticks video he commented on. It was uploaded by a differnet youtube account. The video description said something about that the uploader had met some 20ish guy with severe facial ticks and asked for help.

There were I think two (maby three responses). BB answered a question by a poster that had seen the video and asked how it was going with the person in the video. So it appeared that BB new the person in the video. Not long after BB deleted his comment there. But what was weird; the person in the video resembled LM. It was shot so you couldn’t see his eyebrows, the tell tail to know if its LM..haha… It really looked like LM with what I know now is his long hair wig but couldn’t be sure bec I couldn’t see the eyebrow and the constant ticks. I’ve known some people with Tourette who have facial ticks and the ones in the video just seemed simulated. I watched the vid I don’t know how many times…

Now I know there is a connection between BB and LM I really think it might have been LM in the video. But that knowledge brought another nag to my brain. Why would he make a video about facial ticks and ask for responses (don’t think it was his youtube account by the way but someone he knows). It made me think about the discussion here on WS about he side affects of the meds that LM is ‘on’, one of them is facial ticks.

I don’t know if you read my post in the Armchair psych profile thread #1031 but combined with that it makes me think its actually possible LM might be misdiagnosed and the video was a way to see/practise if he could simulate side effects of a drug he wasn’t taking to be able to fool people he has a mental illness and been taking drugs for it.

I know its a completely far fetched hypotheses but it all, in context, actually seems logical in my brain, LOL.

Ps it could also be that he did get the right diagnoses but didn’t want to use his meds and was trying to perfect the simulation of ticks to maintain the illusion that he was using them. That would definitly be a much simpler explanation than the above. But I’m sticking with it for now bec I still think he’s a
I completely understand your curiosity because I've thought of doing that on several occasions in the past. But last night I happened to see a movie, 'Dear Mr Gacy', about someone who did just that and the outcome wasn't good. Jason Moss wanted to get inside John Gacy's head and didn't realize what the consequences of delving into that dark world could be. Moss wrote a book about it titled, 'The Last Victim' ... which is exactly what he wound up being, when in 2007 he shot himself in the head.

Check out this website:

"It was with 33-time killer John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown”, that Jason forged the strongest relationship. Letters led to regular Sunday morning phone calls, during which Gacy trumpeted his innocence even as he gave Jason a guided tour of his world. In the book, Jason tells the story of his correspondence and eventual live meeting with Gacy shortly before Gacy was executed."

"Jason felt he became Gacy’s “last victim” after a face to face meeting in prison, in essence being overpowered by the mind of the serial killer. He felt that this misadventure allowed him to understand how a killer’s mind works in not only controlling the vulnerable but also in terms of how to break them."

If you go ahead with writing to LM, be VERY careful that he doesn't suck you in. Psychopaths are expert at doing just that, and you won't even know what hit you.

I saw this movie... I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about this happening before seeing the movie though.

I wrote Richard Ramirez some years back.

Plus, I could kick Luka Magnottas *advertiser censored* with both hands tied behind my back :floorlaugh:

No really, I appreciate and understand the concerns of everyone. And I know he's not alright in the brain. I'll be mailing from a PO Box just in case but I think LM would have a hard time breaking out and getting to Atlanta.
I saw this movie... I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about this happening before seeing the movie though.

I wrote Richard Ramirez some years back.

Plus, I could kick Luka Magnottas *advertiser censored* with both hands tied behind my back :floorlaugh:

No really, I appreciate and understand the concerns of everyone. And I know he's not alright in the brain. I'll be mailing from a PO Box just in case but I think LM would have a hard time breaking out and getting to Atlanta.
Even if he had your address, what would make you stand out from the other hundreds of people who are writing him? Now if you had many correspondences over time and developed some sort of relationship it may be more worrisome.

And as far as his connections on the outside... We are not dealing with a mob boss here. He was undoubtedly used and abused and I'm sure that anyone he was ever associated/involved with has written him off for as good as dead by now. It's sad to me to think that the only acceptance he may have found was in the seedy underbelly of society and of course when the **** hit the fan he ceases to exist to them. They will go on with their lives as if he never existed in the first place.

That being said, it's the people on the streets - the guy mowing your lawn, ahead of you in the checkout, your boss - that you have to worry about. Luka was simply an extension/appendage/tool of the much larger monster.
What I'm finding really disturbing are the comments by LM fans on FB. Some of the comments in his defense focus on comparing his crime to war crimes. In other words, LM isn't SO bad because he could have made his victim suffer more- the death was quick. What are these individuals thinking!

I honestly believe that Destiney, and some others, are killers in the making- same place LM was 10 years ago. One crazy I saw had a large cover photo of LM on her FB page, while her profile pic shows her toting a rifle. You can't see her very well, but she looks like she's only in her teens. Makes me shudder to think what these 'fans' of his are doing to animals and little children in the present. Here are some scary comments that I found.

" ... Another thing, this page is clearly all about LUKA. So why do people try to bring up that chinese guy. Sure, his demise was early but there are worse, and much more important things to worry about. Such as Luka getting hurt in prison, not being able to contact him..etcetc. SMH. SUPPORT LUKA!"

"What Luka is alleged to have done is not right and is on the extreme of sadistic, however he did not let his victim suffer for an extended period of time, the victim Jun Lin was not tortured, an important fact to keep in mind when you watch the video, especially when your emotions are kicking in, and what you see and perceive gets dissolved into your own beliefs and especially with an emotionally charged song to go with it (we all love soundtracks)."

"There are constantly sick crimes going on especially with Russian neo-nazis and jihad terrorists, tormenting and torturing their victims for sometimes hours. if you think Luka is pure evil, cast your eyes to Syria."

"He murdered that guy in that ghetto apartment because, well, its quite obvious. Would you enjoy killing someone, where a lot of expensive things are? Blood stains, and they are hard to come out."
Sure, and down the road she can blame peeps like us who "labelled" her or "didn't understand her".

I kinda like Florida's idea re the Marchman Act on substance abuse ... where any three people who have direct knowledge of a person’s substance abuse problem can apply to have you put into involuntary treatment. Would be nice to have the same option for the emotionally disturbed.

sigh ... JMO

That is interesting, SB. I hadn't heard of that act. It sure would help with interventions. I agree, it would be a good idea for the emotionally/mentally disturbed, too.
What I'm finding really disturbing are the comments by LM fans on FB. Some of the comments in his defense focus on comparing his crime to war crimes. In other words, LM isn't SO bad because he could have made his victim suffer more- the death was quick. What are these individuals thinking!

I honestly believe that Destiney, and some others, are killers in the making- same place LM was 10 years ago. One crazy I saw had a large cover photo of LM on her FB page, while her profile pic shows her toting a rifle. You can't see her very well, but she looks like she's only in her teens. Makes me shudder to think what these 'fans' of his are doing to animals and little children in the present. Here are some scary comments that I found.

" ... Another thing, this page is clearly all about LUKA. So why do people try to bring up that chinese guy. Sure, his demise was early but there are worse, and much more important things to worry about. Such as Luka getting hurt in prison, not being able to contact him..etcetc. SMH. SUPPORT LUKA!"

"What Luka is alleged to have done is not right and is on the extreme of sadistic, however he did not let his victim suffer for an extended period of time, the victim Jun Lin was not tortured, an important fact to keep in mind when you watch the video, especially when your emotions are kicking in, and what you see and perceive gets dissolved into your own beliefs and especially with an emotionally charged song to go with it (we all love soundtracks)."

"There are constantly sick crimes going on especially with Russian neo-nazis and jihad terrorists, tormenting and torturing their victims for sometimes hours. if you think Luka is pure evil, cast your eyes to Syria."

"He murdered that guy in that ghetto apartment because, well, its quite obvious. Would you enjoy killing someone, where a lot of expensive things are? Blood stains, and they are hard to come out."

Disturbing, indeed, Cracka*Jaxx. Some of those quotes are sick.
Copy/pasted this post I just wrote in another thread. Just bec I think I can, LOL. WARNING!! EXTREME LONG POST... haha..

The youtube video Facial Mouth Ticks has been nagging me for weeks now. I tried to let it go bec I couldn’t find a connection between BB and LM, just concluded that BB must be a moran or master troll. And the video had been removed.
But since I know, bec of you, there is a pre-murder connection between LM and BB its back to nag me!

Hey, this is just a quick reply, but you're onto something good here, there is some connection for sure.
Ok, here is what I found:

"I recently captured live video of a 20 year old man who is otherwise very healthy. He has SEVERE mouth tics. I would estimate that his mouth tics about once every 2 seconds. Note that the tics get MORE severe as the video progresses.
I'm very concerned about him. It seems like his nervous system is short circuiting. I haven't discussed it with him yet because I would like to know what it is and what can be done about it before mentioning it. I don't think HE knows what the problem is.

What is the problem and what can be done about it? (remove the 2 X's)

He can't get a decent job nor relationships with his mouth darting around constantly with random jerks and contortions. It's tragic because other than that mouth tic, he is exceptionally healthy, intelligent and handsome.

He doesn't have any "barks" or audible anomolies, so I don't think it's Tourettes. In fact, like country-western singer Mel Tillis, his tics seem to vanish when he sings. "

Now, here is what I think: stldetrl youtube user could be Luka (anomolies (sic!) and the part saying that 'he is exceptionally healthy, intelligent and handsome', capitalizing letters to make a point etc)
If you say that Beavis Butthead user did comment on stldetrl video, well this Beavis guy probably knows Luka or is his partner, who knows. Something is not quite right here. I will be back tommorrow and reply you properly. Promise! :seeya:
Copy/pasted this post I just wrote in another thread. Just bec I think I can, LOL.

Originally Posted by Donyale
Thanks pannekoek! I've heard about that comment, he was defending LM about the 'tics' wasn't he?:


The youtube video Facial Mouth Ticks has been nagging me for weeks now. I tried to let it go bec I couldn’t find a connection between BB and LM, just concluded that BB must be a moran or master troll. And the video had been removed.

But since I know, bec of you, there is a pre-murder connection between LM and BB its back to nag me! I don’t know what has been researched here about the video yet. And cant be bothered to go through all of it. Also think its better not to let myself be influenced by other previous recollections/perceptions of the video.

Let me start with telling how I came to see it and why it intriqued me. I was refreshing youtube for new video’s about the case and BB popped-up, was one of the first to see it. I was interested in what kind of people defend people like LM, so I went through his youtube history and bumbed into the Facial Mouth Ticks video he commented on. It was uploaded by a differnet youtube account. The video description said something about that the uploader had met some 20ish guy with severe facial ticks and asked for help.

There were I think two (maby three responses). BB answered a question by a poster that had seen the video and asked how it was going with the person in the video. So it appeared that BB new the person in the video. Not long after BB deleted his comment there. But what was weird; the person in the video resembled LM. It was shot so you couldn’t see his eyebrows, the tell tail to know if its LM..haha… It really looked like LM with what I know now is his long hair wig but couldn’t be sure bec I couldn’t see the eyebrow and the constant ticks. I’ve known some people with Tourette who have facial ticks and the ones in the video just seemed simulated. I watched the vid I don’t know how many times…

Now I know there is a connection between BB and LM I really think it might have been LM in the video. But that knowledge brought another nag to my brain. Why would he make a video about facial ticks and ask for responses (don’t think it was his youtube account by the way but someone he knows). It made me think about the discussion here on WS about he side affects of the meds that LM is ‘on’, one of them is facial ticks.

I don’t know if you read my post in the Armchair psych profile thread #1031 but combined with that it makes me think its actually possible LM might be misdiagnosed and the video was a way to see/practise if he could simulate side effects of a drug he wasn’t taking to be able to fool people he has a mental illness and been taking drugs for it.

I know its a completely far fetched hypotheses but it all, in context, actually seems logical in my brain, LOL.

Ps it could also be that he did get the right diagnoses but didn’t want to use his meds and was trying to perfect the simulation of ticks to maintain the illusion that he was using them. That would definitly be a much simpler explanation than the above. But I’m sticking with it for now bec I still think he’s a
This one I disagree on - IMO, he has been on and off psyc meds since he was 6-8 ---IMO , his parents shoved some of their meds downs all the kids throats to make em be still.

Very , IMO, sick gang !

Thknik Texas Chain Saw and roll with me from there ...........
Hey, this is just a quick reply, but you're onto something good here, there is some connection for sure.
Ok, here is what I found:

"I recently captured live video of a 20 year old man who is otherwise very healthy. He has SEVERE mouth tics. I would estimate that his mouth tics about once every 2 seconds. Note that the tics get MORE severe as the video progresses.
I'm very concerned about him. It seems like his nervous system is short circuiting. I haven't discussed it with him yet because I would like to know what it is and what can be done about it before mentioning it. I don't think HE knows what the problem is.

What is the problem and what can be done about it? (remove the 2 X's)

He can't get a decent job nor relationships with his mouth darting around constantly with random jerks and contortions. It's tragic because other than that mouth tic, he is exceptionally healthy, intelligent and handsome.

He doesn't have any "barks" or audible anomolies, so I don't think it's Tourettes. In fact, like country-western singer Mel Tillis, his tics seem to vanish when he sings. "

Now, here is what I think: stldetrl youtube user could be Luka (anomolies (sic!) and the part saying that 'he is exceptionally healthy, intelligent and handsome', capitalizing letters to make a point etc)
If you say that Beavis Butthead user did comment on stldetrl video, well this Beavis guy probably knows Luka or is his partner, who knows. Something is not quite right here. I will be back tommorrow and reply you properly. Promise! :seeya:

Can you or somebody else google Facial Mouth Ticks + stldetrl and adjust the date range for searching between I think march 2012 and may 24 2012? Then it pops up on the google list by the youtube videos. You cant watch the video bec its removed but you do get a still of the video. Before my laptop died I did that and enlarged and copied it.

I would love to do it myself but the vintage Imac Im on is technically challenged, LOL.
What I'm finding really disturbing are the comments by LM fans on FB. Some of the comments in his defense focus on comparing his crime to war crimes. In other words, LM isn't SO bad because he could have made his victim suffer more- the death was quick. What are these individuals thinking!

I honestly believe that Destiney, and some others, are killers in the making- same place LM was 10 years ago. One crazy I saw had a large cover photo of LM on her FB page, while her profile pic shows her toting a rifle. You can't see her very well, but she looks like she's only in her teens. Makes me shudder to think what these 'fans' of his are doing to animals and little children in the present. Here are some scary comments that I found.

" ... Another thing, this page is clearly all about LUKA. So why do people try to bring up that chinese guy. Sure, his demise was early but there are worse, and much more important things to worry about. Such as Luka getting hurt in prison, not being able to contact him..etcetc. SMH. SUPPORT LUKA!"

"What Luka is alleged to have done is not right and is on the extreme of sadistic, however he did not let his victim suffer for an extended period of time, the victim Jun Lin was not tortured, an important fact to keep in mind when you watch the video, especially when your emotions are kicking in, and what you see and perceive gets dissolved into your own beliefs and especially with an emotionally charged song to go with it (we all love soundtracks)."

"There are constantly sick crimes going on especially with Russian neo-nazis and jihad terrorists, tormenting and torturing their victims for sometimes hours. if you think Luka is pure evil, cast your eyes to Syria."

"He murdered that guy in that ghetto apartment because, well, its quite obvious. Would you enjoy killing someone, where a lot of expensive things are? Blood stains, and they are hard to come out."

How I hate the idea/concept of the CIA or FBI keeping files and collecting info for their database frightens me, in these cases I really hope that they are keeping tabs on specific people.
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