ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #21

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You are missing the point here - GBC created this himself - If he was thinking about his children surely this would never of happened in the first place - Yes I am celebrating his arrest as I am sure his children would want to know what happened to their mother. A mother that BC took away from his children

Look I am not missing the point here. I look at this whole thing as a tragedy from all angles. I don't see that there is anything to celebrate and I will not address this again. You do I don't.......simple. No point missed. The dickies lost a daughter, her siblings their sister, and those precious girls their mother. At one time Allison and Gerard loved each other had a lovely family together and probably thought they would have a wonderful life together. Those girls would remember that time I'm sure. Now they are left with no parents. Their life as they knew it is gone. I am relieved the alledged murder has been arrested. I am very very sad it is their father. That's it in a nut shell. That I don't want to celebrate shouldn't be a problem for you or anyone else. Go for it ....enjoy!!:chillout:
DOCS picked them up from school with court orders whilst GBC was being arrested at his office. His family didn't know girls were being taken.

So GBC' parents are really being left out in the cold. Suspicious. IMO

It is a shame the media filmed the children leaving with the Dickies, they have been and are going to be through too much.

Oh no! The media should know better. I'm disgusted.:maddening:
Hi all - first time poster, long time lurker/"thanker"
I initially felt a great sense of relief at tonight's news - and whilst that is still the overwhelming feeling, my heart still aches. My children and I are approaching the second anniversary of my husband, their Daddy's, death after a short battle with an aggressive cancer. I see the devastation and grief on their faces still after nearly two years. I cannot begin to imagine how the three BC girls are coping and will cope in the future. Fully acknowledging that our family dynamic was very different, my hubby and I loved each other dearly and we were a tight family unit, I just cannot imagine how someone could make a decision to inflict this pain on their children. My kids are of similar age to the BCs and all I can think is at least my kids have me here - those poor three girls. What was he thinking? I will continue to follow this with great interest to try and wrap my head around the how's and why's.
I thank you all for the great input, clarifications, giggles and sometimes tears. I never thought I would be one to be so wrapped up in an internet forum, but have found myself here more often than not since I first stumbled across this forum. Happy about the arrest - anxiously awaiting the roll out of information as time goes by.

Welcome wiz, and thank you for your heartfelt post; it is tragic to lose a loved one to an illness. I have not come to terms with nursing my dad (he died of cancer 3 years ago) and I am an adult. And I keep asking myself 'how could someone do this - to these little girls?'

Yours is a very sad story - thank you for sharing it with us. It is good to know that your children have their loving mum... thinking of you and your family tonight

With regard to the children, good planning on the part of the Police as expected. We knew they would be in good hands. This seems to have gone well for them, to be protected from the news barrage at this stage an to be collected by the Dickie family. Congratulations to Ainsworth and all the Detectives and Police men and women who have worked so hard to achieve this result tonight.

Well said :clap: Go the QPS
Look I am not missing the point here. I look at this whole thing as a tragedy from all angles. I don't see that there is anything to celebrate and I will not address this again. You do I don't.......simple. No point missed. The dickies lost a daughter, her siblings their sister, and those precious girls their mother. At one time Allison and Gerard loved each other had a lovely family together and probably thought they would have a wonderful life together. Those girls would remember that time I'm sure. Now they are left with no parents. Their life as they knew it is gone. I am relieved the alledged murder has been arrested. I am very very sad it is their father. That's it in a nut shell. That I don't want to celebrate shouldn't be a problem for you or anyone else. Go for it ....enjoy!!:chillout:

Absolutely agree MG. Well said - thank you.
Wow! A protestation of love and a hug in one night! This must be my lucky day ... :yesss:

LOL....If you stay till midnight.....I may give you a marriage proposal before I turn into a pumpkin.

Heck, I just remembered....Arent you a woman?...Maybe I do have some psych issues after all......xx
Look I am not missing the point here. I look at this whole thing as a tragedy from all angles. I don't see that there is anything to celebrate and I will not address this again. You do I don't.......simple. No point missed. The dickies lost a daughter, her siblings their sister, and those precious girls their mother. At one time Allison and Gerard loved each other had a lovely family together and probably thought they would have a wonderful life together. Those girls would remember that time I'm sure. Now they are left with no parents. Their life as they knew it is gone. I am relieved the alledged murder has been arrested. I am very very sad it is their father. That's it in a nut shell. That I don't want to celebrate shouldn't be a problem for you or anyone else. Go for it ....enjoy!!:chillout:

I am celebrating that the elephant is no longer in the room for the girls and perhaps NOW they can start some normality IMO
For what its worth I am with you MG. This is a time for reflection and relief that something is finally happening. Others can celebrate, it is not for me to judge - but for me presonally it doesn't feel appropriate at this point to celebrate, set off fire crackers, etc. There is a long trial ahead and a gun defence team standing by. This is the tip of the iceberg and the hard road is ahead. All we know now is which road we are heading down (finally).

Thank you very much , most appreciated. Was starting to feel like a fox in a hen house.
I think he may have had inside info, or he was 'used' to get some info out there. IMO


I think yes to the above .. Let's see how much of what he has said comes out
He posted about nine blogs about Allison Baden Clay
A friend of mine was in his very early teens when his mother disappeared. His father told him and his 2 younger brothers many different stories such as she had disappeared after a cyclone, died in a car crash and run off with another man. He said they always had suspicions that he killed her as there were a lot of arguments but they didn't want to say anything because they were worried they would be split up.*
Instead they were raised by their father. *27 years later the father was found guilty of her murder (strangled with an iron cord and body buried in the bush). *From my understanding none of the boys had anything to do with him once they grew up and have nothing to do with him now. The important things for those girls are to be together, know the truth about their mother and whoever did it to her and most importantly, be with people who love them. The healing will happen in time. A happy ending?... My friend is the most resilient, caring, kind person I have ever met.*
LOL....If you stay till midnight.....I may give you a marriage proposal before I turn into a pumpkin.

Heck, I just remembered....Arent you a woman?...Maybe I do have some psych issues after all......xx

As I said previously, some days I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha ... *chuckle*
LOL....If you stay till midnight.....I may give you a marriage proposal before I turn into a pumpkin.

Heck, I just remembered....Arent you a woman?...Maybe I do have some psych issues after all......xx

Woman? oh c***!
A friend of mine was in his very early teens when his mother disappeared. His father told him and his 2 younger brothers many different stories such as she had disappeared after a cyclone, died in a car crash and run off with another man. He said they always had suspicions that he killed her as there were a lot of arguments but they didn't want to say anything because they were worried they would be split up.*
Instead they were raised by their father. *27 years later the father was found guilty of her murder (strangled with an iron cord and body buried in the bush). *From my understanding none of the boys had anything to do with him once they grew up and have nothing to do with him now. The important things for those girls are to be together, know the truth about their mother and whoever did it to her and most importantly, be with people who love them. The healing will happen in time. A happy ending?... My friend is the most resilient, caring, kind person I have ever met.*

I am celebrating that the elephant is no longer in the room for the girls and perhaps NOW they can start some normality IMO

I think the girls are far from experiencing normality in their lives. Their mother has been allegedly murdered by their father.....then there's the court case.
DOCS picked them up from school with court orders whilst GBC was being arrested at his office. His family didn't know girls were being taken.

Those poor girls, those poor little angels......fear, loss, grief, devastation, confusion, loneliness......having to place their trust in adults, their world is a silent tunnel, a heart aches for them tonight.......poor angels, I'm incredibly are loved little angels.....bless their little lives
A friend of mine was in his very early teens when his mother disappeared. His father told him and his 2 younger brothers many different stories such as she had disappeared after a cyclone, died in a car crash and run off with another man. He said they always had suspicions that he killed her as there were a lot of arguments but they didn't want to say anything because they were worried they would be split up.*
Instead they were raised by their father. *27 years later the father was found guilty of her murder (strangled with an iron cord and body buried in the bush). *From my understanding none of the boys had anything to do with him once they grew up and have nothing to do with him now. The important things for those girls are to be together, know the truth about their mother and whoever did it to her and most importantly, be with people who love them. The healing will happen in time. A happy ending?... My friend is the most resilient, caring, kind person I have ever met.*

Thanks for that post Cheekymonkey. My sister (my best friend) lost her baby daughter (4 months of age - cardio myopathy) to illness 15 years ago. Before her sister was soft to the point of sooky....bless her. The biggest sook.....Sooked about everything. Her daughter died........and she became strong. Loving, caring...and as you say resilient. They often say, death either makes or breaks you. It made her..

SO, I sure relate to what you are saying.
Those poor girls, those poor little angels......fear, loss, grief, devastation, confusion, loneliness......having to place their trust in adults, their world is a silent tunnel, a heart aches for them tonight.......poor angels, I'm incredibly are loved little angels.....bless their little lives

Beautifully said. I can't begin to imagine what the girls are going through.
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