AS lie detector test

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IQ... I think the problem for me is that he sounds more confused and scrambled than guilty even with the body language not aligning with what he is saying (or saying more than what he is saying). And on the 911 call he was also goofy and seemingly cold. And, on both he just says odd stuff. So :waitasec:

Maybe Adam wasn't actually the one that cut her down. Just a thought that crossed my mind.

I need to go back and listen to the 911 call again, I recall wondering if Adam was speaking with someone else while on the call

I just googled and located the video below as well. It is very interesting.

Observations and Questions about LDT. On the link to the att'd video of the lie detector test @59 seconds AS's watch is on his right wrist. At 1:14 seconds of the interview, his watch is now on his left wrist. Is removal of a wrist watch something an interviewer usually requests? IIRC it had been stated he was given 4 LDT tests during a short time frame...can something as inconsequential as a watch affect the outcome of a LDT? Do men prefer to have their watches on their dominant side (ie right handed men usually wear it on their right?) Curiously (but isn't everything about this curious?) not all the videos aired are as easy to capture images of his wrist and the long sleeves of his blue shirt made it difficult to spot. Can anyone in Rebecca's family tell us what size the Mossimo long sleeved blue shirt was that was used as a gag? Coronado Mansion case death of Rebecca Zahau - Adam Shacknai lie detector report - YouTube
does someone here have the transcript of the video below?

[ame=""]Coronado Mansion case death of Rebecca Zahau - Adam Shacknai lie detector report - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe Adam wasn't actually the one that cut her down. Just a thought that crossed my mind.

I need to go back and listen to the 911 call again, I recall wondering if Adam was speaking with someone else while on the call

Interesting thought. What also comes to mind was him saying something about her hands tied to her feet (I think). I also wonder if she was possibly cut down earlier, while it was still dark out. Something is off, but I don't know if we have enough clues to know what.
Found the transcript. Thanks!

So, per:

"I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before"

AS could have cut her down AFTER/DURING (not before) the 911 call, and per the 911 call, it seems so.

Originally Posted by Carioca View Post
Oops, posted this on wrong thread, so have moved it here... Apologies.
Not easy to discern certain AS' words at times. His thoughts often jump nonsensically. All corrections welcome:

News 8 Exclusive - The polygraph examination of Adam Shacknai

Date: 7/13/2011
Time video begins: 7:33:17PM

AS: I think.. I got to reach her and realized I wasn't going to be able to get her off without a knife. You know I tried -- I realized -- quite quickly. You know I realized this thing will happen like this. I went around the back into the house which the door was open. I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before.

PR: OK. Did you at any point think she was alive?

AS: I'm well.. you know. Call me a can-do person or something -- but -- probably not. But I thought, how would I answer -- for this if I didn't try something. I'm a responsible person.

PR: OK. Tried some CPR?

AS: Yeah

PR: OK. Have you been trained in that? With the boat stuff?

AS: Years and years ago. Not enough to amount to anything.

PR: OK. So, tried some CPR. Now -- and so -- was there anything else unusual? What kind of chain (unintelligible?) was it, like a bed sheet or what?

AS: It was a ******ing rope, man. Red rope. Unless my memory is failing me, you know, something -- it wasn't just something that you would be laying around, somewhere. I wouldn't think.

PR: Alright. So could you tell whether it was a material or something?

AS: Kinda like a Kevlar, synthetic

PR: OK. Like nylon...

AS: Yeah

PR: Or something like that?

PR: OK, and -- so what, there were no shoes, not a stitch on?

AS: Not that I recall

PR: So her hands were hanging down by her side then?

AS: I don't know because here's the thing. I don't remember about her hands. Because after I cut her down I went to take her pulse -- you know -- at some point, which I didn't even do at first. I remember having to get something out of the way -- of her hands -- and that's why I've been asking these detectives and stuff if she was tied up or what. I mean I'm like, I'm kind of in all a blur [cross talk]...

PR: Blur yeah.

AS: You know but -- but I remember having to move something to try to get her pulse out of the way -- you know very much [cross talk]

PR: You don't remember anything unusual?

AS: I don't remember that, but I just -- I fear -- I hope to God she wasn't tied up but -- and again -- I asked the detectives there -- you know -- I don't recall.

PR: Now as far as the CPR. You did the chest compressions and you did blow in her mouth, in her nose?

AS: I got the -- once I got 9-1-1 on the line, I went ahead and blew in her mouth.

PR: OK. And her mouth was open and clear and everything?

AS: I didn't even do all that at first. I should have. I didn't. I didn't do that tilt. I think they said tilt the head back and do that. I didn't do any of that stuff.


AS: I just put my mouth over hers and said **** it, it's my brother's girlfriend and I'll do it. And I did it.

PR: And there was no tape across her mouth or anything like this?

AS: No. There was a ******ing gag in her mouth though.

PR: A gag in her mouth?

AS: Yeah

PR: What was that?

AS: Something, yeah. I had to pull something out of her ****ing mouth. It was like a blue scarf.

[time stamp jumps from 7:36:54PM to 7:40:29PM]

PR: Does it seem to you like it's a suicide then at that point?

AS: YES ABSOLUTELY [AS sits forward in chair, then leans back]

PR: OK, and what makes you think that?

AS: It's just what crossed my mind you know -- just because -- I thought she was THERE, when Max got hurt,supposedly. UM UM -- you know maybe she just can't LIVE with it, you know. I've never been in that situation. I'm not going to -- I can't say that I could, especially if it was someone else's kid, you know.

PR: Did she seem suicidal or anything like that?

AS: No. I don't get -- you know, I mean -- you just don't ever think of that.

[time stamp jumps from 7:40:29PM to 8:11:49PM]

PR: Look straight ahead listen and concentrate on each question.


PR: Only respond yes or no


PR: But the most important thing of all is what?

AS: Be honest?

PR: That's it. Be honest, don't lie, be honest in your answers [unintelligible]

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, do you know for sure if anyone did anything to hurt her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, did you yourself do anything to her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, were you in that guest room that she was found hanging from at any time during the night?

AS: No

[time stamp jumps from 8:22:47PM to 8:40:19PM]

PR: These are hard tests to do when you're this close to what's going on here like you said...

AS: Yeah

PR: Because it's hard to get rid of that emotional factor

AS: Right

PR: Um, and you could have done a whole lot worse on the test (AS shakes head). And you could have done a whole lot better too.

AS: (makes a psshoo sound - snaps finger)

PR: Based on what I've got here -- we're kind of in the inconclusive range. But it clearly doesn't bother me that much, because I think that if you were (unintelligible) that close, there is no way I could prevent you from giving me SOME reaction. But as far as being involved in it, I am not INCLINED to believe that. Um, but you're definitely not flunking my test, so that's kinda -- somewhat of a good thing.

[Time stamp jumps from 8:41:44PM to 8:44:44PM]

PR: Appreciate your cooperation. I know it's a tough thing to do and certainly appreciate you working with us on this. Wasn't so bad, was it?

AS: It was.

PR: It wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be though?

AS: It was.

PR: It was?

AS: Yeah.

[Time stamp ends 8:44:56PM]


There were 10 questions. The video only includes 3 of them. Within the first 12 hours Rebecca's death was being investigated as a homicide. AS discovered her body, thus any investigation would consider him a POI. Why is Mr Redden so darn appreciative and accommodating to AS?! Will comment more on this under separate comment.
Observations and Questions about LDT. On the link to the att'd video of the lie detector test @59 seconds AS's watch is on his right wrist. At 1:14 seconds of the interview, his watch is now on his left wrist. Is removal of a wrist watch something an interviewer usually requests? IIRC it had been stated he was given 4 LDT tests during a short time frame...can something as inconsequential as a watch affect the outcome of a LDT? Do men prefer to have their watches on their dominant side (ie right handed men usually wear it on their right?) Curiously (but isn't everything about this curious?) not all the videos aired are as easy to capture images of his wrist and the long sleeves of his blue shirt made it difficult to spot. Can anyone in Rebecca's family tell us what size the Mossimo long sleeved blue shirt was that was used as a gag? Coronado Mansion case death of Rebecca Zahau - Adam Shacknai lie detector report - YouTube

It seems that portions of the video were simply flipped during editing. He was leaning on a table to his left. When the watch mysteriously switches sides, he appears to be leaning in the opposite direction. Awesome catch!
In the video of LDT that is 5:09 in length @ 20 seconds Adam indicates that he cut Rebecca down using his RIGHT hand in a sawing motion (notice clenched right fist as if holding a knife?). However, in the video that is 3:38 in length at 1:08 seconds he NOW indicates that he cut Rebecca down using his LEFT hand in a sawing motion!!! (notice clenched left fist as if holding a knife?) Each time he does his salacious retelling of events....he doesn't seem to remember whether which hand he held the knife in to cut her down.....Good grief! C'mon, it blows my mind....aren't these the kinds of things detectives are supposed to look at when reviewing videos of questioning?? Afterall, wouldn't you think it suspicious if a person said they shot their gun with their right hand, and then in the same afternoon interview, say they shot their gun with their left hand?:banghead::banghead:
There are so many things wrong with this case... I hope my fellow sleuthers are not tiring of me with me pointing out so many of the things that have bothered me about this case. (To have a forum where one can freely state concerns, questions and observations is amazing.)

Portions of the video must've been flipped during editing. Because the table he was leaning on, although not always visible, also appears to be switching sides as evidenced by the eight of his shoulders, the direction his head is pointing in, etc. And surely no one was moving that table. Nice catch, however!
TIME...that's the ticket!! Sometimes you point out things that REALLY MAKE SENSE...yep he "acted" confused and scrambled, until the (In my opinion rehearsed) storyline was introduced by the LDT administrator. He goes on in an incredulous awe, (now using my Gomer Pyle "Golly Sarge, accent") can you belive she had a "effin" rag stuffed in her mouth?
Redden @ 2:58 sec: "Does it seem to you like it is a suicide?"
AS @3:00 sec: " YES, ABSOLUTELY!"
Every time I look at the clips of his LDT and even listen to the 911 call...The only things that are NEVER, NEVER confused or scrambled is the theme he has pushed since the beginning. "Gotta girl, hung herself" and "YES, ABSOLUTELY!"Everything else he says, has always been full of uhs, ho-hums, arm waiving, heavy breathing, screaming, cussing, hyper-ventilating while looking for an address, feigned confusion, (ie I think there was something I had to move to check her hand)...etc, etc, etc...
I strongly agree "someone, someones or something" put the idea of SUICIDE into his mind. Yes...he sure acts like he is confused and scrambled for much of the video but practically jumps out of his seat, as if hit by a lightening bolt of absolute clarity.....YES, ABSOLUTELY.
His confusion and scrambling suddenly went poof, huh?
ps. TIME..thanks for making watch the video more made me see things more clearly.

I agree. A huge red flag IMO. I remember having an AH HA moment when I saw the video. Up until that moment he seemed understandably 'dazed and confused'. After that sudden burst of clarity it's almost impossible to believe anything else he says. How could such a so-called expert have possibly failed to notice it? Or did he and that's the reason why he gave him the exact same test four times as Anne Rule asserts in her book? Or is repeating the same questions four times standard procedure? Does anyone know?
A little part of me is unsure also. But if people commit suicide because they are bullied, insulted, manipulated (and she was manipulated by not receiving the truth of MS's condition for a long time). Should I think...suicide is OK? Or should I try to understand the incredible sorrow she must have felt when (if) she was told her smiling, adorable little boy she had bonded with over the last 2 years was not going to survive? I CAN UNDERSTAND THAT KIND OF SORROW. But, why in the world would she need or want to paint on walls, drag rope out of a garage, take off all her clothing, remove her earrings, necklace, rings, gold bracelets (but leave rubber Bionic Bands on her wrists) and gag herself with a blue Mossimo long sleeved T-shirt?? Suddenly "naked suicide" appears to be "partially naked suicide"....and that is really, really strange. MZL said, "all I know for sure is Rebecca would be alive if.............." So far, that is the only statement I can agree with totally.
PS...thanks for your thoughtful contributions. Great input.

Because that's what most women would do when about to take a shower. Why would she also need to take off her rubber bracelets? If she was out and about watering the garden that hot, brightly lit (almost a full moon with 98% illumination) summer evening, taking a shower when finished is to me perfectly reasonable and would also explain the mud on her feet.
Someone with Jonah's intelligence and ability to maintain a cool head under extreme duress. NR was probably not the only one who immediately began suspecting that her twin sister was involved. JS in all likelyhood did too.

I seem to recall someone posting confirmation a while back that he and Dina were actually staying in the same hotel room the night she could only be pegged as being in the vicinity of the hospital. Did he stay put bedside? Or did he at any time of the night walk over to the nearby hotel only to find out that Dina wasn't there?

Whatever excuse she used, like "I just couldn't sleep and went for a walk" I too would've believed given the circumstances - all along suspecting deep inside that it may not be true given her state of mind that Tuesday and her proneness for impulsiveness and violence.

As such, knowing that his brother was the only other person on the premises, he would've no doubt immediately realized that his brother would become the likely suspect. Please keep in mind that this is a guy who shortly thereafter was already also calling a PR firm. And I honestly can't say that I blame him for a man in his corporate position at the time.

In summary, I'm still-fence sitting on whether Jonah was involved in a cover up, but I sure don't believe that he was involved in her murder.

BBM - The nights in question, Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Nina is the person who alleged in her phone interview DS and JS were sharing a room at the Ronald McDonald House, not a hotel. SDSO has never stated this. Although SDSO in their first press conference led the public to believe both DS and JS were at Max's bedside all night via video surveillance, it changed in their second press conference when questioned further by a reporter. During the investigation LE requested surveillance video from Rady's hospital. The did not find Dina on the surveillance video, but did capture Jonah. SDSO stated they were able to narrow down Dina's location from her cellphone triangulation. In SW 11-165 Jonah told detectives he went to the RMH around 1:00am.

From 11/17 press conference -

I forgot what the question was.

Dina on surveillance tape.

[Peruses document for 20 seconds] We don’t have her on surveillance tape. Her position was determined through GPS triangulation on her cell phone, which put her in the vicinity of Rady's Children's Hospital.
Because that's what most women would do when about to take a shower. Why would she also need to take off her rubber bracelets? If she was out and about watering the garden that hot, brightly lit (almost a full moon with 98% illumination) summer evening, taking a shower when finished is to me perfectly reasonable and would also explain the mud on her feet.


Why would Becky be out and about watering the garden? It is my understanding the mansion has/had a sprinkler system.
Adding to the obvious strangeness of this case...WHO HIRES A DEFENSE ATTORNEY FOR A SUICIDE? How many times have you ever heard of a defense attorney arriving on the scene 10 hours before the medical examiner arrives? AS flies 2000 miles to be of support for his brother, I don't know what I would do under the same circumstances...just can't imagine how devastated (or angry?) I would be after seeing my young nephew on life support and less than 12 hours later finding my brother's girlfriend hanging from the balcony. Supposedly and Alledgedly are synonyms people use to express sarcastic doubt.

The first part of the sentence is fact. Adam DID fly 2000 miles. The second half of the sentence is speculation. Why did Adam fly 2000 miles? Apparently he and his brother were not close. Adam was on the property when RZ was murdered. Again, when I separate the facts from the assumptions, it gives me great pause.

( I tried to emphasize the sentence I was referring to in blue but it didn't work. I will capitalize it:


Why would Becky be out and about watering the garden? It is my understanding the mansion has/had a sprinkler system.

Not only that but it was AFTER 8pm at night on Tuesday. Why would anyone be watering plants in the middle of the night even if they didn't have a sprinkler system? That makes NO sense. To me, it is obvious someone's trying to throw curve balls and everything including the kitchen sink into the mix in order to obfuscate the facts and confuse peeps who are not familiar with the evidence in this case. I also believe this person is attempting to mock and taunt some gullible peeps. All IMO.
"Where you came and got the kid the other day"
"Got a girl, hung herself."

Adam was in a panicky state when he made the 911 call. Perhaps that accounts for his wording. When I say the words in those 2 sentences, I feel a complete emotional disconnect
from both of those human beings. Their humanity disappears. I find it interesting if nothing else.

Adam TEXTS Jonah after 'finding' Rebecca. Jonah does not return the communication. Wow.

Dina is making a lot of noise. It is easy to focus mostly on her. When I look at the bare bones/ basic facts about Adam, I am suspicious about why he flew there in the first place.
I am keeping an open mind about it. JMO
Does anyone have a copy of the response by Adam's boss after this first became big news ( in 2011 ). As I recall, Adam not only did not tell anyone where he was going when he flew to Spreckels, he actually lied about it. TIA
"Where you came and got the kid the other day"
"Got a girl, hung herself."

Adam was in a panicky state when he made the 911 call. Perhaps that accounts for his wording. When I say the words in those 2 sentences, I feel a complete emotional disconnect
from both of those human beings. Their humanity disappears. I find it interesting if nothing else.

Adam TEXTS Jonah after 'finding' Rebecca. Jonah does not return the communication. Wow.

Dina is making a lot of noise. It is easy to focus mostly on her. When I look at the bare bones/ basic facts about Adam, I am suspicious about why he flew there in the first place.
I am keeping an open mind about it. JMO

It's difficult to make an assessment about someone from a few brief comments made under the stress of a polygraph and a gruesome death scene. It's best to have a complete picture of someone's functioning when making assessments about their interpersonal interactions, language, syntax, etc.

Having said this, I (and many others) agree that at a minimum, AS's public statements and polygraph interactions are quite odd-- EVEN in the face of such a stressful situation. I have personally wondered if AS has some type of emotional/ behavioral disability (high functioning) such as being on the autism spectrum. I wonder how large the crew is on his tugboat job, and how much he has to interact in that environment. He may have gravitated to a type of job where he doesn't have to have much interaction with others, due to his odd personality and interactive habits. Just speculation.

All of his comments, including the blunt admission about his masturbation activities, and the comments to LE about his "bedside manner", demonstrate a rather flat, socially inappropriate, and disconnected pattern of interaction, IMO. His syntax is peculiar. He may communicate more appropriately in less stressful situations, and deteriorate to this flat and disconnected inappropriate pattern under stress. I personally cannot attribute this odd pattern of interaction to Ambien use.

One of the things that nags at me when I think of AS and something like the possibility high functioning autism, or some other Axis II disorder, is the potential for someone like this to be manipulated by others. Even very odd people can be "vulnerable adults". And when I think of Dina's and Jonah's involvement and interest with the autism population and therapy programs, I wonder if AS fits into that interest somewhere. It also would make sense to me why Jonah immediately kicked into "protect Adam" mode the day of Rebecca's death, when he urgently called Paul Pfingst. PP essentially dropped whatever he was doing to attend to Jonah's request to vigorously protect Adam from questioning, and PP even showed up at the death scene inside the crime tape- many hours before the ME arrived. (Huge conflict of interest, IMO.) Jonah didn't hire PP to protect himself-- he hired PP for Adam's interests. That speaks volumes to me about what Jonah's concerns were that day. And I think Jonah did not answer that strange text from Adam on purpose-- Jonah knew how odd it was to get a text like that, IMO.

IMO, Adam could be vulnerable to being manipulated by someone with Dina's background in social skills training for people with autism. Jonah may have suspected this as well. Particularly in a crisis or emergency situation, or a murder.

And AS has always seemed to be very "scripted" when he has been discussing Rebecca's hanging-- he is very vague and wishy washy about EVERYTHING except his "certainty" that Rebecca "hung herself". That alone is VERY odd and suspicious, IMO. From the very first 911 call, he is the one who started the "hung herself" narrative.

Adam has never sought out the media. He has been pretty much entirely silent since Rebecca's death. He had no ax to grind with Rebecca. But Dina most certainly did. IMO.
Does anyone have a copy of the response by Adam's boss after this first became big news ( in 2011 ). As I recall, Adam not only did not tell anyone where he was going when he flew to Spreckels, he actually lied about it. TIA

Adam Shacknai lives in an apartment in Midtown Memphis. His leasing agent neighbor, Robert Sanders, said he last saw him a few days ago.

"He said that he was going to have to go back out on the tugboat company he works for," said Sanders.
This doesn't scream lying to me about anything. It very well could have been he was set to go back out on the tugboat and then the accident occurred. I don't think we have ever heard from the tugboat company or his boss?
It's difficult to make an assessment about someone from a few brief comments made under the stress of a polygraph and a gruesome death scene. It's best to have a complete picture of someone's functioning when making assessments about their interpersonal interactions, language, syntax, etc. <respectfully snipped>

I agree, I think Adam could be autistic or something similar because of the odd bluntness and honesty and confusion behind some of the answers - like he doesn't seem to know it's not very socially acceptable. It seems to fit with some of his behavior and as you say, he would be vulnerable. Maybe you are right, that someone helped him 'script' some parts of his responses.
BBM - The nights in question, Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Nina is the person who alleged in her phone interview DS and JS were sharing a room at the Ronald McDonald House, not a hotel. SDSO has never stated this. Although SDSO in their first press conference led the public to believe both DS and JS were at Max's bedside all night via video surveillance, it changed in their second press conference when questioned further by a reporter. During the investigation LE requested surveillance video from Rady's hospital. The did not find Dina on the surveillance video, but did capture Jonah. SDSO stated they were able to narrow down Dina's location from her cellphone triangulation. In SW 11-165 Jonah told detectives he went to the RMH around 1:00am.

From 11/17 press conference -

I forgot what the question was.

Dina on surveillance tape.

[Peruses document for 20 seconds] We don&#8217;t have her on surveillance tape. Her position was determined through GPS triangulation on her cell phone, which put her in the vicinity of Rady's Children's Hospital.

You're right, it was a room at Ronald's, not a hotel. But I seem to recall that it was actually even closer to the hospital than the hotel he stayed at the first night. Also seem to recall, or maybe I just read it again in Ann Rule's book these last few days, that Dina was nowhere to be seen on any of the hospital's surveillance videos either. (!)

If LE in fact used "triangulation", which I strongly doubt because to my knowledge both network and phone based triangulation as well as A-GPS can only be done in real time, then LE would've known the exact location of the phone that night, information the Zahau family could use in their line of questioning during the depositions to come if they have it.

On the other hand, if they merely narrowed it down to the nearest cell repeater, and called that triangulation, as evidenced by the fact that the best statement they can make is that it was "in the vicinity of the hospital", then Gore is either an idiot or a very smart man with reason to believe that most Americans wouldn't even know what triangulation really means.

We are all too accustomed to seeing reports of a suspects travels up/down certain roads and believe that came from after-the-fact triangulation. Wrong! That would have been based on merely drawing a line from nearest-repeater to nearest-repeater as the suspect moved along - usually providing enough information to also trace a street route. But that is not triangulation - and surely an ex-FBI man knew that at the time he used the term.

LE cannot possibly prove Dina's exact whereabouts, would have not been able to find contradictions in her statements as to her whereabouts throughout the night if they'd even tried (!), and that would make it much harder to get additional information from her during the depositions.

Here is a really short and well-written, even illustrated, article on how triangulation really works:
Wow... watch carefully.... when AS answers NO.. he shakes his head yes....

then at the end... do you think she committed suicide.. he says YES and shakes his head no...


When he 's describing how he ran into the house to get a knife to cut her down, he 's also shaking his head "no ". It will be interesting if we get to see the entire interview.

I strongly disagree with both of the statements above. Adam wasn't shaking his head. One second he's moving his head forward as his body language actually emphasizes the word "no". The video then jumps to a point much later in time when his head is already in a different position. It happens again each time. And when he's shaking his head in regards to running into the house, please keep in mind that by then he's already been under questioning for at least an hour and probably already answered the exact same questions twice if not three time. In all fairness to Adam, I would've probably have also been shaking my head in frustration by then.

For me the only two AH HA moments in such a short video excerpt, unlikely to prove truly representative of the full length two-hour video, are when he states matter-of-factly that he believes it to be a suicide and not remembering anything about Rebecca being tied. He seems desperate to convince LE that it was a suicide, to the extent of readily agreeing to take the poly because he is such a can-do kind-of-guy, yet claims that he can't even remember if Rebecca was bound.

And why does he keep fidgeting in the chair so much, did he keep forgetting that he probably put his keys or other sharp objects in his back pockets to defeat the poly?

Where's the 'puke' smiley when you need it?!...
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