AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

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Yikes... if that picture of Isa makes you think of Jon Benet and Toddlers and Tiaras, I can't imagine what you would think of pictures of me as a little girl and how my mother raised me.


Hey Scout!!!

Oh lmao, this was priceless, thank you for the laugh today, I really needed it.
Right in the middle of Tucson is a CITY one square mile in size that is called THE CITY OF SOUTH TUCSON, they have their own police and fire dept, city council etc, it is only one sqaure mile in size and it is 99% old family traditional hispanics, there are a lot of drugs and prostitution there but it isnt any worse than any other inner city type ghetto in the nation and I particularly enjoy the area for its good authentic ethnic foods and mom and pop stores but that is just me.

Oh yes, I love them too. We have little mexico, and of course Oak Cliff. The authenticity is not like it used to be back in the day. But, the tortilla factories and tamale stores are still there. Love them all. jmo
I know for all of you that don't live in Arizona/Texas states that border to Mexico, it is hard to believe that a cartel would be involved. For most of us that live here, it is easier to believe. It is getting worse and worse and sadly, they do take kids. Some of it is not reported in the media. They are not afraid of cops and they really aren't secret. They are so powerful that sadly, they get away with a lot. If this is happening, there would be a reason that we are not hearing about it. Some things need to be kept quiet until all is said and done. A good thing is that if this is true, most likely Isabel is alive. Otherwise I think it would have been all over the media. These are all my own Theories/Opinions.

I live in the Houston area, which isn't that close to the border, and Mexican drug cartel/gang-related violence is huge here. Children are occasionally kidnapped, and it doesn't always make national headlines. Sometimes it isn't even reported to LE, because the parents are in the country illegally. I live in a relatively affluent subdivision of Houston, and a child was kidnapped from this area and held for ransom a few years ago. The parents never spoke directly to the media, but stated that they felt the kidnappers took their child to Mexico, and thought they had been targeted because the kidnappers perceived them to be wealthy. The kidnappers sent the child home in a taxi, LE chastised the media for interfering with their investigation, and nothing else was ever reported.

There was a case here recently of a man who was gunned down in front of his family in the parking lot of a nice restaurant. Turned out that 2 Mexican drug cartels were at war and one crime boss put out a hit on another crime boss, and the man's assassination turned out to be a case of mistaken identity - the gunman killed the wrong man and their intended victim had already left the restaurant.

I know none of these cases really pertain to Isabel's case other than to illustrate how drug cartel-related violence might seem far-fetched if you're not accustomed to seeing it in your local news on a regular basis.
IMO, the part that struck out to me the most was when he had difficulty spelling the child's name (OR) at least it appeared he had difficulty because he began over and spelled it a 2nd time. There is no language barrier with the spelling of a name.

I got the strange impression that he maybe was not as close to this child because of that and because he seemed to struggle on a few other things regarding her, as the operator asked him questions about her. It just seemed odd to me. Especially the name spelling.

Part of that was cutting in and out. He seem to know a lot for a daddy when they arent as observant as mommies tend to be sometime.

He did tell them her full name and spelled it.......her date of birth and how tall she was and how much she approximately weighed.

Neighbors have spoken out and said they would often see Sergio and Isa walking around the neighborhood so I think he was extremely close to his youngest child and only daughter but I think he was also close to his two sons. I think the entire family doted on Isa because she was the baby child and had older brothers. I think in all of their eyes Isa was so very special!

And that's the exact reason his 911 call is so suspect. If he'd thought his child had wandered off or was possibly with another family member, I might be able to understand his reaction. But he stated he thought she was abducted, stolen from her bedroom by a stranger and he is perfectly calm and manages to laugh. I don't see how he'd be that calm if he'd actually hurt her either, but IMO he knows what happened to her. Can't remember who said it on NG, but it fit - " Hi , this is S C-e-l-i-s, my daughter's been kidnapped and I'd like a large pizza, pepperoni & extra cheese please."

ITA! Does anyone know if he FIRST contacted his wife (since she did leave sooo early for work) "Hey, by any chance is Isa with you?"
One thing that had slipped my mind was the break in and attack on the three little girls 10 miles away. How could anything be weirder than that?
And who knows if someone had not alerted and he ran out, he might have been there to abduct one of those girls. Has there been anymore released on that case? jmo

The most recent information is that a convenience store near the home of the three girls had a surveillance camera that caught the image of a young man who fit the description of the perp in that case. (His clothing fit the description to a "t", not sure about his visage.) The local media ran that image, and the young man's father identified him to the S.D. The young man has since submitted dna and fingerprints. The testing hasn't come back yet.
Another thing to keep in mind with the Cartel 'human trafficing' Abduction that most Americans may fail to realize is in Honduras and a few other south american places people still are getting sold like slaves, particularly females. These people need to come from somewhere and abducting people is one way to keep inventory.
BBM: Whoa ... I agree, that is a BIG DEAL ! What a "BombShell" !

I do not recall an LE agency that has ever "publicly admitted" to putting manpower to "specifically" look at possible "family involvement" ... No doubt IMO that LE agencies do this ... but they never publicly admit to it ...

In fact, most of the cases I follow it seems like LE does not say much as to what is going on ... it seems they only throw out "crumbs" ...

JMO and MOO ...

:moo: :moo: :moo:

While I don't remember any cases where LE has addressed how many officers are assigned to certain aspects of this case, I do remember plenty of cases where LE has said that they are looking at the family and family involvement - it's standard operating procedure. Some have been even more blunt in talking about what family involvement or circumstances they are investigating. If anything, I find LE in this case far more closemouthed than LE in other cases. LE also announced how many officers they had assigned to investigating other leads outside the family, which if I recall correctly, was a higher number than those assigned to the family. In my opinion, I don't think this statement is a bombshell.
ITA! Does anyone know if he FIRST contacted his wife (since she did leave sooo early for work) "Hey, by any chance is Isa with you?"

He did call her first and told her to come home.

Then he turned around and called 911.

All of this was happening very quickly. He found her missing around 8 am and went out to look for her and his older son was looking too and by 8:13 or 14 he had the 911 op on the line.

For sure, especially if he was trying to cover up anything. Imo, he would have poured on the theatrics big time in the 911 call if he was guilty.


That is a good point. He was so calm, it was almost too much of an extreme the other way, so that is a good point that if he was knowingly faking the call, he made no real attempt to try to fake dramatic sorrow in the 911 call. Someone mention a possible thoery of maybe he was possibly medicated or on some sort of drug. That theory could explain what seems to be an unusual reaction. I am more open to other possibilities today, as compared to yesterday. The only thing I can say with any sort of confidence is that in my opinion, his reaction was unusual during the 911 call, but there could be a possible valid reason that it was that way.
Yikes... if that picture of Isa makes you think of Jon Benet and Toddlers and Tiaras, I can't imagine what you would think of pictures of me as a little girl and how my mother raised me.


:seeya: Oh NO, not the pictures themselves ...

It was the way Becky described Isabel : the "dressing up", the "make-up" and the "nail polish" on a 6 year old ... it just gave me that impression of "Toddlers" and JBR ...

But then on the other hand, Isabel was described as playing ball and playing "in the dirt" with her brothers -- something like that ...

JMO and MOO ...

(snipped for space) I know for all of you that don't live in Arizona/Texas states that border to Mexico, it is hard to believe that a cartel would be involved. For most of us that live here, it is easier to believe. It is getting worse and worse and sadly, they do take kids. Some of it is not reported in the media. They are not afraid of cops and they really aren't secret. They are so powerful that sadly, they get away with a lot. If this is happening, there would be a reason that we are not hearing about it. Some things need to be kept quiet until all is said and done. A good thing is that if this is true, most likely Isabel is alive. Otherwise I think it would have been all over the media. These are all my own Theories/Opinions.

There's a difference between the drug cartels which involve Mexican citizens and F&F which was a "mission" of the U.S. Government. It seems as if both are being considered, and some people are getting the two mixed up. I don't know what I believe yet, :fence: but while I do not think cartels have a lot of control over what gets posted online, our government may have the ability to "shut down" a forum if we were getting too close to the truth. Maybe they would just discourage posters by making the site flakey and difficult to use? *LOL*
I think that if there was anything to the F&F theory, we would not still be posting about it. MOO
So they recruit 6 year old little girls?

I have no idea.

I am confused how it got started that this is tied to a Mexican drug cartel. Is this because the Celis family happens to be Hispanic?


Does the cartel only target Hispanic families?

I have no idea.


All of the above answers in bold and are JMO :what:
Okay! We get it! Arizona is completely unlike any other place in the nation. Or maybe on earth, for that matter. No other place has mixes of extremes, regular folks plus gangs or garden variety criminals. None! Only Arizona!

Look, I don't know what you think New England is like, but we aren't all sitting on walden pond in colonial houses behind white picket fences and looking at beautiful foliage 12 months of the year. . . :floorlaugh: :eek:hoh:

LOL! It's not just Arizona. California, Nevada and Texas are right up there too. It's just not talked about as much in states where it isn't happening. Where when you live there, you hear about it more. Also, we have LE dealing with it directly in our state and nearby states so we have more opportunity to hear about it from LE (people we know that have experienced it etc). Also, many of the people that they have caught from cartels and shown in the media don't look like meth heads at all. They actually look normal and healthy IMO. I haven't heard about the cartel messing with people that aren't involved with them in some way unless there is someone that is IN their way, like border patrol and cops. Then it is a full out blood bath. If Sergio has no connections whatsoever to the cartel, then I don't believe they have anything to do with Isa. If he does have some kind of connection, then that is another story.
The most recent information is that a convenience store near the home of the three girls had a surveillance camera that caught the image of a young man who fit the description of the perp in that case. (His clothing fit the description to a "t", not sure about his visage.) The local media ran that image, and the young man's father identified him to the S.D. The young man has since submitted dna and fingerprints. The testing hasn't come back yet.

Thank you. That is a good piece of information. I am glad they caught him so as to prevent any other molestations and break ins. It would be too much to ask that his dna is in Isa's house. That would be a miracle. jmo
:seeya: Oh NO, not the pictures themselves ...

It was the way Becky described Isabel : the "dressing up", the "make-up" and the "nail polish" on a 6 year old ... it just gave me that impression of "Toddlers" and JBR ...

But then on the other hand, Isabel was described as playing ball and playing "in the dirt" with her brothers -- something like that ...

JMO and MOO ...


Our darling little 4-5 year old granddaughters cant wait to show us their pretty painted fingernails and toenails when they come over. :)

I didnt do that with our daughters at that young age but it is just considered normal nowadays, imo.

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