AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

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NG now has a surgeon MD on saying the family is deeply enmeshed in family secrets because Isa colored on her closet wall.


A surgeon? A surgeon? (Had to read it twice to make sure I read it right, lol.) Well now, I guess a surgeon could be an authority on the subject if the message was about a hot appendix.

Nancy, Nancy. :banghead:
I think they just do not have evidence that shows a murder, IMO...and can hold out hope based on that.

Well hopefully this is good news. I would rather they not have evidence that she is dead and later find her alive than not have evidence she is dead and never find her period.
I am soon behind in reading...
but I couldn't help but giggle at your generosity!!!

by the way... I will give Starbucks cash for whoever takes the trip to the court house and report back to us!

i am still spinning my head on this
I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else.

If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of visual that she was taken (video, for example) of physical (a lot of blood, for example).

Something to consider.

. . . or some evidence of a struggle? Good reasoning, rosiebean!
I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else.
If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of visual that she was taken (video, for example) of physical (a lot of blood, for example).

Something to consider.

I always thought she was carried out the side window.
Just a thought but is it possible that CPS was doing a random visit in December or any other time as part of an ongoing stipulation from the DUI where there was a minor in the car? And also when I was around 8 years old and I would be sent to my room I would scribble "my mom hates me" over and over on a paper but then again my mom was sort of awful and did not want to be a mother so I could feel that hate stemming from her being as I still feel till this day. Anyway maybe the wall scribbles are a child's frustration. Heck when I correct my 2 yr old she tells me to leave her alone the only difference is 30 seconds later she says to give her a hug and all is right in the world. But then again she is 2 and me saying its bed time is the end of the world to her lol. Just Sarandon thoughts tonight and MOO
A surgeon? A surgeon? (Had to read it twice to make sure I read it right, lol.) Well now, I guess a surgeon could be an authority on the subject if the message was about a hot appendix.

Nancy, Nancy. :banghead:

Harhar, I think it was even worse than a surgeon, I think he is a Pathologist :what:
My understanding is that LE has only discounted the possibility that Isabel left on her own, i.e snuck out of the house and got lost. I don't think they mean "walked out" in a literal sense, versus being carried, just that she did not leave on her own, hence an abduction of some kind, since she was not brought back. Again, they stressed that the parents are not ruled out of the abduction scenario.
I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else.

If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of visual that she was taken (video, for example) of physical (a lot of blood, for example).

Something to consider.

There was previous discussion about some sort of quilt or blanket. I don't recall the context, but I think it may have been in regard to possible re-enactment of the events of that morning. If so, I wonder if maybe one of the boys maybe saw someone carrying out a rolled up quilt or blanket and maybe it was large enough to hold a small child. And if so, then maybe this is how LE can say they feel she did not walk out on her own. Just some thoughts about this.
God I hope not...

Me too. Theories are still in such a liquid state until we find out more, but... My slight hesitation to ponder if the girly-girl comes inside to play with her brothers a discussion from yesterday's threads, has other meanings.
Would an opera singer be likely to smoke anything? Cigarettes? Pot? Crack? Meth? I'd guess no.

I DON't know about opera singers... But it is pretty well documented that drug use/abuse runs rampant in the entertainment industry generally speaking.
I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else.

If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of visual that she was taken (video, for example) of physical (a lot of blood, for example).

Something to consider.

BBM I thought that just meant they don't believe she wandered away on her own.
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