Benazir Bhutto Killed in Suicide Bombing - Pakistan

After returning she called for Musharraf's resignation... speculation is that he wanted her back in Pakistan to be his puppet, but instead she became a thorn in his side.
long time no post...

i read on that it is believed "they" are claiming it was a freak accident vs. being killed so as to not give her martyrdom.


alos, I'm mildly confused - she went to Catholic School (St. Mary's) though she was muslim? I know it has nothing to do with the price of tea in china, but I found it interesting.
I think people are right to be suspicious of this report, but people do die (and sometimes quickly) from head trauma. One of our beloved WSers lost a relative to such a freak accident just recently.

There are at least two videos available and screen caps from them are inconclusive, at best...the Zapruder film might ring a bell.

From what I can gather from watching Pakistani news and reading the various local weblogs from old friends in the area on the intertubes...the Government's theory is that Ms. Bhutto died not from gunshots or shrapnel but from a skull fracture when she was thrown by the force of the suicide bomb and hit her head on a lever of the sunroof of the car in which she was riding.

Still, if you watch the first video's difficult to see how that scenario plays out.

As for the truth of the matter...well, the JFK assassination again comes to mind.
An article i found of interest about "Bibi". sheds light on more of her as a woman.

How Benazir let her hair down

TV journalist Daphne Barak has befriended many of the world leaders she has interviewed - from Nelson Mandela to Shimon Peres - but none became such a close friend as Benazir Bhutto. Here she reveals the private world of the murdered former Pakistan prime minister.

More here:
Gonzo, you and I thought the exact same thing- here is a link to the latest video however showing the shot to her head prior to the bomb can see her head scarf raise up and she slumps forward into the car...

(if this video was already posted, please forgive me...) I read an interview by one of her aides who washed her preparing her for burial and she stated Bhutto had bullet wounds in her head.
There are too many issues with Bhutto's husband to allow him to take over without intense controversy. It is going to be a classic "power behind the throne" scenario however in that Bhutto's son will have his father to edit and advise. I think that this speaks volumes for the differences in culture between the West and this section of the world...the idea of making a 19 year old a sacrificial lamb would never occur to us here, and yet they believe there is no choice in Pakistan. It will be interesting to see the current administrations reaction to this move, as well as whether or not they continue to petition so vehemently for someone else being responsible for the assassination other than Mushaaref. I think Bin Laden is a stretch, but that is JMHO.

Bless Bhutto's poor son as he takes on this dangerous role...
I don't think this had ANYTHING to do with Al Quida, although some of the news talking heads are trying to make it sound like it was. I think that certain factions in that country wanted her "done away with".
She was one gutsy lady. I admired her so. In her book she states "I didn't seek this life, it sought me" Truer words were never spoken.
May she rest with God.

May I ask...what is the name of her book? I certainly would like to read it. She seemed a courageous, beautiful woman.

Not for one minute do I believe she hit her head on the sunroof causing her death. Bless her dear husband's heart, he will not have her exhumed. He says he knows what killed her.....(heard on CNN)...

All IMO.

"Suddenly, after being snubbed for nine years, Benazir was being feted by Washington. She thought this was fantastic news and that President Bush's support would help her win the election in Pakistan.

But Asif asked me to check with my own contacts in Washington and Islamabad. I did and the information I got was that as soon as Musharraf ended the state of emergency, the Bush Administration would abandon its support for Benazir. She would be left extremely vulnerable. I thought it was a death trap."

This link is worth repeating. Thanks to the poster who put it up first....:)

Too bad she put her faith in the U.S. Government. :sick:

"Suddenly, after being snubbed for nine years, Benazir was being feted by Washington. She thought this was fantastic news and that President Bush's support would help her win the election in Pakistan.

But Asif asked me to check with my own contacts in Washington and Islamabad. I did and the information I got was that as soon as Musharraf ended the state of emergency, the Bush Administration would abandon its support for Benazir. She would be left extremely vulnerable. I thought it was a death trap."

This link is worth repeating. Thanks to the poster who put it up first....:)
Too bad she put her faith in the U.S. Government. :sick:

Only4Justice- I think that her death is a horrible thing for the people of Pakistan. How though would you suggest that the US protect her when she felt that she needed to go back to HER COUNTRY. That is a choice that she made knowing that she was not safe.
Only4Justice- I think that her death is a horrible thing for the people of Pakistan. How though would you suggest that the US protect her when she felt that she needed to go back to HER COUNTRY. That is a choice that she made knowing that she was not safe. are correct. The US could not provide the protection she needed to return to Pakistan, but Musharaff (sp.) could have. I have read that Musharaff promised the protection to her before her return with US support. I guess I should have said, Too Bad she Put her Faith in Musharaff! (America's ally....:snooty: ) are correct. The US could not provide the protection she needed to return to Pakistan, but Musharaff (sp.) could have. I have read that Musharaff promised the protection to her before her return with US support. I guess I should have said, Too Bad she Put her Faith in Musharaff! (America's ally....:snooty: )

Well I personally would not believe Musharaff if he told me the sky was blue. I am not sure that she had much faith in Musharaff I believe that she said if something was to happen to her they need to take a good look at him.
Musharaff has cleared everything up-the assasination was Bhutto's own fault...

From your link,
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's assassination was her own fault, the country's president, Pervez Musharraf, said in an interview that aired Sunday on U.S. television.

"For standing up outside the car, I think it was she to blame alone -- nobody else. Responsibility is hers," the former general told CBS' "60 Minutes."
:rolleyes: :mad: :furious:
Yeah-I thought this was pretty funny actually-and I believe the security detail outside the car was British and US. See why we need to place it at the feet of Osama??? Incidentally, the US govt has determined Osama is responsible for the storm that hit CA and NV over the weekend...I am just kidding!

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