Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #2

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I have a dozen questions about this case. It's literally taken me two days to post about it. Another young girl, vanishing, last seen with a family member.
Another young girl vanishing after my space visits. :banghead:

I watched a short news clip about this case earlier and one LE officer said this case was definitely a my space case. Any confirmation about that?
Rhetorical questions:
Why was a 12 year alone with an uncle that her daddy really didn't know?
That just seems weird to me.

Has LE or the family found out who the 'Internet' person is that she was interested in meeting? Do you all think the myspace person is connected to the sex ring?

Why o why was she allowed to go off with her uncle?
I have a dozen questions about this case.
Why was a 12 year alone with an uncle that her daddy really didn't know?

Has LE or the family found out who the 'internet' person is that she was interested in meeting?

Why o why was she allowed to go off with her uncle?
Because the mother didn't see Uncle Creepy as a current threat. Obviously her sister felt he was reformed since he was allowed with their own two little girls and the mother let her guard down (which should never have happened).

If they have, they have not released that information. That being said...going over Brooke's computer is how this came back to Uncle it is possible it came from his computer address.

Why, indeed?! On NG, Robi Ludwig went off the deep end saying that the maternal grandfather was probably a molester (makes me dislike her even more), but the truth is...we don't know why the mother would allow it and we will never know what was going on in that family. (I think it was awful to drag the grandparent into it tho with no shred of evidence.)

LOL added "Rhetorical" after I answered them.
The Times Argus updated their site and it states what WPTZ today did when I was updating today.

The alleged victim, identified only by her initials in court papers, said she was told two other girls were in the program and had met three men affiliated with it, too. She said the girls were graded based "on how you perform," said the sworn affidavit, which was filed at Vermont District Court for Orange County as Jacques was arraigned.

WPTZ had more read from the affidavit.

(((hugs))) Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
If I'm lucky I'll catch the repeat of NG.

I am so sick about Brooke's disappearance.
This never seems child kidnappers and abusers come out of the woodwork.
Robi Ludwig should of kept her mouth shut about the Grandparents! The Grandmother called LE to report Brooke missing. Which brings up another issue why didn't the Mom call?

I can't imagine letting my granddaughters be around a RSO! I guarantee there would be 1 less RSO if he'd of been hanging around one of my GD.
If they have, they have not released that information. That being said...going over Brooke's computer is how this came back to Uncle it is possible it came from his computer address.
On Monday, Baker said this: "As a result of information developed late Saturday and early Sunday, the focus of our investigation shifted drastically." He said it was during the weekend that the computer forensics probe "eliminated the whole world out there and narrowed our focus."
Did anyone notice that he has rather one of those Chester Molester Mustaches in his mug shot?! I remember when we discussed this during the Chester Stiles' case and it caught my eye earlier today.
G-d knows what kind of torture and mind games this creep inflicted on this poor girl!
My dearest RR, :blowkiss:
That was also said on the news tonight. The she was almost tortured I was flipping stations during the news and listening to the live feed, I will try to find something about that on their websites. It was stated in the affidavit. Give me a few ok.

Love and Respect,
Did anyone notice that he has rather one of those Chester Molester Mustaches in his mug shot?! I remember when we discussed this during the Chester Stiles' case and it caught my eye earlier today.

SS I noticed it right away...thought it was just me seeing it.
Robi Ludwig should of kept her mouth shut about the Grandparents! The Grandmother called LE to report Brooke missing. Which brings up another issue why didn't the Mom call?

I can't imagine letting my granddaughters be around a RSO! I guarantee there would be 1 less RSO if he'd of been hanging around one of my GD.

I can't think of a reason why the mother didn't call BB friend's mother that she was meeting at a convience store, and get the facts about a visit to a hospital. Who was picking her up? Time of return to home, not store? Who would be going etc.....
12 years old, off to see the wizard?
Maybe I am just old fashioned, I would have never have gotten away with this road trip and neither would have my daughter.

I can't think of a reason why the mother didn't call BB friend's mother that she was meeting at a convience store, and get the facts about a visit to a hospital. Who was picking her up? Time of return to home, not store? Who would be going etc.....
12 years old, off to see the wizard?
Maybe I am just old fashioned, I would have never have gotten away with this road trip and neither would have my daughter.


Not that I'm knocking the Mom but seems to me the girl wasn't very well supervised. She was allowed at a RSO home & the family knew he was one. Once a RSO always a RSO.......just because he was married why would he change? 2 daughters gave access to 2 girls.She was allowed to travel with him / she had no means of escaping. Couldn't call for help, cell phone left at home. Where was his wife while he was doing all of this???
Didn't she have a clue????
On Monday, Baker said this: "As a result of information developed late Saturday and early Sunday, the focus of our investigation shifted drastically." He said it was during the weekend that the computer forensics probe "eliminated the whole world out there and narrowed our focus."
Do you think they picked up the uncle's computer right from the start as Brooke was staying there the night before her disappearance? If that were the case...they've known for a while about the uncle's proclivities.
Did anyone notice that he has rather one of those Chester Molester Mustaches in his mug shot?! I remember when we discussed this during the Chester Stiles' case and it caught my eye earlier today.

He keeps reminding me of Joseph Duncan.
Do you think they picked up the uncle's computer right from the start as Brooke was staying there the night before her disappearance? If that were the case...they've known for a while about the uncle's proclivities.
They stated in the presser they knew about his past history from the beginning of the case. I would assume they did not have probably cause to get a warrant for his computer until they examined Brooke's. Even if Brooke had been staying there, I don't see them being allowed a warrant on that alone and MJ would never have offered it up to them without one, imo.
And we have no idea if the child who came forward is related to Brooke, right? I know someone speculated about the girl's initials- but they never did say a relation IIRC.
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