CA CA - Jason Kyles, 34, Oakmont, Sacramento, 2 Feb 2013

Were you able to contact the shelters in the area where he may have been seen? They might remember a man who would not eat meat, especially such a tall one. They may not see the flyers but perhaps if you mailed one to each place you can find or call them?
We have visited the shelters many times. We have flyers at all shelters and basically on every light post in the downtown area. Most of the businesses also have flyers up. I feel confident that if Jason is walking around Santa Rosa he will be seen. My concern is that he has moved away for the Santa Rosa area. At this point I am not sure where to look.
Bumping for Jason -

new reports of him being seen in Santa Rosa. Any locals out that way that can share his picture/flier?

Rebecca, I sure wish I could help but I'm across the country - Thinking of you tonight and out of all the cases here - this one really tugs at me. I want you to get your husband home!!!
That is a great idea. I am going to add that to the missing flyer. Jason will never eat meat, I really think he would starve first. Jason felt with all his heart that killing an animal for food was akin to killing a human. He believes strongly that every life is sacred. I always felt guilty when I ordered meat when we went out. He never said anything, but deep down I knew he was right. I know I can survive without meat.

I appreciate your help, I miss Jason with all my heart.

As a fellow vegetarian, I can relate. He sounds like such a gentle soul. I truly hope for a happy outcome for the both of you.
I follow the Find Jason FB and there seems to be an awful lot of 'confirmed' sightings but they are still unable to actually locate him?
Hello-I am Jason's wife Rebecca. We are continuing to look for Jason. We have a map of the park located on the Facebook page Find Jason Kyles. Our family is being realistic and has been from the beginning. However, the park has been searched fairly extensively without any sign of Jason. We believe Jason may be living on the street or on the move because he was afraid he was going to get into trouble because of the search. Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated. The media is no longer interested in our story.

Hello Rebecca, glad to see you posting here. I live in the Sacramento area. I haven't seen Jason but certainly will keep an eye out.

Do you have any idea if he's currently in this area? I just now heard of his case, and I'm having a hard time following where he was believed to be when he disappeared and where he may have been seen.

Edited to add: I'm so sorry that he's missing. This has to be heartbreaking!
Hello Rebecca, glad to see you posting here. I live in the Sacramento area. I haven't seen Jason but certainly will keep an eye out.

Do you have any idea if he's currently in this area? I just now heard of his case, and I'm having a hard time following where he was believed to be when he disappeared and where he may have been seen.

Edited to add: I'm so sorry that he's missing. This has to be heartbreaking!

Sightings in the Santa Rosa and surrounding area. They are updating often on the FB page as it seems there have been several recent sightings!! :). Seems like they are close to finding him. I hope!
Sightings in the Santa Rosa and surrounding area. They are updating often on the FB page as it seems there have been several recent sightings!! :). Seems like they are close to finding him. I hope!

Oh excellent, thank you! I was just looking at the FB page and saw this as well. I'm really glad to hear there have been recent sightings. I sure hope he's find soon too!
Tomorrow there will be 2 searches for Jason. One at 8 a.m. and the other at 5 p.m. It looks like the local community there is AWESOME! It has restored my faith in humanity. Jason's wife must be an extremely strong person. I can't wait until he is found!!
Keeping my fingers crossed. I hope they will finally find Jason and reunite him with his wife.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to just give you a quick update. We have had so many emails in the last week about potential sightings. What we are doing is enlisting the community to take a pic of anyone they think is Jason. We then dismiss the sighting or follow-up. It helps that Jason Is 6' 6." There have been 9 different people that feel they saw Jason over the last few weeks. One person saw him twice and stared at his face (she did not know he was missing). Apparently, he looks like her son (her son is 6'8" with a long torso). Also, an EMT came forward to say they feel strongly that Jason was in their ambulance 2 months ago on a 5150. We are trying to follow up all leads. I feel so much hope. Those months hiking on the mountain looking for his body were hell. However, we covered the mountain every week. I believe in my heart that Jason is living alone at the edge of Annadel. I believe he is in full blown psychosis and doesn't know how to get home.
Bekakh, it may be a good idea to ask people to take a photograph if they see Jason. Then you would be able to confirm whether it is him or not.

Good luck. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you.
I have been following Jason's facebook page and hoping beyond hope that just ONE of these sightings will be Jason. He needs to come home to his wife.
Any news? Thinking of Jason and his loved ones, especially his wife.

Jason's wife is still searching.. People in the community there in Santa Rosa are AMAZING! I am on the opposite side of the country and cannot get over how supportive and involved they are. It's truly inspiring.

Based on the FB page, they are still sending in pictures of possible sightings and so far there haven't been any actual pictures of Jason but they are still looking as there were some credible sightings back in June (I believe it was June.)

I really hope she finds her husband soon. I think of them often and want a happy ending here!
Thanks magnolia ! I hope Jason is ok and safe until he is found.
Just saw this thread. Jason is in my prayers and I hope you find him soon!,

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