CA CA - John Beck, 73, Alameda, 9 Feb 2016 #2

This qualifies as rumor I suppose, but it is an interesting analysis by someone who knew JB when he still had a reputation as one of the "good guys." He says that years ago JB was researching hiding assets offshore for a book he planned to write, but never did. The author hopes he's sipping a mai tai somewhere because he doesn't want to think he's dead. Apparently 3 or 4 investment "gurus" the author has written about have disappeared in this way.
Good reading. Thanks. I think he is alive too. At first I thought be was somewhere in CA. Not anymore. I agree with this author that he fled the country.
It made my jaw drop too when I read it! :) I've been sitting on this for quite awhile, hesitating because technically it's not MSM, and waiting for the conversation to pick up again. I agree that Reed has made a really good case for JB to be alive and well. I'm inclined to think that's exactly what JB did with his money long before he got caught up in the informercial/FTC case. One of his buddies was caught with an overseas account during the bankruptcy proceedings. I suspect that was the tip of the iceberg in that case.I believe JB very smartly lived well below his means. He had lived in his house in Alameda for many years. I grew up in Alameda and it's a nice older home that's worth something, but the neighborhood is pretty average, not a wealthy one. He didn't appear to drive high end new cars. So the money he made over the years in real estate went somewhere besides putting his kids through college and investing in more real estate. And if he didn't made a lot of money using his system, why was he selling it to people?!What hangs me up is that his wife would lose everything protected by chapter 7 because he disappeared. Would he do that to her without telling her where he was at some point? That seems unlikely to me. She was definitely part of his business before the infomercials, so if money was parked offshore, I think she'd know. The sudden silence doesn't necessarily mean they think he committed suicide IMO. I'd love to know what the federal government thinks!
I know what you mean, I keep thinking of his wife too. Was he the kind of scoundrel that would do that to her ? I do wonder, there are sure plenty of them out there. :scared:
So, should we take a vote on where he went ? :groucho:

10 Best Tax Havens in the World
I know what you mean, I keep thinking of his wife too. Was he the kind of scoundrel that would do that to her ? I do wonder, there are sure plenty of them out there. :scared:
So, should we take a vote on where he went ? :groucho:

10 Best Tax Havens in the World

I'm going to say Bermuda because it's fairly close and bankers can't reveal customer's names to third parties.

However, either Gravink or Hewitt (too lazy to check) had money in a Swiss bank, so that's a possibility. Of course that money was uncovered during bankruptcy proceedings. I posted about this upthread somewhere. So maybe it's not as safe as Bermuda.

ETA: After googling, I discovered that it's more important to find a country that won't extradite you.
I've always been of the opinion that JB committed suicide. But, after reading the link that Lilibet provided in post 39, I am much more open to the idea that he has left the country. I hope so.
I tend to agree with the majority of you on this. I've primarily been of the opinion that he's still alive but have wavered on suicide a time or two. However, JT brought up a few good points that have solidified my opinion that he took off. The passport issue was one that initially caused me concern but OF COURSE he would leave it at home and use a fake one to avoid being arrested. I don't know why that thought never crossed my mind. Also, JT seems very confident the FTC judgment would not have rattled JB to the point where he could think of no other options. JB seemed ridiculously smart with money and he'd been selling those infomercials for a long time. He knew he was scamming people and he knew the possibility of trouble that would lie ahead if he got caught. He doesn't seem like a man who would fail to have a backup plan if that were to happen. Plus, there has to be a valid reason he was ordered to pay a larger portion of the total sum than his associates were required to pay. If JB actually traveled to several countries in Europe and Southeast Asia to research offshore banking options... there's no doubt in my mind that he is alive and well in a foreign country somewhere.

It's hard to imagine someone could leave their family with such a financial burden, but unfortunately, it happens. I watched one episode of American Greed where a man did something very similar... except he went as far as faking his death and then bailed on a boat to another country because he was facing jail time for some type of money fraud.

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This qualifies as rumor I suppose, but it is an interesting analysis by someone who knew JB when he still had a reputation as one of the "good guys." He says that years ago JB was researching hiding assets offshore for a book he planned to write, but never did. The author hopes he's sipping a mai tai somewhere because he doesn't want to think he's dead. Apparently 3 or 4 investment "gurus" the author has written about have disappeared in this way.
Great find, Lilibet!

He still looks like a "good guy" but if he left his family to deal with everything then he is very deceiving.

I still see that last photo of him in the background walking away. sigh.

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Wow. I think what might be different is that JB owes a lot of money and possibly has a warrant. I suppose though, that throughout all the years of scamming people he may have stumbled onto a death certificate or two. It's certainly something the police should look into.
I am certainly leaning towards this scenario considering his background.
:bump: ing up this thread...

I started following this case in the beginning, and not just getting back to it... still not found, eh?

Lilibet said:
This qualifies as rumor I suppose, but it is an interesting analysis by someone who knew JB when he still had a reputation as one of the "good guys." He says that years ago JB was researching hiding assets offshore for a book he planned to write, but never did. The author hopes he's sipping a mai tai somewhere because he doesn't want to think he's dead. Apparently 3 or 4 investment "gurus" the author has written about have disappeared in this way.

nannymo said:
Thank you Lilibet. Very interesting perspective. jB was no dummy.

Also with 113 million (or was it a billion) or what he "stashed" over the years, you could live off the grid for quite awhile! :summer:

Anyone know "where" his wife might be? Did she get to keep the house? or sold it? Maybe she has already met up with him?

I think his trips to S.F. around there, where just a travel thru time of his past, and then left the country. Wonder if any BART stations were checked, as I believe BART goes to S.F. Intl. airport.

Anyway - I guess nothing has happened since November of 2016...
:bump: ing up this thread...

I started following this case in the beginning, and not just getting back to it... still not found, eh?

Lilibet said:
This qualifies as rumor I suppose, but it is an interesting analysis by someone who knew JB when he still had a reputation as one of the "good guys." He says that years ago JB was researching hiding assets offshore for a book he planned to write, but never did. The author hopes he's sipping a mai tai somewhere because he doesn't want to think he's dead. Apparently 3 or 4 investment "gurus" the author has written about have disappeared in this way.

Also with 113 million (or was it a billion) or what he "stashed" over the years, you could live off the grid for quite awhile! :summer:

Anyone know "where" his wife might be? Did she get to keep the house? or sold it? Maybe she has already met up with him?

I think his trips to S.F. around there, where just a travel thru time of his past, and then left the country. Wonder if any BART stations were checked, as I believe BART goes to S.F. Intl. airport.

Anyway - I guess nothing has happened since November of 2016...

Was it reported he had that much money stashed away? Though I'd always believed he had a stash, or more likely stashes, I don't remember reading any particular sum. I'm curious about his wife too, wondering if she's taken an extended vacation?
I don't believe it's been reported he had a stash. That amount is closer to what his judgement was totaled to be.
I don't believe it's been reported he had a stash. That amount is closer to what his judgement was totaled to be.

Oh, okay - I thought that was what he "stole". I know I saw a figure when I re-read the other thread. My mistake! But he "could" have stashed some of that money away - guess we'll never know!
And wondering too, if his wife took an extended vacation....
Oh, okay - I thought that was what he "stole". I know I saw a figure when I re-read the other thread. My mistake! But he "could" have stashed some of that money away - guess we'll never know!
And wondering too, if his wife took an extended vacation....

I have little doubt he had stashed a lot of money somewhere, thus the research in offshore tax havens he claimed he was doing to write a book. JMO
I believe it was stated by a friend of the family who used to post on this thread that the real money went to the partners. But I personally feel like the judgement would not have been so high if there was not proof that John had milked those people himself. I think he probably had some money stashed away too.
I believe it was stated by a friend of the family who used to post on this thread that the real money went to the partners. But I personally feel like the judgement would not have been so high if there was not proof that John had milked those people himself. I think he probably had some money stashed away too.

I completely agree. There's a reason his judgment was much higher than the others.

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A year ago tomorrow John Beck disappeared. What was he thinking and doing the night before? I guess we'll never know. It must have been a hard year for his family if they were left in the dark.
A year ago tomorrow John Beck disappeared. What was he thinking and doing the night before? I guess we'll never know. It must have been a hard year for his family if they were left in the dark.

It's a year, wow. It actually feels longer.

Will we ever know what happened?
While thinking about John Beck today on the one year anniversary of his disappearance, I read through some of the court documents. I'll post the links below for anyone who is interested.

Here are some of the details I gleaned...

Gravink and Hewitt owned the companies that distributed the courses offered by Beck, Alexander and Paul...Family Products and Mentoring of America. As I understand it, people who wanted to order the information offered called Family Products and paid $39.95 by credit card. They were not told that the $39.95 would be billed each month after their initial "free" month belonging to an information service each "guru" offered. This was against the FTC regulations and was a major part of the case.

After the original purchase, Mentoring of America reps would call, offering extra training by the guru, ranging from $195 to $14,000. Even when told to stop calling, they persisted. Another violation.

And of course, the FTC zeroed in on the false claims of easy and quick money to be made using each of these systems. In truth, John Beck misrepresented in the commercials the number of houses he had purchased using his system as well as the amount of money his daughter had made (supposedly more than she could make with her masters degree). He misrepresented how easy it was to own a house "free and clear" with his Free and Clear system.

Once the buyer received the $39.95 kit with instructions, only then did they find out that Beck's system could not be used in most states as described and involved more money up front than the ads revealed. It was the same with Alexander and Paul systems. All of them wrote the instructions in their kits. In other words, it was a ripoff and each guru knew it.

Meanwhile, Gravink and Hewitt were raking in millions of dollars. Of the three gurus, Beck sold the most. It wasn't stated how much of a percentage he received from Gravink and Hewitt. It may not have been the $113 million he was fined. However, the court held that each guru was held responsible "jointly and severally" with Gravink and Hewitt for the losses to consumers who bought their products. So even if Beck never made $113 million he was responsible for the amount his system brought in.

Only Beck appealed the judgement against him and his main argument was that he should not be responsible jointly and severally with Gravink and Hewitt. The Ninth District Court of Appeals disagreed in April 2016, after Beck disappeared, leaving his wife holding the bag, probably losing everything because the bankruptcy was never finished.

My personal opinion is that Gravink and Hewitt were the evil geniuses. They had been in various businesses together for many years and had been in trouble with the FTC before with some kind of exercise equipment infomercial. So they switched to something that played on the desire people have to make money easily in a slowing economy. But I also believe that Beck, Alexander and Paul were well aware that their systems were unusable by the average person. Beck admitted as much in his deposition for his appeal.

I don't know if they knew about the repeated charges for $39.95 or the high fees charged for further training. But the law holds them responsible jointly and severally with Gravink and Hewitt, and I don't think they ever expected that outcome. The FTC stated that their suit against them was to make an example of them to deter other "get-rich-quick" schemes. Here's hoping the plan worked. But as long as gullible people want to make a quick buck, there will be other Gravinks, Hewitts, Becks, Alexanders and Pauls willing to take a chance and take advantage of them. JMO

Initial court filing by the FTC in 2009, U.S. District Court, Central District CA:

Court decision April 2012: Adv FDCO 130117-000078/F.T.C. v. JOHN BECK AMAZING PROFITS, LLC

Brief filed by the FTC April 2013 in response to Beck's appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This contains rather damning admissions by Beck in his deposition:

Summary of court arguments Feb. 2015. Beck says he only licensed the use of his name and that the judgment was 90 times what he earned.

Decision against Beck April 2016 by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals:

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