CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #5

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I looked back and found a police profile of SV's killer:

He also said that in the days following the murder the killer may have displayed behaviours seen as out-of-the-ordinary by those who interacted with him, including unexplained absences from his usual activities, such as missing work, school or appointments.

The killer may have increased his alcohol or drug use and may have been irritable, agitated or anxious.

The idea of 'missing school' indicates that LE thinks the killer is young.

I still think SV, SL and AG had the same perp.
The killer may have increased his alcohol or drug use and may have been irritable, agitated or anxious.

Quoting from myself this time.......does the term "increased" give LE strong reason to believe that alcohol/and or other drugs were found at SV's crime scene?

I was thinking in terms of youth partying and thinking how they move to and fro, between cities , towns, and neighbourhoods to socialize, party, study ect.
Could a very bad party guest be making the rounds?
I was thinking in terms of youth partying and thinking how they move to and fro, between cities , towns, and neighbourhoods to socialize, party, study ect.
Could a very bad party guest be making the rounds?

Good point! And since all (SL, SV and AG) were surrounded by wooded areas, I wonder if LE found drugs, alcohol, etc. in those wooded areas near the crime scenes. Young people seem to gather in out-of-the-way places to party.

Perhaps drugs/alcohol were found in SV's car. Or DNA (hair samples with drug traces) left at one or all three crime scenes.

I wonder where this guy has been in the last 3 years. Isn't that a long time to be sitting in jail awaiting trial?

ETA: just read on another board that he's been out on bail and living with his mother... will try to find this in the MSM...

These quotes jumped out at me...

Thomson had turned 70 a few days before her body was found by a neighbour in the converted garage of her home that had served as a hairdressing salon.

Her throat had been cut and she had an apparent stab wound in her back.

At the time of the man’s arrest in June 2008 the OPP issued a press release stating Thomson died from multiple stab wounds and had been sexually assaulted.
Just had another thought about my post above...

I wonder if police are being quiet in Audrey's case because they really do know who did it... let's say that DNA from Audrey's crime scene matched someone already in the system... If that someon,e like the accused mentioned in the above links, was responsible and currently on trail for another murder, would police wait for the outcome of the current trial before laying other charges? I think it's possible, but I'm not that familiar with the ways of LE.

Just a thought...
Please say a prayer for Audrey's beloved male German Shepherd, formerly known as Togi (and her female formerly known as Schatze who will be left again :( and the family who took them in and love them both so much) he's been diagnosed with cancer :(
Please say a prayer for Audrey's beloved male German Shepherd, formerly known as Togi (and her female formerly known as Schatze who will be left again :( and the family who took them in and love them both so much) he's been diagnosed with cancer :(

Ohh, this is really heart-breaking. Being "left" by the loving dog owner (Audrey) will have devastating effects on any pet.

I surely hope (when the time comes) AG's dear dog will be buried in the cemetery with her other pets.

So sad.........(I wonder if the dog(s) know in their hearts what happened to Audrey).

I put these links in the wrong order, but what I am trying to show is an individual who very much resembles imo, the other composite the SL attack.
Maybe this might be someone working at a chain of donut makers donne construction boots to deliver donuts and danger?
What was that special treat AG's dear dogs love to devour?
"It is also not far from a Tim Hortons restaurant where police collected surveillance tape and evidence from the men's washroom in the hours after Ms. Morrisseau was found. Police cannot yet say if that evidence is linked to the homicide".

AG's murder was described essentially as perverse,so is this..
" No arrests have been made in the slaying of Kelly Morriseau, 27, who was found naked, bleeding and near death in the parking lot of the park's information centre on Dec. 10, 2006, when she was seven months pregnant with her fourth child."
Another set of human remains found near Caledon:

On today's noon news. SV was mentioned and it was shown how close the location is to the areas where SV and LF were found. (Hope I have the second initials correct.)

Isn't it time LE warned the public (women) about a possible serial killer out there?:hills:

Caledon remains belong to adult woman: police
Posted 4 hours ago
CALEDON — Human remains found earlier this week at a rural property near Caledon Village belong to an adult woman, according to police.

Caledon remains belong to adult woman: police
Posted 4 hours ago
CALEDON — Human remains found earlier this week at a rural property near Caledon Village belong to an adult woman, according to police.

It's high time LE stepped in to warn women about what's going on in the Caledon/Orangeville area!

And about dotr's posts about the elderly man......again LE must warn ALL in Southern Ontario about these horrific events.

Graphic and upsetting, but this stuff needs to be told so that single women with children pay close attention and avoid jerks like this. Could this sad tale be related to AG in any way?

"WARNING: This story contains graphic content that may be offensive to some readers.

“You are a lowdown, mean, despicable, evil manifestation of a human being that preys on little children,” Justice Nick Borkovich said in a Hamilton courtroom in 1993 after a jury found Cooper guilty of 16 counts of sexually and physically abusing five girls and one boy between the ages of seven and 14".
Lately, I've been wondering why PK stopped coming to this site to post. He readily admitted that he's a suspect and he also said "there were inconsistancies in his polygraph". He didn't seem like he was hiding anything.

Perhaps he's just busy with his University work. Who knows? :notgood:
I don't know if LE has already put one in place, but if they haven't, it is about time a special task force was put in place to start connecting the dots starting with the town of Caledon and why this town holds so much significance in these cases.

What is LE missing here. If they would just release more information, maybe, just maybe the public could help them. They have really given nothing other than disclosing the fact about a pair of size 10/11 Dakota/MW Warehouse boots in the SV case. IMO
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