Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #61

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Didn't someone on a thread wayyyy back say how long it would take for the body to leak fluids/cells/whatever it is -- so that a cadaver dog would pick it up?

That's one thing about the drowning thing that I'm wondering about. Wouldn't Caylee need to have been deceased a little longer than just drowning right then and placed on the ground?

Does anyone remember?? :waitasec:
Don't know exact time - but I do know it doesn't take long. Minutes really. Your body shuts down and all the fluids in it (sorry - gross factor) start leaking out whatever openings are closest to the ground - gravity. I'm not buying the drowning theory. It doesn't sit with me.
I am sure that LE has the shovel borrowed from the neighbor. I wonder if cadaver dogs have hit on it?

I think it is very probable that Casey placed Caylee in a few different places trying to determine what she was going to do with her...
oh also with the shovel being borrowed on the 17th..we now know it wasnt used to break open the shed lock for the gas on june 22-24...there was another reason for her needing it

The shovel was borrowed on the 18th.
and Cindy said "yes and over there by the corner of the pool" word for word. A dog hit there.

I'll say this when I looked at that ladder last night, I got goosebumps. Would the cadaver dogs hit on the ground by there IF she moved Caylee right away? I thought that they smelled only the smell of decomposition?? Does anyone know?:confused:
That info came from the Furhman source. Remember Cindy and George have never ever discussed this before.
Where did the Fuhrman source get it? Wouldn't it have had to originate with Cindy and George? Who else was in the backyard on the 16th that could have come up with that story?

I'm not buying it until I find out it came from an independent source with no dog in this race.
Bringing this over too! You are too fast!!

Evaporate wasn't the right term here--thanks for catching that. I will clarify being a Florida resident myself as well. Pure chlorine over time will gradually lose it's strength. You know how we get the pool shock in the containers like 4 at a time cause it's a pain so we have 2 extra? Well if we let those sit out for a length of time, the chlorine gets weaker.

Chlorine that's been put in pool water ( especially with a solar heater on it) evaporates over time. However if you don't overchlorinate your pool and take a wet towel and throw it in your car,THAT chlorine will evaporate. If you do overchlorinate your pool then you'll bleach your towel for sure. I have an inground pool so I don't use the powder chlorine. I do use the Tablets in the skimmer though. WHew. Sorry it takes me so long to answer, I'm back and forth but seriously I'm just gonna stick here with this thread. :woohoo::woohoo:

Sounds like my setup. I use the tabs in chlorinator and the liquid for shock. Which reminds me, I need to buy some chlorine.:crazy:
do we actually know there wasn't ANY phone calls on the 17th? was that said tonight?
what if it wasn't a drowning but a case where pool supplies were left out and Caylee got into them. she could have drank some of it and died that way.
IIRC it doesn't take long at all from death. Remember the officer on here that said they responded to a DOA car accident and as they were trying to extract the victim from the car his body fluids were already leaking out of his nose....

No, I missed that. I could see that since it was a car accident (with alot of trauma since they were pinned in).

I'm wondering for just a typical death... maybe a death not as traumatic perhaps. I was still thinking maybe it was said to be 10 minutes or so. I'll try to go search.
I can't see casey drowning caylee i had to drown a baby bunny once and its darn hard. hate to say it but she comes off too lazy to me to have done that.
altho she seems very immature to me and if caylee drowned by accident i can see where it would ahve been her first instinct to call mom for help and not 911.

then panicking if she could not find her to tell her what to do.
Who knows for sure when the gas was stolen? We only know what the Anthony's have reported and obviously they lie.
Flurries of phone calls usually happen after a big argument. If Caylee had an accident, why would Casey call four different people in a row. It sounds like there was a big fight and she was being hung up on or her calls weren't being answered on purpose.

This is what I'm thinking. Call, yell, hang up. Call, yell hang up. If the calls were answered, I'm guessing this is the situation.

I fear that it might be hard for LE to believe Cindy if she does admit to fighting with Casey...she's been maintaining for so long that "everything was fine" and keeping up appearances that they were all on good terms. If those calls were answered, and they spoke any amount of time, it could appear damning, as if the family knew...which I don't personally believe that they did.

What is weird to me, is if the ladder was always up, I guess we'd have to assume that Casey was swimming that day. If, by chance, Caylee DID wander into the pool, why would Casey not just call 911? And would the decomp smell appear so quickly? Would chlorine mask it?

I tend to believe that the body was hidden somewhere until the 24th, then in the car at some point from the 24th-27th. Because SOMEONE would have noticed the decomp smell from the 17-27th, it seems. I doubt she personally could have driven that long.

I also think she left the car, hoping it would be stolen...

Maybe (god forbid) she drowned Caylee, or otherwise, then tried to make it look like a drowning after she freaked?
Bringing this over from the thread that closed right after I posted:

The gate was open? That would tend to implicate someone other than Casey putting that ladder down, since she could have gone through the house (and would have, if for no other reason than to put Caylee in a bathing suit, no?).

I'm more interested in the phone calls. Why the 2hr cease-fire between 4 and 6pm, if she wasn't getting answers from anyone? What was she doing?

The gate may have been open so that she didn't take the body through the house to avoid leaving evidence maybe?

Time gap to go wherever she then waited trying to figure out what to do?

When was Amy gone? I forget the dates. Might she have actually taken the body to someone else's house, if it went down like this around the 16th and the move elsewhere to the 18th?

I wonder if they did the dogs at somewhere like Amy's since she was gone at some point, and even Tony's, since that was her "centralized location"? :waitasec: Even if she didn't have the body there, she might have put other things there (or had them there) figuring they'd check Cindy and George's, but not Tony's with a dog?
I'll say this when I looked at that ladder last night, I got goosebumps. Would the cadaver dogs hit on the ground by there IF she moved Caylee right away? I thought that they smelled only the smell of decomposition?? Does anyone know?:confused:

Fluids take minutes to leak from your body. Caylee could have drowned rather quickly. Who knows when Casey discovered her. Could have been within minutes could have been 1/2 hour.
I can't see casey drowning caylee i had to drown a baby bunny once and its darn hard. hate to say it but she comes off too lazy to me to have done that.
altho she seems very immature to me and if caylee drowned by accident i can see where it would ahve been her first instinct to call mom for help and not 911.

then panicking if she could not find her to tell her what to do.

Sorry, off topic, but wtf would you have to drown a baby bunny? I can't imagine a situation that would call for it :confused:

no offense

legitimately wondering
do we actually know there wasn't ANY phone calls on the 17th? was that said tonight?
Maybe there were calls made from another phone that LE hasn't checked, or doesn't know about.
Where did the Fuhrman source get it? Wouldn't it have had to originate with Cindy and George? Who else was in the backyard on the 16th that could have come up with that story?

I'm not buying it until I find out it came from an independent source with no dog in this race.

Furhman good have gotten it from another detective. He is well respected in the field and a buddy in LE probably told him. That's MHO
I think it is very probable that Casey placed Caylee in a few different places trying to determine what she was going to do with her...

I agree and what we need to know is where is the last place she decided on... :(
I think she is used to mommy and daddy bailing her out of any problem. If she was going to tell them then. Why wouldn't they know now??? I am still believing they are all in this up to their eyeballs.
Why is the "pool ladder/open gate" story being given more credence than any of the other tall tales we've heard from this family?

Yes, the pool ladder was down in July when the backyard search was done. What outside corroboration do we have that Cindy and George are being truthful with respect to their sudden clarity about June 16th?

That's what I said earlier, they may just be trying to confuse everyone just a little more (if that's even possible)
And then we have George, "watching his fav food network show and looking at his watch" as Casey & Caylee left. pooooey
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