Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #64

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I think Cindy has been acting very odd lately. Smiling and laughing it up with the media and stuff like that. I would think she would be very very sad since Caylee has never been found and it is looking more and more like her own daughter did a way with her. I just don't understand the grandparents and their happy attitudes. At least George has shown some sadness. Nothing seems normal about any of these people.
I think we all think they are more involved then they let on, but it does not give us a reason to bash, or name call them. In the US there is a rule " innocent untill proven guilty"

Presumed Innocent until proven guilty.
Has anyone heard the following name come up: "Zenaida Gonzales Risoto" ? My husband said he did a search on Orlando Public records, and there was a civil case that popped up for this person being in a civil suit against a "Jose Ortiz" for non-payment of rent.

Yes, that was found way back when and had nothing to do with anything.
The Anthony's knew that CSI was coming beforehand. Every time, they were alerted ahead so that someone could unlock the door for them.

I think that when CSI turned up unexpectedly yesterday with a search warrant it scared the daylights out of George and Cindy. I think they are now deciding to play nice.
just caught up, thought i'd add a few things....

a) you can definitely still make collect calls from jail - i receive them all of the time from clients. the automated message from most prisons also reminds you that you are being recorded.

b) the search warrant is crazy - not to sound cliche, but her story has more holes than swiss cheese. and her proverbial ship is sinking quickly.

c) defamation by ZFG: i doubt strongly that any ZFG could sue for defamation (slander or libel), and its even more unlikely that a class action could be certified. it is really hard to prove defamation. first, the statement made has to be person-specific, meaning the defendant must make a statement that specifically identifies one individual, and it must reflect adversely on that individual's character. mere name calling would not be enough (normally statements that impugn traits of honesty, peacefulness, competence, loyalty, sexual modesty are given more deference in terms of defamation), nor would a general statement about a class of individuals (unless they can prove that each was individually affected, which is arguably true here). second, the statement must be "published" (or revealed to at least one other person - this step is obviously accomplished here). finally, the third step is that you must prove economic damages for slander (spoken defamation, as opposed to libel which is written defamation. here it would be slander.). so you would have to show an actual pecuniary loss as a result of the defamatory statement. thus, it would be really hard to prove slander of any sort.

however, you don't need specific intent to defame, it can just be a negligent statement. casey was clearly negligent when she made up this story and used ZFG as her imaginary nanny. also, for slander that involves a crime of moral turpitude or that affects one's profession, damages do not need to be proven - it is slander per se and damages are assumed. while these are favorable factors that could reflect merit in a defamation lawsuit, i doubt strongly it would work.
What about lee computer he is in on it too!! Thanks for the info!!:clap:

I understand why you disagree. BUT, if someone wanted to cover something up -why not burn the pants? why wash and keep them? Why would Casey keep them? You can't wash leather boots. Cindy gave the boots to LE as well. George would know, if anyone, that the pants & boots may still contain evidence. Both were in the car, not trunk. Thus, why I do not believe the family is in on anything. I think they wanted to believe that Caylee is alive. I think they are not believing that now. I think LE is opening their eyes. LE may have not been able to confirm DNA in the trunk and the GPs may have thought the pants might have some clues.

Again, beetrue I agree with you.

I'm not thrilled with the family.. but I really don't believe the conspiracy theories flying around these boards.

The crazy one in this whole mess is CASEY. IMO :)
I remember someone on here bringing that up when everyone was researching Jesus Ortiz as the possible father a couple weeks ago. (WS is so far ahead of the media..LOL) but I can't remember if anything came of it or not. I just remember it was brought up.

I just woke him up and asked him again (he has to go play Army this weekend so went to bed early, but is intrigued by this case), and he said the name he found associated in a lawsuit with Jesus Ortiz is "Zenaida Fernandes Risoto". Casey has told her mom and the cops that the bb sitters' name was Zenaida Fernandes Gonzales. Maybe she just changed up the last name, and this other Zenaida has a connection somehow...
For everyone still looking for the ZG nanny. You do realize that there are no phone records showing that Casey ever called or texted her right? Even the call from Caylee on July 15th never happened. There is nothing anywhere that shows that Casey had a nanny. She didn't need one anyways. She didn't work! EVERYTHING Casey has said is a lie.
Listen to the 911 call. "My daughter has been missing for a month. I just found her." These kind of emotions don't just pop into your being...she had to be scared. Lee even initmated as much...talking about what she had done to her parents for the past month. No. She had to be connecting the dots. Unless, you're saying she said a "mistruth" on that 911 call.

I agree when one calls 911 they don't think of "what to say" they just want help NOW.​
I don't buy that because I don't buy a word that Cindy or Caylee has said. So Cindy may say "Oh Caylee talked about Zanny all the time" and it could of never happened. IIRC, I thought I read somewhere that Cindy and the whole family had no idea who Zanny was and had never heard of her. I recall that because I think we made it a big deal on WS that if we were a grandmother who had the grandchild and daughter living with us, we would certainly know who was babysitting her. I could be wrong though!
What I remember is that Cindy said Casey talked about Zanny all the time, not Caylee. From the video taken July 15, 2008, it does not appear that Caylee was completely verbal yet. She is not saying many real words but seems to be chaterring like toddlers do when they are trying to imitate human speech, right before they actually learn to speak fluently. I don't think that baby was "talking" about much of anything. I also don't believe Cindy when she says Casey spoke of "Zanny" all the time. I feel she may believe that now but it's something Cindy is trying to convince herslef is true. JMO.
I think Cindy has been acting very odd lately. Smiling and laughing it up with the media and stuff like that. I would think she would be very very sad since Caylee has never been found and it is looking more and more like her own daughter did a way with her. I just don't understand the grandparents and their happy attitudes. At least George has shown some sadness. Nothing seems normal about any of these people.

Her smiling today, and almost laughing when the press were talking to her was very odd. The press even questioned her and asked if she had any good news because of how she was acting.
I partially agree. I think Cindy felt in her gut that something horrible happened to Caylee -thus she called 911. I believe the family worried and had gut feelings about all of this, but moved onto denial. Who wants to believe that someone you loved is a murderer... and worse, to kill your grandchild/neice?

I think the Anthony's are guilty of one thing, being in denial. love is blind. It's too bad that LE did not collect all of Casey's belongings from the beginning and that the Anthony's did not mention the clothes from the get-go. Someone else stated that here; why until now? however, that does not prove guilt in being involved or covering.

And to someone commenting that the family has been acting odd from day one... how would you act? really, how does someone act in the state of panic? while walking through a nightmare. This family has lost two family members.

The bottom line is that the family has known that Casey has been lying for a long time, and also had to suspect something happened to Caylee that Casey had a hand in, but they covered for her anyway. They've done themselves nor the police no favors, and other people's lives are being ruined in the process.
For everyone still looking for the ZG nanny. You do realize that there are no phone records showing that Casey ever called or texted her right? Even the call from Caylee on July 15th never happened. There is nothing anywhere that shows that Casey had a nanny. She didn't need one anyways. She didn't work! EVERYTHING Casey has said is a lie.
Good reminder SuziQ!
Yes, but why would she wash potential evidence??? Especially if she knew it smelled like the car....

I wish we had somewhere that we'd seen what CASEY said she was wearing the last time she saw Caylee.

These pants shouldn't have been washed and should have been turned over immediately just given that they were in the car...but what a way to throw the 'scent' off the track, so to speak, by the pants Cindy washed also being the ones George then described as what he last saw Casey wearing with Caylee.

Could be a great diversion to avoid closer examination of ANOTHER outfit or pair of pants, especially if he knew there was evidence on something else.

Not saying he does or did, but the washed pants sure could come in handy if someone were trying to confuse the situation even more.

Seems to me that if Casey were trying to cover-up having done something to Caylee, the LAST THING she'd do was leave those clothes in the car. In the house, washed amidst other clothes? Sure. Try to dispose of them somewhere else? Sure. But leave them, by themselves, in the car? That'd automatically get someone looking at them more closely just because they weren't there with other clothes.
For everyone still looking for the ZG nanny. You do realize that there are no phone records showing that Casey ever called or texted her right? Even the call from Caylee on July 15th never happened. There is nothing anywhere that shows that Casey had a nanny. She didn't need one anyways. She didn't work! EVERYTHING Casey has said is a lie.

With all the other lies in this case that are driving everyone crazy, I think this nanny situation can finally be put to rest. There is no nanny, never was.....and the grandparents know this.

Nothing Casey, the grandmother or grandfather say can be trusted at this point
I partially agree. I think Cindy felt in her gut that something horrible happened to Caylee -thus she called 911. I believe the family worried and had gut feelings about all of this, but moved onto denial. Who wants to believe that someone you loved is a murderer... and worse, to kill your grandchild/neice?

I think the Anthony's are guilty of one thing, being in denial. love is blind. It's too bad that LE did not collect all of Casey's belongings from the beginning and that the Anthony's did not mention the clothes from the get-go. Someone else stated that here; why until now? however, that does not prove guilt in being involved or covering.

And to someone commenting that the family has been acting odd from day one... how would you act? really, how does someone act in the state of panic? while walking through a nightmare. This family has lost two family members.

All that is fine and dandy. However, none of the above justifies breaking the law. We are talking about a family who's mother, Cindy, says on national tv that lying is not against the law.
I also do not get how the GPs never met "Zenaida the babysitter". A child of Caylee's age would be talking about their babysitter. I was a nanny for nearly eight years, in which those children would ask for me -at ages much younger than Caylee. Also, my own daughters would ask about friends and family often -all at an age younger than Caylee.

What I remember is that Cindy said Casey talked about Zanny all the time, not Caylee. From the video taken July 15, 2008, it does not appear that Caylee was completely verbal yet. She is not saying many real words but seems to be chaterring like toddlers do when they are trying to imitate human speech, right before they actually learn to speak fluently. I don't think that baby was "talking" about much of anything. I also don't believe Cindy when she says Casey spoke of "Zanny" all the time. I feel she may believe that now but it's something Cindy is trying to convince herslef is true. JMO.
I don't and won't believe in Cindy's innocents.
SuziQ or anyone else on here, can you also remind me if Amy ever stated when Casey was supposed to move in with her, if there was a delay in moving in together, why, and most important, whether Amy believed Caylee would be moving in as well?
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