Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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the guy is crazy........with his fricken wife going out and buying gifts for caylee
George told media to stay off his property or he doesn't know what he's going to do.
Is it proper etiquette to say when you're leaving (or is that bc you guys know eachother)?

This is my first forum adventure- its become an unhealthy obsession. Anyway, I have outside appts today so I'm out. (I think the time away will be good for me.)
Good Morning all!
I just caught the Fox News report but am not going to post the video. The other posters recapped what was said perfectly. They did not show video of George yelling at reporters just made a statement about it.
Is it proper etiquette to say when you're leaving (or is that bc you guys know eachother)?

This is my first forum adventure- its become an unhealthy obsession. Anyway, I have outside appts today so I'm out. (I think the time away will be good for me.)

You may come and go as you please without permission or advanced notice on all public forums. lmao
Yes it is!

Trust me, right now you are seeing the fall of this entire mess.

George and Lee are going to go off on Cindy and tell her to knock her crap off. Would not be surprised if you see a domestic call today.

George will call the police and tell him all he knows..........

Cindy will still be setting up for a fricken birthday party
Good Morning all!
I just caught the Fox News report but am not going to post the video. The other posters recapped what was said perfectly. They did not show video of George yelling at reporters just made a statement about it.

Good morning Gigi! Thank you for all your hard work posting those videos.
Trust me, right now you are seeing the fall of this entire mess.

George and Lee are going to go off on Cindy and tell her to knock her crap off. Would not be surprised if you see a domestic call today.

George will call the police and tell him all he knows..........

Cindy will still be setting up for a fricken birthday party

Are you my twin sister?;)
Yes it is!

lol......I only did it because I have a daughter like Casyee.......and have been giving my impression of what was going to happen's hard for people to understand my thinking with out knowing that I have gone thur this.
Well, with George's meltdown this morning, one of two things is happening.
1. If the grandparents know what happened to Caylee, the whole thing is falling apart.
2. If they didn't know, we are watching them come to that realization. One of the stages of grief is anger, I think George is there.
Are you my twin sister?;)

it gets the stress out for me.......if you really knew how angry I was over this!

I had NO idea there were others like my own daughter......really!

Still keeps me up at night, why some kids turn out like they do. My other kids are in college, the service (1) and we have all paid a heavy price for my one childs actions. But none more than our grandchildren. This is EXACTLY why when they were taken from her we could not support her and stand by her. We had to put the grandkids first, we were too worried something would happen to them.

To be blunt, this case is exactly what we thought would happen if we did allow the kids to stay with her.
Ok,.. I feel bad for George and Cindy right now. TOMORROW is Caylee's 3rd Birthday,.. they don't know WHERE she is,.. IF she is alive or dead,.. I am sure that it is BREAKING their heart!!!!!! They truly love this little girl and it must be the most horrific pain to not know where she is, especially with her birthday tomorrow.
George is finally showing emotion,... I would be yelling at the media to stay off my property as well. I am sure he is hurting,.. and the media would probably ask, "so how do you feel that Caylee's birthday is tomorrow and she is still missing?" Well HOW to do you think they feel? Sometimes the media asks stupid questions!
Also,.. Cindy going out and buying Caylee presents isn't unusual. My one friends mom bought presents for every holiday and every birthday for years when her daughter died. JMO.
George's outburst could just be that he is coming to grips with reality. No more "public face". Reality is sinking in - plus the release of the damning search warrant and all the shows about it last night, now Casey refusing Lee. Remember Cindy had a similar outburst earlier in the week.

One of the stages of grief is anger - maybe that is starting to set in as well.

Can't really blame him - what would you do if everytime you opened your door there were throngs of people sticking microphones and cameras in your face? It does get old.
what cindy says today ""There is a lot of stuff you guys don't understand," Cindy Anthony said. "And if you guys would just leave it alone and let the authorities release the information that needs to be out there and let us release the information that needs to be out and quit speculating. The only facts you are going to get are from the authorities or from us. And you guys are spinning everything else and you are listening to a lot of people who don't have the facts.""
They were on the verge of divorce in 2005 this will probably be the straw to break the camels back.
I have a student who sounds like your daughter.. and a lot like Casey...

His father is in denial... and keeps rebuffing our attempts to help them connect with people who may be able to help.

At least you recognize reality...
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