Cindy Anthony named a prosecution witness..

Can Cindy refuse to testify? If not, she better not lie under oath or she will be held in contempt. Ps I think LE releases this stuff so the family argues and make her talk, but it wont happen. (OT-I always say to my husband I cant imagine how they all stay in that house with her. I couldnt keep my mouth shut if that was my daughter!)
But wait, charges haven't been filed on the use of Cindy's card, have they? Or did I miss something?

And I like the idea of truth serum in the water; maybe they should dose the whole pitcher, to cover everyone who takes the stand.

Not that I know of..the only charges stem from AH so far. I think she is a witness b/c she spoke with Amy about the checks etc.
Cindy was a witness to the conversation with Amy AND I bet that they will be playing her 911 call highlighting this pertinent part of the conversation:

Cindy Anthony: I have a 22-year-old person that has um grand theft sitting in my auto with me.

Operator: So the 22-year-old person stole something?

Cindy Anthony: Yes

Operator: Is this a relative?

Cindy Anthony: Yes

Operator: Where did they steal it from?

Cindy Anthony: Um, my car and also money

Operator: OK. Is this your son?

Cindy Anthony: Daughter

Operator: OK, so your daughter stole money from your car?

Cindy Anthony: No. My car was stolen. We've retrived it, today we found out where it was at. We've retrieved it, I've got that. And I've got affidavits from my banking account. I want to bring her in. I want to press charges.
Perfect. CA on tape. What is she going to say now - she doesn't steal - she just borrows.
That call still makes no sense to me at all. Why is Cindy saying Casey needs to be arrested for stealing her car when it was Casey's car? (G&C have both talked about this later, that is was Casey's car to drive, they just left it in thier name for insurance purposes or something) So if they let her use it at her leisure as if it were her own, why would she call and act like it was stolen? Also, why was her first call not about Caylee missing if she had been at Tony's apt demanding to know where Caylee was??
That call still makes no sense to me at all. Why is Cindy saying Casey needs to be arrested for stealing her car when it was Casey's car? (G&C have both talked about this later, that is was Casey's car to drive, they just left it in thier name for insurance purposes or something) So if they let her use it at her leisure as if it were her own, why would she call and act like it was stolen? Also, why was her first call not about Caylee missing if she had been at Tony's apt demanding to know where Caylee was??

Because Casey had been keeping Caylee from them for a month and they had no idea where she or Caylee was (really). Casey had been lying for more than 3 weeks. Also, I do not believe Casey contacted them while she was on hiatus . . . phone records would show that just like they show there was no nanny.
I bet Cindy is just livid!!!! If she even understands what it means.
Can someone help me with confirmed court dates we know...

I think tomorrow's is just for a ruling on Baez's motions but I thought there was something on 10/14, that was originally scheduled earlier but one of the parties delayed it (can someone confirm if that is scheduled and what it's for).

Also, when is the trial for the check fraud stuff? Is there a separate trial for the neglect or is that the same day?

And, aren't there some outstanding economic type things not related to Amy but businesses that were going to press charges? I'm trying to figure out if there's another potential they arrest her for those.

HELP is very appreciated!!!
I read the WESH article but it was not very clear to me. The way I take it is CA is the only member of the family to be a witness in the fraud/theft case since it was HER credit cards that were used & b/c she stated in the 911 call she wanted her arrested for theft. I take it the rest of the A clan are all witness's in the neglect case. Do I have this right? :confused:

Nope. She stole and used Lee's checks, too.
Even in the handwritten statement she makes to the police that first night when she is talking about Casey and the car she has her car then crosses out her and puts my.

That call still makes no sense to me at all. Why is Cindy saying Casey needs to be arrested for stealing her car when it was Casey's car? (G&C have both talked about this later, that is was Casey's car to drive, they just left it in thier name for insurance purposes or something) So if they let her use it at her leisure as if it were her own, why would she call and act like it was stolen? Also, why was her first call not about Caylee missing if she had been at Tony's apt demanding to know where Caylee was??
And why not GA and LA also? Any ideas.

I think it is possibly because they have her on record via the 911 call...stating that Casey stole from her. Hard to back out from testimony after all that!

Also...I imagine that Amy might play into this in this way: CA was driving around with Amy and they discussed Casey's there again...a witness to Cindy's statements about Casey's thefts/frauds.

Much of what Cindy has said in the past 4 months will come back to haunt her if she tries to back out of it NOW to cover for Casey.

Oh to be front and center for all this in the courtroom :woohoo:...I do have several friends in Florida...hmmm, wonder if they would like to house swap for a few weeks? :)
It's possible they want to establish pattern, imo. That stealing Amy's checks was not just a one time event with this person. I would think it would garner more time if it was proven that this was habitual. IMO
It's time to play.. WHEEL.. OF.. INCONSISTENCY!

And on the wheel today are four answers that, when Cindy is caught in a lie, she'll use:

1. Nobody told me I was giving a statement
2. I'm medicated
3. Subject change to blame law enforcement for something unrelated
4. You didn't come pick _______ up within _______ hours, so I washed it!

We removed the "I apologize, I was mistaken" or "I'm sorry I lied" panels off the wheel since they haven't been used ever. Keep a lookout for the new "random blame" tile, where Cindy pulls a name out of thin air and blames them for whatever Casey is accused of!
I think it is possibly because they have her on record via the 911 call...stating that Casey stole from her. Hard to back out from testimony after all that!

Also...I imagine that Amy might play into this in this way: CA was driving around with Amy and they discussed Casey's there again...a witness to Cindy's statements about Casey's thefts/frauds.

Much of what Cindy has said in the past 4 months will come back to haunt her if she tries to back out of it NOW to cover for Casey.

Oh to be front and center for all this in the courtroom :woohoo:...I do have several friends in Florida...hmmm, wonder if they would like to house swap for a few weeks? :)

I live in Miami and I'm seriously thinking about taking a drive up to Orlando to watch the proceedings in person.
She'll get on the stand & say she was frustrated & she was/ is a mom & wanted Casey to change her ways...Appeal to the jurors she was just trying to play at tough love....
then plead the 5th!
I'm sorry I wasn't gonna post any more because this case is making me crazy, but I can't contain myself..... What a strange missing? Checking acct. empty? Oh that's just Casey, she must have been short....oh well I'm sure it was just this one time....
I'm sure Cindy will be tripped up easily, her inconsistencies will be proved that she is a liar regarding this case....I noticed that she twirls her hair on the stand. (i think this means something but actually what escapes me).

I can also see Cindy talking to reporters on the courthouse steps, spewing nonsense....perhaps her attorney will bring duct tape to help the situation.
It's time to play.. WHEEL.. OF.. INCONSISTENCY!

And on the wheel today are four answers that, when Cindy is caught in a lie, she'll use:

1. Nobody told me I was giving a statement
2. I'm medicated
3. Subject change to blame law enforcement for something unrelated
4. You didn't come pick _______ up within _______ hours, so I washed it!

We removed the "I apologize, I was mistaken" or "I'm sorry I lied" panels off the wheel since they haven't been used ever. Keep a lookout for the new "random blame" tile, where Cindy pulls a name out of thin air and blames them for whatever Casey is accused of!

Are we allowed to add stuff to the wheel? :floorlaugh: This is great!

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