Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #3

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does anybody have any info on romuald zac as far as i can find out he was found hung on the grounds of graylands hospital ,[ he was a patient], on the 21st may 1997 2 mths after the CSK .ended, He [supposedly] worked with CG, his mother swears he was murdered romuald zac
I get 'This webpage is not available' when I click on the link you posted.
type in romuald zac unsolved murders, then go in to the facts unsolved murders [easier]
Thank you for that. I see that's the same website I found when I was searching for information about Romuald Zak a couple of days ago.
Perp may have used a 4wd to access bot JR and CG disposal sites.
Crap Papertrail. JR was dragged into the bushland from the road. There was no vehicle access there. CG a 2wd can get in there a piece of cake. This is totally made up by yourself. If you knew the sites you would know. Sorry but don`t make stuff up, please.

I've had a brain meltdown; to damned hot and smokey !

The 1989 attempted rape the girl, the perp was driving a station wagon with tailgate not panel van !

If this is the same perp as the 1995 Rowe Park rape and the CG vehicle and the JR vehicle (if both were Holden Commodore VS station wagons), then he prefers vehicles with tailgates. Why ?
Bit smokey in Perth Papertrail. It`s ok for me.
I think it is Napper feeding the information to Bret re the DNA links, vehicle etc. I wonder if Napper is 'feeding correct information' or is he just stirring up the hornet's nest that is the WA police service ? Napper was also heavily involved in the recent Rayney battle to prove his (Rayney's) innocence; showing up slack forensic procedures.
I think this is unlikely. Without going and checking timelines it was talked about in DM's 2008 book that Napper had already fallen out with police. If recent reports are to believed, Police didn't discover the DNA link until 2011 - well after Napper was not only out of the loop but in Macro/SCS's "we hate you and will act in spite of you" book.

1. I doubt Napper would have access to this information.
2. I doubt the only person in the media he'd be speaking to is BC. If he is disgruntled (and reports suggest he is) then it's likely he'd be talking to anyone who wants to listen. No one else is directly reporting it. The best we see from other media outlets is "BS from the post says...."

$1.80 SCS have chosen BC to report their strategically devised propaganda with a view to drawing the CSK into a mistake
$1.95 Stanbury from SCS is on the way out and is making a last ditch effort to solve the case. He uses BC to float some of the info he has collected in the past 7 years with a view to getting a lead fro the public.
$2.45 SCS are trying to prevent an coronial inquest so are trying to gice the impression the case is moving
$3.00 BC has got an insider who is feeding him info and SCS haven't shut the leak down yet.
$7.00 Rabon Napper is that leak.
$10 BC is just making stuff up.
If recent reports are to believed, Police didn't discover the DNA link until 2011
RSBM - What date was the article regarding DNA link made in 2011?.

By my reckoning, according to the below screen shot, depending on when exactly in 2008 the officers within the Special Crime Squad were able to put the Schramm team's information to the test and however many months later a laboratory confirmed the "stranger" DNA link, I'm thinking that it could only be 2008 or 2009 at the latest that the DNA link was made?. imo


Screen shot from article at link below.

December 5, 2015 - Two new clues to serial killer By BRET CHRISTIAN
Ok, so DNA (allegedly) in 2008 and Holden Commodore fibre in 2011.

Can anyone confirm when Napper was frozen out of the case?

If it was pre 2008 then it's highly unlikely Napper is BC's source. Even if it was later than that how would have Napper known about the fibre match to a commodore?
Napper was frozen out of the case early in the case. He could have done well in the WA Police Force but he had a public go at them (prob before Claremont) & they didn`t want him full stop.
I had the impression it was during the case. It was talked about in DM's book so should have been 2008 or earlier which means he would unlikely have access to the holden fibre and therefore wouldn't be BC's source.
the attached document will give you an insight into Napper's timeline. I have included links to various document sourced on the net; these contain some pretty interesting information.

What the timeline shows, is when Napper was involved in the WA Uni forensic facility, which BTW was run totally independent to the Chemistry Centre which WA police use. Nappers involvement at the WA Uni's facility was for a number of years between 2001 and 2006, therefore he may have had (direct) access to forensics and other material, or he may have been given information direct from scientists (associates) involved in the Chemistry Centre -- responsible for undertaking the forensic examinations connected to Claremont murder investigations. If he was given access during the 2001 - 2006 period, he more than likely would have been placed under a 'secrecy and non disclosure' contract. If this is so, the non disclosure restrictions may have (currently) expired.

I have not included all information and documents that are available on the net; only the ones that I found that could provide timeline dates and relative information.

Napper would have been around the periphery for a considerable number of years and at the time of the many lead up reviews, prior to the Shramm review, were done. There is a particular piece of passage in one of the ABC transcripts I have included, and that shows clearly where Caporn's leadership led the teams and their investigations, he controlled -- directly into the quagmire. No wonder the socalled reviews (prior to Schramm's) ended up with nothing new !

Sorry Sutton, leadership really does matter !


  • pdf Napper timeline.pd.pdf
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Crap Papertrail. JR was dragged into the bushland from the road. There was no vehicle access there. CG a 2wd can get in there a piece of cake. This is totally made up by yourself. If you knew the sites you would know. Sorry but don`t make stuff up, please.

When I wrote my 4wd vehicle perhaps being used by perp to access the JR and CG disposal sites, I was referring (in my mind) to my previous discussion re the perp may have accessed the JR site not via Woolcoot Road but via the many tracks that lead off Mortimer and contained within the property boundaries of 619 Millar. And re the CG site, my previous discussion regarding the track off the former unbitumenized Marmion Ave and the track that leads off from there that terminates at Pipidinny Road. I had posted 2 screen shots of aerial photographs with my previous comments to this.

I am fully aware that both Woolcoot Road and Pipidinny Road disposal sites could be accessed using 2wd. I was at the time, discussing alternative ways the perp may have accessed the sites and that he didn't necessarily access those sites using the vehicle he had used in the initial abductions of the girls.

If you look very closely at video footage from the Sunday Night (featuring Ferguson / Bayens) programme, you will see just how thick the vegetation was at the JR disposal site. I don't see how the perp could have accessed JR's actual disposal area from Woolcoot; it would have been nigh impossible and extremely difficult, unless of course he visited the site prior to the taking JR there, to prepare a track to her exact disposal site.
Not to deter from the ongoing Berlina debate, but I think Romuald Zak is worthy of discussion.

IMO, he is not Mystery Man and he was not involved in killing anyone.

It was reported that Romuald worked with Ciara and he knew Jane. But I can't figure out how he knew Jane, when he last saw her, the nature of their relationship, or anything else.

Imagine working somewhere and one co-worker is killed by a serial killer, and two months later another co-worker dies of a very suspicious suicide.

I did read online Ciara had signed Romuald's good-bye card from the law firm, so he may have been a former employee. The strangeness of this depends on if Romuald died of suicide or homicide.

The information about RZ knowing Jane is internet rumour or misinformation. The information about knowing and working with Ciara (and in the same legal team) and the card signing is correct. He left the employ of Blake Dawson Waldron near the end of 1994, commenced study into health and fitness and worked with his stepfather (Jan Zak) and mother's (aka Danuta Kosiorek) painting business D & J Painting. His stepfather also was a keen scuba diver and instructor and RZ participated in scuba diving.

RZ gravestone has his name as Romuald Tood (unfortunately misspelled - should be Todd) Kosiorek and reference to stepfather's surname Zak.

RZ was not living at his parent's house prior to his admission to Graylands Hospital. He lived independently in a flat in Main Road, Osborne Park (near corner of North Beach Drive). He drove a small 2wd vehicle. On the night that SS was abducted, he was hospitalized and in recovery mode after having a penile enhancement procedure. There were 2 attempted suicides recorded prior to his death. His (younger ?) brother worked for a large vehicle retailer located at Victoria Park which btw sell Holdens.

People say he had visited CG's gravesite on several occasions, but the thing here is that he was hospitalized in Graylands from the 13 April 1997, CG was located on 3rd April and funeral service on 11th April therefore if he visited her grave at Karrakatta several times this occurred over 2 days.
If you look very closely at video footage from the Sunday Night (featuring Ferguson / Bayens) programme, you will see just how thick the vegetation was at the JR disposal site. I don't see how the perp could have accessed JR's actual disposal area from Woolcoot; it would have been nigh impossible and extremely difficult, unless of course he visited the site prior to the taking JR there, to prepare a track to her exact disposal site.

JR was dumped approximately 3m from Woolcoot Rd. Where she was dumped was indeed accessible from Woolcoot Rd quite easily by foot (overgrown but quite accessible). To suggest the CSK accessed her dump spot any other way is absurd.
On the night that SS was abducted, he was hospitalized and in recovery mode after having a penile enhancement procedure.
If that is true then that pretty much rules him out.

Have you go a source so we can rule a line through his name once and for all?
the attached document will give you an insight into Napper's timeline. I have included links to various document sourced on the net; these contain some pretty interesting information.

What the timeline shows, is when Napper was involved in the WA Uni forensic facility, which BTW was run totally independent to the Chemistry Centre which WA police use. Nappers involvement at the WA Uni's facility was for a number of years between 2001 and 2006, therefore he may have had (direct) access to forensics and other material, or he may have been given information direct from scientists (associates) involved in the Chemistry Centre -- responsible for undertaking the forensic examinations connected to Claremont murder investigations. If he was given access during the 2001 - 2006 period, he more than likely would have been placed under a 'secrecy and non disclosure' contract. If this is so, the non disclosure restrictions may have (currently) expired.

I have not included all information and documents that are available on the net; only the ones that I found that could provide timeline dates and relative information.

Napper would have been around the periphery for a considerable number of years and at the time of the many lead up reviews, prior to the Shramm review, were done. There is a particular piece of passage in one of the ABC transcripts I have included, and that shows clearly where Caporn's leadership led the teams and their investigations, he controlled -- directly into the quagmire. No wonder the socalled reviews (prior to Schramm's) ended up with nothing new !

Sorry Sutton, leadership really does matter !
Ok, so how did Napper get wind of the commodore fibres? Macro and it's incarnations are tight on security. How did he get it and what's his reason for leaking it to BC?

There also the issue of the Schramm Team finding this evidence (a real coup) and then losing this evidence for another 7 years. Honestly, what are the chances of having a major find and then either losing it or forgetting to follow it up?

The Schramm review only uncovered a handful of new leads - they would have been all over them. It's inconceivable that the evidence could have been lost or forgotten about. This to me is just another reason why I think what BC is reporting is questionable and that something else might be at play here.

JR was dumped approximately 3m from Woolcoot Rd . Where she was dumped was indeed accessible from Woolcoot Rd quite easily by foot (overgrown but quite accessible). To suggest the CSK accessed her dump spot any other way is absurd.

5 metres from the edge of Woolcoot and that puts JR's remains being located near the eastern boundary fenceline of 619 Miller Road. have a look at the attached photo and tell me this bush was easily accessible -- especially in the middle of the night. The area looked nothing like it does presently. Police removed a lot of the scrub / bush along Woolcoot Road on the day and day after the find, and they returned on 17 February 1997 and excavated a whole section. What you see currently, is definitely not what you would have seen prior to 43rd or 4th August 1996. The Landgate aerial photo captured on 6/2/1995 also shows extremely thick almost impenetrable bush growth.

There is nothing absurd about putting ideas out there backed up by some sort of evidence ie like a photo or documents and links; instead of someone just sitting there waiting to pick holes and to do nothing than bag all the time; time to put up I'd say !


  • JR site showing thick bush lining woolcoot.PNG
    JR site showing thick bush lining woolcoot.PNG
    938.6 KB · Views: 63
If that is true then that pretty much rules him out.

Have you go a source so we can rule a line through his name once and for all?

I will not divulge the name of the source of the information but I will say that the information was from provided by someone that would know the detail.

RZ's name can be crossed off for SS as he had an alibi for that date only. All current information on this young man's death, points to murder; and this includes expert opinion from people that have expertise in particular fields, include Robin Napper.
5m? 3m? What's that, a difference of 2m?

From that photo, you can't tell how dense it is to walk 3-5m into. What we do know is 57 days later a woman walked in quite easily to pick some flowers, suggesting that......

....... it was reasonably easy to access the dump spot.

Common sense is a wonderful thing.
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