CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

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I remember reading that Corey was trying to text Mark when they learned Dylan was missing and he would not respond to the texts.
Later in the first week that Dylan went missing, I read that calls to Mark's cell phone were going unanswered. Calls made to his house just rang and rang till the call got cutoff - after so many rings unanswered, your call is ended automatically. I remember at one time it was 50 rings before the call was cut off. I don't know what it is now if that number has changed.

Maybe he has caller id and wasn't in the mood for arguing or talking to the press. It's possible. MOO
That would be best, but we already have snow here and could get another 6" over this weekend. I don't know how long they have left there.

It's supposed to start snowing tonight in their area. Low/no precipitation early-to-mid week. I know Colorado folks are tough but I don't imagine LE will encourage or permit organized searches in snow or conduct their own. So searching doesn't look likely for another several days. It seems the work in the immediate days would be behind-the-scenes investigation oriented instead of active search.
I want to know about the RSO who lives down the street and if he's been accounted for.

Submitted by Michael Ferraresi on December 8, 2012 – 8:31 am


Nick, Corey, Elaine, Dylan.


Well Dylan looks happy, doesn't he??? He look sulky and like he was crying. His eyes look sorta puffy. Poor kid.
It's supposed to start snowing tonight in their area. Low/no precipitation early-to-mid week. I know Colorado folks are tough but I don't imagine LE will encourage or permit organized searches in snow or conduct their own. So searching doesn't look likely for another several days. It seems the work in the immediate days would be behind-the-scenes investigation oriented instead of active search.
I want to know about the RSO who lives down the street and if he's been accounted for.

I hope they get some decent days to do more, or better that he'd just come back! I know our weather is supposed to improve Monday or Tuesday, but I'm not that close to Colorado.
Could he have been out of range of the cell towers?

I suppose anything's possible, but he did text them to deliver his message.

I would imagine one would attempt to be very accessible during such a confusing and scary time.
Maybe he has caller id and wasn't in the mood for arguing or talking to the press. It's possible. MOO

But wouldn't he want to talk to his own son? To reassure him, or to reach out in some way? I would.
History of domestic violence? :waitasec:

According to ER: "Mark grabbed me and took a swing at my son [Corey]."

I'm not sure what state you live in, but in my state our family code defines domestic violence as something that includes the behavior above. Do you not think it's domestic violence to grab your spouse and take a swing at your son? Well, the law does, in most jurisdictions.
Well Dylan looks happy, doesn't he??? He look sulky and like he was crying. His eyes look sorta puffy. Poor kid.

Really? I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Not even a little.
Maybe he has caller id and wasn't in the mood for arguing or talking to the press. It's possible. MOO
Jumping off, not direct reply.

Not to be a party pooper, but he was most likely being interrogated or questioned. In the hours after my daughter went missing, I was not really entitled to mess with my phone. They wanted my full attention.
Are there any pictures of Dylan with his Dad? Not being snarky, just asking. (well maybe being a little snarky)
Let me preface this by saying my comment below is not said in any sort of mod/admin context at all, only as a poster concerned about Dylan. :)

I just think the above observatons are painted with a VERY broad brush and not fair to those who are still sitting on the fence. :fence: I am one of those. I haven't seen many people with their minds 100% made up about who is responsible...just folks voicing their opinions and concerns about what we know to date. I have no idea what happened to Dylan or who is responsible BUT I do like reading other's opinions and observations. It makes me think and consider things I may not have thought of before. That is sleuthing, isn't it?

It seems like so many are defensive about the dad even being considered as possibly being responsible - or in the alternative, others seem offended when challenged about their passionate observations of MR. We're not all going to agree. That is a fact. It is not about being right or wrong. Often it is just best to "agree to disagree" respectfully. I haven't seen anything to convince me one way or the other....yet. Maybe we should all try to open our minds to all possiblities and work together a little better? Just a suggestion for your consideration. :)

:seeya:Love this post....
And why is it we get so hostile when someone disagrees with us? Since tomorrow, I might disagree with myself! LOL
Are there any pictures of Dylan with his Dad? Not being snarky, just asking. (well maybe being a little snarky)

Oh my goodness, D'sMom, you're so funny! I was wondering the same but didn't have the heart to ask...lest I be considered (drumroll) "snarky."
I haven't seen any photos of Dylan with dad and I would like to see them. I wonder what kind of things they have done together when they had visitation time, through the years.
Thank you so much for this! My 13 year old dd is getting an iphone 4s in a few days, and I will be SURE to add this before I give it to her. Can they disable it though?

Sorry I'm behind, but iPhones, iPods and iPads all have the capability to use "find my iPhone" you can enable it in settings. Got my kid an iPhone (my old one) after JRs case so I can keep track of her when she's away.
It would have been dark by the time he picked up Dylan on Sunday. Maybe you are thinking of MR stopping by Walmart on the way back to his house?

Or possibly ' after dawn' the next morning?
Jumping off, not direct reply.

Not to be a party pooper, but he was most likely being interrogated or questioned. In the hours after my daughter went missing, I was not really entitled to mess with my phone. They wanted my full attention.

That makes sense!
Really? I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Not even a little.

I'm not seeing it in this pic either, but I have to admit, I get the feeling he is a really unhappy child from other pics.

Was he even smiling in the vid of him playing with his friends?
Dylan looks so much like Corey to me....kinda scary, their similarity.
I think you misunderstand what I've been saying. I have no idea if MR was involved/responsible for his disappearance or not. I have no opinion on it yet because there's been no evidence (in my mind) that either proves or disproves what he's said. Where I have the problem is that whenever anyone suggests any other possibility, they are belittled, the boards are spammed with anti MR posts, and nothing other than him and OT subjects ever get discussed. Maybe I really am confused, but I came here to actually try to determine what happened, not to just pick a suspect and look for supporting evidence.

IMO that's we all are here, some of us just go about it differently, we all may reach different conclusions along the way. I see a respectful sharing of ideas.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From the posts I've read so far - do I have this right?

If he sent texts to DR and waited for an answer before checking with the friends, he is guilty and sending texts to cover it up.

If he had gone directly to check with the friends, he's guilty and knew he wouldn't answer a text

If he waited to call the police, he was guilty and working on covering his tracks

If he had called them right away, he's guilty and already knew he was dead

If he avoids the press, he's guilty and doesn't want people to realize it (or doesn't care)

If he talks to the press, he's guilty and just wanting attention for himself

If he ignores ER, he's guilty and just being cold and unhelpful

If he talks to ER, he's guilty and killed him to get her back into the area

If he says he passed the LDT, he's guilty and lying about it

If he says his LDT was inconclusive, he's guilty and lied about it during the test

If he stays away from the searches, he's guilty and being uncooperative

If he helps with the searches, he's guilty and wants to be around to hide evidence.


I don't think any of those things, taken INDIVIDUALLY, is indicative of his guilt or innocence. But when you take the actual circumstances of this case, and piece them all together, there is a possibility he was somehow involved, imo.
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