Could ICA walk??

As a Floridian, this upsets me so much. The priorities of our Government here in Florida are so messed up! It's no secret that DCF is a complete waste of money because they fail so many children. It's no secret that Florida has been an ideal location for criminals because we are one of the gateway states (drugs, guns, etc...).

I think some of the people higher up in the Government that do nothing but try and make life harder for the working people (judges, corrections officers, law enforcement, etc...) need to take pay cuts! There is no reason this should be happening! I am willing to fire everyone and start over... yes, it is getting that bad!

It's the same here in PA. Ridiculous!
As a Floridian, this upsets me so much. The priorities of our Government here in Florida are so messed up! It's no secret that DCF is a complete waste of money because they fail so many children. It's no secret that Florida has been an ideal location for criminals because we are one of the gateway states (drugs, guns, etc...).

I think some of the people higher up in the Government that do nothing but try and make life harder for the working people (judges, corrections officers, law enforcement, etc...) need to take pay cuts! There is no reason this should be happening! I am willing to fire everyone and start over... yes, it is getting that bad!

ITA Lola, but it's wonderful citizens like YOU, that makes Florida a wonderful State.:blowkiss:
But this isn't a federal issue is it? Maybe Florida should charge income taxes like most states do. IMO it has to impact their budget that there is no state income tax.

Leaning on "tourism" for so many years was a mistake in my eyes. Add to that, the hurricanes in the last decade, the oil spill, rise in crime rate in the "Sunshine State" has done no favors to Florida for many years. We pay tax at the register but no State income tax. Florida should absolutely charge state income tax if the State doesn't even have enough money to keep the courts open.
Leaning on "tourism" for so many years was a mistake in my eyes. Add to that, the hurricanes in the last decade, the oil spill, rise in crime rate in the "Sunshine State" has done no favors to Florida for many years. We pay tax at the register but no State income tax. Florida should absolutely charge state income tax if the State doesn't even have enough money to keep the courts open.

I don't even think that that is the biggest problem. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem paying taxes, but they would simply give themselves a bigger paycheck and we'd still be in the same situation. We need a major overhaul. If they can not deal with the amount of money they are given each year and make it work... giving them more money would be disaster at this point.
The US has the self proclaimed 'World's Greatest legal system'. Well the world watched OJ walk, PS walk, MJ walk. KC walking would be par for the course. And over $$$$$$. Impressive. NOT

Sorry to sound offensive but seriously WTH!
I don't even think that that is the biggest problem. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem paying taxes, but they would simply give themselves a bigger paycheck and we'd still be in the same situation. We need a major overhaul. If they can not deal with the amount of money they are given each year and make it work... giving them more money would be disaster at this point.

I would love to know how much the State of Fla. has spent on KC's case to date and what the total costs average out to be per year since this has been in session. From the OCSO on up. I think I remember it being over a million dollars after the first year.

I'm getting the feeling this case has been a huge burden to the budget alone.
:waitasec: :waitasec:

When I first saw the "Title" of this Thread, "Could ICA Walk" ...

I thought OMG ! What IF the "jury" lets her "walk" ??

Then I read the article ... and hopefully, the State of Florida will work out their finances to keep "murderers" and "criminals" where they belong :behindbar

Casey waived her right to a speedy trial, so keep I say keep her in the :behindbar until it is time for her trial ! And hopefully, the Jury will keep her :behindbar for what she did to Caylee !
Not to completely derail the thread here, but to the issue of sending money to other countries vs. spending it here. I believe the money that is sent to other countries (in the form of aid and what not) is sent by the Federal government, not the State government. The State of Florida shouldn't be sending anything to any foreign government. It's a bit of a misnomer to say that we should be focusing on our problems first, as that would require that Federally, we spend money on State court systems. That is a huge states rights issue. What it comes down to is the government of the State of Florida needs to learn to work within the constraints of their budget and prioritize correctly. JMHO. :)
Watchin Perry on insessions about the funding... he is sooo cute I swear he says Physical year.
The courts will stay open.
Watchin Perry on insessions about the funding... he is sooo cute I swear he says Physical year.
The courts will stay open.

He also pronounces th as if it were an "f" e.g. with as wif.

BUT he is incredible about the law and he knows every case known to man and his average of not being overturned is exceptional - one partial overturning. I could not figure hhim out in the beginning because he does mispronounce words many times, but he is so good with his decisions and his orders and I am in awe of him.

Best judge I have seen in a while. No wonder he is head judge. He is really great. And he doesn't get flustered, he gets angry when there is disrespect but he is excellent at keeping order.
Not to completely derail the thread here, but to the issue of sending money to other countries vs. spending it here. I believe the money that is sent to other countries (in the form of aid and what not) is sent by the Federal government, not the State government. The State of Florida shouldn't be sending anything to any foreign government. It's a bit of a misnomer to say that we should be focusing on our problems first, as that would require that Federally, we spend money on State court systems. That is a huge states rights issue. What it comes down to is the government of the State of Florida needs to learn to work within the constraints of their budget and prioritize correctly. JMHO. :)

jharres, Thank you. I'm not a big legal person. Thanks for enlightening me. :blowkiss:
considering Karns points about the inability of US courts to put away OJ and MJ, yeah she COULD walk.

but not likely.

she has pixxed off the entire legal system of the state of Fla. The police, the courts, the media, the prosecution, the community, and so on.

she did this, at the very least, by hiding the death of her infant child and then lying to those who attempted to locate the child.

and then the people closest to her joined her in that effort.

which only pixxed everyone else off more.

one thing I have noticed about her in court, is how guarded she has become. so intent on taking her so very important notes, rarely looking up, rarely reacting to events, unless she gets really pixxed, then her gaze of hate is obvious. her little half acknowledgements to her attys. her little subdued nods.

Contrast this to the CA we know from the 31 days when her daughter was unknowingly missing (to the world):

Pole dancing, woman kissing, fodder for man pawing, drunk and disorderly and alive with the unhampered passions of youth.

Karmas a *****, some like to say. ICA will never walk away from what she's done, just like OJ and MJ did not. IF fla doesn't get her, the universe will. It already has. From pole dancer to constricted defendant, who is beginning to remind me a bit of Smeagol who was transformed into Gollum:


( from wikipedia)

During his centuries under the Ring's influence, he developed dissociative identity disorder: "Sméagol" still vaguely remembered things like friendship and love, while "Gollum" was a slave to the Ring who knew only treachery and violence.
The US has the self proclaimed 'World's Greatest legal system'. Well the world watched OJ walk, PS walk, MJ walk. KC walking would be par for the course. And over $$$$$$. Impressive. NOT

considering Karns points about the inability of US courts to put away OJ and MJ, yeah she COULD walk.

but not likely.

she has pixxed off the entire legal system of the state of Fla. The police, the courts, the media, the prosecution, the community, and so on.

she did this, at the very least, by hiding the death of her infant child and then lying to those who attempted to locate the child.

and then the people closest to her joined her in that effort.

which only pixxed everyone else off more.

Karmas a *****, some like to say. ICA will never walk away from what she's done, just like OJ and MJ did not. IF fla doesn't get her, the universe will. It already has. From pole dancer to constricted defendant, who is beginning to remind me a bit of Smeagol who was transformed into Gollum:
I've been saying this quite a bit lately, but I'll say it again: OJ & MJ walked mainly because of star-struck juries who refused to convict. Because these two were rich, powerful celebrities, noone wanted to think them capable of their heinous crimes. They could afford expensive defenses. Casey Anthony is nothing like these two, she's closer to fellow murdering sociopath Scott Peterson, who also murdered his own child, along with his pregnant wife. Scott currently resides on Death Row!!!
This article is just more of the same type of mass-hysteria that Lydia Gardner was dredging up. If Casey's trial is delayed, it won't be because of budget cuts, we've already been assured of that!:snooty::twocents:
I don't know where to put this:

I heard that KC looked upset when she walked in this morning and then Baez got up and talked to Cindy. Anyone have any feed on that? Can't find it on wftf; they have the opening but I don't see any of her being upset.

I noticed she is keeping her arms up most of the time and was thinking she might be mad at the clothes Cindy brought her. She was angry in the letters about the clothes as I recall.

This is a death penalty case. Can you imagine if they let all the murderers go because of lack of funds?
There would be a crime wave. People would be out in the streets shooting each other instead of under cover of darkness. (and judging by the protestors that KC had, she would be the prime target)
Nah, I think this is such a bogus story. moo.

I wonder though if maybe they will start charging the press an admission fee to televise the trials in the future?
& Will she walk?

Based on everything we here at WS have been privy to (thank-you sunshine law!) ~NO WAY

Based on evidence etc... the jury will and will not be allowed to hear. & that pesky little beyond reasonable doubt issue that will be stressed over and over~ yes, she will walk.
Perry told WESH 2 that the courts are 90 percent funded by mortgage foreclosure filings, and in the past few months, the banks stopped filing because of problems with the process. The statewide court system is now facing a $68 million shortfall.

You have GOT to be kidding me.

Is it just me or is it a bit ridiculous that the court fundings are 90% reliant on mortgage foreclosure filings in the great State of Florida? Is it feasible that it's always been that way or just the recent few years that mortgage's have been a burdened issue in our country? IMO, it is a pathetic way to run a business. The courts operational funding should not be dependent on whether or there are mortgage foreclosures taking place. Good grief, if that's the case, where's all the taxpayer's money that is supposedly appropriated that everyone is always talking about? Something doesn't smell right with this.

This really struck me as odd. But Florida is one of the states that requires a hearing before the foreclosure can take place, so the homeowners do have a chance to plead their case before the banks move in.

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