Detectives say Caylee is dead - discuss

Yes, they have continued searching without TES.

It was my understanding while TES was here that there are TES people that reside in the central florida area. That they would be continuing to work with LE with whatever they could assist with. That would go without saying that TM would be in on that loop.
I also think that LE would still be sending out their own teams to cause less of a stir in those areas.
"It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," JB said.

JB's statement above is as close to an admission of guilt we're going to get.

Earlier this week LE named Casey a suspect, a step up from POI.

We now have a statement from LE that Caylee is dead and her body was in the trunk of Casey's car at one time.

Last week LE stated they have a lot of evidence and are working on an "ironclad" case. In the report LE said that forensic testing was being done by three separate labs in order to build that ironclad case.

I think what has led LE to move Casey from POI to suspect, and to make more definitive statements is that they now have the results of the testing from all three independent labs, and all the forensic evidence has confirmed that Caylee is deceased and was in the trunk of the car.

LE has not moved to charge Casey with murder charges yet because they're still in the process of building their case, putting the evidence together, and are hoping to ultimately recover Caylee's remains.

As for the Anthony family, I don't believe they are in denial at all. I think they've known for some time that Caylee is deceased. I think they are doing whatever it takes publicly to try to steer public opinion towards reasonable doubt. Their public comments have been aimed at a potential jury pool. They know Casey is responsible for Caylee's death and are trying to save her from the death penalty or life in prison.

I would venture to guess that the silence from the Anthony family members now, is because someone (their attorney?) told them their comments in the media and their actions - trading verbal and physical attacks with protesters - has done a lot of harm to the case.
Great post, Leila!! I could not agree more!

ETA: TES is coming back to FL after they wrap up in NC! WOOHOO!
"It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," JB said.

JB's statement above is as close to an admission of guilt we're going to get.

Earlier this week LE named Casey a suspect, a step up from POI.

We now have a statement from LE that Caylee is dead and her body was in the trunk of Casey's car at one time.

Last week LE stated they have a lot of evidence and are working on an "ironclad" case. In the report LE said that forensic testing was being done by three separate labs in order to build that ironclad case.

I think what has led LE to move Casey from POI to suspect, and to make more definitive statements is that they now have the results of the testing from all three independent labs, and all the forensic evidence has confirmed that Caylee is deceased and was in the trunk of the car.

LE has not moved to charge Casey with murder charges yet because they're still in the process of building their case, putting the evidence together, and are hoping to ultimately recover Caylee's remains.

As for the Anthony family, I don't believe they are in denial at all. I think they've known for some time that Caylee is deceased. I think they are doing whatever it takes publicly to try to steer public opinion towards reasonable doubt. Their public comments have been aimed at a potential jury pool. They know Casey is responsible for Caylee's death and are trying to save her from the death penalty or life in prison.

I would venture to guess that the silence from the Anthony family members now, is because someone (their attorney?) told them their comments in the media and their actions - trading verbal and physical attacks with protesters - has done a lot of harm to the case.

I agree with all of the above!
I can't wait for the day that Yuri Melich states ON THE RECORD what has been reported about Caylee being deceased and in the trunk as a known fact. People may believe it then! I believe what LE has said all along, but so many refuse to acknowledge it as truth.

At least the false sightings seem to have stopped after JB made his statement. This is moving in the right direction. Concentrating on finding Caylee in the places she is most likely to be and the report coming in of seeing Casey near a wooded area gives me hope she will be found sooner than later.

I wish other people who were driving in that area would come forward. If only someone saw her going INTO the wooded area and could say what she was carrying, if anything! Maybe LE needs to go and canvas drivers during that time of day to see if they can find another witness.
George wasn't silent yesterday. He was on the evening news doing a short interview in which he reached out, speaking to Caylee, to a living Caylee.

He was sending a public message to a living Caylee.

It was heartbreaking.
Sorry forgot:

I had posted that I felt the timing of George's doing the interview for a living Caylee was calculated somehow to coincide with the TES announcement of returning to Orlando. Like a slap....
That's all...
I can't wait for the day that Yuri Melich states ON THE RECORD what has been reported about Caylee being deceased and in the trunk as a known fact. People may believe it then! I believe what LE has said all along, but so many refuse to acknowledge it as truth.

At least the false sightings seem to have stopped after JB made his statement. This is moving in the right direction. Concentrating on finding Caylee in the places she is most likely to be and the report coming in of seeing Casey near a wooded area gives me hope she will be found sooner than later. (snipped)

yes, the yapping about the airport, Casey's dirty pants that gave DNA to the trunk of the car, "confirmed" sitings in NC, TX and PR seems to have died down along with Cindy's tirades. But I suspect she will soon be back to diss TES and tell everyone to get off their buttisimos and go LOOK. No word from those P.I's of the family either.

I also think that George doesn't have much bravado left in him, he may be resigned to what really happened. If only he could shake the truth out of his own daughter.
George wasn't silent yesterday. He was on the evening news doing a short interview in which he reached out, speaking to Caylee, to a living Caylee.

He was sending a public message to a living Caylee.

It was heartbreaking.

Is there a link or was it posted earlier in the thread?
(Shaking my head) I don't know what to say to that. How can I feel sorry for people who are actively doing everything they can to prevent Caylee from being found to save Casey's sorry hide?! They just need to sit down and shut up. It is better to say nothing than to carry on this charade when the defense attorney already gave up the goods on his client, imo.
George wasn't silent yesterday. He was on the evening news doing a short interview in which he reached out, speaking to Caylee, to a living Caylee.

He was sending a public message to a living Caylee.

It was heartbreaking.
What news channel was that on??? Do you have a link?
Sorry forgot:

I had posted that I felt the timing of George's doing the interview for a living Caylee was calculated somehow to coincide with the TES announcement of returning to Orlando. Like a slap....
That's all...
Supposedly tho, Tim and the A fam "made up". So I don't know if it was that or if it was Baez' statement and LE's statement made them angry.
For those who asked, I do not have a link because none of the Orlawndo news sites have it posted.

My original post is in the TES is coming back thread. A fellow WSer who posted did see the same interview yesterday evening. I am thankful for that, as I could have eventually convinced myself I dreamed was so bizarre with the timing and all....

Sorry I cannot give a link!!!:blowkiss:
It is OK, MH. It does happen when they do local interviews which don't make their website. Sometimes they will add them later. No worries.
S. K. obtains verification that Caylee is really dead.
I read read his article. He states that the "Blood and hair samples did match." Was it ever said that blood was found? I always thought it was referred to as a stain or fluid. Has anyone ever heard that blood was found?
Thanks SS!:blowkiss:

I didn't know the A's made up with Tim & TES.

I just don't know then. But there is some reason, for the A's to break the silence.

George ended the interview with George speaking to Caylee-------
Mommy wants you home too or Mommy misses you, too.

It was words to those effect; He was speaking to Caylee on behalf of Casey.

Thus my thinking somewhat temporarily went awry (to be polite about it) and that clouded my abilities to quote verbatim....

Maybe Muzikman who saw it as well has a better memory. Seems to be offline right now.
Well, if it's true the Anthonys made up with TES, they may be operating on a conscious as well as a sub-conscious level. I would imagine that if there are any smarts in the family, JB's statement hit them like an atom bomb and they're willing to agree for TES to look for a dead body. But on the other hand, if George is still appealing for a live Caylee, that is very, very sad.
Has anyone read bloggernewsdotnet? There were some very interesting comments regarding the Anthony's "Muppet Lawyer" and suggestions.

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