Does George have violent tendencies?

So we suspend our rights of free speech because they are under stress.
No, but how about we suspend our rights of free speech out of a sense of humanity and compassion?

(I think that comparing the cases of the Ramseys, Rochas, & Anthonys is like comparing apples to oranges to pears, btw. Too many differences, IMO.)
It does not mean it is the wrong thing to do either. So now where do we go? If I was a protester I would try to conduct myself with a bit more dignity and class. I would not stand with the screamers. My sign would say what was on my mind but not be inflammatory. I would not bring my children because children do not need to know that people like the Anthonys exist. I may even ask George if I can buy him a drink-from whiskey to chocolate milk.
now that can be agreed with .. peaceful protesting i see nothing wrong with .. but the people that are screaming obcene things at him are no better then him . and they are doing to piss him off .. to get him into trouble . and they know it .everyone is aware he has a temper problem . then why go to his house his street and egg him on ? they are doing it because they want casey back in jail and to make him crack .. for media attention .. note the ones doing this are the ones making the news IMHO
I think Caylee would wonder why her grandparents that she thinks loved her are not out there looking for her instead of defending someone who most likely had something to do with her demise.

"Grandma, why are you not looking for me? Why do you expect strangers to do what you will not?
Yep, that's the response I expected. And you're entitled to feel that way. But again, a better way to honor Caylee would be to stop the madness and to treat the people that loved her with the same love that she would have.

Maybe CA and GA aren't out there searching but honestly, you've got to admit that they're really between a rock and a hard place. And even if they're weird (or any other adjective one might choose to use), they didn't create this situation. Casey did.
Yet you defend people who are doing NOTHING to help find their granddaughter. This has turned into being "all about Casey" and "nothing about Caylee."
I defend them because they're human beings and they're hurting. Simple as that.
It does not mean it is the wrong thing to do either. So now where do we go? If I was a protester I would try to conduct myself with a bit more dignity and class. I would not stand with the screamers. My sign would say what was on my mind but not be inflammatory. I would not bring my children because children do not need to know that people like the Anthonys exist. I may even ask George if I can buy him a drink-from whiskey to chocolate milk.
And if you protested with class and dignity, that would be appropriate. I don't think that protesting is accomplishing anything in this case but I think that people are still free to make the choice to do so if they choose. I just wish that they could do it with the love for Caylee in their hearts. The anger is out of control.
I think all of the pressure/stress/frustration made him snap. I hope his blood pressure is okay.
And if you protested with class and dignity, that would be appropriate. I don't think that protesting is accomplishing anything in this case but I think that people are still free to make the choice to do so if they choose. I just wish that they could do it with the love for Caylee in their hearts. The anger is out of control.

I whole-heartedly agree with both of you. Anger isn't healthy. It isn't making anyone feel better. :(
I wonder how George is under normal circumstances. I hesitate to judge him as "violent" under only the circumstances that we've seen as this is probably as far from normal as one can get.

About the gun, I don't know what FL's laws are about concealed weapons or what priviledges he might enjoy as ex LE but I do know that even if he were to flip out while driving, it would have taken him some time to get the gun out from the wheel well in the trunk. Never an immediate danger, IMO. I, for one, trust GA completely. I think he's suffering beyond measure.

As a former LE myself, I can say that you don't enjoy any "privileges", just FYI. It's true that it might be easier to obtain weapons permits given your training and background, but you don't automatically have a right to carry a concealed weapon, for example, nor any rights that supercede local laws.
You know, one of the most annoying things posters can do is correct the spelling or grammar of another..its easy to tell what she meant..why do this?
Just leave people alone to express themselves as they do.
thank you i appreciate that :)
Come on now ,if you had people doing this to you ,I am sure you'd snap!!!

I think of assault as a little more than a mere shove!

Pushing those people was legally considered battery. Assault is the threat of physical harm. By acting in a way that caused the other two people to have reasonable fear of harm, that was assault. And the hammer could certainly be considered a deadly weapon. Together, you have assault with a deadly weapon. IMO.
And he's done it almost daily since this happened. Does he get mad at his daughter for lying about EVERYTHING? No, he lashes out at people he does not know. I have seen him lose his temper daily.

He has certainly lost his temper several times on camera. I can't honestly say I wouldn't have snapped at a few of those questions, but I CAN honestly say that if my granddaughter were missing, my daughter wouldn't be sitting in her room with her lips glued shut, surfing the internet!
That's his yard. Maybe he does have violent tendencies. They are crossing the line and I don't feel one bit sorry for them.

I haven't watched the protesters a great deal but if they are on the sidewalk or the swale between the sidewalk and street, they are not on his property. Several times, I have seem him point to the swale and announce it is his property, but it is not. I sure it's galling to have people sitting on the sidewalk but, honestly they have the legal right to be there. And he knows how to resolve the situation. Tell his daughter to 'fess up.

Pushing those people was legally considered battery. Assault is the threat of physical harm. By acting in a way that caused the other two people to have reasonable fear of harm, that was assault. And the hammer could certainly be considered a deadly weapon. Together, you have assault with a deadly weapon. IMO.
The law which allows you to get a restraining order defines harassment as "repeated, intrusive or unwanted acts, words or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security or privacy of another, regardless of the relationship between the actor and the intended target." . This type of harassment also includes the picketing of your home by a group. both parties are wrong in what they are doing moo
im seriously suprised they havnt done worse than a shove .. if you go into a lions den then you should expect to get eaten .. or maimed .. they shouldnt be putting themselves into a situation where they can get hurt by harrassing the anthonys either .. no one should be allowed to violate someone elses privacy or space .. and no one should be physically hurt either .one of his neighbors stated that in the 6years he knew GA he never saw him loose his temper . people have breaking points we all have them .
:blowkiss: I keep wondering where the flaming torches are.........
I watched the video of the protesters screaming in his face and while I do agree that he is a ticking bomb I really can't imagine what he is feeling inside. I believe Caylee was the only bright spot in his life. He and CA had almost divorced, Casey had been giving them grief for a long time and then there was the cutest, sweetest little version of all that Casey isn't. I don't know how I would react if I were him BUT I wouldn't keep putting myself out there. They have a private backyard. Why not use it and avoid the screaming hateful remarks? God bless baby Caylee. In the arms of the angels.
We all know that we can't "make" anyone do anything. I'm sure Gpa and Gma have asked C uncountable times and that they've told her she HAS to tell.

I think Gpa might have a temper, but he's doing his best to keep it controlled. MY father would have probably exploded many times over, and I for one, don't blame G for reacting to the circus in front of his house.

Compassion is what is needed!
It is very hard to have compassion for anybody inside that house.....too much hard been said and too much hard been done already for me to have any compassion......thankfully some people aren't like me I suppose
He continues to post no tresspassing signs on areas that are not his property and that he has been told to remove.

Anthonys are just "special people" who can't be judged by human standards in their opinion.

Just tried to reply to this and it went poof. I'll try one more time!

There is an area of one's lawn between the sidewalk and the street that is technically "leeway" or "right of way" and belongs to the city. I found this out because I had some neighbors who at one time were parking four cars across the front of my home every night, and they were causing muddy ruts as well as killing my expensive and well cared for St. Augustine grass. I spoke to a friend of mine (a lawyer) just venting one day and saying I was going to have to march over to the neighbors and tell them to quit parking in my yard, and that's when I discovered that the little strip of lawn doesn't belong to me.

But, and this is a VERY BIG "but" in most property owner's eyes, the property owner is the one who purchases the grass to plant on that strip of land. The property owner is the one who upkeeps that strip of fact is REQUIRED to upkeep the grass, etc. planted on that strip. It's kind of a catch-22. My neighbors turned out to be wonderful people, and when I explained to them how my grass was being damaged, they willingly agreed to park with their tires on the curb, not in my grass. God bless them!

George and Cindy---and I am not admirers of theirs---may not own that little strip of land technically. There may be nothing they can do legally to get the protesters off of the land, but they are still responsible for the upkeep. When those protesters are gone, and they've left a mud puddle in their wake, it's George and Cindy who will have to deal with it. I don't fault them at all for minding people tromping all over their grass. I don't fault them for minding that everytime they walk outside unbalanced protesters are screaming, screeching, yelling horrible things, pushing signs into their faces, etc.

As I said, he shouldn't push. But those who are standing there acting like that should really search out their motivations. They aren't doing ONE THING to help find Caylee. They ARE pushing a family way past the limit and taking glee in upsetting them. They are disrespectful not only of the Anthony's, but neighbors of theirs have complained. Honestly, if my grandbaby were missing and I had to face the hatred of those protesters everytime I walked out of my door, I don't know how I would react. It is hard for me to believe people EVER act like some of those protesters!

Lastly, I don't think George and Cindy think they shouldn't be held to "human standards." I think they are horrified at how many people simply don't have any standards at all, much less human ones, and at how many of those have ended up standing in their grass. I think they are horrified that they've lost Caylee and people hate them for it, instead of treating them with decency and compassion.

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