Dominic Casey: Motion to Strike Notice of Deposition & Motion for Protective Order#2

Apparently DC had something to hide or lied about something as he did not want to give a statement. As a PI he knows what he can or can not say.

He may cry privilege, but that doesn't mean he has anything of value to say.

I really HAD to bold out that entire statement as it caused me to gasp audibly and then shake my head, muttering, nah my leg's being pulled...we're being "punked"!.:banghead:

OF COURSE people LIE during interviews and then the heavy reality of speaking UNDER OATH hits MOST/MANY of them like a lead balloon and the truth of the situation comes out! :sick: Good heavens, that's been the mainstay of many a fictional novel/thriller BUT more importantly, it's the basis of the judicial system of our country! HECK, take a gander thru the Dewey decimal systematized library where "TRUE CRIME" books abound and you'll discover a treasure trove! (and even in the biography and autobiography section also!). Would one get in trouble for presenting fabrications of the truth to the members of law enforcement, well, perhaps one might recheck the counts against a certain:loser: CMA in Florida! IIRC she has a "few" charges against her for just such behavior, now other members of society might "skate" depending on the level of their "mis-truths" and how the falsehoods articulated hindered LE and the ramifications toward society's safety!

BTW: This is just my :twocents:, but following the rules seems to make life a heck of a lot easier in the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without spending $$ and time in court or in jail! :truce:

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :blowkiss:
Maybe they wanted Dom to explain why he searched that area only - no other place, when Caylee's body was found just a short three weeks later? If he was working for Baez, Cindy and George, Brad and ICA - did any of them suggest he search there. And the psychic Dom was supposively talking to was someone Cindy had been talking to very recently. So just who sent you to look there, Dom?

I've long suspected that the psychic was a ruse. Cindy talked to the psychic and sent her one of Caylee's stuffed animals. In their conversation, I think Cindy gave the psychic enough clues about where Caylee's remains were that all the psychic would have to do is to relay that information to DC. In other words, the psychic was simply a go-between. I think Cindy knew the general area where Caylee would be found, either directly from Casey, or indirectly, from Casey to another person (Lee?) to Cindy.

In late December 2008, after Caylee had been found, YM served a search warrant at the Anthony home, and at that time Cindy said, "I sent someone to search that area (where the remains were found) a month ago, and nothing was there."

I really HAD to bold out that entire statement as it caused me to gasp audibly and then shake my head, muttering, nah my leg's being pulled...we're being "punked"!.:banghead:

OF COURSE people LIE during interviews and then the heavy reality of speaking UNDER OATH hits MOST/MANY of them like a lead balloon and the truth of the situation comes out! :sick: Good heavens, that's been the mainstay of many a fictional novel/thriller BUT more importantly, it's the basis of the judicial system of our country! HECK, take a gander thru the Dewey decimal systematized library where "TRUE CRIME" books abound and you'll discover a treasure trove! (and even in the biography and autobiography section also!). Would one get in trouble for presenting fabrications of the truth to the members of law enforcement, well, perhaps one might recheck the counts against a certain:loser: CMA in Florida! IIRC she has a "few" charges against her for just such behavior, now other members of society might "skate" depending on the level of their "mis-truths" and how the falsehoods articulated hindered LE and the ramifications toward society's safety!

BTW: This is just my :twocents:, but following the rules seems to make life a heck of a lot easier in the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without spending $$ and time in court or in jail! :truce:

Definitely wasn't an interview on a show. What I'm remembering, when Brad said it, is that he was outside, on a sidewalk, by a big cement-like building, wheeling along with a reporter beside him asking questions, then he stopped - I think he was getting ready to cross the street - and that's when he said it. I remember nothing whatever useful for finding the video LMAO. Just can't remember what the occasion was, where Brad was coming from. Which is why I ain't searchin' for the video ;)

I'm not a first year law student - just an old lady who had a distinctly different profession - and I find NTS' question interesting, as well as relevant to this case, in that the whole back and forth (and up and down) shenanigans regarding DC and privilege are both interesting and relevant. I don't ask that anyone agree with my opinion.

Bean E, If you want, I can try to find that for you in about an hour when I return to my home. What I was trying to say earlier is that thankfully, we have lawyers who volunteer their time here to help us. AZ lawyer had already explained to NTS that no such privilege would exist in the situation NTS described. For me, once one of our lawyers answers,or Mr. Hornsby or Sheaffer explains the Florida rule that applies, I believe their opinion. In that respect I am done, next question... perhaps it is a personality flaw of mine. My little brother used to say, "You might wanna work on that, Julia!"

Of course we all have our own threshold of what and who to believe. That is the only reason I post the actual hearings, etc. I do not expect anyone to take my word for it, I want them to hear it from the judge himself. The thing I really admire about AZ lawyer is when she does not know for certain, she does not wing it, she says she will defer to the other lawyers. It is because of that, when she does opine, I trust she is confident in her answer and I pretty much take that to the bank.
I have nothing but good feelings and respect for you, whether you are old or young. I have enjoyed you since I first got here and that is perpetual.
He may cry privilege, but that doesn't mean he has anything of value to say.

It also doesn't mean its' invaluable either.

Haha like how I turned that corner there?:cool:

I like carousel music.....

Sorry just trying to lighten the mood a little it's been a long boring day.
He may cry privilege, but that doesn't mean he has anything of value to say.

As I have stated before, DC *may or may not* have valuable information to provide investigators. In my own opinion, however, Baez has surely bitten his nails down to the quick by now and there are members of the Anthony family who are making darn sure they stay in good graces with Mr. Conway.

We have all heard the phrase "Death is different' (I totally agree that it is) but another even more common term I hear around the courthouse is "Under oath is different".

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.
Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)

Excellent quote and IMO it "absolutely" relates to Florida Vs. Casey Marie Anthony. May Caylee get her justice!!
As I have stated before, DC *may or may not* have valuable information to provide investigators. In my own opinion, however, Baez has surely bitten his nails down to the quick by now and there are members of the Anthony family who are making darn sure they stay in good graces with Mr. Conway.

We have all heard the phrase "Death is different' (I totally agree that it is) but another even more common term I hear around the courthouse is "Under oath is different".


Yes, and you can bet your life that George did not take the stand in the Grand Jury hearing and say in his opinion the smell in that car was from an old empty pizza box. Judging by the result, he took his oath seriously.
*bold by me*

Two very good points. DC was very adamant about Caylee's "body" being there. When the A's and everyone on that side were adamant that Caylee was alive.

Also what other areas did DC search as vehemently as this location?

In his LE interview he was asked that very question. He was asked how many other times did he search any area whatsoever for a dead Caylee.
His answer was zero!

Do you remember Cindy inviting TES to come down? Do you recall what she did to them once they started looking for a body?

Over and over and over again she and pop claimed they were NOT looking for a dead Caylee. However, Brad says here, that Dom was hired to search for Caylee, "Dead or Alive". Two minute mark
Then when the baby's little skeleton was discovered, what did Cindy say to LE at her home? She said she had someone go walk that area a month or two ago and there was nothing there! What are the chances of Dom searching those woods a month ago and Cindy referring to some other someone that just so happened to search the exact same swamp area for a dead Caylee at her instruction; especially while Joy and the Anthonys were singing the Caylee is alive song from the roof tops? Come on!!!! That removes any reasonable doubt for me that Cindy did not know the child was indeed already dead.
Dom was claiming to own the tape, neat trick since he had lied to the police and claimed he did not know Hoover was videotaping him. For the love of God, what an easily disprovable lie! What in the world?
Without listening to it again, I know of at least three lies Dom told in his LE interview.
1. He lied about who he was on the phone with (he started off with daughter, moved to Ginny L., etc., various times were off too)
2. He lied about having no knowledge of Hoover taping ( LE could hear him talking to Hoover on the tape, who was very, very close to him , recording. [ame][/ame]
3.He lied about who and when he was working for during the time he was in the woods.( The detectives showed him his very own e mail he had sent them indicating he was NOT working with /for Casey at the time of the he did yet another 180.)

Someone asked why would he be afraid of a depo. Imo, because he lied, they know he lied, and in the words of Richard Hornsby, one does not fight a subpoena for that long unless they have something to hide.
*bold by me*

Two very good points. DC was very adamant about Caylee's "body" being there. When the A's and everyone on that side were adamant that Caylee was alive.

Also what other areas did DC search as vehemently as this location?
I'm still waiting for the Georgia pics. Credibility isn't one of DC's fortes. His association with the mall pics was reprehensible IMO.
Definitely wasn't an interview on a show. What I'm remembering, when Brad said it, is that he was outside, on a sidewalk, by a big cement-like building, wheeling along with a reporter beside him asking questions, then he stopped - I think he was getting ready to cross the street - and that's when he said it. I remember nothing whatever useful for finding the video LMAO. Just can't remember what the occasion was, where Brad was coming from. Which is why I ain't searchin' for the video ;)

I'm not a first year law student - just an old lady who had a distinctly different profession - and I find NTS' question interesting, as well as relevant to this case, in that the whole back and forth (and up and down) shenanigans regarding DC and privilege are both interesting and relevant. I don't ask that anyone agree with my opinion.
Gee BeanE...I'm getting confused as to what we're actually talking about. Help!
He may cry privilege, but that doesn't mean he has anything of value to say.

He was an agent of the defendant, the defendants family and to some degree the defense. He was at the location where the body was eventually found, months before anyone knew or acknowledged that the child was dead. And he was rather obviously operating with a clear description of how it had been disposed of. (Black Trash bag, possibly with some pavers). There are no conceivable circumstances where this story does not have a high degree of investigative value. if just to determine exactly who knew what when, and what that chain of information is.

Also remember, "KC's and VA's personal PI was in those woods weeks before the bodies discovery looking for caylee in a black trash bag". Does anyone see a tie to Roy Kronk in this? How about Zanny the Nanny? Hi presence there pretty much eliminates any possibility of the SODDI defense actually sticking.

So of course his testimony has value. heck the interviewers and the jury will be able to draw some equally compelling conclusions from his lies as well as any supposed truth. (After all the defense WILL argue that he is a known and profligate liar.) Does anyone really think that a jury will buy into the story of "a psychic told me"? That ranks up there with "The Easter Bunny did it" defense.

and yeah people lie directly to the police and then change their stories under oath all of the time. The whole under oath thing ups the penalties to a huge degree. So much so that it is extremely hazardous to lie at this point.
Gee BeanE...I'm getting confused as to what we're actually talking about. Help!

In case you are serious RR004 I think BeanE is talking about the clip with Baez saying he was going to add Dom to his witness list.
In case you are serious RR004 I think BeanE is talking about the clip with Baez saying he was going to add Dom to his witness list. was all so hard to follow. I still don't understand why it's important. It's not like it's the first time Baez (or the defense for that matter) hasn't followed through on what he's said.
In case you are serious RR004 I think BeanE is talking about the clip with Baez saying he was going to add Dom to his witness list.

No, in RR004's quoted post of mine, I was talking about a clip wherein BC surprised everybody by saying DC worked for him.

It was one of my previous posts in which I was talking about a Baez clip. was all so hard to follow. I still don't understand why it's important. It's not like it's the first time Baez (or the defense for that matter) hasn't followed through on what he's said.

Sorry you couldn't follow me, RR. I'll try to be more clear in future. Not guaranteeing anything ;)
For anyone confused about why I thought it was funny, joking that the good ole boys in Texas would say Get a is the commercial. Of course I was not suggesting, literally that as a method for the dp!! It is an expression they use here a lot, as in Get Out of This City, Shut Your Mouth and other various slang silly things, it not to be interpreted literally. . This commercial is played here so very often, I assumed everyone had seen it. In the words of Judge Perry, "Just so all minds are clear", it is a regional expression, a figure of speech, with no nefarious meaning, whatsoever! Julia

He was an agent of the defendant, the defendants family and to some degree the defense. He was at the location where the body was eventually found, months before anyone knew or acknowledged that the child was dead. And he was rather obviously operating with a clear description of how it had been disposed of. (Black Trash bag, possibly with some pavers). There are no conceivable circumstances where this story does not have a high degree of investigative value. if just to determine exactly who knew what when, and what that chain of information is.

Also remember, "KC's and VA's personal PI was in those woods weeks before the bodies discovery looking for caylee in a black trash bag". Does anyone see a tie to Roy Kronk in this? How about Zanny the Nanny? Hi presence there pretty much eliminates any possibility of the SODDI defense actually sticking.

So of course his testimony has value. heck the interviewers and the jury will be able to draw some equally compelling conclusions from his lies as well as any supposed truth. (After all the defense WILL argue that he is a known and profligate liar.) Does anyone really think that a jury will buy into the story of "a psychic told me"? That ranks up there with "The Easter Bunny did it" defense.

and yeah people lie directly to the police and then change their stories under oath all of the time. The whole under oath thing ups the penalties to a huge degree. So much so that it is extremely hazardous to lie at this point.

When I see him on one of the witness list, I will acknowledge that he has something important to say. To think that he got information from Kc somehow that the body was down there is a stretch to me. If Kc knew where the body was, why would she tell anyone?

I agree with you about the phychic thing and the Easter Bunny. He did say he was going down there to check out the Kio thing. He may have been listening to a phychic though on the phone. I think I can explain that, let me try.

Phychic follows the news and the blogs and easily determines that the anthony's use black garbage bags. Lots of video of Ga throwing out garbage in black bags.

Phychic googles the home and area, determines theres a woods in close proximity to the home. Determines the closest location to the woods is at the end of that fence line on suburban. (this is not rocket science)

Phychic contacts Ca and convinces her at this point that phychics have special powers. Ca goes on to mail her a stuffed animal.

Phychic determines by common sense that the body is located in the woods or at least a heck of a guess. Phychic calls Dc and throws in the pavers. Absolutley nothing to lose by doing this.

Phychic ends up on NG. Mission accomplished.

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