Dr. Phil's Interview w/ George & Cindy Anthony - Thread #3

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Cindy is cunning and is no fool. Once she did the math very early on and understood that KC had murdered Caylee, she made the choice to protect her. Everything since that has been just layers of ridiculous and outrageous lies. She is still waaaay far away from telling the truth as she knows it. I have always believed KC came clean with her in trade for protection while at the home out on bail. There is no way Cindy would not confront her until she got the truth. She probably shared the blame with KC due to the fight and coaxed the truth from her. She knows. Maybe not the horrid details, but I think she got a confession. I also believe Baez and KC got Cindy's blessing to frame George and drag him deep thru the mud. He is of low value to Cindy, other than to manipulate him to meet her own needs. The rest is history.
I predict CA and GA will grow further and further apart over everything, not closer together. I think the marriage is doomed. He will go his separate way and LA, KC and CA will be a tight little dysfunctional unit.

Hey guys, I have seen quite a few things posted lately that I remember very differently. That certainly doesn't mean that my opinion (or any other poster's opinon) is spot-on and your's is not.... just know that if you post it as a fact, you have to be willing to prove it. It has always been a strict policy of WS to provide a link for something stated as a fact. So, unless you are willing to go searching for a link to back up what you claim is a FACT, please be aware that your post is subject to being removed.

We do not want to start rumors or provide misinformation here. Quite the opposite.

This is causing a LOT of problems lately and mods have been getting quite a few complaints about it.
George will never leave. He can't live without Cindy's chili. (wink)
It took me ALL this time. I really was a Cindy supporter up until the second DP interview.
The second day of the interview did me in. She showed me I was wrong and most others here at WS were right about her.

Which is why, no matter how disgusted we get, I think Cindy should just keep on talking!! She thinks she's coming across sooo well - she's so not in touch with the reigning opinion of her and her poor misunderstood daughter:sick:-she really believes she's gonna "fix" this little problem for KC so they can live out their "bella vita"!
I've heard on more than one show the frear going around the copuntry by some defense lawyers that there will be a KC backlash in verdicts because of how this trial turned out. And tonight JC was talking on NG about the girl in Tenn. who killed her newborn twins and was wondering if KC's verdict might encourage copycat crimes with certain young women thinking they can get away with hiding their pregnancy like KC did and -well you know the rest...:banghead:
I have tried wading through the 2 other posts, but is this interview posted online anywhere?

Do we know for certain that was the reason that Lee went to speak to Baez, or is that speculation? I wasn't aware that the reason for Lee's visit to Baez had been divulged. Thank you!
IIRC...he mentioned this at trial. I'd love to see some transcripts to be able to refer back to, but can't imagine anyone will pay for that to be done.
I have tried wading through the 2 other posts, but is this interview posted online anywhere?
I believe you can find it on youtube now. I saw the link to day #2 on the previous thread...there could be more linked as well, but it just may be easier to go on youtube.
Had Cindy said that she would not let Casey babysit another grandchild, I would have been shocked. But saying that she would let her babysit is exactly what I'd expect someone who doesn't think Casey harmed Caylee to say. There's no way she could say anything else.

I thought it was a ridiculous question for Dr Phil to ask.

Kind of joking, but not really if you know what I mean:
Maybe CA should have a late in life baby and hire FCA as her nanny. I wonder if CA would change her mind on then.
yes panthera, but what i worry about( ive posted this before) is when mallory did her whole "fca is awesome mom, awesome bond w/ caylee"speil, makes me think( imo) that she has not only drank the kool aid, but she is still drinking it.(imo) mallory very well may be ok w/ letting fca watch her and lees baby. and sad to say, its not much of a stretch to think la would also be ok w/ it...of course, this is JMO, and i could very well be wrong, they would NOT want fca unsupervised, alone w/ their child..sure hope and pray for their childs sake i AM wrong.

As we know Mallory is not a mom, so in my mind she has no real life idea of how a women becomes attached to and protective of the unborn child. When the child is born beware as mother becomes like a bear protecting her cubs. But than again maybe she is aware in some sense and maybe because of FCA she and LA have decided against having children.

Now CA is a whole other can of worms. I think her protection for FCA is to preserve herself and nothing more.
IIRC...he mentioned this at trial. I'd love to see some transcripts to be able to refer back to, but can't imagine anyone will pay for that to be done.

I don't think it was ever disclosed.
As we know Mallory is not a mom, so in my mind she has no real life idea of how a women becomes attached to and protective of the unborn child. When the child is born beware as mother becomes like a bear protecting her cubs. But than again maybe she is aware in some sense and maybe because of FCA she and LA have decided against having children.

Now CA is a whole other can of worms. I think her protection for FCA is to preserve herself and nothing more.

I'm not sure if you're saying that a childless woman is not as good a judge of a 'good mom' as a mother is, so if you're not saying that then I'm sorry for using your post to say this:

I think a parent can be a terrible judge of what being a good parent means, and I think a childless person can tell a good mom from a not-so-good mom. And sometimes vice versa.

A mother can bring her perspective and experience to it, while someone who hasn't had a child can sometimes see things are more of distance, or more objectively. Either or both has something to offer as an opinion, and neither one is necessarily more valuable than the other. I guess what I'm saying is that whether someone has had a child isn't really a good enough reason to question what they see in a mother/child relationship. They just see what they see.
I don't think we know that at all. I have no idea whether Cindy will be the same person with the same outlook and the same views a year from now or five years from now or ten years from now. People can and do change. I believe that, although not everyone does. I just think we can't tell right now what the future holds for that family.

In my experience, and in the experience of the professional writers I've read, people are very stable over time. Adults, especially. Patterns of behavior and belief that creates the behavior are very stable, over time.

If you've lived long enough in this life, you know how rare this is. I hope CA eventually comes to a more credible and realistic attitude toward her granddaughter's death. I will feel great sorrow for her when and if than occurs. I will NOT give her credit NOW because she MIGHT get real in the future. When you are wrong, you are wrong, whether or not you might come to a more 'right' conclusion later on.

Besides, Dr Phil didn't ask her whether she'd find fault with Casey if 10 children she was responsible for turned up dead. (That would really be a bizarre question!) He just asked if she'd let Casey babysit.

As a side note, I really don't think that other children are in any danger if they're with Casey Anthony. I don't think it's a good idea for her to have more children herself for a long long long time (if ever). But even if I thought she had intentionally murdered her daughter (and I don't), that doesn't translate to her being some kind of homicidal maniac who runs around preying on children everywhere. At least not for me.

No it doesn't. But it DOES translate into her being some kind of negligent, short-falling mother because her child DID die under her care, whether she died accidentally or deliberately or under negligent circumstances.

Would YOU allow a person convicted by a grand jury and having gone through a grand jury recommended first degree murder trial to babysit YOUR babies? With all respect, you are an intelligent and thoughtful person. Would you? I wouldn't. No fricken way. Even the slightest chance, would you risk your babies? I wouldn't. Would you encourage or stay silent while other folks stated they'd let their babies be cared for by KC? Then why would you say that? I mean this question with respect, I promise.

There are NO babies or children in this world that are "generalized". So how can you say this? If there is even the SLIGHTEST chance a child (anyone's child) could be harmed via inattention or negligence, how can you say this? OTHER people's children belong to them, not you. I perceive you would be, or are, a very conscientious parent. Why would you say this? I apologize if this offends, I just do not understand :(
I didn't see the interview, but know that Cindy will defend her daughter, no matter WHAT. Mama Cindy will forever be in denial. My Mom would do the same, I'm sure. I will defend my little Schnauzer no matter what.

It is what it is. Mamas defend their youngins & Daddy knew the truth. (but in this case, Mama ruled the roost).....KC controlled both
I think FCA played a great mom while people were watching. I shudder to think how she treated Caylee when it was just the two of them.
And honestly what does any of this matter anymore? She's walking free and her child is dead! There is no way in hel* I would let that person around my child. No I don't think she would kill her, but I AM a good mom and that's what you do for your children you look out for THeM! Not what guy your going to bed next or what party you want to go to!! It's over! Cindy can stay in her lala land, just as long as she doesn't get blood money!! Casey got away with murder, she thinks no one can touch her! I'm tired of beating this dead horse, there was no justice!
I have tried wading through the 2 other posts, but is this interview posted online anywhere?

..parts 1 and 2 are..( i'm sure someone will post part 3 once it's available.)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNLwRAPqVxk"]Cindy and George Anthony: The Interview (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]
---Cindy & George Anthony--The Interview--Part 1--

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwcHMrbnQUg&feature=channel_video_title"]The Anthonys: The Revelations (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]
---The Anthony Interview Part 2--the Revelations--
. You are for sure not a parent!! Thanks but no thanks!! I have a 4 year old autistic daughter, I would say I have far enough experience, and Casey was and is a horrible parent!! Period!! Good parents don't do ANYThING that Casey did, NOTHInG! Regardless if your a parent or not, anyone with a soul can see what happened!!

I know what you mean. Good attentive mothers or caretakers are quick to identify potential dangerous situations little ones can get into before they get hurt.
And you wish sometimes you had a pair of eyes in the back of your head too. Somehow, I can not see selfish KC with any of those attributes when baby sitting. She is way too absorbed in herself under the best of conditions.
It was pretty ridiculous for CA to make that remark.
I don't think we know that at all. I have no idea whether Cindy will be the same person with the same outlook and the same views a year from now or five years from now or ten years from now. People can and do change. I believe that, although not everyone does. I just think we can't tell right now what the future holds for that family.

Besides, Dr Phil didn't ask her whether she'd find fault with Casey if 10 children she was responsible for turned up dead. (That would really be a bizarre question!) He just asked if she'd let Casey babysit.

As a side note, I really don't think that other children are in any danger if they're with Casey Anthony. I don't think it's a good idea for her to have more children herself for a long long long time (if ever). But even if I thought she had intentionally murdered her daughter (and I don't), that doesn't translate to her being some kind of homicidal maniac who runs around preying on children everywhere. At least not for me.

Well, we don't all believe the same things are lies.

But I do think that Cindy is not, at least at this point, willing to listen to what others are saying if it conflicts with her rationalizations and contradicts the world she has created in her own mind.

Responding to bolded: Oh, man. Even if you thought she intentionally murdered Caylee, you don't believe Casey is a homicidal maniac? After all, she has only killed one so far.
There was a case just this past week in FL where a man got probation 25 years ago in the death of his wife. The circumstances must have been not clear-cut because that is the deal he got from prosecutors. Now he has killed another wife in a very clear-cut manner. There are many, many cases out there where people have gotten away with murder or child abuse or even imprisoned for those acts then commit those same crimes again. I would never become involved with a person whose spouse or child died in a questionable way.
IMO, under the law, Casey is guilty of 1st degree murder. The duct tape proves that to me beyond any doubt. It is abusive to duct tape a toddler. If she didn't plan to kill Caylee, how did she plan to get the tape out of her hair. A person who does anything like that would NEVER have access to me, my children or my cat. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and it would be negligent on my part to let such a person anywhere near my family.
I'm not sure if you're saying that a childless woman is not as good a judge of a 'good mom' as a mother is, so if you're not saying that then I'm sorry for using your post to say this:

I think a parent can be a terrible judge of what being a good parent means, and I think a childless person can tell a good mom from a not-so-good mom. And sometimes vice versa.

A mother can bring her perspective and experience to it, while someone who hasn't had a child can sometimes see things are more of distance, or more objectively. Either or both has something to offer as an opinion, and neither one is necessarily more valuable than the other. I guess what I'm saying is that whether someone has had a child isn't really a good enough reason to question what they see in a mother/child relationship. They just see what they see.

I agree with you on this. As a mother, of a now grown daughter, I always appreciated any outside and objective views on my parenting abilities. I made many mistakes, as every single parent on the planet does. It did not matter to me if the person offering advice was a parent or not, we all had parents, and we all learned from them, and from our own personal growth and issues.

As far as anyone being upset with anything Cindy Anthony says, well, Cindy is going to say only good things about her daughter until she dies. No matter how big a lie Cindy knows it is. It is who Cindy is and I am happy I do not have her particular set of issues. My own are bad enough, but I think hers are more difficult than I could handle.
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