DY and KH know Terri is lying

I am zero percent convinced that LE knows much more than we do. I think they told Kaine that: A. Terri failed LD B. That Terri's movements did not seem to match her cell phone
C. That Terri may have tried to hire someone to kill him

Those 3 things were enough for him to do what he has done, and enough to confirm Desiree's suspicions.
I think this is still where the case stands, meaning that LE cannot clear Terri so they have focused on her, trying to get either clear her or find enough to charge her, and they still have not been able to do either.

Desiree hearing that Terri failed the LD as well as the other two items are certainly enough, IMO, to warrant her thinking that Terri is at the very least, lying.

I hope I'm wrong about LE, but honestly I thought there would be an arrest by now in this case.
There is no way she can "know it". She can stongly suspect and believe it, but she can't know it, unless there is proof or Terri confesses.

I understand & agree with your point with regard to needing irrefutable facts before anyone can categorically know anything about Terri's involvement...

IMO, Desiree feels she "knows" in the intuitive sense of the word. She said as much.

I have been waiting for someone in this inside circle to admit the fact that they had signals, had issues, had experiences, had suspicions, and were not entirely comfortable with Terri the person before any of this happened.

We finally got this information out in public tonight at this presser. Desiree insinuated there had always been a problem with Terri and Kaine just stood there and let her do so.

Is it not a given that the time to act after a child abduction is immediately? IMO, she initially blamed Terri for Kyron's disappearance because he was in her care. IMO, if something (an argument, etc.) had occurred between the women before that Friday, DY would have had no problem singling out TH.

No, I don't trust her judgment at this time. I feel for her--she is grasping at the only straw available.

I haven't seen a recent statement from LE--is there a link to a recent statement where they talk about following other leads? Thanks!
I hope this is on topic because I just spent a long time typing this reply in the other thread, only to find it was closed when I went to post. :banghead: ;)

After watching the press conference, I can't help but wonder if DH's natural resentment toward the woman who has raised her child, and any resentment toward KH she's harbored over the years, have clouded her judgment.

Most of us have been in a situation where we suffered an offense or a tragedy and found ourselves wanting to accuse a person we disliked because we wanted to blame someone, and blaming the individual we didn't like to begin with affirmed our ill-feelings toward that person. It allowed us to say that we were right about him or her all along. I saw this happen in my own family when a loved one died and a sibling turned against the loved one's spouse, and tried to convince others that the spouse was responsible for the death. It's a reaction some experience from the anger that comes with grief. Could that be the case with DY? If so, I don't blame her at all. In her shoes, God knows what I'd be thinking and feeling.

Now the alleged murder-for-hire, if true, would certainly be enough to convince KH. But that aside, I wonder if DY hasn't overstated her case to the point that she has convinced KH, and to a degree, LE. KH indicated he was caught off guard by the M-for-H plot and didn't think TH capable of harming Kyron, but now, the guilt that he is no doubt feeling could cause him to be easily swayed. I imagine him saying to DY, "Yes, you're right. I should've seen it."

I mean absolutely no disrespect to the parents. My heart bleeds for them. I only want this darling little boy to be found and the truth to be revealed. And I'm troubled that LE might be putting all of their eggs in one basket, based in part on DY's "instincts", which might or might not be accurate at the moment. Of course, the parents are at a disadvantage with the public because they are limited in what they can say, but I'd sure love to know if TH has exhibited rash behavior in the past that would support DY's suspicions.

I want to say, great post! I agree almost totally. The BBM part above though, cops are supposed to be methodical, all work and investigation is done on evidence (sorry, the right words are not coming to me..) I guess what I am saying is that I don't think LE would be swayed solely on DY's instinct, their job is to investigate, not go on feeling alone.
]If the police believe it, and they are the ones with the evidence[/B] ... it would be pretty hard not to believe it too ... especially if the police shared that info with Kaine and either he shared it with DY or the police did.


But the police do not have the evidence. If they did, Terri would be in jail.
I think many of us were very astute when we watched the first family presser and recognized DY's body language to be saying she didn't want TH to touch her....

My other comment that I mentioned in the closed thread is that women know women but men don't know women.

ugh I was reading and multi quoting through the closed thread......I feel bio mom had nothing to do with this, but now everyone is painting her a SAINT...please. My girls are 7 and 5 and have been with family for a week, I miss them so much I feel like I lost an arm. I DO NOT CARE how sick I am, never would I give away my children, and even for a short time and I got better, I would have been fighting tooth and nail for my children to be back with me. Bio mom never complained before, could she be bothered? If she felt a threat or her son was being treated badly, she NEVER did a thing about it.
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office has no comments regarding the July 8, 2010 Young/Horman press conferences - 07/08/10
There will be no comment from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office regarding the information reported during the Horman/Young July 8, 2010 press conferences. The information released in during these conferences did NOT come from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office. This is an ongoing investigation.

There is no press conference scheduled.

The tip line is open, if there are tips or information related to the Kyron Horman missing person case please call the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office tip line at 503 261-2847. If someone believes they have had an actual sighting of Kyron Hormon call 911.
ugh I was reading and multi quoting through the closed thread......I feel bio mom had nothing to do with this, but now everyone is painting her a SAINT...please. My girls are 7 and 5 and have been with family for a week, I miss them so much I feel like I lost an arm. I DO NOT CARE how sick I am, never would I give away my children, and even for a short time and I got better, I would have been fighting tooth and nail for my children to be back with me. Bio mom never complained before, could she be bothered? If she felt a threat or her son was being treated badly, she NEVER did a thing about it.

I see things your way....
one more thought ...

Unless Terri's parents withdraw their support (or pass away), Terri may not hit rock bottom.

That concerns me.
I was waiting for the MCSO to finally indicate that they were not endorsing the parents' statements to the press. I never thought they were and I still don't; I don't think they would say anything at all now if the parents had not talked about the lie detector test results, LE may have told them those results in order to let them know why they were looking at Terri, but I do not believe they gave them the green light to broadcast it.
one more thought ...

Unless Terri's parents withdraw their support (or pass away), Terri may not hit rock bottom.

That concerns me.

Yes, me too. Her family is a factor in this. Enablers it may seem.

ADD: I agree that there is a good profiler helping, plus Desiree's serious intelligence really came through at this eve's appearance.
that's a pretty strong opinion, any evidence for feeling that she could "not be bothered?" regardless, this is based on how YOU think YOU would act. YOUR opinion? Or do you have some knowledge of Desiree you wish to share?

When I read a post that starts with, "I feel", I conclude that is an opinion---but do posters have to technically state IMO for every opinion?

But the police do not have the evidence. If they did, Terri would be in jail.

So, LE had no evidence against Scott Peterson until Laci and her baby's bodies washed ashore? I seem to recall that it took four months for an arrest in that case...and I seem to recall that the physical evidence from the bodies had very little to do with his conviction (i.e., there was nothing to tie him to their murder, they were just evidence that they were, indeed, dead). I've seen many cases where LE had a lot of evidence but waited until they had the best case possible before moving to an arrest. Why do you think that because LE has not made an arrest that they have NO evidence whatsoever?
Could there be any more threads started on this forum? Whew..........
IMO, Someone skillful has profiled Terri.

As a result, and as part of the strategy, I think both Desiree and Kaine have been to NPD school. (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)

I'm loving the new, aggressive Desiree. This attitude is one way to work with NPD. No more nice guy - relentless attack, calling-out, naming fault, naming flaws, placing blame, in-your-face, finger-pointing, no excuses, no wiggle room, pounding on wrong-doings, no forgiveness, negating the imagined self, denying a relationship ever even existed, denying trust or respect ever existed.

And Kaine - withdrawn and closed. I wonder if he is playing the "I couldn't give a crap about Terri" card. This is another way to work with NPD. Take all attention away. Refuse to give Terri's relationship with Kyron any credit whatsoever. (I don't know about her relationship with Kyron - ask Terri.) Shrug off her child rearing, shrug off her homemaking. Deny you noticed if she even had a relationship with the very child she's devoted the last 4 years to raising. Take everything that defines Terri and Terri's world, everything that identifies what Terri considers herself to be away, - no house, no children, no gym, no career. Stop the parasitic relationship. Force Terri to stand alone in vast nothingness and terrorize her into compliance so she can feed her endless need for any outside stimulus.

If Terri is NPD, as I suspect, she cannot be alone with herself. She would rather be in prison.

I feel like some of these answers were so awesome that the questions had to be anticipated and were highly scripted. (That is okay with me, by the way.)

IMO - much of this is FBI staged & ... it is still very very fascinating.

Not to mention, I'm sure Terri really is a big fat liar.

You hijacked my thoughts, Emma. Some of them, anyway. ;)

A calling-out was exactly what the press conference was meant to be, IMO. Placing Desiree and Kaine together sans Tony was no accident. Watching them, I was struck by what an attractive couple they make standing in solidarity against TH. I can imagine the effect that had on TH. Then KH deferring to DY and letting her take the lead, and DY expressing her anger and calling TH a liar and saying it was all "ridiculous". Wow. In a different situation, the sidelines would be crowded with spectators calling for a catfight. No, that was no accident.
You are right. Sorry.

No--I'm sorry---I only started posting the other day and was wondering! (and it took me a little while to figure out what "moo" was, lol!)
No--I'm sorry---I only started posting the other day and was wondering! (and it took me a little while to figure out what "moo" was, lol!)

You're doing fine. It's an emotional situation.
Usually these cases don't get me so down.

We all want the same thing!
You hijacked my thoughts, Emma. Some of them, anyway. ;)

A calling-out was exactly what the press conference was meant to be, IMO. Placing Desiree and Kaine together sans Tony was no accident. Watching them, I was struck by what an attractive couple they make standing in solidarity against TH. I can imagine the effect that had on TH. Then KH deferring to DY and letting her take the lead, and DY expressing her anger and calling TH a liar and saying it was all "ridiculous". Wow. In a different situation, the sidelines would be crowded with spectators calling for a catfight. No, that was no accident.

I am wondering if TH is watching the PCs--and, if her attorney would advise her to watch or not?
I want to say, great post! I agree almost totally. The BBM part above though, cops are supposed to be methodical, all work and investigation is done on evidence (sorry, the right words are not coming to me..) I guess what I am saying is that I don't think LE would be swayed solely on DY's instinct, their job is to investigate, not go on feeling alone.
I agree, not solely. But little evidence and no leads pointing elsewhere could make LE lean more strongly toward her beliefs. It certainly wouldn't be the first time LE developed tunnel vision. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt since we know so little about what's happening behind the scenes.

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