FBI Investigating Email That Could Land Cindy In Jail

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What was the date the brush was collected and how soon afterwards did LG KNOW she did not give them 'the correct brush'? Seems to me that Ca isn't the only one who might have been 'obstructing a police investigation' here. If LG has known about this for awhile and is only NOW coming forward, and coming forward after he was 'fired' makes me very suspicious of this email. I am not saying it's not true - I am just really, really wondering when he knew about the brush and WHY he didn't come forward immediately. He was not acting as anyone's attorney, so he can't claim privilege that way.

I agree, he's probably no saint. And this does look like revenge. But I say better now than never.
If a match on the hair in the trunk couldn't absolutely be made to the hair the lab recieved. Cindy's intent here can't be ignored. She flat out did not want the hair in the trunk to match Caylee.

I edited my post about identifying the hair found in the trunk. In order to do specific DNA testing the lab would have needed to destroy the root of the hair. They chose not to do that.
Exactly! This woman should have been thrown in jail when she washed the pants. She knew exactly what she was doing. It's too bad that this family is to busy trying to defend KC that none of them are really trying to find little Caylee.

I agree...but here is a thought I have had since the beginning....why wash them? Why didn't she burn them? If she wanted to get rid of evidence, striking a match could have taken care of the issue. Just a thought.
LE asked for Caylees brush - Cindy did not give it to them purposly -THAT is a problem - yes Caylees brush would have specific DNA from skin cells to hair - LE not having it is a problem - why you don't see this, I don't know

LE asks for credit card statements, A's don't give them to LE, tell them that there is nothing there - do you think that is okay?

If LE needs things then LE gets these things - isn't this about finding Caylee and what happened to her? curious maybe the case changed today?

I'll find the link
Don't take the bait!
"As far as TM goes remember it was you who sealed the first deal with me having him come in the first place".

Makes me wonder what kind of deal was made and if there was more than one deal made about TM when she said this..

She's reminding LG that it's his fault for bringing TES down the first time because it turned out that TES wasn't there to search solely for a "live Caylee." Remember--she refused to give TM anything of Caylee's that might have helped TES's canine searchers.
Why do you think they don't have Caylee's hair? Cindy provided a brush that contained Caylee's hair, just not the brush that supposedly contained ONLY Caylee's hair. It's a simple process to put the hairs under a microscope and determine which hairs were Casey's and which were Caylee's. What guarantee is there that a brush said to be only Caylee's actually only contained Caylee's hairs? Other people could have used that brush too.

I haven't see anything that says both Caylee and Casey used the same hairbrush.
Tempered with evidence is not news: They also cleaned the car remember :mad:
They do not want their daughter in the general prison population :behindbar
and are doing all they can to protect her from that fate.

Where does this information about the Anthony's cleaning the car or washing anything other than the pants and knife come from? Am I the only person who is unaware of this?
now i see why she wont take a lie detector
Why do you think they don't have Caylee's hair? Cindy provided a brush that contained Caylee's hair, just not the brush that supposedly contained ONLY Caylee's hair. It's a simple process to put the hairs under a microscope and determine which hairs were Casey's and which were Caylee's. What guarantee is there that a brush said to be only Caylee's actually only contained Caylee's hairs? Other people could have used that brush too.
Correct Chilly...But if this is something that she has done to "trip them up" (regardless of whether she did successfully or not) it can be construed to be obstruction - "a tactic used to mislead or delay".
Why didn't she burn them? If she wanted to get rid of evidence, striking a match could have taken care of the issue. Just a thought.

Because she can play dumb about having washed them and still appear to be "cooperative". If caught, burning them would have made her intent practically unmistakeable.
I haven't see anything that says both Caylee and Casey used the same hairbrush.

I recall reading a long time ago that Cindy gave LE a brush that was shared by Caylee and Casey. Obviously LE has Caylee's hair sample.

This is much ado about nothing - LG has a beef with Cindy and he's trying to exact revenge. People shouldn't be so quick to buy into it, iMO.
Because she can play dumb about having washed them and still appear to be "cooperative". If caught, burning them would have made her intent practically unmistakeable.
Or maybe because she wasn't so sure about what Simon had seen...
I recall reading a long time ago that Cindy gave LE a brush that was shared by Caylee and Casey. Obviously LE has Caylee's hair sample.

This is much ado about nothing - LG has a beef with Cindy and he's trying to exact revenge. People shouldn't be so quick to buy into it, iMO.

Do you have a link?
WFTV just obtained a email between the A's old spokesperson LG and CA in which LG asked CA why she gave FBI the wrong brush. She gave the FBI KC's brush not the one Caylee uses. IF FBI finds that CA did tamper with evidence she could be in trouble and her credibilty just went out the door.


LG's Email:
Ooh...I guess this is payback. Suppose it's not a good idea to accuse you ex-spokesperson of stealing money from you.
I recall reading a long time ago that Cindy gave LE a brush that was shared by Caylee and Casey. Obviously LE has Caylee's hair sample.

This is much ado about nothing - LG has a beef with Cindy and he's trying to exact revenge. People shouldn't be so quick to buy into it, iMO.

what about this part
Cindy Anthony tries to give the appearance that she's cooperating with investigators, but Eyewitness News has learned she and her husband George have been stalling for weeks to answer their follow-up questions in the investigation.
Correct Chilly...But if this is something that she has done to "trip them up" (regardless of whether she did successfully or not) it can be construed to be obstruction - "a tactic used to mislead or delay".

Or it can be construed as "LE asked for a brush with Caylee's hair in it and Cindy gave them one." If she'd run over to the neighbor's house real quick and borrowed one of their brushes to give to LE, then I'd suspect her motives.
How does the email show what CA is 'really up to?' What if Cindy told LG that it occurred to her after she gave LE the brush Casey and Caylee shared that she could have given them the one that was used exclusively by Caylee?

Without the context, it's impossible to say what actually happened or to make any judgments, IMO.

With all do respect chilly ya know I luv ya but I said if the email was true. That would mean that if what he said he asked and CA replied like he said she did that would most defendly make her look like she is covering up IMO.I will wait and see what happens :)
The emails are dated. It doesn't sound like he's taken all that long. :rolleyes:

I know the emails are recent, what I am asking is when he KNEW that she gave the 'wrong' brush to LE? How long has he had this info. I doubt CA told him about dong this after he was 'fired'. So how long has LG known that Ca gave LE the 'wrong' brush - and if he has known for awhile, why did it take him so long to contact LE about it.

I think this is a legit question - I am not arguing that the emails are fake or that it didn't happen, I just want to know when he knew what he knew - if that makes sense:)
Maybe this will be what is needed for those in positions and power to stop coddling these people. It is utterly ridiculous what George and Cindy have gotten away with and hopefully it will stop here.
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