FBI Investigating Email That Could Land Cindy In Jail

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Quote from WFTV, Eyewitness News, 11/25/08

"So is this "obstructing justice?" Eyewitness News looked up the legal definition: "An attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime."

And: "It is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court."

Okay, so I guess it's not a crime if parents and grandparents obstruct justice. How far out on the family tree does this immunity extend? First Cousins? Second Cousins? Or is only immediate family, including brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles?

Agreed... Seriously. Enough already! :furious:
What was the date the brush was collected and how soon afterwards did LG KNOW she did not give them 'the correct brush'? Seems to me that Ca isn't the only one who might have been 'obstructing a police investigation' here. If LG has known about this for awhile and is only NOW coming forward, and coming forward after he was 'fired' makes me very suspicious of this email. I am not saying it's not true - I am just really, really wondering when he knew about the brush and WHY he didn't come forward immediately. He was not acting as anyone's attorney, so he can't claim privilege that way.
LE asked for Caylees brush - Cindy did not give it to them purposly -THAT is a problem - yes Caylees brush would have specific DNA from skin cells to hair - LE not having it is a problem - why you don't see this, I don't know

LE asks for credit card statements, A's don't give them to LE, tell them that there is nothing there - do you think that is okay?

If LE needs things then LE gets these things - isn't this about finding Caylee and what happened to her? curious maybe the case changed today?

I'll find the link

With all due respect, if this is as big as an issue as it is being made to be, then LE should have been taking out warrants for these items.
Quote from WFTV, Eyewitness News, 11/25/08

"So is this "obstructing justice?" Eyewitness News looked up the legal definition: "An attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime."

And: "It is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court."

Okay, so I guess it's not a crime if parents and grandparents obstruct justice. How far out on the family tree does this immunity extend? First Cousins? Second Cousins? Or is only immediate family, including brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles?

Ah, they forget that most families who lose a grandaughter don't obstruct justice which is why most families aren't charged for it. The typical scenario don't apply to this family.
There must not have been a root on the hair that was found in the car, otherwise they could rule out all the other females in the family.

Chilly, how can they match Caylee's hair if they don't have Caylee's hair to match?
It's disgusting. Who wouldn't want the police to have what they need to identify your missing Grandchild? Who would deliberately mislead police in their efforts?

This just floors me...
That had slipped my mind SuziQ... indeed that is a big problem. :eek: I mean, isn't this 'death band' on the hair a relatively new test? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I read it was introduced in 04. If they can't pin the hair to Caylee and the defense can argue that this testing mechanism is open to flaws... well, that will make for an interesting day in court.
The hair they found with the deathband was in the car. The hairs from the brush were used as the base sample. They have also taken KC's Dna - again, as a comparative sample. Certainly, they didn't just take any hair off of the brush and assume it was Caylee's because CA said so. It doesn't work that way. If they compared what they believed to be Caylee's DNA with KC's and they were identical - the would have immediately seen that it wasn't Caylee's.


Tampering with evidence....ouch....

Tempered with evidence is not news: They also cleaned the car remember :mad:
They do not want their daughter in the general prison population :behindbar
and are doing all they can to protect her from that fate.
If CA did intentionally give the le the wrong brush, then she needs to be charged. ASAP
But hello....the email is dated Sat 22 Nov 2008 11:05:45 - after they fired him. If he knew about it why did he wait until now to say something? He's not an atty, so theres was nothing stopping him from telling the world about this the moment he found out...or at least LE.
Ca's email date is 'Fri202120 Nov 2008 6.18am'
whats with the weird dating? Where is the rest of the email from Cindy? What does she say to him that he doesnt want us to know?
I cant stand it when people try to say they are working in Caylees best interests when they obviously have their own agenda.LG is saving face after the public finding out about his under the table payments from media....and he's back to the media again.
This is very significant info. It makes me wonder how many other people are out there holding out on important information, until it can be used to their advantage?
This has really peed me off. If you have something to tell LE you tell them, you dont wait months, until after your fired to say something..
As for the hair samples, wouldnt LE have taken one of KC's hairs to test after her arrest? so they could establish which hair on the brush was hers? Why would they trust a family member to give them the right brush? And why didnt LE take all of the hairbrushes in a search warrant?

So many people have failed Caylee :(
With all due respect, if this is as big as an issue as it is being made to be, then LE should have been taking out warrants for these items.

they probably did
but if you want help from police you provide them w/all that they're asking for imo
I have always suspected that she did not give LE the correct pants. (I think that KC wore those on the day that she was indicted.) Regardless, she has admitted to washing the pants and the knife. By her own admission, she gave LA the gas cans to use. That car was clean as a whistle. Would it suprise me if she did this? Not in the least.


ETA - Oops. I almost forgot. She held on to that bag of Caylee's clothes that Chris gave to her around July 24th too. Never even mentioned it until she "verbal diareahed it" in her interview with LE in August. (The one with Caylee's swimsuits.)

Those would be the gas cans that KC gave to GA on the 24th of June? There would have been no reason for them to have put them aside as evidence with no case known to anyone at that time (other than KC).
What was the date the brush was collected and how soon afterwards did LG KNOW she did not give them 'the correct brush'? Seems to me that Ca isn't the only one who might have been 'obstructing a police investigation' here. If LG has known about this for awhile and is only NOW coming forward, and coming forward after he was 'fired' makes me very suspicious of this email. I am not saying it's not true - I am just really, really wondering when he knew about the brush and WHY he didn't come forward immediately. He was not acting as anyone's attorney, so he can't claim privilege that way.

The emails are dated. It doesn't sound like he's taken all that long. :rolleyes:
If a match on the hair in the trunk couldn't absolutely be made to the hair the lab recieved. Cindy's intent here can't be ignored. She flat out did not want the hair in the trunk to match Caylee.
I was waiting for this. He wasn't going to go out of this quietly.

Agreed. The A's really need to assess what they have shared with folks before they make enemies of them and, resist making everyone an enemy. They may think that they have won that particular battle but -- they are losing the war for hearts and minds.

Think big picture. Alienating everyone was never a winner. What's the saying about, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!!!
Those would be the gas cans that KC gave to GA on the 24th of June? There would have been no reason for them to have put them aside as evidence with no case known to anyone at that time (other than KC).

Right. Just like there was no reason for them not to wash the pants and the knife. :rolleyes:

ETA - Just in case you haven't had a chance to read about this yet...This is another instance where she says she "offered" them but they arrived too late to pick them up.
Chilly, how can they match Caylee's hair if they don't have Caylee's hair to match?

Why do you think they don't have Caylee's hair? Cindy provided a brush that contained Caylee's hair, just not the brush that supposedly contained ONLY Caylee's hair. It's a simple process to put the hairs under a microscope and determine which hairs were Casey's and which were Caylee's. What guarantee is there that a brush said to be only Caylee's actually only contained Caylee's hairs? Other people could have used that brush too.
didnt he have attorney client priviledge when he represented them???
If she had been a single, uneducated, unemployed young mother from the inner city, instead of an married, middle-aged, educated, professional woman from the burbs she would have been charged with obstructing justice a long time ago, no matter her loss. Happens all the time.

No kidding...<<shaking head in disgust>>
Ah, they forget that most families who lose a grandaughter don't obstruct justice which is why most families aren't charged for it. The typical scenario don't apply to this family.

Why doesn't this new development surprise me? I know, I know because it is Cindy Anthony.
Quote from WFTV, Eyewitness News, 11/25/08

"So is this "obstructing justice?" Eyewitness News looked up the legal definition: "An attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime."

And: "It is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court."

Okay, so I guess it's not a crime if parents and grandparents obstruct justice. How far out on the family tree does this immunity extend? First Cousins? Second Cousins? Or is only immediate family, including brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles?
If this weren't the high profile case I bet they would be charged. I wonder who this family knows or why LE/FBI treats them with kid gloves. If that were any other non high profile case they would be charged with obstruction of justice! I know they lost their grandchild but that does not make them above the law!!!
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