FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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And GZ would shoot Trayvon because he was a neighborhood watch/cop wannabee who was not going to let these *****get away anymore. And that is documented by GZ's own words on the 911 calls.


I can accept that it is possible.
I can not accept painting GZ as a murderer without facts.
Some places read 5 day and other places read 10 day suspension.
BUT suspension -
When I went to school they never suspended anyone for lateness but they did call in the parents.

I am not expecting the school to come forward = I think they would
fear the vigilante types and keep the children safe.

The black panthers may put a bounty on them too.
So Trayvon was suspended from school?? So what?!! What on earth does that have to do with him walking home in a neighborhood that he is an invited guest to be in?

I'm sick of all the victim-blaming going on. So, Trayvon wouldn't have been shot to death if he'd: a) not been suspended from school, b) not been wearing a sweatshirt, c) not been walking around at night, d) not been black.

Or, is it rather: Trayvon wouldn't have been shot to death if: a) George hadn't been carrying a concealed weapon as part of his neighborhood WATCH, b) George hadn't pursued Trayvon and picked a fight, c) George had just stayed in his vehicle and allowed LE to handle the situation.

We don't know that Trayvon didn't start the fight. I doubt GZ did.
Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

“He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy

OK so some places say suspended 5 days and others say suspended 10 days but the reason is what is important.
WHAT I read was that he was in an area that was off limits. (LIKE Transposing - but that was not the word used in the article)
I really need to go very soon, anyone who can find the REASON please post link to me. Thanks.


I suspect it, because the school may not want the vigilantly types near the school.
Should we start looking at other victims of crimes the same way? A rape victim? Victims of child pedos? DV victims? Perps want us to believe and accept that the victim did something to "ask for it." That woman wanted it, she was dressed sexy. That six year old was flirting with me. She burned my dinner."

Amen SuziQ. Evidently most all people who are murdered have asked for it in some way or another. Good grief. This is an absolutely scary thought that there are people who actually get a kick out of blaming the victim.
Nope. My kids have had the same issues. Others have posted here that they have honor students facing the same thing. Schools have gotten so strict they give in school suspension for kids rolling thier eyes or standing up to stretch. Suspensions do happens for tardineness. When I was a kid suspensions only happened when something serious happened. It is not that way anymore. Suspensions are not indicative of a behavior or criminal problem.

I have to disagree. Suspensions have to be indicative of something, otherwise what's the point? They certainly aren't rewards.
IMO.. ABSOLUTELY! There is a huge difference in one's perception of the two photos. If not, why would any one bother changing the second pic?

IMO it makes no difference that Trayvon was suspended for tardiness and that the picture of him was photoshopped. Does anyone here really think that that one photoshopped image of Trayvon changes the public's perception to make everyone feel sorry for him? That is ridiculous!
You don't think a lot teenagers have attitudes and have something to prove? He may well have started something physical with GZ for daring to follow him when he didn't like it.

I have daily interaction with older teens and very few have anything to prove. Most older teens are good kids, emerging young adults,. The media is full of reports about those with attitude, those who break the law, and those who are destructive. But they are the minority.
Most are good kids, we just do not hear about them.
We are talking about who jumped whom.
I can see TM doing the jumping – and I can see why
I can also see GZ doing the jumping because he was a bit too eager to catch a thief, and he knew the cops were on their way.
IMHO - IF TM did the jumping NO he does not have the right to jump the neighborhood watchman.

Since so many hear already hung GZ (without knowing the facts)
I think it is important to look at TM - maybe he is not a squeaky clean kid at all?
And maybe being dismissed from school is a good place to start looking....
I am appalled by any case that hangs someone just because - there is no evidence.
HOWEVER - I will continue to say.... I think it is Negligence. ON ALL PARTIES.
GZ - probably Negligent Homicide
LE - Sloppy work all the way.

Just because the poor boy is dead does not make him pure or innocent.
NOR does it make him guilty or deserving of this outcome. :(

BBM. Then what is the point of posting info to indicate Trayvon did something wrong at some point in his life?

I really could care less if it came out that Tray was smoking a joint when GZ went after him and then fought back. So what. That night GZ was the pursuer. That night GZ had intent and an agenda.
I have daily interaction with older teens and very few have anything to prove. Most older teens are good kids, emerging young adults,. The media is full of reports about those with attitude, those who break the law, and those who are destructive. But they are the minority.
Most are good kids, we just do not hear about them.

That's purely anecdotal. I'm sure there are plenty of people with the opposite experience.
Do we even know which pic is the original?

The post says pic 1 is the original from the Miami Herald. Where the heck did pic 2 come from? And what is the point of it? If pic 1 comes from the MH - what is the discussion? I'm confused and don't understand the point and see no link for pic 2, so I don't know why it was posted :waitasec:

Hoping the OP comes back and explains what it all means.

I read the suggestion that the photo was altered to make him look sweet and the make people feel sorry for him, but I don't buy it at all! It was photoshopped to even the skin tones is what it looks like to me. Not at all uncommon!

But the truth is one photo looks sweet an the other does not.
I have to disagree. Suspensions have to be indicative of something, otherwise what's the point? They certainly aren't rewards.

BBM. I think it's indicative of kids being kids and schools wanting robots. It doesn't make sense that a kid is rewarded with a vacay for something minor, but they are.
The post says pic 1 is the original from the Miami Herald. Where the heck did pic 2 come from? And what is the point of it? If pic 1 comes from the MH - what is the discussion? I'm confused and don't understand the point and see no link for pic 2, so I don't know why it was posted :waitasec:

Hoping the OP comes back and explains what it all means.


Quoting myself here. Here is the original article: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/22/2708960/trayvon-martin-a-typical-teen.html

It has the original (pic 1) in it. Is the argument that the photo was altered before they used it on the posters and signs in the rallys? Is that what the discussion is about? If so, please post a link that tells us that, because I can't find one. Please post clarification of where pic 2 comes from.


But the truth is one photo looks sweet an the other does not.

So what ? These are straw-men arguments imo. I don't care what picture is used GZ was told to stay in his vehicle by LE he didn't he pursued TM and shot him.
I have daily interaction with older teens and very few have anything to prove. Most older teens are good kids, emerging young adults,. The media is full of reports about those with attitude, those who break the law, and those who are destructive. But they are the minority.
Most are good kids, we just do not hear about them.

It happens to vary quite a bit. Teen years are the most difficult years and
rebellion seems to be a big part of them finding their won power, or position.
Those are the tough years, and yes some kids are good kids, but even the good kids
Will tell their parents they are old fashioned, or not with it, etc…..
BBM. I think it's indicative of kids being kids and schools wanting robots. It doesn't make sense that a kid is rewarded with a vacay for something minor, but they are.

So now a suspension is a reward? The rhetoric here is baffling to me. We're going to minimize the significance and change the definition of an out of school suspension because Trayvon was suspended?
So what ? These are straw-men arguments imo. I don't care what picture is used GZ was told to stay in his vehicle by LE he didn't he pursued TM and shot him.

It certainly taints the reliability of what we're hearing in the media imo.
Are you suggesting he looks threatening?

Thank you for this post. I am so damn mad about the stereotyping of teens, especially black males I can't hardly post.

This hits too close to home for me as a white granny with a mixed race Grandson. He will be a teen soon and I fear someone will find him "scary" because he doesn't have light enough skin. Or has a swagger, or is walking down the street minding his own business talking to a girl on the phone. Imagine that a teenage who went for a long walk to sweet talk a girl without his parents eavesdropping

Even though we aren't military, we have lived in a predominantly military community for almost 30 years. I am so grateful for that. Racism still exists, but not on the level it does elsewhere in the state. When the Grand was about 2, my son and I took him to Chicago to visit relatives. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. Whites were only talking to whites, blacks to blacks, asian... Very segregated. I whispered to my son that out of hundreds of people standing in line at the aquarium downtown, We were the only mixed family there. And believe me people noticed. My brother in-law told us to make sure we brought along a copy of his BC just in case. How sad is that.

Sorry for the long rant. I just can't believe some think a boy looks more sinister if his skin is darker in a picture.

Mods if this rant doesn't belong please delete.

I"ll be quiet now.
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